Thanks, that was a good translation and good read. They were posts 1409 & 1411, correct? I read the previous 10 pages or so and man do I wish I was on this site back then. Good discussion, theories and chit chat. I really like how you guys can discuss and not bash if someone doesn't agree. I try and stay away from sites like that.
So from my reading I gather Plato was around about 2400 years ago. He heard a story about Solon from 2700 years ago getting stories from Egyptians about Atlantis that were 9000 years old. This is a lot of time for a story to change, evolve, have items added or deleted and so on... So we are thinking Atlantis was around like 11,000 - 12,000 years ago. Interesting that the Egyptians were stating all this in a hall of records. Is this fact or fiction or has it never been found? Is this what was to be inside the Sphinx? I thought I read about some hall of records or something like that being inside there. Interesting how the Egyptian said that Solon didn't have any written records of his area/race but they were there many years ago(Thousands??). This kind of goes along with what I think that there have been many incarnations of races/people/things on this planet in its millions of years of existence.
Back to Plato.... well first let me say that I do not believe in any of this godly people stuff like Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, Ares, or Hades to name a few. As they are pictured, with godlike super powers, NO. They might have been mere mortals that have been enhanced as the tales were told, ok but not like we read about them today. Lets not forget that we know ancient people use to sacrifice people or animals so the sun would rise, so it would rain and other foolish beliefs. Plato's story has this huge mass of land divided with all sorts of food types and animals like Noah's ark. Armies with chariots, armor and weapons that are hard to believe for the time. Gold and silver buildings and statues everywhere. Kind of hard to read it and not think it is just a tale. The bit provided that I read is just a sample from a 30+ volume set? Wow, I can't imagine what is in the rest. Has anyone of you ever read it all?
So with a 11 - 12,000 year span, the earth has changed a lot so that does make finding Atlantis difficult but I like a lot of the theories you guys present. Don't get mad if I don't believe them all, I do like to read them and ponder over them.
Back to the island and the volcano some don't believe because Plato didn't mention it. If the Egyptians are one of the oldest races who have records, would they have heard the volcano? I know they wouldn't have seen it but you would think something that big causing that much destruction would have made a lot of noise and possibly caused a bit of dark they might have experienced. I don't remember if I read it or saw it on a show but I thought they did have some mention of activity like this in some records.
I look forward to more reading and posting with you guys in this thread. Keep up the awesome work!