Basic signs and symbols you have found

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

So you got multiple Spanish trails, possibly some KGC involvement, and all occurring over different times. Jeez man! I'm selling the wife and kids and moving to CO. Just tell me where to point the van ----> |
-------> and I'm there!

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. As I stated to you earlier this is purely for my own interest and learning. Appreciate it.

Keep on rockin' ! :occasion14:

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Like I said before.
The more you know about a subject
The less you feel you really do know.

if I can answer the questions I am happy to.
Especially when the knowledge is wanted.
There is never a problem in a case like that.

any time

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


when trying to determine the direction of travel,
The top of a slanted slash gives direction.
from bottom to top. if a slash slants to the left go left,
if it slants to the right go right.

As simple as that.
So you are on a KGC trail...
keep looking you may not be finished with this one.
you may find many caches are still there.
Maybe not in this immediate place, but in the area.

Always be careful. The traps are well engineered, and are usually very much alive.
try to slow down a lot. safety is paramount.if you have tripped the trap and escaped you might want to go back and see if there is a cache remaining in that spot, now that it is not trapped.
but do go slowly.

Stay safe,

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

I loved this thread. But I have a couple of questions....

#1. To follow a trail of these symbols could obviously take some time. If I read right, these markers are usually 30-50 ft apart or so? Just how long is a trail from start to finish? I'm assuming that if you knew came across the trail in the middle somewhere, you could finish it out at some point.

#2. Of course there should be some good reference materials. Any worthwhile (notable) refrences you want to divulge to us newbies? This has definitely got me curious.

Thanks for sharing!


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


Glad you have enjoyed it so far.

Not all trails willshow you a pot of gold at the end.
some reveal history that hasn't been written.

One trail I personally have followed was in reverse.
my partner at the time and I found a map stone just out side Flagstaff.
It took me almost 20 years to find the entire course.
It brought me to a collection site that my partner and I are working now,
that trail is meant to bypass the Capitol of Santa Fe to avoid paying taxes I assume.
As the governor at Santa Fe was famous for claiming a cut of all precious metals coming through.

The first "so called Spanish" recorded to have come through this part of the country was a Priest
named Escalante, but contrary to history as we find all the time they were here for 175+ years before he came.

As far as reading and reference material ...
I read a lot of history and as much Spanish related early material as I can find
Translated or not. (my Spanish gets better all the time)

I will not recommend many books on the subject as most are texts from other books,
very few are what they claim to be.
The best reference material is what you "learn with your boots on the ground!"
If you have questions ask, But beginning is the first step.
and remember there are hunters who go many years without finding more than a trail.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

I haven't posted on here before mainly cause I been learning as I go. I sure have sincerely enjoyed reading every post and seeing every picture. I think this is one of the best subjects and threads on this site. Thank you all for sharing your knowledge with me

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


As you go through your site, watch for hidden hard to see signs like winged creatures.
The lamb figure you have in your pictures may signify bible references.
Most especially watch for a figure of an angel or winged man.
But I am willing to bet you have a John site here so don't pass up the Eagle,

the figure you find will determine the book of the bible to use.
Mathew... winged man
Mark....Winged lion
Luke....Winged calf
John ....Eagle

You will also find a group of letters and numbers concealed.
they are usually all on one stone
The letters will be an A and an F
the A is incorporated into the F.
The F is for a Latin word that means finish
the A confirms the F.
The F will point in the direction of travel.

the numbers will be hidden in the same group and will give the chapter and verse as well as measurements for your final aproach to the treasure.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Hi Readers. Thom is doing a good job keeping this thread going . As a dowser and having had the privilege when dowsing conditions were ok I have actually looked down mentally at countless jesuit caches.
Except in unusuall circumstances, the caches are always stashed on hillsides above the rockpiles you all laborously study as to whether they hide mine entrances.. They appear to come in threes and the centre cache has a coded visual permanent marker with either side cache being found by pacing. At a constant depth in most cases of 10 feet I have never bothered purchasing a metal detector.
I got rid of the one I had 23 years ago after experiencing my first successful dowsing day.

