Are You Ready For The "Walking School Bus"?

really have no problem with you personally, just with some statements.
And maybe because I make a joke anything near politics it gets deleted, but if you are against the current WH occupant, it's ok. Not your fault about that.

Actually I may have brought up Michelle Obama first but not trying to stir any pots of green beans ,broccoli,spinach or anything,just stating why I think this walking bus thing is not feasible in many areas.

Actually I may have brought up Michelle Obama first but not trying to stir any pots of green beans ,broccoli,spinach or anything,just stating why I think this walking bus thing is not feasible in many areas.

Personally since it's her idea, maybe she should chain her kids together &
lead them on a leash around DC for a few days

Now that WOULD be punishment as they're both boys,almost 28 and 30 years old,lol!

really have no problem with you personally, just with some statements.
And maybe because I make a joke anything near politics it gets deleted, but if you are against the current WH occupant, it's ok. Not your fault about that.

I can see where that would be frustrating Jeff,I've been there(on a very liberal board)before and gotten deleted time and time again.I've never seen you be nasty or insulting though ever.

Firesign Theatre , there's a name I haven't hear since the 70's :laughing7:
only one I really remember was Don't Crush that Dwarf Hand Me the Pliers

Now that WOULD be punishment as they're both boys,almost 28 and 30 years old,lol!

lol i thought she had girls ? Were they just Rentals for the campaign ? :tongue3:

I can see where that would be frustrating Jeff,I've been there(on a very liberal board)before and gotten deleted time and time again.I've never seen you be nasty or insulting though ever.

I suppose that's what gets me going. I made a joke the other day about the pres and it got deleted right off. but shadow gets into black pres and such.
no worries, I don't need more enemies

but woman, stop coming on to me! I have been mean, I am a bad man. All should beware!!

lol i thought she had girls ? Were they just Rentals for the campaign ? :tongue3:
Dang me and my speed reading again! Jeff of Pa I thought you were messing with me and telling me I should Chaim MY kids together for punishment in mentioning Michelle Obama.:laughing7: Yes Jeff-Gordon you should be whipped with a piece of wet broccoli.:tongue3:

Wasn't the man who kidnapped those young girls in Cleveland a school bus driver? And wasn't he suspended for attacking a boy on it?

Wasn't the man who kidnapped those young girls in Cleveland a school bus driver? And wasn't he suspended for attacking a boy on it?

Possibly, so instead of one school bus driver who might be evil taking those 50 kids to school, lets get 5 "drivers" (this stuff makes me think of the old cattle drives in a western) for each 50 kids thus increasing the likelihood of getting an evil person taking these children to school.

No, wait, that math isn't right. There will be 2 adults for each "bus", so multiply by 10 not 5.

No, no, no!!! I forgot that these "pairs" of "drivers" will come in groups of 3-5 different pairs so that would be 30 to 50 times the likelihood that an evil person would be "driving" the cattle --- I mean children --- to school.

"Head em up, move em out!"

Possibly, so instead of one school bus driver who might be evil taking those 50 kids to school, lets get 5 "drivers" (this stuff makes me think of the old cattle drives in a western) for each 50 kids thus increasing the likelihood of getting an evil person taking these children to school.

No, wait, that math isn't right. There will be 2 adults for each "bus", so multiply by 10 not 5.

No, no, no!!! I forgot that these "pairs" of "drivers" will come in groups of 3-5 different pairs so that would be 30 to 50 times the likelihood that an evil person would be "driving" the cattle --- I mean children --- to school.

"Head em up, move em out!"

Do you actually believe this stuff or are you just trying to get a reaction from people?

Wasn't the man who kidnapped those young girls in Cleveland a school bus driver? And wasn't he suspended for attacking a boy on it?

Do you actually believe this stuff or are you just trying to get a reaction from people?

See your compadre's post above yours. I didn't start the silliness, I just expanded on his attempt at justification. You know, you can't trust a bus driver. So, if we can't trust one, can we really trust 30-50 different drivers for the same job?

Please answer for you bud.

