Better grab a refill of that coffee NOW
Cactusjumper wrote
Good Morning Roy,
Thank you for the good wishes......
Not long ago you asked me: "How many changes to Plato's story are you willing to accept, to make a site fit? (As for example, Crete)"
With that comment, I believe I am more willing to accept Plato's story, as he wrote it than you are. Are you willing to accept the era of Plato's Atlantis, or would you change the date. Can you name another people who were as advanced as Atlantis and in the same era? In my reading, Santorini and Crete match up very closely to what Plato wrote, save the era.
You appear to be "locked" with your own concept of what Atlantis has to be, which is not likely to be what the reality was. Your Atlantis has to have all the trappings of an advanced culture as described, ignoring the fact that NO other ancient sources on Atlantis or the Titans mention them, and these features (like the triremes) have the hallmarks of anachronistic confabulation - Plato projecting the same high technology items of his own day into the past, which is fairly common among medeival sources.
You have also seemingly ignored the problems with identifying the Minoans with Atlantis - the issues do not end with the era. There is no way to adapt the clear references to the Atlantic Ocean as the location of Atlantis, which all other ancient sources confirm, even trying to fit alternate "pillars of Herakles" instead of the strait clearly indicated by Plato. Are there hot and cold springs of water on Crete? What about elephants? Is there a plain two hundred miles long by 300 miles wide? Did the island submerge beneath the sea, leaving shallows that were a hindrance for shipping? Even at Thera, the gaping hole left by the eruption of the volcano is hardly shallow, it is very deep and very steep sided.
We could go on with the issues of trying to fit the Minoans but I fail to see how one can overcome the basics like the location, the era, the sheer size or the presence of elephants, not to mention that the Minoan civilization did not disappear in a "day and a night" but lasted a century after the eruption of Santorini. This besides the fact that the Minoans were known to the Greeks, Plato's audience would hardly fail to recognize this.
As to my own approach, all I am doing is taking into consideration what Plutarch wrote, and others also repeated, not that Plato invented the tale but that he embellished it with fancy estates and things which never existed; there are other ancient sources and none of them include those anachronistic features like triremes and chariots. If this seems unreasonable to you, perhaps it is due to your own view being so intimately linked to those fantastical things like the giant canals or metal plated walls, the very things Plutarch is hinting at are pure embellishments?
Now as to your questions:
Yes I am perfectly willing to accept Plato's assigned date, or about 11,500 years ago (give or take a bit, I don't expect to restrain it to a specific year).
I am not aware of any other civilization that was as advanced as the one Plato describes in that time period, but thankfully we are not forced to look for a lost empire only by his description, there are other sources and these are vague enough that it is probable that more than one civilization was existing or co-existing at the very same time as Atlantis and as advanced as they. However my definition of "civilization" is probably not the same as yours. Damascus and Jericho were probably among the cities existing of Atlantis' time, among others.
Cactusjumper also wrote
All that I have read of Proclus was that he was a philosopher. Was Plato writing as a philosopher or a historian? Did Proclus ever write true history? In that respect both men seem to have been cut from the same to speak.
Um - is it a mark against a text as an history, if authored by a philosopher? Proclus' works are mainly commentaries, which in my opinion does not cast a shadow upon them for content. For that matter, Philo Judaeus of Alexandria, oh heck here is a site with a list of ancient sources on Atlantis:
Ancient sources of the Atlantis story
I would point out that few ancient historians wrote history purely as a narrative of events, without at least expressing personal opinions within it.
As to the war between the Athenians and Atlantians - again do not make the mistake of casting modern concepts onto ancient events; the Athenians were "leaders" of an "alliance" not the only people fighting against the conquerors, and we can not even be sure that they had a true city, much less any of the trappings of a civilization. A barbaric tribal people CAN overcome and defeat a more advanced, "civilized" people in warfare. Plato's description is vague on this "battle" so just how big a battle was it? Was it a thousand tribal warriors, ranged against a phalanx of Atlantians, or more, or less? We simply don't know, and it is treading off onto thin air to speculate about what actual event Plato was trying to describe.
Cactusjumper also wrote
True, but that birth was in its infancy. While nothing is impossible, there's not one thing that gives any hope that such wonders were, indeed, taking place in Paleolithic times. IMHO, you need to.....adjust Plato's story to make it fit into a proper era. Not only do you need an advanced civilization on Atlantis, but you would need to find another such place with the knowledge and power to defeat it at that time. When did Athens reach that level?
On the other hand, it's a great subject to discuss. I need the mental exercise.
Take care and keep warm,
Part of that was covered in the previous paragraph - but you are ignoring Plutarch and keeping all those embellishments, then insisting that we find an Atlantian empire and a matching one in Athens, which never existed. Athens rose to power and prominence as an advanced state after the war with Persia (about 480 BC) and by then the Minoans were long gone. May I ask
why you dismiss Plutarch, and by extension, Solon, as well as the rest of the ancient sources on Atlantis which do not include the advanced technologies? Is it so that we will always end up with NO Atlantis, because THAT Atlantis never did exist and you already know that? Or do you want someone to try to argue that it did?
As to the agriculture and state of domestication of livestock, I must respectfully disagree. Yes our modern historians state that period (Atlantis, end of the Ice Age) was the beginnings of agriculture, but this is based only on what evidence they have found, and certainly does not include ALL evidence of agriculture. Even at that, our historians are constantly pushing back the dates for the first domestications of various types of livestock (look up the recent discovery of horse domestication in Arabia for example) as new evidence is discovered. The fact that other peoples besides the Atlantians were starting to farm and raise livestock, means that it is entirely possible that a lost culture (Atlantis) was well ahead of their neighbors at the time, and in fact it may even be a clue supporting the reality of Atlantis, for
these "first" farmers may well have been trying to imitate what they saw (and-or heard) about in Atlantis!
Don Jose, el Tropical Tramp wrote
Can you explain why in your remnant islands etc, they themselves make no mention of calling themselves anything similar to Atlantis??
I must respectfully disagree on this point amigo, you will find that Herodotus and several other ancient geographers mention not one but several different peoples whom were all calling themselves either Atlantians and/or Titans/Tityans, at least as late as the first century AD. The fact that this memory of identity became lost over time, and is not preserved by later generations whom suffered invasions, conquest, famines etc and also lost the art of writing, is no surprise nor does it disprove their ancestry. The Atlas mountains of northwestern Africa too, reflect the former empire.
Don Jose de la Mancha also wrote
p.s.Roy --> In fact, we can take the story of Atlantis and exclude Plato completely, and you are still left with a powerful seafaring empire that existed in the Atlantic islands, which was destroyed quickly leaving us with a legend, and coincidentally matches up with what geologists and climatologists are now telling us about the ending of the last Ice Age
p.p.s.-->- ' that coincidentally fits that area today and called it Atlantis? ?
The area you refer to, may or may not be the correct site for Atlantis. There are other locations which may well be a better fit. If we had proof of mass subsidence in that area, then....?
Don Jose, Dueno el Tayopa also wrote
p.p.p.s. 100% completely healthy, according to the Tucson VA. Good for the next 70 years.
Some GOOD NEWS for a change! Two thumbs up amigo, and an extra cup of sock coffee for you!
Good luck and good hunting amigos, and to everyone, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.