
Oro de Tayopa, any posting that you decide on is welcome here my friend. (although I can't, for the life of me,understand how you can be soooo stubbornly wrong--- :laughing7::laughing7: :occasion14: )

Well thanks for the first part, but as to being "sooo" stubbornly wrong, am I? Where did I say that Atlantis is located? The only hint that I mentioned was that Spartel island was almost certainly a part of the empire, not that it WAS the main island of Atlantis. In fact if I were to venture a guess, I would say that Spartel island is probably the area referred to by Plato as Gadeirus, being closest to the Pillars. So how can you be so certain that I am wrong, when you do not know what place I claim is Atlantis?

I could make the same statement about your insistence on hanging on to that sunken circular chain of mountains as Atlantis. After all, the sea floor is actually spreading there due to the volcanic activity, not subducting which might cause a massive subsidence. How could it have been above sea level? The shallows off of Spain, are not really very different from the shallows off the rest of northern Europe and even North America for that matter. It is likely that Atlantean seafarers, perhaps conquerors too, were active in all those regions. That is what Diodorus and Plato stated after all, that they had conquered much outside of the Pillars, and the lands inside the Mediterranean as far as Egypt and Greece.

What about the recently discovered lands under the North Atlantic west of Scotland, which have ancient river beds now at the bottom of the sea?
Ancient submerged landscape of mountains and riverbeds found on the Atlantic seabed | Daily Mail Online
It is far too old to be Atlantis, but can we now start to address the biggest issue with your proposed site - the extreme depth?

This area referred to in the article, was once over a half mile above sea level and subsided to its current depth of over a mile. The cause is thought to be due to the Icelandic plume (volcanic) which both raised the land and then caused it to drop. It is farther north than your proposed area of course, but definitely was above sea level and now is over a mile below it. But we also can see clearly the river channels and even a lake that must have existed there, do you know of any ancient river beds in your proposed area? That would be a big help.

I don't have a map handy that shows some of the submerged islands of the Atlantic, but there are a number of them - and it fits Plato's story as well as the other ancient references that tell of more than one island, even enough islands for ships to voyage from one to another without having to cross vast open ocean. This page:
Hutton Commentaries Articles
- has a map showing the Mid-Atlantic ridge, which some have proposed as the location of Atlantis, but if you look closely you can see other islands right outside of the strait of Gibraltar to the west.

Reb wrote
Heh... I was born a Rh-neg. baby; YELLOW, JAUNDICED; spent 3 months in UVa Hospital; "bonded" with those young "Hottie" nurses, more than my own family. "Hot" for nurses, today... wife is NOT amused; she was a CNA, tho; HA! O Neg. Blood, now... VERY popular for blood donations... gotta "cut back"! "Re-incarnated Atlantean...? HA! THAT explains EVERYTHING!

Hmm nurses - maybe we should not venture too far into your psyche on that issue! :tongue3:

There is a theory that we are drawn to the things we experienced in past lives, places, tastes for foods, preferences for music, colors, etc as well as our fears, especially fears that are illogical or unfounded, like a fear of water or heights and so forth. A person with an unreasonable fear of water, may have died by drowning in a past life as an example of this idea. I sure do not know if there is anything to reincarnation or not, it does have the logic that it would be conservative of the life energy of humans for the 'recycling' of souls, we are in a sense, electrical beings (our brains are electrical centers and transmitters) plus we know that energy can not be destroyed only altered in form - heck at least one major religion is practically based on this idea. Even in Christianity there is a hint of reincarnation in the statement about you 'must be born again' - what was meant by that statement, if not reincarnation? If reincarnation is real (and there are some compelling cases) then it is also logical that the many people that lived in Atlantis or in its empire, would have been recycled into new bodies so it is possible that you are indeed descendants of Atlantis. Hmm I have Rh-negative blood type too, so I guess we are all Atlantean cousins here? :tongue3:

On the other hand, I have also heard of another theory that all left handed people are descendants of Atlantis. For proof, if one stands facing North, your dominant hand would be on the left, toward Atlantis, assuming you were standing somewhere in the Mediterranean basin at the time. Now if you are left handed, AND have Rh-Negative type blood - you may be Atlantean royalty! :notworthy: :notworthy:

I hinted a few years ago that there actually has been an artifact found in an archaeological dig, which appeared to have come from Atlantis. An inscription on it, stated it was a gift from the king of Atlantis. Does anyone know what I am referring to? It is lost today, as are all the artifacts that were found with it, due to WW2, but was described and cataloged. Of course it might have been a fraud, but that seems doubtful considering the persons involved and context of the dig. I have been looking for a photo of it, without luck so far.

Please do continue amigos, have to get more coffee.
:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

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Hi ORO de Tayopa CUZ. Will see what I can dig up.
Ah, Cuzs we are, even if we disagree; almost certain I was left-handed... "forced" to be right-handed". Got a big ole MUG of Java; EARLIEST dream I remember (@ 4 0r 5): HUGE Wall of water bearing down on me, body floating in the water (drowned), LOTS of bubbles & fishes. Can't really swim today; like a CAT, don't like water. HA! Java Zone is OPEN!

We'd find very advanced ancient tech, the same as found worldwide that doesn't make the mainstream.

PROBABLY find a lot of OOPS!... "Out-of-Place-Stuff". Indicated as "Religious Objects" by the "Archies"...

I would say that if anyone ever found Atlantis, it would probably be a treasure of unheard of wealth. Other than the tons of gold it supposedly has there are artifacts and historical valuable relics!

