
HOLA amigos,

CacheCrazy wrote:
Oro, are you familiar with the book, "The Giza Power Plant", by Christopher Dunn?

No in fact this is the first I ever heard of it - sounds like a rather "far out" theory but sometimes the most far out theory is correct - thank you for the tip I will have to hunt up a copy!

White Dove - thank you for the links too!

white dove said:
but then again i am just a dumb blood lol..


Thanks for that, so far I am the only one who has claimed to be blond. LOL

I never will claim to be dumb... but I have my moments.

LMAO, :wink:

HOLA amigos,

peterm wrote:
Plato got his story from Solon who got his story from Egyptian Hieroglyphs. According to the Egyptian story, a large island just to the north and west of Egypt was inhabited by an advanced civilization that ruled the eastern Mediterranean through commerce. This island can be none other than Crete which has been shown to have had an advanced civilization living there. Even today we do not know the real name of this group of people. They were given the name Minoan <snip>

PM it appears that you could be mis-informed; Solon obtained the story not from hieroglyphs but from Egyptian priests in the city of Sais; (A Greek philosopher named Crantor went to Egypt in search of the origins of Plato's story, and found the story recorded on columns in hieroglyphs, which might be the source of the confusion here.) the description of the island is contained within the two dialogues of Plato, titled Critias and Timaeus, and it certainly will not fit with a site north and west of Egypt in the region of Crete, but out in the Atlantic ocean. I am not debating the name of the Minoans with you, but they are surely not Atlanteans for they lived over 7500 years later and never controlled as large an area, with no area of Africa known to ever be under their domain which is clearly described by Plato as being under Atlantean control. If you are interested, both of Plato's dialogues are online (free) at:
Timaeus :
Critias :

I might have posted these links in this thread earlier, if so my apologies for repeating the post. It is a fascinating story, if you have never read them I think you will enjoy them. I hope this helps.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,

HOLA amigos,

PM I refer you to the source material of Plato's dialogues, (links provided above) and suggest that you read them before making conclusions. I did not bother to address your contention about the Pillars of Herakles, out of a desire not to irritate you overmuch, however again I refer you to check Plato, the Pillars he is clearly referring to are those we know today as the Straits of Gibraltar, and you can find additional proof in other ancient sources including Herodotus, Strabo, Ptolemy, Polybius, etc that the Straits were known in ancient times as the Pillars of Herakles; prior to this name they were known as the "Pillars of Briarius" (the "hundred-handed" Titan). If you do not find the relevant passages in Critias and Timaeus, I will be more than happy to post them here.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,

Petrem: HI, you posted->

It is people who don't believe in facts that keep the legends going for all of us to enjoy

Hmm what are facts on the legends / unknowns? If we had facts, they would not still be Legends / unknowns. Many legends etc have been proven to be true, but obviously not based upon pre-facts. The facts became known and "obvious" after they were deciphered and found.

With a touch of modesty, may I point out Tayopa? It has been found and is now owned by a TN member.

Don Jose de La Mancha

HIO: An interesting bit of data which makes the proposed location of Atlantis more logical. I have postulated that just north of the Azores is the location of Atlantis, in the giant Caldera at the junction of the three major tectonic plates.

It was asked if there had been any evidence of any seismic activity in the region. This bit of data from Japan indicates that indeed, at the junctions of tectonic plates, there are tremendous seismic activities such as the one that inundated Atlantis.

(posted data -->The northern Japanese island of Hokkaido is nestled up against the Kuril-Kamchatka trench, a place where the Pacific tectonic plate dives beneath the Eurasian plate, and home to terrible earthquakes in excess of magnitude 8.0. )

If two plates can do this, what can three do? "Sink Atlantis"?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa said:
HIO: An interesting bit of data which makes the proposed location of Atlantis more logical. I have postulated that just north of the Azores is the location of Atlantis, in the giant Caldera at the junction of the three major tectonic plates.

