
yep...just found it

My friend who's into this stuff directed me to one odd website which claims that "in chapter LXXXV of the Book of the Dead, Thoth rules the "Western Domain," and by the end of the New Kingdom he is called "Lord of the West""...
I can't attest to how true or false that is because I lose my super powers when not in the library. The only copy of the book I have in my apartment is a notoriously erroneous version by Budge (that's what I've heard anyway, I can't attest to that personally either)

same site claims that thoth had an association with earthquakes and volcanoes...not sure how true that is, but I wouldn't be terribly surprised.
It's worth mentioning that there are numerous egyptian gods with a western association, but (if that site is correct) thoth is the only one who's called the "lord" of the west...he's certainly the only one I can think of...sooo, make of that what you will

Real de Tayopa wrote:
ORO you just have to be part Irish:

Hmm, which part? ( ;D :D) Just kidding amigo, and you are correct.

treasure_girl3 wrote:


might you know were in the book of the dead that it said this because i'm having a hard time finding it!

I see that our friend WilliamTheFinder (welcome back amigo and thank you) has already found it - I have an English translation but cannot get it at the moment, perhaps there is something online? (Anyone know of such?) The relevant chapter is Chapter LXXXV (85). The name Atlantis is not found in the Egyptian texts, but you might find a somewhat similar name Amentet. The earliest rulers of this land were known as "Auliteans" or "Aleteans" which is similar to Atlas. There are tidbits found in other Egyptian texts as well, including the Hymn of Rameses IV and Pyramid Texts.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,

WilliamTheFinder wrote:
anyone think the Aluetians might be involved?
Similar name there too.

Oh absolutely amigo, heck what other possible reason could their culture have been arrested/static for over 9000 years? ;D :D

<edit added later>
Just as a side point here William, as you have problems with name similarities, do you know what the Egyptians called the Hebrews? It wasn't Hebrews; in fact it appears to have been something more like Habiru or Abiru; rather different from Hebrew, though similar. Remember Plato included that bit about the names found in his tale of Atlantis, that Solon had found out the meanings of the original names, and changed them to Hellenic-sounding names? I know of one example of Greek alteration of an earlier name, for instance (there are many) Hippo (Regius) in North Africa was not originally named Hippo but Ubbo, but the sound was SIMILAR so they altered it a bit and in doing so changed the meaning of the name from 'a bay' to 'horse'. I could list more examples of this type but it would likely bore you to tears. So while you are dismissing any and all names that are not identical with Plato's versions, do consider that the name of Atlantis was likely NOT Atlantis originally but something similar, and that other peoples/cultures very likely did not refer to it as Atlantis.

It is funny you should bring up the Aleuts though, as their culture has a very long (if static) history; and do you know when they migrated to the Arctic, or from where? Thank you in advance...

I'm not sure why it has to be similar to "Atlantis" in any way. "Atlantis" would have been dumped on by 9,000 years of linguistic butchering, etymological evolution, and just plain name fabrication...a better example of exactly how screwed up the original name of Atlantis would be by plato's time is the well-known alteration of the enlightened master Kung' Fu-tzu into the westernized "Confucius" or "Zartosht" into "Zoroaster" (and that's after only 2,000 years!). A slightly more time-appropriate (very slightly) be the near total disparity between the egyptian "Wesir" or "Asar" and the modern rendition "Osiris'. (and we're not even sure that's how they pronounced it). these all sound similar, but not so's you'd catch them in passing...even people who know both languages like the back of their hand won't catch these similarities without years of training.

But really, I think what Plato's done in his story is more along the lines of what we still do to this day with regards to native American "Indians"...namely, name them after something familiar instead of taking the time to actually learn what they call themselves. He states point blank in his dialog that the island is named for the ocean it inhabits...and the name "Atlanta" or "Atlantis" has a tried and true history in Greek geography...if I'd heard of a nameless lost civilization in lake Ontario, I'd likely be tempted to name it "Ontaria" even though they themselves wouldn't have a name remotely like that.

Now, you could propose that the greek "Atlas" and "ocean of Atlas" has a 9,000 year etymology which preserved enough of the name that a westerner 11,000 years after the fact (and ignorant of the atlantian language) can recognize similar words on sight, but this seems in direct defiance to how linguistics actually works. Personally, I'd bet that the island Plato's referring to had a name that sounds nothing like "Atlantis".

Okay, now after reading this very long thread i have decided to reply. :coffee2:

Most think that Atlantis is right where tayopa said it would be ( forgive me if i mis-spelled your name please? ) Which is a good possiability. it may be Atlantis and then again it may not be. I am going to give you all a little bit of info.

this has always been my thought on where it was/is

Now Atlantis has been known to have magical crystals. Some believe that, some dont.

