Are You Ready For The "Walking School Bus"?

I saw a discussion on the merits of walking to school versus the merits of the bus drive. Since the dangers of walking seemed to have been exaggerated to me, I pointed out that sometimes the danger is on the bus. I actually said that the bus driver had been suspended because of the behaviour when driving, including his treatment of a small boy. I do not see what was "off-topic". I had assumed that it was a general discussion and other perspectives were welcome.

I saw a discussion on the merits of walking to school versus the merits of the bus drive. Since the dangers of walking seemed to have been exaggerated to me, I pointed out that sometimes the danger is on the bus. I actually said that the bus driver had been suspended because of the behaviour when driving, including his treatment of a small boy. I do not see what was "off-topic". I had assumed that it was a general discussion and other perspectives were welcome.

So, we don't need fewer, but rather we need more people handling children? If the powers who choose who does and does not drive the school bus can't get that hire right - likely from being overburdened - let's multiply the number of applicants so we can multiply the number of folks who slip through the job application process?

Oh, and while we're at it, let's make the whole process less efficient because the increased numbers will mean less background checks.

Pedophile's nirvana.

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I didn't think school bus drivers had anything to do with the original Post.

"Children Walkers" pretending they are a Bus, and being lead down the sidewalks was.

Because someone wants to tell people how to Parent, for their resume .
I think all these wanna Be psycologists etc, writing books on how to parent,
and talk show hosts pretending they know more then everyone else,
are the real problem.

100 years ago people raised their own kids without reading a book.

Oh ! The Horror :o

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I didn't think school bus drivers had anything to do with the original Post.

"Children Walkers" pretending they are a Bus, and being lead down the sidewalks was.

Because someone wants to tell people how to Parent, for their resume .
I think all these wanna Be psycologists etc, writing books on how to parent,
and talk show hosts pretending they know more then everyone else,
are the real problem.

100 years ago people raised their own kids without reading a book.

Oh ! The Horror :o

Yeah, mostly true except they did read a book, it just wasn't a book on "child psychology".

I suspect most of the people who wrote those books, like Dr. Spock, were just mad because they got spanked for being bad.

As I remember, I wasn't too happy about getting a spanking either, but pretty glad someone cared enough to take the time to teach me instead of parking my butt in front of a TV.

Besides, you got lots of exercise both mentally and physically. Trying to outrun mom was fun and burned lots of calories. When you got caught you attempted to reason with her how you shouldn't get a spanking this time, then look at all the energy spend jumping around while she held your arm and introduced you to a new peach switch or that belt she got on sale at the five and dime.

And as for the PC folks, a peach switch does no real harm it just stings (one ID10T I knew likened a peach switch to a Taiwanese caning where they beat you unconscious ... suspect they were spanked for being bad but never grew up). If you want to start piling on with such foolishness, we'll start looking at the rapid decline in respect for one's fellow citizens that has resulted from the hands off approach of most of today's parents.

You know, the same ones who want to put their child on a leash but let their dogs run free.

shadow, me thinks you worry too much

shadow, me thinks you worry too much

Perhaps, but me thinks there is too much going on NOT to worry about it. After all, I am the parent of a teenage girl. I wish she could have grown up in the world I did, where she could blossom without the way things are today.

As I told her what would happen to the boy she likes should he ever get our of hand: I have a shotgun. I have a shovel. I have an alibi.


Now back to the thread and the statements in my last post ---

Just a waitin' for that whinner to come along ....

ok a teenage girl is a worry.. you have my sympathies

As I told her what would happen to the boy she likes should he ever get our of hand: I have a shotgun. I have a shovel. I have an alibi.

Should of just told her that her boyfriend is playing cards with jimmy Hoffa.

The big question here is will the walking school bus stop at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, or will those kids continue to ride to school in a bullet proof limo with a couple of hopped up SUV's filled with armed guards following. Frank...

PS. 111-2 700 head of old man.jpg It looks like do as I say, not as I do.

The big question here is will the walking school bus stop at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, or will those kids continue to ride to school in a bullet proof limo with a couple of hopped up SUV's filled with armed guards following. Frank...

PS.View attachment 831458 It looks like do as I say,
not as I do.

You got it Frank. We can't expect the ruling class to have their kids intermixed with ours now can we?

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I hope the picture showed up. On my end it just shows a box where I placed the picture...

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