The I At the top of stone may refer to the first book of the bible
Genesis: 11 ( 11 on stone) may refer to the tower of babel and speaking different languages.
The messages then appearing in letter writing of whiteman and petroglyph of Indians.
Genesis 25:26: Jacob and Esau; Jacob was born second with his hand grasping Esau's heal. ( he deceives)
Biblical reference to the direction opposite the pointer or fake sign!
Genesis 19:2 (1902 date?) no to wash the feet and spend the night, but" we. Will spend the night in the square ."
Look for square! ( Am I really thinking outside the box?

Genesis 29:3. Jacobs Rolling away of stone!
Genesis 32:7 Jacob divided the people with him into 2 groups and the flocks herds and camels as well!
Two treasures?
Arab a Gal may refer to belly dancer! Jewel in navel is precious stone treasure.
The I at the top of the stone: Isaiah
Isaiah 11 (11 on stone): a shoot will come up from a stump... From his roots a branch will bear fruit!
(Beneath a stump that still lives is a treasure.)
Isaiah 19:2. Brother against brother
Esau against Jacob ...( truth against lies)