Ever heard of flight 19? Ships disappearing from radar? Plans just dropping off from radars?

ever hear of the Bermuda triangle ( spelling ??? )

you want to know why the bermuda triangle is so mysterious? On the city of Atlantis. they were magical crystals that had the foundations of the mysterious metal attached to the bottom. these crystals overheated, caused and electrical surge that then caused a event that soon wiped out the whole island and caused it to sink in 1 day. These crystals are still very much active. When anything with radars comes into contact with these crystals them equipment goes haywire, compases go crazy, needle stop, etc. This happens in the bermuda triangle. Flight 19 dis-appeared, as well as those who went to find the missing 5 planes., many ships have dis-appeared in this region. bermuda triangle is in the Atlantic i think?? Flight 19, as well as the many othjer ships and planes are well documented with the U.S. goverment. perhaps getting their last longetute and latetute then one could find the island of Atlantis? The crystals are that powerful that they are still emitting rays up out of the ocean that can make engine instruments go crazy.

Also i was told that the statue of liberty in new yoprk was found close or in the bermuda triangle and moved to new york. Was also told this was in the city of Atlantis. do not know if that is true or not :icon_scratch:

so anyone know where it was really found at? Anyone ever looked at the bermuda triangle or its ocean floor?

As to another way that Atlantis could have been sunk in one day is a global shift or what some say global pole shift. it happens once every so many years, and was told another one coming soon..

but then again i am just a dumb blood lol..


here yo.

bermuda triangle stargate to Atlantis

An American archaeological team has discovered definitive evidence of underwater ancient harbor remains at two separate locations at Bimini. A hoax begun in 1978 by skeptics has also been uncovered.

Near the new site is the Bimini Road, a misnamed J-shaped underwater formation of stone blocks. A careful search there yielded two stone anchors in the 1800-foot long stone formation “One of these is identical to unusual ancient Greek anchors found at Thera,” Little related. Several other artifacts were found, “but the most important finds directly contradict skeptical claims.” The team found numerous multiple tiers of blocks including one set of three on top of each other. “The top block has a U-shaped channel cut all the way across its bottom,” Little said. “The most definitive evidence was found under the massive blocks. We found rectangular slabs of smooth, cut stone literally stacked under several blocks. These were used as leveling prop stones. This is proof that the so-called Bimini Road was a breakwater forming an ancient harbor.”

Bermuda triangle stargate?

For underwater photos of Atlantis???? the following is at the site below with true underwater photos.

The possible accuracy of Aaron Du Val’s claims about the "Scott Stones" near Bimini certainly appears to fit this criteria quite nicely. If the Edgar Cayce readings are correct, the sinking of the West Coast will rise this area above sea level in due course, making the ruins much easier to explore.

Before Du Val, Charles Berlitz had already given pictorial and radar – based evidence for submerged step pyramids, megalithic walls and walkways, as well as a fantastic – sized tower, which Hermann believes to be the Tower of Ilta that is referred to in the Edgar Cayce readings.

The ruins of temples dated at 12,000 years old have been found near Bimini, Bahamas. Preliminary analysis has revealed that the original structures, although smaller in size than the Great Pyramid of Giza, appear to have been more advanced. Casing stones have been measured which are of the same unique angle as those at the Great Pyramid.

The ruins are megalithic and bear a remarkable resemblance to ancient sites in Egypt. So called "quarry marks" found in the Aswan quarries and also on the Great Pyramid, itself, appear to be identical matches with those found on the Bimini temple stones. Other characteristics closely match features at megalithic sites in Peru, the Yucatan, Ireland and Scandinavia. The stones are already drawing international attention and aggressive research and analysis projects are being set up which hope to commence more involved investigations shortly.

I may just be a dumb blond but somehow i think it is in the bermuda triangle :icon_scratch:


an interesting post, just a couple of queries

What was the purpose of the crystals you mention the Atlantians had, what were they used for, ?

with regards the Statue of Liberty, my reading of that is it was made by the french in pieces and shipped to the colonies -- Er-- States as a tribute to there independence after the war,


Hi Peerless,

Thanks for the link,

I had read various articles and seen programs on the Bimini road and theory of Atlantis being in the Andes,

but this is the first I've seen any mention of Atlantis and magic crystals in connection to the area within the Bermuda Triangle,


HOLA amigos,

As far as I could determine, the psychic known as "the sleeping prophet" Edgar Cayce is the source of the crystals linkage with Atlantis, and as far as I know there is no reference to anything like this prior to his report from a psychic reading. The story as Plato tells it has no real high technology other than some advanced plumbing - which does not prove that Atlantis did not have high technology or power crystals, only that I can not find any reference to this prior to Edgar Cayce. Since I haven't found any ancient source that mentions crystals and/or high technology connected with Atlantis, this makes me question whether we ought to connect it? However that old scientific adage "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" is all too true. Anyone know of any ancient source that reports such crystals? Thank you in advance.

White Dove - thank you for joining in, and we don't believe for a moment that talk about a "dumb blonde" as it is readily apparent from your posts that you are far from "dumb"!!! :wink: I have looked at the evidence suggesting that the "Bimini road" was really an ancient seaport, and am convinced this is correct. So in a sense at least, Edgar Cayce's prediction of Atlantis "rising" (or being found in part) corresponding to the discovery of the "Bimini road" (seaport) was also correct.