See your compadre's post above yours. I didn't start the silliness, I just expanded on his attempt at justification. You know, you can't trust a bus driver. So, if we can't trust one, can we really trust 30-50 different drivers for the same job?

Please answer for you bud.

1. The only person I see being "silly" is you. Refering to kids as cattle, making up some sort of bizarre mathematical calculation about which bus driver is likely to be evil?

2. Compadre? I don't know "smithbrown" nor do I agree with his logic.

3. It appears as though you are attempting to discredit "smithbrown" with your post. If this is correct, then you are doing it in a very bizarre way - thus I misinterpretted your statement.

Moving on...

I don't agree with this, But, I also don't see the paranoia over strangers either.

In the first place think about what these so called "Walking School Bus's " would require,
and it should be obvious this whole thing makes no sense. & is stupid .
You want young kids to get exercise ? Lengthen their Recess & let them play cops & robbers,

to make kids Walk to school who are any extreme distance from school,
They would need Parental Wavers

They would either have to Shorten or Lengthen the school day
for the ones walking.

If at any Distance ?

if they were to Implement it, Expect it to be a show off parade type thing
made up of either kids who already live within a couple blocks & walk to school themselves,
Or the buses would park a Block down from the school & make the kids walk the block to school
& it would all be done in front of media for PR for You know who.
and $$$ for the school

like maybe an annual "Walking School Bus" day where the kids will have to
soak there Parents & relatives for Donations, for the amount of blocks they walk
to school on a particular day. from a mall parking lot to the school.

Add to that streets will be shut down for the event.

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I don't agree with this, But, I also don't see the paranoia over strangers either.

In the first place think about what these so called "Walking School Bus's " would require,
and it should be obvious this whole thing makes no sense. & is stupid .
You want young kids to get exercise ? Lengthen their Recess & let them play cops & robbers,

to make kids Walk to school who are any extreme distance from school,
They would need Parental Wavers

They would either have to Shorten or Lengthen the school day
for the ones walking.

If at any Distance ?

if they were to Implement it, Expect it to be a show off parade type thing
made up of either kids who already live within a couple blocks & walk to school themselves,
Or the buses would park a Block down from the school & make the kids walk the block to school
& it would all be done in front of media for PR for You know who.
and $$$ for the school

like maybe an annual "Walking School Bus" day where the kids will have to
soak there Parents & relatives for Donations, for the amount of blocks they walk
to school on a particular day. from a mall parking lot to the school.

Add to that streets will be shut down for the event.

Jeff, I actually like that idea of the "annual Walking School Bus Day". It would be a fund raiser for the school, and entertainment for the kids. Kids like almost anything that changes up their "normal" boring days at school, give them a chance to be in the local paper or maybe even the local TV.

Perhaps frame it as a way to raise money to help defray the cost of fuel for regular buses?

Just don't put them on leashes!!!

Leashes are for pets (sorry peta, they are) - not for children.

Funny thing is the same folks who don't want to see leashes on pets, don't mind putting them on children. Kinda screwed up if you ask me.

1. The only person I see being "silly" is you. Refering to kids as cattle, making up some sort of bizarre mathematical calculation about which bus driver is likely to be evil?

Did you not see the title of this thread? No you want to talk about silly, a "Walking School Bus?" If that isn't silly, nothing is.

2. Compadre? I don't know "smithbrown" nor do I agree with his logic.

Then why are you defending him against my statements? Maybe another word with similar meaning would make it more palatable ... do you have a problem with someone using hispanic words?

3. It appears as though you are attempting to discredit "smithbrown" with your post. If this is correct, then you are doing it in a very bizarre way - thus I misinterpretted your statement.

Moving on...

His statement was OFF TOPIC. How do you discredit an OFF TOPIC POST? I figured we could take his silliness to the next level, and now you accuse me of being mean?

The Cleveland bus driver has nothing to do with this thread. The women he appears to have held in captivity were not school children, were not taken on his school bus. Therefore, what the heck does his comment about that person have to do with this thread?

Are you seriously defending his off topic post and the resulting fun I had with it?

Sorry, you bore me with your logic.

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