Ancient ?

Hi Mdog
Judy got your " Hi "
Hi Steve , That Pile of Rocks in Rattlesnake canyon that you photographed , is the Hot Spot , no need for you to Drone it .

The Chato explained it , remove rocks , dig down to the Planks , remove Planks , recover X amount of " Atajos of Silver "
{ 18 Atajos } dig another few feet , remove second platform of Planks , recover another X amount of Atajos of Silver .

this is a Triple Layer Cache under that Pile of Rocks .
I forget what the 3rd vault holds , silver ? Gold ? can't recall .

You were right on it , nobody listens to me LOL .

I can't hike Rattle Snake now , Bones falling apart on me .
a lot of Pedro's stuff in that Canyon was recovered already .

not everything , and not the biggest cache ,

Back over at the West Mouth , ( your photo of the Stone Rams Head Monument ) there's another deep vertical Shaft below the cave , where the
Really ancient Panel of Petroglyps are under the Boulder .

Question , given the supposed age of those Glyphs , Natives had Steel Chisels pre-columbian ?

Nope .
well then , who did and how were they here ?

Ophir Mysteries ?

I should write a Book ? Ha , so Disney can copy it to Film and sell commercial airtime ? LOL

ok , no pics today , got no time ,

Hi Ol' Kentuck

The White Blimps are Aero-Stats surveillance Blimps watching the Border

Hi Mdog
Judy got your " Hi "
Hi Steve , That Pile of Rocks in Rattlesnake canyon that you photographed , is the Hot Spot , no need for you to Drone it .

The Chato explained it , remove rocks , dig down to the Planks , remove Planks , recover X amount of " Atajos of Silver "
{ 18 Atajos } dig another few feet , remove second platform of Planks , recover another X amount of Atajos of Silver .

this is a Triple Layer Cache under that Pile of Rocks .
I forget what the 3rd vault holds , silver ? Gold ? can't recall .

You were right on it , nobody listens to me LOL .

I can't hike Rattle Snake now , Bones falling apart on me .
a lot of Pedro's stuff in that Canyon was recovered already .

not everything , and not the biggest cache ,

Back over at the West Mouth , ( your photo of the Stone Rams Head Monument ) there's another deep vertical Shaft below the cave , where the
Really ancient Panel of Petroglyps are under the Boulder .

Question , given the supposed age of those Glyphs , Natives had Steel Chisels pre-columbian ?

Nope .
well then , who did and how were they here ?

Ophir Mysteries ?

I should write a Book ? Ha , so Disney can copy it to Film and sell commercial airtime ? LOL

ok , no pics today , got no time ,

Hi Ol' Kentuck

The White Blimps are Aero-Stats surveillance Blimps watching the Border

if pic will post

Aero-Stat blimp

View attachment 1774597

Thanks, Beepers, but I reckon ye missed the part in capital letters - NO TETHER. Then again, maybe he really is building a wall between NM and CO to "protect our border". :laughing7:

Nah, this weren't near any Aerostats, much further north and looked a bit different. Was only in sight fer about 20 minutes. Here's what I was referring to...

By the by, give the little miss a hug fer me, too. Take care out there, all of ye.


When I figured out who the caller was, I realized he has a YouTube channel I followed a year or two ago - on a subject totally unrelated to treasure hunting, drones and such. He wasn't interested in me, but called to ask for information about something he thought might help him. I said sure and good luck. You guys seem a little paranoid down in Luna County.

Rattlesnake Canyon in the Cookes Range would be a great place to explore with a drone. Never know what you'll find there. Big bird's been seen at the top of the ridge alittle SW of the top.

View attachment 1774453
Looking west up canyon

Well now, I reckon you were the one makin' some kinda connection between the Drone posts and the coincidental call from somebody who tracked ye down with "Thank goodness you're alive" fer a greetin'. Sounded a bit like you were the one gettin' paranoid. :dontknow:

Now that ye mention it, aren't ye the one who's always askin' folks why they brought something up in a post if'n they weren't gonna discuss it? Hmm. Why did ye mention that feller and his "Wow" drone footage if yer not gonna show and tell? "Not yer gig, not yer show". Seems a little outta character and a bit hypocritical if ye ask me. :icon_scratch:

And jest so yer in the loop, I ain't in on this little party in Luna county. Dern tree huggers got their hackles up and sent me packin'. Too many sesame seeds on their buns, always ruins a good samwich.

