I noticed the pink shoes. :laughing9:

Do you have a metal detector?

Well, UNFORTUNATELY, I have a metal detector, but it SUCKS BAD!! I do however have a hand thermometer that tells the surface temp of things. Thought maybe if I walked above the suspected site with it, it might indicate a cave below?? Saw that in a post from the past.

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Hot Zone, you are SO AWESOME!!! Thank you for the lead, I will definitely be awake all night looking it up! Again, thank you for helping/guiding me!

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Well, UNFORTUNATELY, I have a metal detector, but it SUCKS BAD!! I do however have a hand thermometer that tells the surface temp of things. Thought maybe if I walked above the suspected site with it, it might indicate a cave below?? Saw that in a post from the past.
Really? I didnt know that. I have one too.

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This is an interesting post. I have a few questions: #1 Is this area off the beaten path, and far enough away from civilization that no one else could easily stumble upon it? If not, how far? #2 Are you driving to this area? #3 Have you checked back issues of the local newspapers to make sure this area has not been reported/discussed in the past? #4 Is the stone soft and easily carveable? (I don't think that is a word, but you know what I mean. LOL) Breezie

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It looks like sandstone and the erosion and bullet holes indicate it is easily carved! I wonder if anyone else can see that the date could have been 1862 and eroded . No one has commented on the light lettering CAML under the long neck figure that I believe is a camel with a harness over its head.

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It is far away from anyone, and around here, no one would care. The boulder is very hard to get to, and Im sure no one else knows. This area has history, but is unknown to most people. I wanted to take more pics such as the death trap I spoke of earlier, but its raining like crazy and being that far from civilization didnt seem like a good idea today!

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The stone does appear to be sandstone, but it is harder than any other around here. Carving would be tricky I think unless water was also used. To avoid breakage I mean. There are Lots of homesteads around, but not close to this site. It is full of little caves, and a dry creek below. I do know from being raised there, that a hill about a mile away was rich with arrowheads cuz I went and gathered them frequently.

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Hot Zone, I thought the head was a camel, mule, or horse as well , but I was not sure. There are SO MANY THINGS on that stone that it is overwhelming me to try and figure them out. I see one, then I hafta look it up to see what it could be or if it is a sign, then I try to find a meaning for it. Tedious stuff!!

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I just read that post about the history and it sounded kinda snotty :0 I didn't mean for it to.

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No one has commented on the light lettering CAML under the long neck figure that I believe is a camel with a harness over its head.
I didnt comment because I dont know where on the stone you are seeing this. Can you paint it?

Are you looking at the very bottom of the large pointed rock?

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The stone does appear to be sandstone, but it is harder than any other around here. Carving would be tricky I think unless water was also used. To avoid breakage I mean. There are Lots of homesteads around, but not close to this site. It is full of little caves, and a dry creek below. I do know from being raised there, that a hill about a mile away was rich with arrowheads cuz I went and gathered them frequently.
Being from Florida, I dont know rocks. I thought it was chiseled. If its soft could it have lasted over 100 years?

Did you drive or walk to the location?

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Wow!! Breezie,thanks SO much for the help, every little bit counts!

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View attachment 652409

This is the stone we meant, It was posted at the beginning, sorry that was confusing. The thing that looks like a head with ears, although it is not easy to tell what it is! I think it could have lasted, I'm not sure how it got that hard, but it is very hard sandstone looking rock.
This picture shows CAML camel clearly. I think you need to look for another M and not the one with a line through it. There is an M with the arrow.

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I would agree that the stick figure on the rock looks like a petroglyph and the camel could as well, but the Xs and letters don't go. All the Xs look to be trying to throw you off track. The line thru the M could mean that the money is below the surface, the line representing the ground.

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This picture shows CAML camel clearly. I think you need to look for another M and not the one with a line through it. There is an M with the arrow.
Yes I see it now. I didnt know what rock you were referring to. Good catch.

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I know every treasure I bury, I like to carve a big map on a rock in front of it.That way in case I forget where it is, everyone else can find it.:laughing7:
I once left markers to throw somebody off track to hide a secret special place of mine in the Everglades. These were the days before GPS and I lost it myself lol. Been searching since 1989. I plan to find it again before I die and I search every year.

You need to remember that before GPS, you needed some kind of landmark and markers.

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I may have left out the most important lost treasure tale of all, The Adams Diggings. Now it was to have occurred in New Mexico but was never located. The Camel made me think of it as there were supposed to be two peaks in the Mountains to help guide to the location. Adams was easily lost and confused so not reliable in giving directions. The party was warned to stay away from an area above the falls in a creek in their search for gold but did not and we're nearly wiped out by the Indians encamped there.

Is there a box canyon in the area with a very narrow entrance? The Indians burned the cabin that contained all the gold they had collected in the canyon.

To my knowledge Adams first name was not known!

When running from the Indians Adams traveled at night perhaps leaving a marker to help guide the way back. They travelled for two weeks perhaps expanding the search area into Colorado. :coffee2:

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The adams diggings were probably to far off to be considered, but apache territory did extend into south east Colorado and he had a run in with them. One account of the adams diggings however mentions an Indian post office where messages were left, with a pile of sticks to indicate something to others passing by. Perhaps some captives raised as Indians retained enough letters to leave messages at your site or missionaries had schooled Indians enough to morph writing along with petroglyphs.

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