Are You Ready For The "Walking School Bus"?

Let me get this straight:

This is a bad idea because of the dangers that might be lurking around every street corner? Then you say that due to these ever present dangers, the fact that the adults who are supervising the kids are unarmed further makes this a bad idea?

Give me a freaking break...

You all know as well as I do that the only real issue with this idea is that Michelle Obama is connected to it.

We are talking about kids walking to school here. It's just an idea - not a mandate. You don't have to inject negativity and fear into every single aspect of life.

Jersey, allow me some credit here would you? Many places this is a really dangerous thing to do. My family has been severely affected by evil. I hope yours never is...

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Well, here's how I look at this. My 5 kids rode the bus. It's about 8 miles to the school complex. The average adult walks app. 2.5 MPH, the kids maybe 2 MPH. Let's see , that would be app. 4 hours each way. I don't think she understands rural. Frank...

111-1 profile.jpg

Jersey, allow me some credit here would you? Many places this is a really dangerous thing to do. My family has been severely affected by evil. I hope yours never is...

Sent from my SCH-R930 using Tapatalk 2

I can understand that in certain instances, people might not feel safe enough to do this. I completely understand that and I think a program like this SHOULD be completely voluntary.

I just don't appreciate it when people overreact and say things like "FFLOTUS". It serves no purpose in context of this conversation and makes people go on the defensive.

I can understand that in certain instances, people might not feel safe enough to do this. I completely understand that and I think a program like this SHOULD be completely voluntary.

I just don't appreciate it when people overreact and say things like "FFLOTUS". It serves no purpose in context of this conversation and makes people go on the defensive.
Well Jerseyben,
Well let's think this out. It is to dangerous in the city because of dope, race problems, weird child molestors, etc. Now lets look at rural. Maybe 4 hours walking for the kids each way not to mention, no sidewalks. Now just where would you say this would work? Frank...

111-1 profile.jpg

I just don't appreciate it when people overreact and say things like "FFLOTUS". It serves no purpose in context of this conversation and makes people go on the defensive.

She's called people like my kid fat, she's insulted the intelligence of many people ... we aren't the ones who screwed up the school lunch program.

Who wants to eat greenbeens that crunch?

I used to eat lunch at the school because I cared for 4 handicapped children during the day, so I know about the crunchy lima beans, the black (as in burned) ground beef, the lasagna without cheese. With all the government cheese ... our school district was stingy when it came to the kids. Of course, if you ate in the teachers' dining room there were several different cheeses as well as fresh veggies etc.

Look to the right place to figure out what's wrong? No, just jump on anyone who exposes any bit of the foolishness of the current goofs in charge.

OM revolting...crunchy green beans...just like god gave you....who wants to eat that.....ewwwwwwwwwwwwww

crime upon the young is a big issue with this attempt to create healthy children...but if they had adult shaprones...I love the idea...get the little people away from the tv trays full of garbage.

make them eat spinach too.

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OM revolting...crunchy green beans...just like god gave you....who wants to eat that.....ewwwwwwwwwwwwww

crime upon the young is a big issue with this attempt to create healthy children...but if they had adult shaprones...I love the idea...get the little people away from the tv trays full of garbage.

make them eat spinach too.

Hay, I loved the spinach. Mixed it with butter and mashed potatoes. I think it was the popeye comics that encouraged it. Frank...111-1 profile.jpg

OM revolting...crunchy green beans...just like god gave you....who wants to eat that.....ewwwwwwwwwwwwww

crime upon the young is a big issue with this attempt to create healthy children...but if they had adult shaprones...I love the idea...get the little people away from the tv trays full of garbage.

make them eat spinach too.

Do you know Stockpicker? --- You appear after stocky is banned and you attach yourself to me just like him ... wow! What a coincidence!

Just for reference, all green beans served in public schools come from cans, precooked. Not from the local garden or farmer's market.

BTW - WTHeck are "Shaprones"? Websters couldn't help me

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BTW - WTHeck are "Shaprones"? Websters couldn't help me

Chad you should know by now picking about someones spelling errors are not appreciated here.

I'm sure by his post you know what he meant & what Chaperones are.
even when spelled phonetically

Last edited:'s ok to pick on the learning disabled...but I corrected it for you...feel better? superiority intact?

oh...the last sign on name I used on treasurenet is pippinwhitepaws...the one and only...secretcanyon is only my second...
guess who is dipped in paranoia?

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They tell us we are spoiled, that gasoline is not too high, and now they training the kids for a chain gang..............anything after this would be pointless to say. Im glad I have someone looking after me in the gont. I dont know what we did before that.

tempting .... but I must watch what I say here.