Lets talk about this place, where is it located and what can WE do to help someone find it? Anyone has maps they are sitting on, with the location of Atlantis? :)

I want to move to Bimini and go diving for treasure. I've been really really considering it!

Side issue, Atlantis related.

have been going over my notes for Joe, and found that some Interested person (scientist ) had proposed that an RH negative blood was evidence of Atlantean heritage (?) I have no idea where they found a genuine Atlantean for testing, but since I have RH neg, does this mean that I am an Atlantean reincarnaed ?? :laughing7::laughing7:

I'm RH Negative too!

Although I am much more drawn to Lemuria (East Indian, Gobi Desert, Dwarka) ... I know too much about Atlantis actually. Atlantis was shaped similarly to Australia before it broke up. There was land all the way to the strait of Gibraltar at the mouth of the Mediterranean sea. The East Coast of the US was the West Coast of Atlantis.

It existed in the last destruction, it happened around 10,600 BC. The second destruction broke it into about 5 islands. Posidiea is in Bimini off the coast of Miami. There was a huge temple there to Poseidon. If you look up Bimini road?

There is a well there that contains a lot of sulfur and magnesium. Healing well. Also there is huge amounts of gold reserves buried 8-15ft deep beneath the surface. The land is rising. I want to move there so badly.

Also. Did you hear about that crystal ball that was discovered in an underwater temple off the coast of Cuba? It repels metal. WILD

If you're looking for Atlantis start with the Bimini area. It was the last remaining land that sunk. They were a red race of people "Red Skinned" people. Many of the people moved to the Yucatan and Egypt. I guess depending on what side of the continent was accessible. Lets also keep in mind that the mountain range dividing the Atlantic is actually SPREADING so it was a smaller gap than it is now. A lot of people don't take that into consideration.

Oh Nooooooooooooooo, does this make our wifes our cousins as well ? Jerry Lee Lewis was ahead of us in his knowledge of marrying your cousin. I do not drink, but maybe I should now re-consider ? :occasion14:

I have always been lead to the theory of Atlantis being in the strait of Gibraltar area as the books I read in my younger years had made reference to what is now known as the Rock of Gibraltar. It is hard to discount the Bimini area as well because what some call natural formations just can't explain the right angles cut into the rocks. It looks convincing right now. I could clearly believe that they had a spin-off community somewhere and why not Bimini ? They may have re-located there after the destruction of Atlantis ?

Well, from what I understand it is in both places. It went through a total of 3 distructions. I have read both Plato and Cayce on the subjects.
Cayce seems more accurate. It broke into 5 islands. Ayran, Og, Oz, Posidea and I forget what else.
Also the last destruction sunk Posidea. Cayce was able to tell you exactly where the gold and minerals were there. With all the action coming in and out of the mediteranean and how high traffic the area is it's impractical to search there, IMHO.
Also its far too deep. The islands off portugal and in Bimini... I'd go with what's accessable and especially so under developed.

Check this out, I've been digging through this for a few weeks. Convoluted and you definitely need your sleuthing literary analysis skills (and google earth) to connect all the dots. You'll find reincarnation info as well as geology and archaeology info. I've been using his readings and documenting a timeline and map barehanded as well as an account of the people who have lived there and what life was like.
It's been and still continues to be a really fun project. If you knew it took me a week to find this index of his readings? Omg just finding this site was hell but it's been a great resource.
Remember Plato played telephone through Socrates and Solon and through the Egyptians.
Cayce could read the subconscious and was highly accurate.
Enjoy: FreeFind Site Search Results

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KX, Why would they be different than the other cultures of that time ??:coffee2::coffee2:

Have to ditto that question, and while I realize that a lot of modern authors are giving Atlantis all kinds of advanced technologies, there is nothing very advanced in Plato's version. The most advanced technology he mentions are triremes, and they are human-powered (oars and sails) wooden ships. If the Atlanteans had advanced technologies, like rather magical crystal balls, flying machines, electronics etc, why would they have been bothering to use man-powered wooden ships? This gets even more marked when you consider that Atlantis was fighting a war of conquest against Athens and several other peoples at the time of her destruction, if the Atlanteans had such advanced technology, how could the Athenians have defeated them in a battle when the Athenians were almost certainly armed with spears and shields?

If the East coast of North America was the West coast of Atlantis, then what "true continent" was laying to the west of it? Perhaps a re-read of Plato might help, but I must respectfully disagree with that idea. Here is the relevant portion of Timaeus:

This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic was navigable; and there was an island situated in front of the straits which are by you called the Pillars of Heracles; the island was greater than Libya and Asia put together, and was the way to other islands, and from these you might pass to the whole of the opposite continent which surrounded the true ocean; for this sea which is within the Straits of Heracles is only a harbour, having a narrow entrance, but that other is a real sea, and the surrounding land may be most truly called a boundless continent. [/QUOTE]

This is saying that a large island sat in front of the strait of Gibraltar (pillars of Herakles) and that other islands were beyond this, and farther on is the huge continent of the Americas which truly rims the whole of the Atlantic. So if we say the East coast of the US was the West coast of Atlantis, then what huge continent was Plato referring to that was way beyond that? I put that term island in bold, which is what Atlantis was, an island and not a continent although it is extremely common for people to make that mistake, perhaps by misreading or misunderstanding what Plato wrote.
By the way welcome to Treasurenet Lala! :thumbsup: :occasion14:

Please do continue:

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

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