Well now, I reckon you were the one makin' some kinda connection between the Drone posts and the coincidental call from somebody who tracked ye down with "Thank goodness you're alive" fer a greetin'. Sounded a bit like you were the one gettin' paranoid. :dontknow:

Now that ye mention it, aren't ye the one who's always askin' folks why they brought something up in a post if'n they weren't gonna discuss it? Hmm. Why did ye mention that feller and his "Wow" drone footage if yer not gonna show and tell? "Not yer gig, not yer show". Seems a little outta character and a bit hypocritical if ye ask me. :icon_scratch:

And jest so yer in the loop, I ain't in on this little party in Luna county. Dern tree huggers got their hackles up and sent me packin'. Too many sesame seeds on their buns, always ruins a good samwich.

You're misreading, and I don't recall asking you anything.

You're misreading, and I don't recall asking you anything.

Oh now, don't be goin and gettin testy, I know ye didn't. (It was just, like, my opinion, man). Consider it a gift.

Misreading, huh? Well good. Glad ye ain't got nothing to worry over. Yer startin to grow on me.

I reckon I didn't ask you anything either when I replied to Beepers post earlier, but ye gave me the gift of yer opinion on lookin' fer Bigbird anyway. :icon_scratch: (Bigbird - Sesame Street/Sesame seeds on their samwiches...git it?)

I jest figgered ye were getting the two different threads mixed up and didn't pay it no mind. Maybe ye took the blue pill by mistake or something. At least now I know ye ain't me. (But I ain't gonna tell ya how. :icon_biggrin: )

We good now?

Oh now, don't be goin and gettin testy, I know ye didn't. (It was just, like, my opinion, man). Consider it a gift.

Misreading, huh? Well good. Glad ye ain't got nothing to worry over. Yer startin to grow on me.

I reckon I didn't ask you anything either when I replied to Beepers post earlier, but ye gave me the gift of yer opinion on lookin' fer Bigbird anyway. :icon_scratch: (Bigbird - Sesame Street/Sesame seeds on their samwiches...git it?)

I jest figgered ye were getting the two different threads mixed up and didn't pay it no mind. Maybe ye took the blue pill by mistake or something. At least now I know ye ain't me. (But I ain't gonna tell ya how. :icon_biggrin: )

We good now?

We good as long as you don't misbehave too badly. A little is OK, Ol' K.

If interested, we sighted big bird circling above the Centipede, about a quarter mile north of where the main wash cuts through the canyon with the stone rams head monument referred to in Post #1381.

Screen Shot 2019-11-25 at 5.31.53 AM.webp

We good as long as you don't misbehave too badly. A little is OK, Ol' K.

If interested, we sighted big bird circling above the Centipede, about a quarter mile north of where the main wash cuts through the canyon with the stone rams head monument referred to in Post #1381.

I'm good, yer good, it's all good. And we both agree it's Not our Gig, Not our Show.

(I'm more interested in yer drone story, but that's fer another thread).

Looks like they got yer message but may be going a different route. We'll jest have to wait and see.

Popcorn? :happy1:

I'm good, yer good, it's all good. And we both agree it's Not our Gig, Not our Show.

(I'm more interested in yer drone story, but that's fer another thread).

Looks like they got yer message but may be going a different route. We'll jest have to wait and see.

Popcorn? :happy1:

I'm not in that loop. Wherever they go, thats where they'll be. Haven't been in the Cookes Range for some years, but there are a couple places that are curiosities. Gotta be careful in there - an old buddy of mine who used to be quite level-headed is now wild-eyed and over the edge. Started out doing work for treasure hunters, then got obsessed with it. Now he's pushed it into a spiritual quest. "The Land of Enchantment" is more than a tourist hook.

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Hi Kentuk

Sans the Tether , yes , and those are here too . and last year , one sat in the Saddle of Floride Ridge
watching me like I was it's favourite T.V. Show .

This stuff is a Comedy to me , " Watchers " LOL

Well , America finally got the America that they deserve .

Hi Mdog , welcome , and , Drive West about 6 miles out of Monte Vista Co.

do you know the " Frontier Trail " Monument on the So. side of hiway 160 on your way to Del Norte ?

Turn left ( South ) onto the dirt road
follow past the first fork and maintain the left road , at the next fork , turn right , follow
until you reach the Earthen Berm ( Dam ), go over the Berm watching for a group of Large Boulder ,

Inspect the area around them until you find the one with a discarded Truck Tire sitting right next to it .
a Small very Green Tree grows against the Boulder
Climb atop that Boulder

a Hand Size arrow head shaped rock is set there pointing .

