Lordy, Lordy
What has this thread turned into, lol .
Brokeback mountain? city slickers, legend of curlys gold?
Okay, i still think it is in the Bermuda Triangle... Just way too much stuff happening there, Too much things going wrong, too much planes, ships disappearing without explanations, etc. Atlantis was a place of mystery, mysterious happenings, they all tie in to Bermuda Triangle.. I do not suppose me saying that i am part physic myself would help convince anyone either

but i am physic, seen both my cousins get killed in car wrecks 2 weeks before it happened, seen my trailer burnt 2 weeks before an Arsonist set it on fire and burnt everything i had in it up, including the only photos i had of my mom who passed away from having cancer when i was 15 years old, Seen a murder take place in a church parking lot ( a church i happened to attended and thought it was me that was about to get killed, told the minister i was afraid i was going to get shot because i seen it happen but the image was so fuzzy i could not tell who it was, he did not believe me, i left that chuirch, then 2 weeks after the minister left a lady i had went to church with there had gotten shot and killed as well as her 4 year old daughter, etc ) so yep.. i am part physic.. sometimes it is good to see things other times it is not so good to see things.. now enough about me and my abilities.
Atlantis is buried under the waters in the Bermuda Triangle. Atlantis is much larger then told in the history books and writings, the mysterious crystals are very real and emiting dangerous rays out into the upper atmosphere. It is not just hairspray and things that are destroying our atmosphere, these crystals have a major part of what is destroying it. please do not ask me to explain it? i just know. You do not have to believe any of it if you so chose not to believe it. Obama will be our next president.. he is the last president we will ever have. He will make all of us to worship him and be muslum. He will stage a UFO invasion, this is already being done behind the scenes. this in turn will allow all countries to ban together as one world goverment to fight the aliens ( which are fake ) . Bible says their will be a strong delusion, well the strong delusion is the staged aliens landing here on earth to take over the World. Anti-christ = Obama, stands for blessed one = anti-christ = will be mixed race= obama= white and black parents, muslum and other religions= People will flock to him like bees to honey= obama= has crowds drawing to him like bees to honey, a change you can believe in? you better believe a change is coming, both to America and the World.. if Obama does not make president then i can officially say that for the first time in my entire 36 years of life i was wrong. Gas will continue to be higher and higher, shortages will continue, hurricans will be much worser this next year 2009, tornadoes, wildfires, and floods will take out many people this next 2 years. Volcanoes will erupt that have not be active for many years, including 2 we know not about yet! This next 2 years you will see what i write here is very much truth and when you look back upon these words i write in 2010 and if you can handle the truth of what comes next in the year 2011 feel free to pm me.

believe it or not? that is your choice but it is about to happen.... prepare for it, cause my friends the Lord is about to return! * unless the days be shortened *
Sorry for the bit of preaching there my friends, but just remember this, these are trying times but the Lord will make things right, just do not lose your faith.
Atlantis is in the bermuda triangle!