
I wanna share this for you guys who have or have not seen it before.
I would like to hear your throughts on some of the other researchers ideas.

Interesting. Georgio has tamed his wildness in recent times, which is good. As far as comments, I agree that the Antediluvian empire was worldwide in its day. Thera and Akrotiri on Santorini are spectacular sites and highly recommended. The 1500 BCE explosion and destruction there may have been an inspiration for Plato's destructive descriptions, but IMO the main Atlantis island/continent was destroyed the Flood.

I was unaware of the Portugal theory. I'll be in Lagos in April and will now likely visit the nearby village of Silves. If what the researcher there came up with is true, it may be that Silves was at one time an Atlantean outpost that was built to mimic the main island.

Overall, I'm still placing Antarctica at the top of my Atlantis working-model list of possibilities - pending verification of the alleged recent discoveries there. If such a disclosure occurs, keep in mind that the world's most powerful people will greatly benefit from it, and we will have to be very discerning about all aspects.

Interesting. Georgio has tamed his wildness in recent times, which is good. As far as comments, I agree that the Antediluvian empire was worldwide in its day. Thera and Akrotiri on Santorini are spectacular sites and highly recommended. The 1500 BCE explosion and destruction there may have been an inspiration for Plato's destructive descriptions, but IMO the main Atlantis island/continent was destroyed the Flood.

I was unaware of the Portugal theory. I'll be in Lagos in April and will now likely visit the nearby village of Silves. If what the researcher there came up with is true, it may be that Silves was at one time an Atlantean outpost that was built to mimic the main island.

Overall, I'm still placing Antarctica at the top of my Atlantis working-model list of possibilities - pending verification of the alleged recent discoveries there. If such a disclosure occurs, keep in mind that the world's most powerful people will greatly benefit from it, and we will have to be very discerning about all aspects.
The only problem i have with the idea of thera and such is that they dont fit in anywhere with the story. They are all located inside the pillars. Plato existed around 348bc which puts the dates of the destruction only 800 or so years back. But yet the way the story is told. Atlantis was deatroyed thousands of years ago.

I myself would not go as far to say atlantis was a spaceship. But i did like what the other reaearchers had to add.
Silves was an interesting theory. But if we go back to before the ice age melts. I wonder how far it would be from the ocean and would be interested to see the theory still stack up.
I shared another video a few posts back. It had some interesting thoughts on ancient religons that share a lot of simularities and could all tie back to atlantis

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To spice up the thread a bit, I added a pic I made a long time ago.

Not saying this is what Atlantis looked like, BUT IT IS!!!! :laughing7:


View attachment 1409861

Marticus, Thanks for the welcome!

From some of my reading in this HUGE thread, I see you have similar thoughts that Atlantis is way older than some believe and that Plato wrote what was handed down possibly many, many times and enhanced the story like the ones before him did. I also believe a volcano was involved in the destruction and just because Plato doesn't mention it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Plus I have photographic proof.... look above!!!
If you go back a few pages from here you will find i tracked down the translated texts from plato and shared them. For your reading. I also did a few disections of the text in later comments of clues and interpretations that i found in it

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The only problem i have with the idea of thera and such is that they dont fit in anywhere with the story. They are all located inside the pillars. Plato existed around 348bc which puts the dates of the destruction only 800 or so years back. But yet the way the story is told. Atlantis was deatroyed thousands of years ago.

I myself would not go as far to say atlantis was a spaceship. But i did like what the other reaearchers had to add.
Silves was an interesting theory. But if we go back to before the ice age melts. I wonder how far it would be from the ocean and would be interested to see the theory still stack up.
I shared another video a few posts back. It had some interesting thoughts on ancient religons that share a lot of simularities and could all tie back to atlantis

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No, I wasn't implying that Thera was Atlantis. I was suggesting that Plato would have been familiar with the big volcanic explosion on that Greek island and used the imagery to dress up his Atlantis story. After all, it was other Greeks who were reading his stuff and they too could likely visualize such a cataclysm, based on known history at the time. Since Atlantis was destroyed at the end of the Ice Age - 9,000 years before Plato - it seems to me Plato needed to fill in a lot of holes in the story. After all, he was not an historian - he was more of a moralist and likely had no reason not to use poetic license to flesh out his work.

No, I wasn't implying that Thera was Atlantis. I was suggesting that Plato would have been familiar with the big volcanic explosion on that Greek island and used the imagery to dress up his Atlantis story. After all, it was other Greeks who were reading his stuff and they too could likely visualize such a cataclysm, based on known history at the time. Since Atlantis was destroyed at the end of the Ice Age - 9,000 years before Plato - it seems to me Plato needed to fill in a lot of holes in the story. After all, he was not an historian - he was more of a moralist and likely had no reason not to use poetic license to flesh out his work.
Its all good. Wasnt making a statment at you. [emoji6]

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If you go back a few pages from here you will find i tracked down the translated texts from plato and shared them. For your reading. I also did a few disections of the text in later comments of clues and interpretations that i found in it

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Thanks, that was a good translation and good read. They were posts 1409 & 1411, correct? I read the previous 10 pages or so and man do I wish I was on this site back then. Good discussion, theories and chit chat. I really like how you guys can discuss and not bash if someone doesn't agree. I try and stay away from sites like that.

