Dig the rock with the x! Marker only points in the direction. Explore cave!

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The owl cold be a petroglyph, owls are sacred. Not a good idea for the miner to desturb a sacred site! I recall one lost mine story that involved just that!

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I dug the rock I spoke of earlier with the x if that is what you are referring to, It was more like a rock bank beside a tree, but after pulling out MANY rocks, and much digging, There was nothing. This is how I concluded it must be telling me to keep going in the same direction.

I have a question, These sights are Quite a far distance apart. I found the rock pile, between the first two, but the ?head? of the pile was pointing in the opposite direction of the JACOB/OWL rock. It is VERY confusing. My question is, am I just getting lucky finding these clues, or could there be more than one cache site here?

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M could be a mile or meter and x is ten. Try ten meters from marker in direction of x rock. Germans used meters instead of yards!

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HOT ZONE, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I will try it and let you know what happens!!!

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It could be 10 meters farther than the rock you already dug as well!

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It could be 10 meters farther than the rock you already dug as well!

This would place me at the olw rock, or should I say, big as a house BOULDER that the owl is on. There is a frickin HUGE rock right below it in the creek, it appeared to be a death trap to me, but there are NO SIGNS that I saw on or around it.

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Also, I thought there could be a mine entrance or cave entrance behind the death trap rock, but When I went behind it, up on the bank, I found the owl rock with the Jacob on it.

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I would like to stand there on nov 11 and see if any alignments occur at sunrise or sunset that perhaps use a valley in the mts or the pointer rock to indicate the spot.
Mx could stand for tenth month. Owl could mean look while standing on X!

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Has the boulder already rolled down to the creek?

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I would be in the mine already!:icon_thumleft:

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Perhaps the camel is a reference to two nearby mountain humps! That would maybe a be significant clue!

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Did you know that camels were introduced by EF Beale, Indian agent, in the 1850s. The same name as Thomas Jefferson Beale 1822, who brought treasure from the west to be hidden in Virginia or Missouri and never found. Now I am not suggesting you have found the Beale treasure, it is just that Any clue no matter how small could unlock the location for you!

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I know every treasure I bury, I like to carve a big map on a rock in front of it.That way in case I forget where it is, everyone else can find it.:laughing7:

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Some of the pointers could be there to throw you off track, you need to check them all out. The Frenchman from lousiana that are supposed to have hidden the treasure mountain cache in Colorado are supposed to have done just that. Treasure was not found and the area is covered with A hundred years of holes. Such is treasure hunting!

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I recall the monarch cache that was found by Emory Strong had a pile of rocks with a triangular stone included. He paced off the number of paces equal to the number of rocks times ten in the direction of the pointer finding a cache of a few hundred arrowheads. Later when he thought it over some more, paced out the same number of paces in the opposite direction off the heal of the triangle to find the Monarch Cache of several thousand knives and points. (from Strong book: The great Basin)

There may be more than one cache!

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I am SO VERY grateful for all of your help!! You are an AWESOME bunch of teachers and resources of knowledge, I cannot thank you enough. I have done nothing all day but go over pics and research your leads. I would have given up had it not been for you. THANK YOU, and hope to learn more from you!!!:icon_thumleft: I will go out tomorrow and search some more, but with the knowledge I acquired from you all, I am much more confident that success is near!

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There was a member of the Reynolds gang named Jake (Jacob) Stowe *, who during the Civil war participated in holdups and the gang is to have hidden treasure all over Colorado. The Confederates rounded up Camels at this time and members of the gang were southerners so perhaps the camel connection! Different members hiding treasure may have left clues for other members to find the loot if captured. The gang is supposed to have hidden treasure in old mine shafts.

Look in Mine! Proceed with caution, water, gas, traps, snakes, loose rock, rotten timbers, holes, etc.

*From Harry Drago 's book: Lost Bananzas ( The lost gold of the Reynolds Gang)

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Of the members of the Reynolds gang, Jake was reported to have escaped to New Mexico and presumed to have died of wounds. The other 8 members met violent deaths including one other having escaped with jake returned in 1871 and was killed presumably looking for his treasure. The creeks in the area of the headwaters of the north fork of the south platte are generally surmised to be the area involved. However the area could be much expanded given earlier robberies before Jim, the Bold, Reynolds planned to return and use ill-gotten profits to fund the Southern cause!

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