It was asked if there had been any evidence of any seismic activity in the region. This bit of data from Japan indicates that indeed, at the junctions of tectonic plates, there are tremendous seismic activities such as the one that inundated Atlantis.

(posted data -->The northern Japanese island of Hokkaido is nestled up against the Kuril-Kamchatka trench, a place where the Pacific tectonic plate dives beneath the Eurasian plate, and home to terrible earthquakes in excess of magnitude 8.0. )

If two plates can do this, what can three do? "Sink Atlantis"?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Hi :wave:

One Question. If Atlantis is Not in the Bermuda Triangle and the Crystals are not what is causing the planes and ships instrumental panels to go haywire as well as their compasses then what is causing it?

Is it a doorway to another diminsion? Is it a gateway to the star system? :dontknow:

Wow White Dove you sure know how to get into the meat of things quickly! I am sure not an expert in this field (which has never prevented me from spouting off huge posts before) but here goes....

OK - starting from If Atlantis is not causing the strange disappearances of the Bermuda Triangle, we have to find an alternate explanation. Science has been putting forth a few that might "fit" for certain losses, one being that masses of frozen methane on the ocean floor suddenly burst into bubbles of gas and escape to the surface, causing the sea to lose its bouyancy (making any ships in the path of the methane suddenly sink to the bottom in seconds) and any aircraft that might pass throught it to lose power to their engines from a lack of oxygen - and/or cause a detonation of the methane gas mixed with air from contact with any hot part of the aircraft engine.

I don't particularly agree that this theory will "fit" with many of the incidents, even though methane is widespread it is not everywhere in the region of the Bermuda triangle, and particularly the maps of methane deposits do not match up with maps showing the (approximate) locations of the missing planes and ships.

Then there is the "microburst" theory, in which tiny but powerful storms suddenly appear and sink ships or knock planes out of the sky in a matter of moments, only to blow themselves out and vanish. These have been documented in a few instances, so might "fit" for at least a few of the cases of vanishings. A big problem with it is that microbursts occur mostly in very warm weather, yet the incidents of disappearances seem to occur at any time of the year, with a fair number occuring in quite clear and calm weather. So we have another "maybe" that will fit for SOME cases.

Another idea might sound far-fetched but is based on sound science, and White Dove has already mentioned it - that the region happens to be a site where another dimension or "door" is located. Science has already granted that there are other dimensions of which we are unable to fathom (with current science) perhaps as many as six including one of "smallness" in which the entire Universe fits into a space no larger than a walnut. Time and space may be a single fabric, and the mass of the Earth (and the Sun and any other large planetary objects) do affect this fabric simply by spinning and moving through space, causing what they term "frame dragging" which in effect distorts space itself as well as time. In distorting it, this may cause "loops" or "wormholes" through which an object could conceivably slip accidently from sailing on the calm Caribbean sea into....? Some place in another dimension, which could be a time past or future, another planet or even another alternate universe. (Many scientists now believe that alternate universes can and do exist, occupying the same space as our own but being different.) To give an example of how this would work, the rotation of the Earth causes "frame dragging" of space-time, that drag happening in the Bermuda Triangle (along with the Great Lakes triangle and the Dragon's triangle off of Japan) so a person flying a small plane that crossed the event horizon of the frame-drag passes into the alternate universe. They would likely notice that things did not look quite right, rather like some of the transmissions of Flight 19 as they were on their way into the void.

