Only three persons were to have known the location of Adams Diggings: Adams who looked for it the remainder of his life, Davidson who corroborated his story before dying and the guide Gotch Ear, raised by Indians, but fleeing from them. Gotch Ear had traded the golds location with the miners for horses to get away. Where am I going with this? Suppose Gotch Ear had made it into Colorado and left a message regarding the direction to take to find the twin peaks that looked like haystacks or CAML humps and the location of the miners in exchange for safe passage or to divert their pursuit of him. The twin peaks after all are thought of as the key to solving the mystery!

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Adams said that Gotch Ear, his nickname for him, had measured distance like the Indian in days travel rather than distance. A pile of Rocks or sticks could signify the distance to travel by the days of the journey on horseback! Perhaps there had been a pile of sticks long since gone on the M or Mbar location for Indian mail regarding this journey!

There was I have learned, one more surviver "who gave his name as Brewer-John Brewer", who according to Frank Dobie in his book Apache Gold and Yaqui Silver copyright 1928, made it eventually to Colorado and In Brewers words " sort of took up with the Utes", before planning his trip to relocate the Adams Gold.

An Indian sign post " He went that away!":laughing7:

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Look up the book treasure sings symbols by Charles A Kenworthy I see some things in there no
teenager back in 49 would know

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this must be in an area where the spanish were

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I hope you find something awesome! I find this thread extremely interesting!

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The I At the top of stone may refer to the first book of the bible
Genesis: 11 ( 11 on stone) may refer to the tower of babel and speaking different languages.
The messages then appearing in letter writing of whiteman and petroglyph of Indians.
Genesis 25:26: Jacob and Esau; Jacob was born second with his hand grasping Esau's heal. ( he deceives)
Biblical reference to the direction opposite the pointer or fake sign!
Genesis 19:2 (1902 date?) no to wash the feet and spend the night, but" we. Will spend the night in the square ."
Look for square! ( Am I really thinking outside the box?:laughing7: )
Genesis 29:3. Jacobs Rolling away of stone!
Genesis 32:7 Jacob divided the people with him into 2 groups and the flocks herds and camels as well!
Two treasures?

Arab a Gal may refer to belly dancer! Jewel in navel is precious stone treasure.

The I at the top of the stone: Isaiah
Isaiah 11 (11 on stone): a shoot will come up from a stump... From his roots a branch will bear fruit!
(Beneath a stump that still lives is a treasure.)
Isaiah 19:2. Brother against brother
Esau against Jacob ...( truth against lies)

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The Arab girl could refer to Matthew14:6
Herodias daughter danced for Herod's Birthday in exchange for the head of John the Babtist!
Sounds like a threat to me!

Mathew23:24. Ye blind guides that strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. ( referring to scribes)
(miss the big picture because you are focused on the small, ignor all the Xs and dig the camel)

I do not have a king James version, but unfortunately a New International Bible version. Older versions may reveal more clues!

Turtle symbol?
A turtle with legs on one side only would have you going in circles, while a turtle that lost his head could have the treasure already recovered.

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The term Gal originated in the 18th century in England as a cockney variation of Girl and would not then be associated with Spanish Treasure.

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could that be jacob arabalad? i googled that and it came up with that last name in 1907 and 1908 in king county wa.

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I am not sure! I will definitely look that up. Thank You!!! :)

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JUST WANTED TO SAY THANKS FOR THE HELP. Has taken me this long to even understand where you were coming from???... but I now understand and GREATLY Appreciate your guidance. Most are unwilling to actually teach.. you are greatly admired and appreciated my friend.:notworthy:

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