So from my reading I gather Plato was around about 2400 years ago. He heard a story about Solon from 2700 years ago getting stories from Egyptians about Atlantis that were 9000 years old. This is a lot of time for a story to change, evolve, have items added or deleted and so on... So we are thinking Atlantis was around like 11,000 - 12,000 years ago. Interesting that the Egyptians were stating all this in a hall of records. Is this fact or fiction or has it never been found? Is this what was to be inside the Sphinx? I thought I read about some hall of records or something like that being inside there. Interesting how the Egyptian said that Solon didn't have any written records of his area/race but they were there many years ago(Thousands??). This kind of goes along with what I think that there have been many incarnations of races/people/things on this planet in its millions of years of existence.

Back to Plato.... well first let me say that I do not believe in any of this godly people stuff like Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, Ares, or Hades to name a few. As they are pictured, with godlike super powers, NO. They might have been mere mortals that have been enhanced as the tales were told, ok but not like we read about them today. Lets not forget that we know ancient people use to sacrifice people or animals so the sun would rise, so it would rain and other foolish beliefs. Plato's story has this huge mass of land divided with all sorts of food types and animals like Noah's ark. Armies with chariots, armor and weapons that are hard to believe for the time. Gold and silver buildings and statues everywhere. Kind of hard to read it and not think it is just a tale. The bit provided that I read is just a sample from a 30+ volume set? Wow, I can't imagine what is in the rest. Has anyone of you ever read it all?

So with a 11 - 12,000 year span, the earth has changed a lot so that does make finding Atlantis difficult but I like a lot of the theories you guys present. Don't get mad if I don't believe them all, I do like to read them and ponder over them.

Back to the island and the volcano some don't believe because Plato didn't mention it. If the Egyptians are one of the oldest races who have records, would they have heard the volcano? I know they wouldn't have seen it but you would think something that big causing that much destruction would have made a lot of noise and possibly caused a bit of dark they might have experienced. I don't remember if I read it or saw it on a show but I thought they did have some mention of activity like this in some records.

I look forward to more reading and posting with you guys in this thread. Keep up the awesome work!:occasion14:

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Thanks, that was a good translation and good read. They were posts 1409 & 1411, correct? I read the previous 10 pages or so and man do I wish I was on this site back then. Good discussion, theories and chit chat. I really like how you guys can discuss and not bash if someone doesn't agree. I try and stay away from sites like that.

So from my reading I gather Plato was around about 2400 years ago. He heard a story about Solon from 2700 years ago getting stories from Egyptians about Atlantis that were 9000 years old. This is a lot of time for a story to change, evolve, have items added or deleted and so on... So we are thinking Atlantis was around like 11,000 - 12,000 years ago. Interesting that the Egyptians were stating all this in a hall of records. Is this fact or fiction or has it never been found? Is this what was to be inside the Sphinx? I thought I read about some hall of records or something like that being inside there. Interesting how the Egyptian said that Solon didn't have any written records of his area/race but they were there many years ago(Thousands??). This kind of goes along with what I think that there have been many incarnations of races/people/things on this planet in its millions of years of existence.

Back to Plato.... well first let me say that I do not believe in any of this godly people stuff like Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, Ares, or Hades to name a few. As they are pictured, with godlike super powers, NO. They might have been mere mortals that have been enhanced as the tales were told, ok but not like we read about them today. Lets not forget that we know ancient people use to sacrifice people or animals so the sun would rise, so it would rain and other foolish beliefs. Plato's story has this huge mass of land divided with all sorts of food types and animals like Noah's ark. Armies with chariots, armor and weapons that are hard to believe for the time. Gold and silver buildings and statues everywhere. Kind of hard to read it and not think it is just a tale. The bit provided that I read is just a sample from a 30+ volume set? Wow, I can't imagine what is in the rest. Has anyone of you ever read it all?

So with a 11 - 12,000 year span, the earth has changed a lot so that does make finding Atlantis difficult but I like a lot of the theories you guys present. Don't get mad if I don't believe them all, I do like to read them and ponder over them.

Back to the island and the volcano some don't believe because Plato didn't mention it. If the Egyptians are one of the oldest races who have records, would they have heard the volcano? I know they wouldn't have seen it but you would think something that big causing that much destruction would have made a lot of noise and possibly caused a bit of dark they might have experienced. I don't remember if I read it or saw it on a show but I thought they did have some mention of activity like this in some records.

