Ancient ?

Steve ,you're pile of Rocks is covering more than just more Rocks .

3 places in the Organ Mountains that are similar , have or had secreted items under them , One site of the three , a Dead Fall was triggered in 1961 ,
crushing the individual ( The stack was set up to create a tunnel for ease of access , he removed the cap rock , entered the tunnel , the next
Boulder set as obstacle was also the prop up stone for the dead fall , he pulled at it , rocks fell on him , he was alive for hours , trapped , all he
could do was wait for death ,His Buddies , well , don't imagine they felt all that secure nor happy about it )

There's always a price to pay , is there not ?

Four Decades later , I came to that site , stood atop the tunnel peering through the rocks , and watched a Skunk walk through the Tunnel .

True Facts above ,

Interesting to note about these Stacked Stone Covers , and since Egypt was brought up , King Tuts Tomb was sealed in the exact same manner,
Inclusive , was a Tunnel constructed through the stacked stones for quick access .

I covered that if former post elsewhere .

Key to the Door under these ?

Actually , the Marker Stone is in your Picture .
I know , Too Cryptic , right ?

well , I'm too lazy to circle it for ya's .
it's there and it stands out from the rest , do to it's shape .

no objections
Title of God maybe , no worries here ,

Rucker Canyon , Organ Mountains , as I pointed out decades ago , Holds Iconography of Myriad Gods and Goddesses , Monolithic as well as Inscribed .

A Baphomet as it was explained to me , is a Daemon , a servant from God's to Man .

The Designated Man , is to be Served by this Daemon .

Asmadeus is just one of the Baphomets ,

Here's a Trippy Moment from my Excursion into the Organs at 4 years of age , I'll write it out later .

" The Tortugas " Monuments and whom these represent .

Meanwhile , a photo for Cyzak

Know this place ? not far from you .

View attachment 1780101

no objections
Title of God maybe , no worries here ,

Rucker Canyon , Organ Mountains , as I pointed out decades ago , Holds Iconography of Myriad Gods and Goddesses , Monolithic as well as Inscribed .

A Baphomet as it was explained to me , is a Daemon , a servant from God's to Man .

The Designated Man , is to be Served by this Daemon .

Asmadeus is just one of the Baphomets ,

Here's a Trippy Moment from my Excursion into the Organs at 4 years of age , I'll write it out later .

" The Tortugas " Monuments and whom these represent .

Meanwhile , a photo for Cyzak

Know this place ? not far from you .

View attachment 1780101
Yes ,I have metal detected that area extensively something of interest was found there please do not give my areas away it seems that you and I have traveled into the same locations.I believe that is Sxxxx Hxxx Mtn in the back ground.

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Hey, is that on the east slope of the Cookes Range? It looks a lot like Bone Cave, a place we found with lots of deer bones and uncomfortable vibes inside. Didn't have a rope with us, so we couldn't go down the vertical branch. Strange little canyon it was in too.

View attachment 1779966

View attachment 1779967

No, not on the east side. Great photos sdcfia, thanks for posting them.

Steve ,you're pile of Rocks is covering more than just more Rocks .

3 places in the Organ Mountains that are similar , have or had secreted items under them , One site of the three , a Dead Fall was triggered in 1961 ,
crushing the individual ( The stack was set up to create a tunnel for ease of access , he removed the cap rock , entered the tunnel , the next
Boulder set as obstacle was also the prop up stone for the dead fall , he pulled at it , rocks fell on him , he was alive for hours , trapped , all he
could do was wait for death ,His Buddies , well , don't imagine they felt all that secure nor happy about it )

There's always a price to pay , is there not ?

Four Decades later , I came to that site , stood atop the tunnel peering through the rocks , and watched a Skunk walk through the Tunnel .

True Facts above ,

Interesting to note about these Stacked Stone Covers , and since Egypt was brought up , King Tuts Tomb was sealed in the exact same manner,
Inclusive , was a Tunnel constructed through the stacked stones for quick access .

I covered that if former post elsewhere .

Key to the Door under these ?

Actually , the Marker Stone is in your Picture .
I know , Too Cryptic , right ?

well , I'm too lazy to circle it for ya's .
it's there and it stands out from the rest , do to it's shape .