There is even a bit of evidence that perhaps some of our lost travelers ended up traveling through TIME and found themselves in the past. (Like this stone Mortar and Pestle:

found in the California gold fields, and dating back 33 to 55 MILLION years! ) Remember Man is not supposed to have been around more than a million or two years. (from Forbidden Archaeology site:

However there are still other possible explanations, one being that those disappearances are the result of abductions by aliens. As far-fetched as that idea sounds, no one has ever returned to tell us what happened so it is as good as any other explanation. This is pure supposition on my part, but if a more advanced civilization were exploring space and discovered Earth, surely they would feel justified in obtaining a few specimens of the plants and animals, especially the most advanced critter on the planet. This is objected to by some on the grounds that such a civilization would surely land on the White House lawn and open direct communications, but think about it a moment and that seems unlikely. Do we get in touch with the alpha male of a Chimpanzee tribe before grabbing one for testing or for our Zoos? Of course not, we consider ourselves much more advanced than any Chimp and the ape would have no chance of understanding our motives and actions, seeing it only as some strange beings taking away Chimps without asking, and that is likely how any advanced Alien space explorers would view us. The Bermuda Triangle is considered a "hotspot" for UFO sightings and the mysterious USOs, so perhaps this explanation is not quite so far-fetched as it appears at first glance.

Then there is the old standard skeptic answer to all such disappearances - it was just a case of a ship running aground or swamping in a storm, likewise with airplanes, they hit a downdraft or ran out of fuel etc in every case. Nothing mysterious at all, just poor sailors and pilots. Just my opinion but that flippant explanation only shows a person too lazy to actually investigate the facts involved.

On the other hand, if Edgar Cayce had it right, then Atlantis had some very dangerous machines that are still operating there, and it would be in our best interests to locate these machines and put them out of operation if possible. I do suspect that he got part of his prediction right - Bimini is a good candidate for the western part of Atlantis, along with Andros island nearby. There are geoglyphs in Andros that are (in my opinion) very likely left by Atlanteans.

Gosh sorry for that long-winded post amigos, I hope I didn't bore anyone to tears just yet! Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,

Nice post ORO :thumbsup:

I will make this short as i have got to get in bed and get some rest 4:17 am here.

What happens if it is in fact micro bursts or other things and an earthquake strikes the Bermuda triangle?

will earth explode? IF it is a doorway to other diminsions, will it suck earth into it like sucking a tootsi roll pop? will it pull out all our water and the earth turn upside down with one big gigantic hole in the earth? :dontknow:

What if it is indeed Atlantis and is indeed having a high tech weapon, what happens if this weapon gets hit by an earthquake?

bible says there will be earthquakes in divers places ( meaning water ) look at how many is happening right now, causing those huge tidal waves that have in our distant past killed many in India. What happens if an earthquake hits Bermuda? :dontknow:

Thank you for the kind words White Dove! You have posed another question which is not easy to answer, but here goes....

White Dove wrote:
What happens if it is in fact micro bursts or other things and an earthquake strikes the Bermuda triangle?

Well that is a difficult question, but we know that micro bursts are extremely violent storms that are very small (a few acres or even less sometimes) so the effect combined with an earthquake would be...? Earthquakes have hit Bermuda and within the Bermuda Triangle, a quite significant one struck in 1978. My guess would be that the earthquake would possibly cause a tsunami or even a mega-tsunami (should the volcanic island of Bermuda actually collapse into the sea) which would be extremely devastating all over the Atlantic coasts of the Americas, Africa and Europe.

White Dove also wrote:
will earth explode? IF it is a doorway to other diminsions, will it suck earth into it like sucking a tootsi roll pop? will it pull out all our water and the earth turn upside down with one big gigantic hole in the earth?

First part, I would guess that Earth would not explode, though the molten core of the planet is under tremendous pressures and is hot, it seems to have a natural way of relieving excess pressure in the form of volcanic eruptions. Second part - I would have to say YES it could actually "pull" or "slide" Earth into an alternate Universe, and in fact this might have happened more than once in our past. Unless you happened to be standing on the 'event horizon' you would be completely un-aware that anything significant had happened, but "history" would take a change on the passing of the horizon. In this case (as bizarre as this sounds) as Earth slipped into another Universe which is nearly identical, the alternate-Earth would be slipping into the universe as the planets and universes actually occupy the exact same space, just in different dimensions. How many times have there been significant turns of history? Just within the past 50 years, there are quite a number of 'world-shaking' events, such as the Kennedy assassination. Who doubts that history would have unfolded quite differently had one bullet missed, even by an inch? I don't know if I believe this theory but it is interesting. If the "frame-dragging" should happen to overlap a Black Hole, then it is conceivable that the Earth or some significant portion of it could be pulled out of this dimension and into the Black Hole (and thus destroyed utterly) but that would not "fit" with the Alternate Universe theory since no Black Hole is that close to us.