When you see a mass of rocks maybe jumbled a bit, even having visible death traps but also having pointers seemingly actually pointing uphill, forget the rocks and pace uphill. The Jesuits were masters of the art of con. THere could be 10 - 20 or even 30 pointers all leading you up the garden path, with the the correct excavation being only discovered by pacing. At about 2 -3 feet in depth when the topsoil is vanishing and only subsoil should be showing, there will usually be a deterrent such as a cement mixed layer which you have to break through. It will look natural. Before the 10 foot depth mark there will be a leather parchment rolled up in a scroll manner.
It probably contains the quantity of the contents below and ownership.

I call the caches post-hole deposits cause they stack the ingots criss cross like cordwood at only about a foot square and four foot deep, being roughly 2 tons in weight with a very small surface areas to stumble across accidentally.

Here at Port Phillip Bay in Southern Victoria Australia, beside the usual gold caches as described above we have huge quantities of pearls, gems and silver, which is still in manufactured artifact form or mostly silver boxes of two to three times the size of a cigar box, which in most cases I have mentally looked down contain pearls. The occasional box of opium or metal armour or early chinese artifacts occasionaly pop up down below on the cliffs.
Another interesting aspect is that they are still at about 10 feet deep and the cigar box shaped silver containers are placed edge on to again make accidental discovery difficult. Also interesting is the absence of the leather scrolled inventory alongside each silver box.

To answer your silent thoughts as to whether I have cracked one of these caches and if not, why not if I am not bu--sh-t , have you ever dug down 10 feet without assistance and covered up to hide a secret dig in a high profile area and trying to work out a cure for cancer since 1998 which was physically debilitating. Earlier I spent eight years in hand made and hand filled in Jesuit tunnels under limestone cliffs and learnt a lot of their sign language with rocks, coloured sands, handfuls of topsoils, shaped sandstone markers and boobytraps.

I fluked a discovery for nodular melenoma which is now on its last stage of vanishing with photos for proof and am now going to try to get someone over here to believe me.

For the cancer cure, I will give it away to anyone interested via a web page, and with my Jesuit discoveries I will settle on a high profile area where I live nearby on the edge of the bay and write a small booklet on the earlier settlers of Spanish Jesuits between the 17th and nineteenth century of whom there is is no local knowledge, and place a few hundred copies in a popular local newstand. I have written to the Prime-minister, the state premier, the opposition party, all local bayside areas councils, governing bayside beach maintainance authorities, and newspapers. I have sent an e-disk book with 300 odd pages plus 300 odd photos to all authorities and news editors. Government authorities answer by wishing me well in my endevours but p..s off and don't bother us. News papers and popular editors dont even bother answering.

I have not been successfull in 4 years of of attempted efforts of having one single interested party make even a semi interested effort at walking along our beaches and cliffs which has been labourously packed with billions in bullion from the Americas. Plus blown up many cave entrances gradually opening up again after 3-400 years of closure.
Why Australia.? Its everywhere in the Pacific.
Ten years ago the wife and I had a break by flying to the French Noumea possessions off the Australian coast.

We arrived at night and in the morning I opened the blinds of the hotel and was greeted by the sight of a mesa covered in tropical greenery except for huge scars where The Jesuits had blown up cave frontages .
They had even planted 2 now monstrous sized banyan trees down by the shore as a marker for their ships and longboats. The French built a jetty at the same site. THe Jesuits carried Banyan trees as markers which they obtained from India during their early religeous activities.

Getting back to the cancer business. It does not pay to find a cure as well as buried treasure. There is too much money at stake.
I have e-mailed many details including graphic photos to cancer institutions, governments and forums and never recieved an answer.

RE the above t/t info, I have not been able to dowse since June 2004 as I rely on solar flares for dowsing. THere has been no incident involving solar flares since that date although we are in the second year of the present solar cycle and I could maybe dowse again any day.
They have constructed magnetic fields to surround small areas to check out the homing instincts of bees , why not larger areas for me. ?
Please do not send me any more photos as they are useless for dowsing at the present and block up my computor.

Just one important hint re Spanish Jesuit treasure caches, You cannot open a door several feet in depth , walk in and grab several bars of gold and close up the cache again. They never,never, left a cavity. and buried in most instances at a distance of 10 feet.
10 feet is ok really, cause if there are two diggers you can use buckets and at 6 feet taper inwards to the post hole cache.

I forgot to explain why the Jesuits packed dirt and cement above their caches, was to prevent you following downwards via tree roots from trees above. Yes, they did plant trees above caches when possible.