The French Soldiers Gold ?

Makes sense to me , right area , right defensible topography , right symbols and signs .
If ya get out there and have trouble finding it ,
I'll be back up there in March , we can ride out there and give a good Peek over .

Quote Kentuk : " Dern tree huggers got their hackles up and sent me packin'. Too many sesame seeds on their buns, always ruins a good samwich. "

Ah yes , those supposed " Volunteers for the BLM "

The Same people who came on a Private Ranch without permission , and set up signs : Wilderness Study Area , no Parking "
( My Buddy's Ranch , )
Interesting People , They break a Law , and claim you're in Violation .

Trailer Park People ?


One of those Flippers came up to me with " What'cha doin' here , I don't like people messin' with my Rocks "

I laughed at him, and replied , well , keep your Rocks in your Panties and I won't Pick 'em up and throw them at Cactus
he did this on my Buddy's Ranch , why , the nerve of those ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, what da call e'm ? LOL

View attachment 1774870

We good as long as you don't misbehave too badly. A little is OK, Ol' K.

If interested, we sighted big bird circling above the Centipede, about a quarter mile north of where the main wash cuts through the canyon with the stone rams head monument referred to in Post #1381.

View attachment 1774825

Hi Steve , see that Grove about center of Canyon ? ( btw , I meant Rattle Snake Ridge , not Canyon , sorry )

Directions stated , Spring not to far inside the canyon ( West end ? or Massacre Peak side ? I can't recall , but I'd say Both , Frying Pan Can. on east end )

Big Birds : My experience with Drones ( since it was brought up ) the tech can make small Bug ( Beetle size )
and Large Bird drones ,
I've run into Buzzard drtones ( Whiskey Rat was with me , and in that Canyon as a fact )
Huge Horned Owl Drones .
and the small Beetle Drones
One night , a Dragon Fly Drone that I crushed and inspected the inside gizmo stuff .

and ,

3D Laser Projected Holograms are always a possibility as well , Projections of such were : UFO's , Big Birds , Angel of Death , Imps of Hell , others .

As a Guinea Pig for the experiments , I get to witness the Tech before The general Population does .

but I don't get paid for them experimenting on me with the Tech . LOL

OK , I hope you can consider the Tech as the cause of the " Big Bird " sighting . I know for a Fact that drones and 3D Holograms can fake or be faked big burdies .

Above in Posted Photo

Look closely , you can make out an Inscribed Treasure Map , if I squirt Water on the Glyph , it stands out better .

pfft , this is a Desert , give a Glyph a Bath with my Water ? NOT gonna Happen Man .

Hi Steve , see that Grove about center of Canyon ? ( btw , I meant Rattle Snake Ridge , not Canyon , sorry )

Directions stated , Spring not to far inside the canyon ( West end ? or Massacre Peak side ? I can't recall , but I'd say Both , Frying Pan Can. on east end )

Big Birds : My experience with Drones ( since it was brought up ) the tech can make small Bug ( Beetle size )
and Large Bird drones ,
I've run into Buzzard drtones ( Whiskey Rat was with me , and in that Canyon as a fact )
Huge Horned Owl Drones .
and the small Beetle Drones
One night , a Dragon Fly Drone that I crushed and inspected the inside gizmo stuff .

and ,

3D Laser Projected Holograms are always a possibility as well , Projections of such were : UFO's , Big Birds , Angel of Death , Imps of Hell , others .

As a Guinea Pig for the experiments , I get to witness the Tech before The general Population does .

but I don't get paid for them experimenting on me with the Tech . LOL

OK , I hope you can consider the Tech as the cause of the " Big Bird " sighting . I know for a Fact that drones and 3D Holograms can fake or be faked big burdies .

Above in Posted Photo

Look closely , you can make out an Inscribed Treasure Map , if I squirt Water on the Glyph , it stands out better .

pfft , this is a Desert , give a Glyph a Bath with my Water ? NOT gonna Happen Man .

This was a flesh and feathers, flapping wings thing, not a tech device. My exploring partner and I went to the trouble of climbing up to the Centipede and measuring the dripline of the tree (a little over 20 feet) near where this thing was riding thermals. The bird's wingspan was that large or more. A similar sized flying creature was reported in about the same area back in the early 1900s by ranchers. Also in the Floridas next to Deming. Similar reports were in the news about 30 years ago north of Las Cruces on the east side of the river. I don't know what these other folks saw, but I know what we did.