:hello2::hello2::hello2:.Taking care of treasure hunters,that is good of you. I call those sites, Rip rap tangle foot sites. Nasty to just walk across.

Steve ,you're pile of Rocks is covering more than just more Rocks .

3 places in the Organ Mountains that are similar , have or had secreted items under them , One site of the three , a Dead Fall was triggered in 1961 ,
crushing the individual ( The stack was set up to create a tunnel for ease of access , he removed the cap rock , entered the tunnel , the next
Boulder set as obstacle was also the prop up stone for the dead fall , he pulled at it , rocks fell on him , he was alive for hours , trapped , all he
could do was wait for death ,His Buddies , well , don't imagine they felt all that secure nor happy about it )

There's always a price to pay , is there not ?

Four Decades later , I came to that site , stood atop the tunnel peering through the rocks , and watched a Skunk walk through the Tunnel .

True Facts above ,

Interesting to note about these Stacked Stone Covers , and since Egypt was brought up , King Tuts Tomb was sealed in the exact same manner,
Inclusive , was a Tunnel constructed through the stacked stones for quick access .

I covered that if former post elsewhere .

Key to the Door under these ?

Actually , the Marker Stone is in your Picture .
I know , Too Cryptic , right ?

well , I'm too lazy to circle it for ya's .
it's there and it stands out from the rest , do to it's shape .

You never cease to amaze me Beepers. I have never seen anyone talk about those setups. I have only seen a couple. I have never messed with those, they seem to me to be one heck of a undertaking to even to make a attempt at them to open up. Thanks for the info. and the fact that they can be a splat job if you try. They just look like a person will have a bad day if they try.

no objections
Title of God maybe , no worries here ,

Rucker Canyon , Organ Mountains , as I pointed out decades ago , Holds Iconography of Myriad Gods and Goddesses , Monolithic as well as Inscribed .

A Baphomet as it was explained to me , is a Daemon , a servant from God's to Man .

The Designated Man , is to be Served by this Daemon .

Asmadeus is just one of the Baphomets ,

Here's a Trippy Moment from my Excursion into the Organs at 4 years of age , I'll write it out later .

" The Tortugas " Monuments and whom these represent .

Meanwhile , a photo for Cyzak

Know this place ? not far from you .

View attachment 1780101

Tortugas, man i will be wide awake for that.

we're at it again eh ?

OK , most will have to suspend their Psy-Ops induced " UFO's are not Real " reality for this next instalment .

" Tortugas Monuments "

The Stone Turtles . ( first, a quote from Cyzak , : " please do not give my areas away " = Sorry Cyzak , the Devil made me do it LOL )

Dateline : 1959

Event : UFO Ride out of Calif. to New Mexico

" See the Stone Turtles that are set up there , Those were set up by the people here , to Honour us , they thought we were Gods "