Regards (Dowser 501) Max

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Old Dog said:
... The first "so called Spanish" recorded to have come through this part of the country was a Priest
named Escalante, but contrary to history as we find all the time they were here for 175+ years before he came ...

That would place them there ca 1600, right? How did you establish this date?

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Hi Springfield,

I have an actual date chiseled in stone on Douglas Pass of 1596.
The name above it is ORTIZ.

Of course the dates are not always as they seem,
they are more often codes for Measurements and Bible verses,
telling how to approach a cache site and avoid death traps.

So the date of 1596 may not be what I think.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


Without seeing a more broad scale photo of the site to put this in context,
I can't read this stone into your mix. Sorry.

Sometimes they would lay several false trails to confuse anyone who came looking.
I run into false pointers all the time, they will send you across the country side chasing geese.
You need to exercise patience as you sort it all out.

As far as measurements go...
when you find yourself this close to the goal.
the only ones whose measurements count so much are the KGC.
one half degree in the wrong direction the distance of a chain can mean missing a treasure by mere feet or even inches.
Spanish were a lot more forgiving with their measurementsand all of their true measurements are confirmed and reconfirmed by several markers at each point.
Watch closely and you will find the confirmation pointers.
they will be very small and always in sets of three.

The meaning of that one lone stone may reveal itself as you proceed,
Meanwhile if you can, work around it.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

How are you Thom. I sent you a picture of what I thought " might " be a Turtle in topic # 138. In Topic 284 you just answered my question. The A F you talk about in Topic 284 is all here. " the A is incorporated into the F " . Notice how they are connected. There is also a diamond on the back of this Turtle with a Spanish cross. I will head out to this area again soon and get you a close up of the info on the back of this Tortuga. I thought it was graffiti from locals. I'm very new at this. Spaniards were all over this area.

Note that the forks of the F point out the direction of travel.
When an A is incorporated with an F, the A confirms.
Don't be confused by that diamond. It may not mean to travel as far as some would think. It may only be a pointer to the next marker. We have found several instances where a diamond only gave a false trail.

Watch for the OMEGA sign to confirm the F as well.
It will tell you you are on the true trail and not a false one.
Topic post #1 is a picture of an Omega sign.
Yours will be probably small and cut into the edge of a stone.

If you have reached this point look very carefully for other concealed signs,
You may be surprised at what you find.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Mr Hetty wrote " They never,never, left a cavity. and buried in most instances at a distance of 10 feet ". Also " They appear to come in threes and the centre cache has a coded visual permanent marker with either side cache being found by pacing ".

Sir, If I find the Final Marker " Al Finite " I am to pace in Increments of Ten, and If it is a Jesuit site there is more than Likely three other Caches in the immediate area ( ? X 10 ). Would they use North, South, East, and west or just any direction. Could you tell me what was the most common pace from final marker. 1 x 10, 2 x 10, 3 x 10, etc. Thanks !!!

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


If the drill holes you are dealing with turn out to be KGC the corresponding measurement will be a chain.
not a cordel. So instead of 69 feet youmay want to try 66 feet.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Okay, so I guess it's time for me to throw in some goodies here.

EVERYTHING you see here has either led to something, or is in the process of being worked. They are in no particular order, and no meanings posted. Most are pretty self explanatory, but some need some schoolin' to interpret.

.....and please don't ask for any locations ;D ;D ;D ;D



























Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Thanks Mike,
You are right,
Most of it is self explanitory,
My personal preference is this one.
I especially like the shadow stone finger up top.
What an eyecatcher.
There is a lot more going on here than meets the eye,
Thanks again,


  • 7b.webp
    38.5 KB · Views: 1,809
Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Not really right here. All this does, is guide the traveler to a protected campsite that has a year round water source.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Mr Gollum these are really nice photos. Can someone tell me what a giant heart carved into a side of a mountain means. I know the heart means gold but why the whole side of a mountain. Also very nice Horse. Thanks for posting Mr Gollum.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Awesome stuff Dsty,

I'm intrigued with the JJ rock.

I don't think I have seen so many drill holes on a Spanish site as you have on the ones you have shown.
It is amazing, your signs are a welcome help here.

some truly great stuff.
try to have a safe day.

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