Old Dog
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- #2,301
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rangler said:Thom,
very interesting site! It has the same icons as my queen of sheba site..here this nubian princess in her tawny glory, with her eye make up - the attractor and which anchors the line of site to the most important item, the rough pig looking silhouette - used as a pointer.
To the unlearned ones, who cant read the code, this is the direction of the false trail.
1.nubian queen- ancient icon of King Solomons time
2.white dog- even though scupted in brown stone, is is lighter than the black dog shadow
3.pheasant - has its own clue
4.pig-a medium size cache
5.light saber- something very important here
6.shadow owl one of the trio
7.black dog-this time the black dog points!
8.duck-ducking out...coming back at reverse azimuth
each of the above players have their lines to deliver...
the duck is looking in the same direction as the pig pointer - but we know to reverse it..
his line of site touches the black dogs nose..not his eyes, as we know dog is all nose..the
black dogs nose is pointing to a small spot on the rock behind...a letter "S" with the bottom part of the S is missing, when the line is drawn from the duck to the dog to this letter, the line [the tiny yellow extension of the red line of site]....all confirmation that the
line is drawn correct..gotta love them jesuits, they practiced the art of confirmation, as much as art of genuflection.
hope this helps
Thanks rangler,
Hope this info hasn't compromised your sheba site in any way.