They thought our craft looked to them like Flying Turtles .

~~~ End Dialogue aboard the Craft ~~~~

For a Fact , the Ancient Peoples of Earth , did believe the advanced technology folks , were Gods .

The Craft I've been aboard , can as well , Travel Time .

Point : As stated by me over the years , 4 separate Craft have Crashed in S.W. New Mexico in the past .
the Four I speak of , were each headed away from the Repository of Victorio Peak , when they crashed .

Question : if dots connect , can we assume that these Craft have a meaningful connection to these Larger than Life Treasures
secreted here in New Mexico and elsewhere ?

For myself , it's not even a question , it's a Reality , alter or otherwise , it's a Given .


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if you roll back through my recent post , ( click on user name , click on post ) you may notice that there is one term repeated in almost each post ,
I even posted one of my Songs with the Term in the Title " Natures Bequest " .

Hey , ya guessed it , that's right , the Term is indeed " Nature "

I'll quote from instructions I received : " In these signs ( Glyphs , monuments ) we used the elements of Nature to convey the Message .

A Goat image has a specific meaning to the people who created the repositories as well as for the People who may come to recover them .

A Bud for instance , Fruit of life as it may be thought of , has a signature , that to the Viewer , is recognized to mean : ____ .

( Turtles have been explained in above post )

Question for the reader , I posted a photo of a Duck Glyph , I may ask , what attachment of meaning would you ascribe to the image of a Duck ?

You see , to those people whose lives were reliant upon The elements of Nature , their Mental Imprints of these Glyphs , were by Rote .

Today and for a very long time , Mankind has become more reliant on a more refined and thought to be , advanced Element .

To understand the Glyphs , it's as I stated , you have to back Engineer your Mental Processing , to a much more simple and realistic alliance with the Nature we reside with .

Over think these Glyphs and we pretty much support the security of the Repositories .

For we miss the simple Keys to them .

X marks the Spot , doesn't take a Heinous Mathematical Formula to convey nor understand .

The simplest answer is always the correct one ?

Ha , try to un-complicate a persons mind , Right ?

Well , we can agree that Modern Hominids of this Planet , are not exactly Tuned with Nature , we lost that as we exited our Caves for
that Shining Mansion on the Hill .

So what's the simple answer ?

Let's roll back a few pages in the Hominid History .

First , The Turtle Monuments all across the Territory , are of the same Crafts and Occupants .

So , we can posit that Earth Hominid in various far reaching areas , all had some kind of Contact , that Repositories were set up , and the Turtles set near them .

Scratch thy head on that , yeah , it's going deeper , and many new Rabbit Holes will be exposed , I never stated the Mystery was sans elements of confusion and alter
Society .


View attachment 1780399

Hey, is that on the east slope of the Cookes Range? It looks a lot like Bone Cave, a place we found with lots of deer bones and uncomfortable vibes inside. Didn't have a rope with us, so we couldn't go down the vertical branch. Strange little canyon it was in too.

View attachment 1779966

View attachment 1779967

Steve , east side , off shoot canyon , there ya find the so Called : Olgum Glyphs

Cookes Canyon , take the almost wiped out road that swings left and heads into the Canyon with the very high rock bluff coming down on the left .

That .
is the Canyon that deserves a Good Research Team to investigate it .

BeepersPuppy; The Stone Turtles . ( first said:
A Quote from a Hippie Girl at a Rainbow Gathering

Rog' " how far is it to Main Circle ?

Hippie Girl as she looks back down the Hill toward Main Circle 2 miles away : " It's Far , but not TOO Far "

Rog' : " is Far a mile and too far two miles ? "

Hippie Girl : " Huh ? "

Rog' : " Huh ?how far is "Huh" ?

Hippie Girl with a twitch in her Cheeks : " Oh ! you mean in distance , right ?

Rog' : " never mind "

Hippie Girl : " it's not so far that you have to stop and rest , it's too far when you have to take a Rest "

Rog' : " Some how , I gotta feeling if we keep this up , my mind's gonna need a LONG Rest , see ya's "

as I walked away toward the " not too far " Main Circle : Hippie Girl to me : " You can Fly "

I didn't look back nor answer her , only wondered how she knew that I could Fly .

see photo for the Sprout out the back of my Hat .

Well , my Man Bun seems to have grown up to be a " He Hive "

so ,,,
I got out my scissors , gave myself a Him Trim

and now ,,,

all I have left on top my head is His Brizz

next ,,,

the weird Beard will be sheared.

No more Fuzzy Wuzzy Rog'

View attachment 1780449

Intermission Folks

Enjoy a rare tune

" Memo from Turner "


and as well ,

a song I penned while in Trance .

~~~ The Dreamer ~~~

First thing I touched as I awoke
Silver Cloud across that Sky
First Term singular as I spoke
With every reason to give
my freedom a Try

Give Freedom a Try
Out on the Hiway
wheels spin me by
Through Country side
so beautiful
almost make you cry

Meeting every mile
in Wonder expressed
with a sigh .
Bridge with a Toll
and down below
lives a childlike Troll
and then
somewhere on a Moonlit
Star filled Sky
You'll find all my cares
Gone on the Fly

Said , Blue Eyes
melt me within
Said , I Must Realize
may be another lifetime
Before we'll see us together
again .