Hi Kentuk

Sans the Tether , yes , and those are here too . and last year , one sat in the Saddle of Floride Ridge
watching me like I was it's favourite T.V. Show .

This stuff is a Comedy to me , " Watchers " LOL

Well , America finally got the America that they deserve .

Hi Mdog , welcome , and , Drive West about 6 miles out of Monte Vista Co.

do you know the " Frontier Trail " Monument on the So. side of hiway 160 on your way to Del Norte ?

Turn left ( South ) onto the dirt road
follow past the first fork and maintain the left road , at the next fork , turn right , follow
until you reach the Earthen Berm ( Dam ), go over the Berm watching for a group of Large Boulder ,

Inspect the area around them until you find the one with a discarded Truck Tire sitting right next to it .
a Small very Green Tree grows against the Boulder
Climb atop that Boulder

a Hand Size arrow head shaped rock is set there pointing .

The French Soldiers Gold ?

Makes sense to me , right area , right defensible topography , right symbols and signs .
If ya get out there and have trouble finding it ,
I'll be back up there in March , we can ride out there and give a good Peek over .

Does anything look familiar maybe something in them rocks he he.

This was a flesh and feathers, flapping wings thing, not a tech device. My exploring partner and I went to the trouble of climbing up to the Centipede and measuring the dripline of the tree (a little over 20 feet) near where this thing was riding thermals. The bird's wingspan was that large or more. A similar sized flying creature was reported in about the same area back in the early 1900s by ranchers. Also in the Floridas next to Deming. Similar reports were in the news about 30 years ago north of Las Cruces on the east side of the river. I don't know what these other folks saw, but I know what we did.

Ahh, now I got ye. :sign13:

Beeper's, make sure she's wearing her hat and toting that camera with plenty of extra batteries. We want the money shot. :icon_thumright:


Hi Kentuk

Sans the Tether , yes , and those are here too . and last year , one sat in the Saddle of Floride Ridge
watching me like I was it's favourite T.V. Show .

This stuff is a Comedy to me , " Watchers " LOL

Well , America finally got the America that they deserve .

Hi Mdog , welcome , and , Drive West about 6 miles out of Monte Vista Co.

do you know the " Frontier Trail " Monument on the So. side of hiway 160 on your way to Del Norte ?

Turn left ( South ) onto the dirt road
follow past the first fork and maintain the left road , at the next fork , turn right , follow
until you reach the Earthen Berm ( Dam ), go over the Berm watching for a group of Large Boulder ,

Inspect the area around them until you find the one with a discarded Truck Tire sitting right next to it .
a Small very Green Tree grows against the Boulder
Climb atop that Boulder

a Hand Size arrow head shaped rock is set there pointing .

The French Soldiers Gold ?

Makes sense to me , right area , right defensible topography , right symbols and signs .
If ya get out there and have trouble finding it ,
I'll be back up there in March , we can ride out there and give a good Peek over .

Thanks for the information Beepers but I won’t be going to Colorado again. I stay close to home spending all my time with my pretty wife. Tomorrow is our 48th year together. The soft glow on her face, when she smiles, is all the treasure I need.

Does anything look familiar maybe something in them rocks he he.

So ,that was You out there on the Mountain Bike , heh hee

good work on the Video Cyzak ,
Limekiln road exactly , I forget place names , and struggled to recall what that Road's name was . thank you .

btw , before a person goes further < Deeper , into that Canyon , the set Boulders on the right are the leads set
to follow .

In the Broken ( Cracks ) of the Bluff , sit and scan those for what appears to be a " Plugged Cave "
Plugged with smaller Boulders .

Best approach is from atop the Mesa ( Old Road up is almost gone )

Enjoy the View if nothing else .

Back down by the Berm and slightly up the slope to the Bluffs , you can see certain hand set Boulders for Markers .
Unknown to me for why those are set , Just know the type well enough .

Thank you for the Video , saves me typing LOL .

Thanks for the information Beepers but I won’t be going to Colorado again. I stay close to home spending all my time with my pretty wife. Tomorrow is our 48th year together. The soft glow on her face, when she smiles, is all the treasure I need.

Anyone that will keep you for 48 years is definitely a Treasure LOL !

Happy 48th buddy , says alot about a couple , some just get it , some haven't a Clue and lose out .

I write those Songs that you two live , :icon_thumright:

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