
"Don Jose de La Cholla, you posted -->As written, I don't take any of Plato's Atlantis story as FACT.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~,

May I ask you for any "facts" proving the existence of King Solomons' mines, The Holy Grail, and on for many many other places, things, or happenings as recounted in the Bible or folklore, both of which 'have a disconcerting habit' of turning up ever so often.

Atlantis' time is coming as new equipment is developed. Course you could speed up things by diving down to it, only 12,000 ft.

Don Jose de La Mancha"

Don Jose,

I believe I have left room for the next turn of the spade in my comments
. On the other hand.........The science and, pretty good, equipment that we have today shows no sign that Atlantis, as described by Plato, ever existed. This despite a number of ocean floor surveys in that region looking for any truth in his story.

Many "facts/places" in the Bible have been proven.

On the other hand, archaeological evidence has been found on Thera and Crete which indicates that they were Plato's basis for most of his story. Like much of Plato's writings, he may have been putting forth the idea of the ideal society as opposed to any kind of reality. Like the shining city on the hill, it relates what might have been rather than any kind of reality. After all these years of speculation and searching, that seems to be the most likely explanation. Tomorrow may bring another explanation.

Is it your opinion that an island the size of Atlantis could sink more than 12,000 feet below the surface of the ocean, without leaving a trace of the event.:o

If that should happen, it will not only change some minor detail in earth's history, but will turn all that we know about mankind's history upside down. It will take more than some unsubstantiated claims on an Internet site to make that happen. :dontknow:

Take care,:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:



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Nice signature . An old greek proverb says : " When people make plans , Gods are laughing " .

Gentlemen: Coffee as usual

Cholla jumper, Marius, it has been stated over and over again "go to the basics or start of a story.

Quite evading the basic, what about the often referred to Egyptian writings ??

Once this is cleared up we can go to interpretations of them.

Remember popular opinion and scientific data show that the earth is flat,

Also explain how one of the Piri maps shows the Earth in a perspective as seen from space or high altitude ???

Might I ask how it shows the Antartic region ice free, which supposedly it hasn't been in the history of mankind ??

Thera, Santorini is not Atlantis.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Gentlemen: Coffee as usual

Cholla jumper, Marius, it has been stated over and over again "go to the basics or start of a story.

Quite evading the basic, what about the often referred to Egyptian writings ??

Once this is cleared up we can go to interpretations of them.

Remember popular opinion and scientific data show that the earth is flat,

Also explain how one of the Piri maps shows the Earth in a perspective as seen from space or high altitude ???

Might I ask how it shows the Antartic region ice free, which supposedly it hasn't been in the history of mankind ??

Thera, Santorini is not Atlantis.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Don Jose,

As I said......"It will take more than some unsubstantiated claims on an Internet site..." to establish where Atlantis is or is not. That is true, even if you are hawking some site.

Take care,


Don Jose

Don't exist enough evidences how Thera was Atlantis , but .... could be . After the other non existent places which could fit with the description of Atlantis , Thera is the most acceptable . I don't disagree with you at all , but find a place which fit with description of Atlantis ( the New Atlan in my theory ) and write how and why .
I believe if Atlan_tis was close to Spain , the remained alive atlantean people would not had emigrated to Central America but they would had choosen the Europe , a safest journey in a fertile land . But ever the warriors go back to the mother land and to their families , to describe the story of their quest and to make a new beginning .

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Well; BACK to SOLON, again... GREEK man of IDEAL society. Could his "Vision" of Atlantis be a UTOPIAN "dream" of an IDEAL society, in which MANY ancient cultures/societies/countries "focused on" (MAYBE embellished on)...? I am reminded of Bro. Sir Francis Bacon & his "vision" for America/USA as the NEW ATLANTIS? NO "concrete" evidence would be found of a City of Atlantis... LOTS of SYMBOLISM in Plato's tale of Atlantis. After-all, Plato was a GREAT Philosopher; and then, there is Sir Francis Bacon - NEW ATLANTIS...

Ladies & gentlemen" After coffee around, bk to the Basic question "DID Atlantis exist" and where did the Egyptians get their information . We will discuss it's culture after estabiishing it's existence. (Good post Rebel)

Don Jose de La Mancha

Don Jose,

Plato's greatest pupil, Aristotle, had this to say about Plato's story of Atlantis:

"The man who dreamed it up made it vanish." I believe that's a pretty good assessment of Atlantis.

Still waiting for all the coincidences you mentioned.:dontknow:

Take care,


1) Joe bk to the orig. What about Egypt's engravings from which Plato etc got their information

2) You can ony find what you are looking for ' if ' you know what you are actually looking for.!!

