Hi Lala,
I hope you won't take our debate as any kind of personal attack or if so, I will be happy to let it go. My differences are with the ideas, not you personally so if any of this is offensive, just PM me and I will delete it.
Lala wrote
Sigh. I've read Timeaus. Like 5 times. If you read the whole thing it paralells the book of genesis.
You're still underestimating how big Lemuria was and it existed until the first destruction of Atlantis.
Timeaus was used to support platos Republic.
His story of Atlantis, contained within the two dialogues of Timaeus and Critias, is not necessary to be linked to his Republic, which is also an interesting and at times fairly humorous read. The fact that Plutarch informed us about Solon having attempted to compose a history of Atlantis should be enough evidence that Plato's use of it does not mean it is absolutely linked to his other work(s).
I have not made any mention of Lemuria, and actually do not see it related to Atlantis due to the massive time gap involved. The time period which you have referred to, with the continents we know today being barely recognizable and other continents like Kergeulen or Zeelandia being above water, is actually many
millions of years ago, not 11,500 years ago. There is nothing in Plato or any other
ANCIENT source suggesting that Atlantis was anything other than a large island, actually one large island and several other smaller ones, ten in total. If you can show any geologic evidence that our continents were
that much different, circa 11,500 years ago or even near that time period, then perhaps we can link Lemuria to the story of Atlantis.
I underlined that term ANCIENT because I have found that when researching any historical event, it is generally a good practice to stick to the oldest sources available, being the closest in time to the actual events. This does not hold true for the Dark Ages, when horrible exaggerations, mythical creatures and witchcraft etc get mixed in to "history" but in general, the ancient world record from the ancient writers, has proven fairly accurate. The farther you get away from the actual events, the greater the chances for errors to have crept in, or even deliberate falsehoods, as all historians put their own stamp on the histories they write. It is true that the actual texts we have from ancient sources are rather limited both in number and total information, but I am very (underline that) hesitant about trusting modern sources on Atlantis. It is simply all too easy to imagine all sorts of things and tack it onto Atlantis. Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet, is a modern source.
Edgar Cayce. Hmm. When I was young, and living in Virginia (and working at the same line of work our mutual amigo Reb is today) I did visit the Edgar Cayce museum in Virginia Beach. I had several books on him and his readings. Some of his work is rather amazing, especially concerning illnesses and how to treat them - but in other areas it is not so impressive. Like his description of where the Lost Dutchman mine is located for instance, or that Atlantis would "rise" in 1968 or 69.
The Many Failed Edgar Cayce Prophecies | Top Secret Writers
When you read Timaeus, it is good to keep in mind the world as Plato knew it. For instance, the Greeks believed that Asia was very small,
much smaller than Europe, and Libya (Africa) they believed to be less than one quarter of its true size, thinking it was some triangular shaped block of land, cut off not far below Egypt and angling right over to not far below the strait of Gibraltar (Pillars). Even their ideas of how large Europe was, were rather vague as to how far it extended to the North. Also keep in mind that some bits of our English translations are highly questionable, like "larger" vs "greater" or "in the middle of" (megos, mesos etc). It helps to have one of the Harvard Classic books which have the original Greek side by side with the English translation, and a good ancient Greek dictionary as well.
I do not know of any reference to Lemuria prior to Philip Sclater in 1864, which was an attempt to explain how there were Lemurs in both Madagascar and India, on opposite sides of the Indian Ocean, yet no Lemurs in Africa which is much closer to Madagascar. Hence the name Lemuria, but it should exist in the Indian Ocean if it ever existed at all. Really Lemuria deserves its own thread, IMHO.
If you read through this thread you would know that I have also proposed that the great flood in Genesis is talking about the same event that destroyed Atlantis, just as Ignatius Donnelly proposed in his famous book. There are parallels and then there are some that do not parallel - for the Genesis flood seems to destroy everything, not just one island empire, while Atlantis destruction hardly affected Egypt for instance as the priest told Solon. So we agree on that.
I do keep the door open for the far-out possibilities like a high tech Atlantis, but there is no reason to attribute such things to Atlantis, which was practically at the dawn of agriculture, let alone advanced technologies. Psychic reading type sources can be remarkably accurate, and they can also be remarkably inaccurate, as with the example of California sliding into the sea which Cayce also predicted. Would Atlantis mean so much less to you, if they were a society of farmers and soldiers and sailors, with no truly
advanced technology, yet even so were thousands of years ahead of many other peoples that were still living in caves and hunting mastodons?
So let me ask you this, what has convinced you that Atlantis was a huge continent at one time, that it had advanced technologies etc? Thank you in advance.
Need more coffee!