I look forward to more reading and posting with you guys in this thread. Keep up the awesome work!:occasion14:

That does it, now I am raging mad at you Stretch, for all that you just said! What an insult! I am kidding! :tongue3:

No hall of records has ever been found in Egypt, but there are known references to it, and at least by the time of Kantor, the story of Atlantis was still readable on a set of stone pillars. Some have theorized that the apparent empty chamber under or near the Sphinx may be the storied Hall of Records, but until someone enters it to find out we will not know.

Even worse, it is quite possible and even likely that such written records were moved to the equally famous Library of Alexandria during the reign of king Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who lived after Plato around a century (283 to 246 BC, while Plato was born 428/427 bce, Athens, Greece—died 348/347) was reputedly quite voracious about collecting written books, records, manuscripts of all kinds and languages for that library. He went so far as to have all ships that called at the port of Alexandria searched for any books, which if found were then immediately seized; Ptolemy then ordered beautiful copies made of these books and presented back to the ship owners while the originals (books, scrolls, tablets) went straight into the vast library. So if the records from ancient Egypt were stored in the library of Alexandria, and there is reason to believe that is what was done, then it all went up in smoke when Caesar visited the city and the library was burned in the rebellion.

All that said, we can take heart in what Cactusjumper said, the whole story may change tomorrow on the turn of a spade. (Not an exact quote there) Who knows what might be found?

To address the question of whether the Egyptians might have heard the volcano eruption, according to what has been found the people of Egypt did not hear the eruption of Thera (Akrotiri, Santorini) but did see effects such as huge tidal waves (recorded as the great god of the sea, Yam, came unexpectedly) and the masses of pumice and smoke that followed the eruption. The experts are still arguing this but a fair case has been made that the whole Exodus of the Hebrews, is directly linked to the eruption of Thera, along with the plagues that struck Egypt; that some of the Hebrews of the tribe of Dan, emigrated to Greece and are known as the Danii, and from the Old Testament we have some evidence that points to the invasions of the Sea Peoples were the escaped slaves of the Minoan empire that became armed hostile raider bands. So the eruption is definitely noticed and recorded, but they could not hear the explosion.

Please do continue, hopefully others can address the rest of your points.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

To touch on the hall of records.

I think the problem also is that cities where built over other cities. Which where built over towns and such. With one area being dominated by people for thousands of years. Time and people build over and over on the people before them. So the original spot of the hall of records could be buried under a major city right at this moment. But we will never know. Because it has been built over so many times in the past.
Now like the temple mount.
We have various peoples and religous peoples and sites all on top or next to each other. Which makes almost any action to try and dig amd discover practicly impossible.

As for the sphinx. I remember seeing graham hancock talk about the original ground penetration scans done around the sphinx and there being dozens of chambers and tunnels below. But the man in charge of doing any work or excavtion in the area is a very political archeaologist. Who if anything existed prior to the the pyramids being built in his time frame of 4000bc. Would simply never see the light of day.

But if you look at several geologists work on the sphinx they will easily point out that the water errosion on the area around and on the sphinx itself. Puts it towards our atlantis time frame. Even hancock himself proved that simply by alligning the sight with the stars.

So if they do find anything down below. It could well be that spade

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Solon reputedly got his Atlantis story from engraved columns in a temple in Sais, Egypt. Presumably these were hieroglyphic. There have been excavations of ruins in Sais, but the columns in question have not been located.

Thanks for the replies guys! Sorry Oroblanco, I tell it like it is!!! :laughing7:

I have read and seen things about the Sphinx that did mention it being under water and it being older than the Egyptians and that intrigued me but it looks like that idiot Zahi Hawass suppresses everything he doesn't want getting out. Like he owns the place. I also heard he is very corrupt, takes bribes and other info like that.... true or false I don't know but I don't like him and took him off my Christmas card list. I thought there was some work done to explore some of the passage ways they found through scans, I could be wrong but I thought some were semi explored or looked into a little. It is odd how very little is mentioned about the Sphinx in Egypt's history. I thought I read they thought the face was re-chiseled to look like it does in modern times... if so, makes you wonder what it looked like before? Also mentions of a second on the other side of the Nile. I really do love Egyptian stuff!

I now am recalling the Library of Alexandria. They made it look cool in the Laura Croft movie. If only right? It would be incredible if something like that was discovered. Written records from thousands of years with all sorts of info going back to the dawn of man! That would infuriate a lot of people I imagine. Like mentioned above, people build on top of others who build on top of others and so on so we will never really get to see. With the ever expanding population soon the entire surface of the earth will be covered and we might never get to properly explore what could turn history upside down!