Don Jose de La Mancha

1) Joe bk to the orig. What about Egypt's engravings from which Plato etc got their information

2) You can ony find what you are looking for ' if ' you know what you are actually looking for.!!

Don Jose de La Mancha

Don Jose,

Can you tell me where you can find those engravings......Today? Which historical figures have mentioned seeing them?

Still no list of coincidences????

Take care,


Don Jose,

Plato's greatest pupil, Aristotle, had this to say about Plato's story of Atlantis:

"The man who dreamed it up made it vanish." I believe that's a pretty good assessment of Atlantis.

Still waiting for all the coincidences you mentioned.:dontknow:

Take care,


Joe; you are certainly free and welcome to believe what ever you wish concerning Atlantis, but it appears that you have incorrectly quoted your source.

If you are referring to Aristotle as Plato's "greatest student" remember that Aristotle was not really a member of Plato's school but followed his class around, and Plato referred to him as the "colt" whom "kicked his own mother". Aristotle did not leave us his written opinion on Atlantis.

The quote you referred to comes from Strabo, whom is himself quoting Posidonius, and the quote is taken out of context. Here is the full passage.

However, he (Posidonius) is right in attributing to earthquakes and other similar causes, which we also have enumerated, the risings, slips, and changes which at various periods come over the earth. He did well, too, in citing the opinion of Plato, ‘that the tradition concerning the Island of Atlantis might be received as something more than a mere fiction, it having been related by Solon on the authority of the Egyptian priests, that this island, almost as large as a continent, was formerly in existence, although now it had disappeared.’ Posidonius thinks it better to quote this than to say, ‘He who brought it into existence can also cause it to disappear, as the poet did the wall of the Achivi.’ (= Achaeans) (Geography 2:3:6, trans. Hamilton & Falconer)

Now does that sound like he (Posidonius, or for that matter Strabo) disbelieved? It does not sound that way to me.

I did not mean to answer for our amigo the Tropical Tramp, he is certainly capable of speaking for himself, just noticed that your quote there is apparently erroneous <out of context making it appear to be the opposite of the passage it came from>. Please do continue...
Roy ~ Oroblanco


Ladies and Gentlemen: Coffee?? Apparently the Atlantis time is quite recent but not recorded as we know, oe would like it Seems that humnns are now known to have been living In Britland for at least 800,000 years, far predating Atlantis. Question is how did they arrive there?

[h=1]Scientists find 800,000-year-old footprints in UK[/h] Friday, February 7th 2014, 3:03 pm
jill lawless - associated press

Don Jose de La Mancha

Joe; you are certainly free and welcome to believe what ever you wish concerning Atlantis, but it appears that you have incorrectly quoted your source.

If you are referring to Aristotle as Plato's "greatest student" remember that Aristotle was not really a member of Plato's school but followed his class around, and Plato referred to him as the "colt" whom "kicked his own mother". Aristotle did not leave us his written opinion on Atlantis.

The quote you referred to comes from Strabo, whom is himself quoting Posidonius, and the quote is taken out of context. Here is the full passage.

However, he (Posidonius) is right in attributing to earthquakes and other similar causes, which we also have enumerated, the risings, slips, and changes which at various periods come over the earth. He did well, too, in citing the opinion of Plato, ‘that the tradition concerning the Island of Atlantis might be received as something more than a mere fiction, it having been related by Solon on the authority of the Egyptian priests, that this island, almost as large as a continent, was formerly in existence, although now it had disappeared.’ Posidonius thinks it better to quote this than to say, ‘He who brought it into existence can also cause it to disappear, as the poet did the wall of the Achivi.’ (= Achaeans) (Geography 2:3:6, trans. Hamilton & Falconer)

Now does that sound like he (Posidonius, or for that matter Strabo) disbelieved? It does not sound that way to me.

I did not mean to answer for our amigo the Tropical Tramp, he is certainly capable of speaking for himself, just noticed that your quote there is apparently erroneous <out of context making it appear to be the opposite of the passage it came from>. Please do continue...
Roy ~ Oroblanco


Your quote is slightly different than mine, thus making you the one who has misquoted.....:laughing7: It may be that my sources have misquoted the original, but maybe not.:dontknow:

I don't think my not believing Plato's story of Atlantis is illogical or without substance. Plato's stories were about ideal places and societies, much like Disney World. They were not from the real world but were created out of Plato's ideas of the perfect place, much like Walt's.

I believe the story of Atlantis was a continuation of Plato's "The Republic."

My quote was not directly from Aristotle, but from a number of writers who claimed to be quoting him. Perhaps they are in error.:dontknow: There were many who believed the Atlantis story was a creation of Plato's imagination.....from that era.

On the other hand, I believe you are correct on where the quote came from.:notworthy:

Take care,


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