As far-out as it may sound that some of the mysterious disappearances and vanishings that occurred in the Bermuda Triangle, if there were some kind of machine/technology that was still functioning on the sea floor, perhaps causing ships to sink or aircraft to fall from the sky (or even more exotic, like opening a doorway or window through time and/or space or another dimension) such a device ought to be found and disabled if possible as it is extremely dangerous. We know that an electrical charge can be generated by pressure on certain types of stone (the piezo-electric effect) like quartz, as we use it in some sparking lighters for gas stoves and BBQs - what if this technology were taken to the next level?

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,

Hey Oro,
Ahhhh I'm not going to " volunteer " to unplug that thing in the triangle. It's a l i t t l e deep and I don't have any rubber shoes ;D ;D ;D

Your Amigo

Oro, are you familiar with the book, "The Giza Power Plant", by Christopher Dunn?
He believes the crystals in the granite of the great pyramid were manipulated in such a way that power was generated. He says that the granite beams which make up the ceiling of the king's chamber were tuned to the resonant frequency of the earth, which caused them to vibrate. This vibration activated the energy properties of the crystals. I know it sounds silly, but Dunn explains it in such a way that makes you think that it just might be true.
I don't believe in Edgar Casey, but there are a lot of crystals in the pyramid.
I just wondered if you'd read the book.

Btw, Christopher Dunn is a master craftsman and engineer with thirty-five years of experience. He is not a mystic.

furness said:

an interesting post, just a couple of queries

What was the purpose of the crystals you mention the Atlantians had, what were they used for, ?

with regards the Statue of Liberty, my reading of that is it was made by the french in pieces and shipped to the colonies -- Er-- States as a tribute to there independence after the war,



It was to power the city. It / they were used to bring their electricity to the whole city and to heat water for the plumbing inside their homes, etc. It was some type of hydro power but not used like we do. It was supposed to be greenie in , which what i mean is to protect the earth, but somehow something somewhere went all wrong, they shorted out and caused a lot of destruction. now where did i get this info? well i read it a long time ago on a science forum. I have been looking in my history on my computer to see if i can find the link, but i remember it so well because it amazed me and it just stuck in my mind. cause at one time i wanted to be an inventor and invent it somehow like Atlantist did but never got around to doing it. I do remember the scientist that had found this out was trying to get the money to invent it for his country and no i do not remember which country he was from nor his name :( .now i wish i had saved that page into my favorites :( If i could find that site you would be amazed at just how they said the city of Atlantis had power and electric. the reason they were called advanced in techno. was because they knew how to produce electric that would not require nuclear or any coal, and it was not by the wind either. it was the way they had put these crystals together with some type of metal. But heck when i read that page was when i first got to get on the internet, and was young and neive lol etc.

as for the statue of liberty i have no idea where i heard that at :icon_scratch:

Hi oro !

Peerless67 thanks for the link, however the Atlantist you are refering to is the second Atlantis. Some of the people on the first highly techno Atlantis was able to leave on ships. ( space ships called vimanas ) to the area in south America. They rebuilt what they could without the use of the power crystals. This second Atlantis is the one Plato refers to as the one in his sayings. This island ( part of the continant ) did sink because of a natural disaster.

Want proof of crystals and their magic?

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Want proof of Atlantis and their space ships? UFO evidence connected with Atlantis? You want a document, then here you go.

here you go.

the emerald tablets = Literal translation and interpretation of one of the most
ancient and secret of the great works of ancient wisdom. If you are interested in Atlantis then this is a great read. This is not the link i am looking for but a good read.


Hi White dove

Thanks for the links I'll have a read at that later, don't worry about not remembering where you read stuff, i read a lot and and years later still have a pretty good recollection of what i read, but can't remember where i read it,

Hi Oro

the piezo electric effect has also been used in reverse for speakers, and some were quite high quality units for tweeters in HI/FI,
i think some are still available,

The problem with finding anything underwater in the triangle is the sheer size of the area, from Bermuda across to Florida and down to the Caribbean islands,

although they did find one of the flight of Hellcats ? that went missing, it was on the news a few years ago and they identified it from the plate in the cockpit,


Allo peeps: No change, it is still where it has been proposed to be, NW of Britland. The TN members have found it !

Only this location fits all of the basic requirements, none of the others do.

Don Jose d e La Mancha

P.S. Hi white dove, La Paloma Blanca

Hi Jose,

shouldn't that be SW of Britland from the previous pics you've posted,
or have i missed a few posts somewhere, ??? or am i mixing britland up with somewhere else ???


Allo Furness: You have just confirmed my tiger's opinion, that I am NOT perfect. However I AM almost 99.9999 % perfect hehehhe. what's a little N or S ?

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s still studying certain data

you've been using bb's keyboard again haven't you'

thanks for the PS Real, any info gratefully received, even if it is only to say I'm bonkers, :):):)


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