White Dove also wrote:
What if it is indeed Atlantis and is indeed having a high tech weapon, what happens if this weapon gets hit by an earthquake?

Well if it is Atlantis, and there is some high-tech weaponry located there that is still somehow functioning, HOPEFULLY an Earthquake would cause it to be busted and become non-functioning. Most "high-tech" devices and technology are surprisingly FRAGILE and not robust in any way, so in practice when some significant shock strikes them or even such mild problems as high humidity or too much dust will often knock high-tech out of action. Military weaponry however is usually built to a higher standard of robustness, BUT even our best hi-tech gadgets often konk at the worst possible moment from a hard shock or dust etc. This is one factor that makes such a high-tech weapon from Atlantis still functioning less likely - but we can not say it is impossible.

White Dove also wrote:
bible says there will be earthquakes in divers places ( meaning water ) look at how many is happening right now, causing those huge tidal waves that have in our distant past killed many in India. What happens if an earthquake hits Bermuda?

Hmm well my Bible spells that "diverse" with an "e" ***and has a somewhat different meaning but I get your point - if a large earthquake were to strike Bermuda, it is possible that the island would collapse into the sea (it is actually a sea-mount, and has had parts subside in the distant past) which would cause mega-tsunamis like has never been seen in recorded history, that is unless we count the destruction of Atlantis some 11,500 years ago. Anyone living on a coast located anywhere around the Atlantic would be in severe danger. This is not the only island that is threatening this disaster either, for the Cumbre Vieja volcano on the Canary Island of La Palma has also subsided in the past causing such massive waves across the Atlantic that they actually changed the shape of many islands in the Bahamas. However we don't know if such an event will occur tomorrow or ten thousand years from tomorrow, and even if it does, we will have at least several hours to try to evacuate our Atlantic coasts. For the purposes of a Biblical "End of Days" it would sure do much of the destruction, no doubt. However I have hope for the future of Mankind in spite of these threats, for we know that the same God who can cause this destruction would not destroy evil Sodom and Gomorrah if only ten good people could be found there (they couldn't find that many there of course) so as long as we have at least a few good folks I would bet that this same God will not destroy the whole world.

***- in the time of King James, when the King James Version translation of the Bible was done, "diverse" was spelled "divers" without that last "e".***

I welcome any corrections or additions or alternate answers to these questions, this was just my attempt to address them.

good morning Whte Dove: Oro, curse his sheep luvin, stinkin, interferring, lousy camp making coffee, hide, has already anticipated my reply ehehehehhe

Don Jose de La Mancha


Hey if only they were all SHEEP - those danged cattle are as wild as deer and way WAY more dangerous critters to have to fool with. ::) :D ;D

I FOUND ATLANTIS!!!!!!!!!!!! I FOUND ATLANTIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FOUND ATLANTIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My kids had watched it and it somoehow got kicked under the couch. Thank heavens the collection is complete again.... LOL

Pics included:


  • atlantis_s.webp
    12.3 KB · Views: 652

Ahhh...CITY FOLK :o ::) ;D :D :tongue3:

SIGH: Aced again by that, that, hmmm., Wyoming cowboy./ sheep boy. Go clean the barn out or make coffee ORO heheheheheh

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. cute one hehehehehh

Re: Atlantis... ??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!

:o Does kydave know about this? ??? ANYONE, in Kentucky? ???

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