( Chorus insert here )

There's a certain Range
high up in that Mountain
I hear the Angels
singing sweetly
out my Name

and there's a stream through
a Grove
out there in a Valley
where I intend to grow very
Very Old

Been Rolling so long
I may have forgotten
my Home towns name

and in every verse
of every song
there's pieces of love
for you
and it will always remain

Silver droplets of Dew
cover every leaf
on every tree
Sunbeams shining upon them
shining in colors
right on through
Into my dreams

and back of my mind always
shine the Blue of your eyes
causing me strains
of love
running through my Veins
while over this Hill
I'm hoping for us
to be together again ,,

Yes those dreams of you
are the drive to my life
and if I can get back to you
tell me child ,, would you
consider being a wife ~~~~~ End ~~~~~

She considered it , answer : " Nah"

Whew ,

View attachment 1780472

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and as well ,

a song I penned while in Trance .

~~~ The Dreamer ~~~

First thing I touched as I awoke
Silver Cloud across that Sky
First Term singular as I spoke
With every reason to give
my freedom a Try

Give Freedom a Try
Out on the Hiway
wheels spin me by
Through Country side
so beautiful
almost make you cry

Meeting every mile
in Wonder expressed
with a sigh .
Bridge with a Toll
and down below
lives a childlike Troll
and then
somewhere on a Moonlit
Star filled Sky
You'll find all my cares
Gone on the Fly

Said , Blue Eyes
melt me within
Said , I Must Realize
may be another lifetime
Before we'll see us together
again .

( Chorus insert here )

There's a certain Range
high up in that Mountain
I hear the Angels
singing sweetly
out my Name

and there's a stream through
a Grove
out there in a Valley
where I intend to grow very
Very Old

Been Rolling so long
I may have forgotten
my Home towns name

and in every verse
of every song
there's pieces of love
for you
and it will always remain

Silver droplets of Dew
cover every leaf
on every tree
Sunbeams shining upon them
shining in colors
right on through
Into my dreams

and back of my mind always
shine the Blue of your eyes
causing me strains
of love
running through my Veins
while over this Hill
I'm hoping for us
to be together again ,,

Yes those dreams of you
are the drive to my life
and if I can get back to you
tell me child ,, would you
consider being a wife ~~~~~ End ~~~~~

She considered it , answer : " Nah"

Whew ,

View attachment 1780472

Man, i really like this one, my favorite.

I dont know why, but this photo has always made me think its waiting on the Mother ship to return. nm#3 019.webp

I'd like to see something that supports the Baphomet/miners' prayer allegation. Sounds like a modern-day linkup to the rumors of reptilians in underground locations. The "machine tunnelers" and the "ant people" are probably also in the mix, but these don't seem to be linked to a bogeyman.

In the New World, Catholics (most of the miners) still pray to their saints for safety before entering an underground mine (even if they're beginning shifts in an open-pit mine too, for that matter). The patron saint here in SW New Mexico has always been Santo Nino de Atocha. The mine I worked in in Colorado in the 1970s allowed a small shrine in the dressing room, but then, most of the miners were Hispanic and they demanded it. I don't remember their saint. The only admonitions I received there were, "If you see White Boots in the drift, go the other way", and, "Never work two consecutive shifts underground."

I'll try and dig that info back up. Some info is so bogged down by modern beliefs that it is hard to come by, as well as hard for me dig back up.

I've spent about 6-7 years of my spare time doing a lot of research on ancient , post ancient, modern societies and cultures, beliefs, rituals, religions, symbolism, mythology, language/alphabets, Surveying /measurement systems, secret societies, witchcraft, occult, numerology, etc, etc, including some things on Templars, Freemasons/Masonic groups, Jesuits, French, Spanish, Romans, Greeks, Persians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Sumerians, and off shoot cultures, you name it, pretty much I've spent some time on it. Books, Internet, Archaeological publications, TV shows, whatever. I might be a little light on Asian cultures such as ancient Chinese or Mongolian, although Iv'e looked into it.

There's a lot of crap out there, And I mean crap. Hard to even wade thru what is probably right or wrong. There is a lot of disagreement (by the so called scholars) in it all as well as a lot of just plain ignorance of older customs/beliefs.

One problem is nobody really has any background of what is really out there, and they are dumbed down by the system of information that has been streamlined. Another problem is the far out ideas that come into play by people on shows like ancient aliens and fake stories and media just out to get a mouse click for an advertising dollar. It just makes any non mainstream idea look like it's coming from a nutcase.

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