Thanks for the replies guys! Sorry Oroblanco, I tell it like it is!!! :laughing7:

I have read and seen things about the Sphinx that did mention it being under water and it being older than the Egyptians and that intrigued me but it looks like that idiot Zahi Hawass suppresses everything he doesn't want getting out. Like he owns the place. I also heard he is very corrupt, takes bribes and other info like that.... true or false I don't know but I don't like him and took him off my Christmas card list. I thought there was some work done to explore some of the passage ways they found through scans, I could be wrong but I thought some were semi explored or looked into a little. It is odd how very little is mentioned about the Sphinx in Egypt's history. I thought I read they thought the face was re-chiseled to look like it does in modern times... if so, makes you wonder what it looked like before? Also mentions of a second on the other side of the Nile. I really do love Egyptian stuff!

I now am recalling the Library of Alexandria. They made it look cool in the Laura Croft movie. If only right? It would be incredible if something like that was discovered. Written records from thousands of years with all sorts of info going back to the dawn of man! That would infuriate a lot of people I imagine. Like mentioned above, people build on top of others who build on top of others and so on so we will never really get to see. With the ever expanding population soon the entire surface of the earth will be covered and we might never get to properly explore what could turn history upside down!
Thats the guy Zahi. Knew the name just couldnt remember it. Yea your are totally right on that guy.

I myself lean more to what some others have come out and said about the sphinx. That yes it was re carved. Its not even the body of a cat. But of a dog. The head being way way to small for the body. If we are talking about how it was carved and looking at the rest of egypt. Its very poorly done in sense when compared to many of the other sites. Statues and colums.
I found this pic of what it could have looked like

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Solon reputedly got his Atlantis story from engraved columns in a temple in Sais, Egypt. Presumably these were hieroglyphic. There have been excavations of ruins in Sais, but the columns in question have not been located.
Yes thats the city. If you look it up on wiki. Then folllow its timeline. The city then changes names many times over the same areas

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An afterthought but referring to that Hall of Records, had read a study somewhere (possibly online) done on the true history of Cleopatra (the famous one, there were a number with that name) in which some monument made mention of her ancestor Ptolemy having moved the oldest Egyptian records to the famous library. If I can find that again I will share it, but as I can not recall where it may be hopeless so do not take this to the bank.

Please do continue;

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:


Blue eyed visitors to South America

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Spanish chroniclers from the 16th century claimed that when the conquistadors led by Francisco Pizarro first encountered the Incas they were greeted as gods, "Viracochas", because their lighter skin resembled their god Viracocha.[12] This story was first reported by Pedro Cieza de León (1553) and later by Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa. Similar accounts by Spanish chroniclers (e.g. Juan de Betanzos) describe Viracocha as a "white god", often with a beard.

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Could the original Viracocha be a survivor from atlanits and when Pizarro arrived. They had mistaken him for the old tale

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Good evening. I have been thinking about the Mastadons that were found frozen,

Planet X fufils the villain part. During one of her passes she came close enough to Earth 2eq1 capture some of her insulating air, it all flowed to the side closest to X and allowed the cold of deep space to penetrate into the world instantiy deep freezing the Mastodon with the food still in their maouths dddddBut te most interesting part eas that they found that they had died of suffocation - no enough oyegen due to it having ben pulled to thedide nearest to X

I am finding myself being more and more interested,in X

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Good evening. I have been thinking about the Mastadons that were found frozen,

Planet X fufils the villain part. During one of her passes she came close enough to Earth 2eq1 capture some of her insulating air, it all flowed to the side closest to X and allowed the cold of deep space to penetrate into the world instantiy deep freezing the Mastodon with the food still in their maouths dddddBut te most interesting part eas that they found that they had died of suffocation - no enough oyegen due to it having ben pulled to thedide nearest to X

I am finding myself being more and more interested,in X

Agreed. The Hubble Telescope and the Vatican's Mt Graham telescope have been watching it closely for years, you can bet. They say that by the time you see it in the sky, it'll all be over in 30 minutes - we'll go through its gigantic dust cloud as the earth's south magnetic pole shifts towards X's magnetic north pole in a nasty twist. That sounds plenty dangerous, even though the Sumerians' carvings and cuneiforms seem to indicate that in the past there were survivors.

Me ... I hope the whole thing is just another internet hoax or staged false flag, designed to divert attention from political challenges. However, the increasing bad news from the monitors of earth's magnetosphere and core indicate that something beside the sun is increasingly affecting our planet in bad ways. It ain't caused by cars folks.

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You guys got me into the Sphinx and Hall of Records mode and I was looking up details and watching videos all day long on Sat about these items. Man, found out a lot of stuff and I am going to have to rebel against mainstream and say:

The Sphinx was really a statue of Anubis and it was built about 34,000 years ago. I might even go with the idea of the Hall of Records being in the Masonry Box on the right side. Apparently in 2027, the world will be ready for this reveal.

Let me find the info again and I will put up some quotes as it was really interesting.

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