
I never said they were fact they were all "United"

Would you care to expand/expound on that last part? Thank you in advance.

Lala wrote
You guys realize this thread is approaching The Odyssey and The Iliad level? 68 pages. I scaned... sorry if I skipped it!

68 pages is not that much, compared to the Jesuits thread! However some aspects have gone full circle, so started repeating. Skimming repeated material is certainly understandable.

:coffee2: :coffee2:

This planet has been a "one world gov" before so to say before the flood and ancient wars.

This planet has been a "one world gov" before so to say before the flood and ancient wars.

By that do you mean that Atlantis was trying to form a world government, by conquest? They had not succeeded, for the proto-Greeks and Egyptians were not yet subdued when the disaster wiped out their empire. Or do you mean something else? Thanks in advance;

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

By that do you mean that Atlantis was trying to form a world government, by conquest? They had not succeeded, for the proto-Greeks and Egyptians were not yet subdued when the disaster wiped out their empire. Or do you mean something else? Thanks in advance;

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:
:coffee2::tongue3:DITTO"S :alien:

Quote Originally Posted by Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp View Post
" Quote: KX, Why would they be different than the other cultures of that time ??
Have to ditto that question, and while I realize that a lot of modern authors are giving Atlantis all kinds of advanced technologies, there is nothing very advanced in Plato's version. The most advanced technology he mentions are triremes, and they are human-powered (oars and sails) wooden ships. If the Atlanteans had advanced technologies, like rather magical crystal balls, flying machines, electronics etc, why would they have been bothering to use man-powered wooden ships? This gets even more marked when you consider that Atlantis was fighting a war of conquest against Athens and several other peoples at the time of her destruction, if the Atlanteans had such advanced technology, how could the Athenians have defeated them in a battle when the Athenians were almost certainly armed with spears and shields? " End quote.
"Advanced Technologies" does not necessarily mean having planes ,cars, solar panels and ect., as previous civilizations have been tagged as being advanced or having advanced technology just because they used crop rotation or terraced their hillsides to make more land area available. So we would have to wonder what they felt was considered an advanced technology ?
Caycee was a very interesting individual. I don't believe everything he said, but he could sure make a case for most, and that helped me to hold interest in him. Sometimes the one brain cell I have left has trouble comprehending stuff I don't understand, and believe me, I don't understand alot of stuff. Hope it's not because of all the coffee I drink.:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: Anybody got an extra brain cell I could have ? Then I would be twice as smart as I am now !

Simon1,:coffee2: Absolutely no brain cells left,but have plenty of :coffee2:beans to go around.:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::laughing7:NP:cat:

The real message to be learned here is,:coffee2:
In order to find Atlantis, you have to find and enter"OZ" or "OD", the library of knowledge that has no books or clay tablets concerning Atlantis, once your inside,
sit in the special chair of knowledge,put your feet together,click your heels together three times and say, theres no place like Atlantis, theres no place like Atlantis,
theres no place like Atlantis, It worked for me,maybe you too can find the message in all these lines of WIT.:alien:???. NP:cat:

The real message to be learned here is,:coffee2:
In order to find Atlantis, you have to find and enter"OZ" or "OD", the library of knowledge that has no books or clay tablets concerning Atlantis, once your inside,
sit in the special chair of knowledge,put your feet together,click your heels together three times and say, theres no place like Atlantis, theres no place like Atlantis,
theres no place like Atlantis, It worked for me,maybe you too can find the message in all these lines of WIT.:alien:???. NP:cat:
Will I find buried treasures there...?

Will I find buried treasures there...?
:coffee2:First things first, in order to do that you have to know were OZ or OD is located, sooooooooo you will need to solve
the Lead Artifacts of AZ, that will give you the location of the Library.:dontknow:NP:cat:

:coffee2:First things first, in order to do that you have to know were OZ or OD is located, sooooooooo you will need to solve
the Lead Artifacts of AZ, that will give you the location of the Library.:dontknow:NP:cat:
Hmmm... been there...? LOVE to read...

Last edited:
:coffee2:First things first, in order to do that you have to know were OZ or OD is located, sooooooooo you will need to solve
the Lead Artifacts of AZ, that will give you the location of the Library.:dontknow:NP:cat:

Not Peralta amigo do you believe the story of Calalus and the additional story of the underground city and library (OZ)? If so, may I ask what convinced you, personally? Thank you in advance.

Reb - according to what another member stated (on another channel-forum) the library was removed and shipped to another country where it is kept. So be prepared to travel to Africa, after you get done with the Calalus artifacts.

More coffee!
:coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Not Peralta amigo do you believe the story of Calalus and the additional story of the underground city and library (OZ)? If so, may I ask what convinced you, personally? Thank you in advance.

Reb - according to what another member stated (on another channel-forum) the library was removed and shipped to another country where it is kept. So be prepared to travel to Africa, after you get done with the Calalus artifacts.

More coffee!
:coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:
Africa...? Nah; will do "inter-library loans"...

Unless I missed (easy for me) maybe another way Atlantis disappeared. Something very common here in Florida, a sink hole.

Just for S&G's it was built on top of a sand filled crater, with remnants of the crater(s) forming the outer walls/islands.
One day the bottom of the crater, or I guess the roof so to speak, collapses. When it does all that on top of it falls in to fill the hole. Like an implosion, the outer portions falling in over the center. As it does so, the water surrounding it washes in flooding over it.
They normally show as a shallow depression, and then in a day or so, they spread out. Kinda like looking at the top of an hour glass, as the sand drops.

Be nearly impossible to find it and it's goodies then. Bout a year ago we had one swallow a house down here, it took the owner, who was in bed, with it.
It went down so far that emergency teams would not go in to try and recover the body.
One little one that was deep enough to swallow a house, imagine how deep one could be if it swallowed all of Atlantis. All of the glory or center swallowed, and then covered over by the outer portions, followed by the sea wiping it clean.

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