I would really prefer you wouldn't make this about her. Her head is much too big already (not literally, but she has what we cajuns call "the big head"). The reason it is a bad idea is because it's foolish.

you forgot one word, goes at the end of your statement .... YET!

No fear, no negativity. It is already stuffed with stupidity, so I don't need to add anything there .... kinda like a black president and a black attorney general complaining about how black people are being mistreated. It's like Jesse Jackson, what's his name 1 and what's his name 2 complaining about Trayvon Martin being killed for assaulting someone not black while ignoring Marly Lion's cold blooded murder by three black men while he was in his own parked vehicle. Does anyone else see stupidity in the inequality here?

oh yeah, no politics here ( need a smiley rolling his eyes)

Chad you should know by now picking about someones spelling errors are not appreciated here.

I'm sure by his post you know what he meant & what Chaperones are.
even when spelled phonetically

My apologies.

Jeff, follow my posts of late, and you'll see another name in this thread always appears after mine regardless of the forum posted in.

Can we use tweezers here? I need to remove something from my backside ....

oh yeah, no politics here ( need a smiley rolling his eyes)

My first statement was at the attempt to get me to post off topic, on something that should be left in the 2nd Amendment forum.

The second statement is my personal opinion of someone who does not hold elected office and therefore is just voicing her opinion. I am free to do that until this country no longer allows free speech.

Third line is a statement of fact. Anything that starts out voluntary with gooberment eventually becomes mandatory .... like seat belts. Always wore them before it became the law that I must wear them. It isn't really their purview to intrude that far into anyone's life.

The fourth statement is 100% fact. It isn't political, racial, or anything else other than fact. They could be white, brown, red, black, purple or green with red spots. It is an effort to divide based on race, while ignoring a 180 degree mirror image of what happened to Travan. That borders on criminal, not political.

Jeff Gordon, like the avatar-- but you could have picked a better pirate.

yeah I see your dilemma, you want to talk about the pres and his wife and atty general, but the thread has no relation to 2nd amdmnt.
true, she wasn't elected to anything, and like you she has the right to an opinion.

when i read a 2nd forum thread I know what to expect. when I read other forums I expect not to read your political opinions

and I suppose my voicing divergent ideas than yours makes me picker? or who?

My first statement was at the attempt to get me to post off topic, on something that should be left in the 2nd Amendment forum.

The second statement is my personal opinion of someone who does not hold elected office and therefore is just voicing her opinion. I am free to do that until this country no longer allows free speech.

Third line is a statement of fact. Anything that starts out voluntary with gooberment eventually becomes mandatory .... like seat belts. Always wore them before it became the law that I must wear them. It isn't really their purview to intrude that far into anyone's life.

The fourth statement is 100% fact. It isn't political, racial, or anything else other than fact. They could be white, brown, red, black, purple or green with red spots. It is an effort to divide based on race, while ignoring a 180 degree mirror image of what happened to Travan. That borders on criminal, not political.

Jeff Gordon, like the avatar-- but you could have picked a better pirate.

ohhhh so it's not about color? then if I go back I should find your posts about President Bush referring to him as the WHITE president? and the WHITE AG?

yeah I see your dilemma, you want to talk about the pres and his wife and atty general, but the thread has no relation to 2nd amdmnt.
true, she wasn't elected to anything, and like you she has the right to an opinion.

when i read a 2nd forum thread I know what to expect. when I read other forums I expect not to read your political opinions

FLOTUS, she can express an opinion different than mine. I can criticize, just like you can criticize my opinions.

As for the other folks, they are acting in a way to say both "I'm the boss" and "I'm discriminated against". It is one or the other not both.

Listen read and understand what you are taking in.

and I suppose my voicing divergent ideas than yours makes me picker? or who?

Nope, makes you Jeff Gordon. You don't follow me from thread to thread. You don't make it your business to attack me, even though my first post directed at you was downright mean. I was wrong in what I said, no room for excuses.

People don't have to agree with me, and your opinion can differ from mine. Once the personal jabs start though, I don't mind playing that game so long as the one who starts it doesn't go crying to the mods or making unfounded accusations.

I'm a BIG boy ... in more ways than one. I walked or rode my bike to school almost every day. Didn't need to be on anyone's leash.

ohhhh so it's not about color? then if I go back I should find your posts about President Bush referring to him as the WHITE president? and the WHITE AG?

Really didn't have a problem there, but do as you wish.

I don't see anything mean towards me, we're good.

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