Re: Atlantis (Long reply, extra coffee alert)
SALUDOS amigos,
This ended up being a
very long reply, so I beg your indulgence:
WilliamtheFinder wrote:
Okay, quick question. If we're accepting that Plato embellished, can't we just say he embellished the date and it only happened say, 2,000 or even 900 years prior to him?
Is that supported by the other sources? We don't have to accept that Plato embellished, that is Plutarch's opinion. Unfortunately, Plutarch did not specify exactly what he felt was embellishment, my reasoning was by comparing Plato's version with the relatively scant information available in other sources, which do not include the very detailed part about the circular island with surrounding circles of earth and sea etc. It seems you prefer the "
all or nothing'" approach, which is not likely to work out, as it has not worked out for any of the other Atlantis-hunters thus far.
WilliamTheFinder also wrote:
Even so,I think the only problem is that when we go down your road, there really isn't a way to even suggest that a given location is Atlantis: <snip>
I find your logic to be quite incomprehensible, especially considering that Plato did not give specific directions to locate the islands. They were west of the Pillars of Herakles, or opposite, etc which covers a very large area. Plato did provide a key element that would be extremely helpful in locating and identifying Atlantis, in his description of the size of the island. Unless a proposed location is of approximately that size, I would say that it cannot be Atlantis. Of course we can go with the "tenfold error" idea, which will
not make sense as you carry it through the description, and end up with about any quite small island could "fit". There is a location that does fit with Plato's description, already mentioned above.
As for the NAME problem, considering that the god was Atlas, the names would likely be similar to and/or derived from Atlas, hence the name of the island Atlantis. Plato also provided the root language in Critias, if you noticed it. It is a language with some limited similarity to Greek, but definitely not Greek. (The similarity led to some interesting changes - for example a city that was named "Ubbo" meaning "bay" which the Greeks pronounced as "Hippo" meaning "horse" but that is another topic.)
I would add here, concerning the date - there were several great floods in antiquity, as we now know; the flood caused when the Black Sea was suddenly filled, the same type when the Mediterranean basin was flooded, others caused by massive ice dams in North America and Asia giving way and releasing many cubic miles of ice-cold fresh water into the oceans very quickly etc. This too is echoed in Plato, as the Egyptian priest said while chiding Solon about the short Greek history:
In the first place you
remember a single deluge only, but there were many previous ones; so are we to dismiss this as some Egyptian fiction, or is it just possible that they did have records reaching back farther than Egyptologists are willing to admit?
WilliamtheFinder wrote:
I don't think anyone disputes that there were very warlike civilizations 9,000 years ago, and given the frequency of these tsunami's, earthquakes, and volcanoes, some of them must have been on an island that sank....
I beg to differ here amigo, and can assure you there are plenty of folks who would dispute that any human civilization existed 9000 years ago, much less 11,500 years ago when Atlantis is supposed to have existed. Among us here however, you are likely correct.
WilliamTheFinder also wrote:
I realize that nothing can be proven or disproved beyond all shadows of doubt, but it's really hard to make a case for any actual piece of evidence to point towards Atlantis if we accept that absolutely no-one got what I'd dub in this situation "Text One" or the closest thing therof. You might as well plant your flag on Santorini and say "Well I found it".
You seem to be back to the "
all or nothing" approach, and if this is what you insist on, then I wish you luck in your endeavor; you seem to be coming to us and ask us to provide the proof as you define it, and I am sorry to let you down amigo but
it is not really my task to try to convince you about where Atlantis is, what we must find there to prove it, nor the exact location. Our mutual amigo Don Jose' has proposed a location, which has some interesting points but we have nothing raised from the bottom of the sea at that location to show that it must be Atlantis. There are, BTW, plenty of folks who have indeed planted their flags on Santorini and claim 'I found Atlantis' in fact the tour guides are really pushing it. The fact that the island is certainly not past the Pillars of Herakles, was not in the right time period, not destroyed by earthquakes and floods but by volcanic eruption, was not the capital of the Minoan empire, was not destroyed in a single day but lasted a century etc are no stumbling block for these folks. You do not agree with my approach, which is fine in my book amigo and I really do hope you find the Atlantis that fits your specifications, heck I hope to be the first to congratulate you when you do.
WilliamTheFinder also wrote:
Thus far, Plato's account seems to be the only one in use to actually organize searches, determine locations, and rule out findings. The other ones seem to be called up only to verify that Plato was discussing a "true" event, with details liberally ignored or claimed as corrupted on a whim.
on a "whim" amigo? I thought I explained why certain details can be regarded as suspect, not that it is my personal "whim" or choice. If I were to choose to use that 'tenfold exaggeration' then that WOULD be on a personal whim/choice, since there is no sound argument to support accepting it.
Don Jose' Dueno de Real e Minas de Tayopa wrote:
Combining the two has a disturbing coincidence. A location of a mass under the sea almost precisely where legend places the sunken Atlantis, and it's size, conclusions?
I don't wish to discourage you in any way amigo, but I don't believe I can make any conclusions at this point. I would also respectfully disagree about your choice of words, as in "almost precisely where legend places the sunken Atlantis" as the ancient sources are actually quite
vague about the precise location. Almost anywhere in the Atlantic would do, so long as it had one large island of the size described, and it could also "fit" with some other islands/islets being a series of 'stepping stones' type islands by which a seafarer might travel to the Americas. There is a place that fits this quite well, and it was used in that very way by some ancient seafarers to sail to the Americas. I think you already know the place too, as most Irishmen know it due to an ancient Irish legend.
Don Jose' also wrote:
There has been no place put forth as Atlantis which comes anywhere near to fulfilling the basic requirements as this site.
SOOO, We have Atlantis, however much remains to be done, prob. not in my lifetime, but a start has been made
I respectfully disagree amigo, but do not care to specify here (have to keep a little of my research for the book) and in my opinion it is
premature to conclude that we now have Atlantis located; thus far we have a site that could fit - IF it was above water thousands of years ago, which remains un-proven. I do hope that you don't plan on leaving this mortal coil anytime soon....