ANCIENT VOICES: Ditlihi's Journey Into The Truth Of Ancient Treasure In The Southwest

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P.S. I got the Syphilis from Mdog. You'll have to ask him about that. :tongue3: :laughing7:

Dit, lets try this site out. Please bring your geologist rock pick and lap top. Maybe you can figure out that Janus head That Double K and D, not sure what Era those symbols are from, or what they mean. You work the lap top. Ill throw that Pick around some.View attachment 1713196

Howdy DTTH.
I believe that your Janus stone is built with many smaller stones.

Look carefully at the right end of it.

This should NOT make you feel as if it could be unimportant.
Quite the opposite is true.

If they went to the work to build it, then it was made for a purpose!!

Happy hunting.


P.S. I got the Syphilis from Mdog. You'll have to ask him about that. :tongue3: :laughing7:


...was it ..that fetish hat?

...the foot palm reading? You kids ought to behave.

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Now THAT is mighty interesting...Thank You! I would use the clapping smiley icon, but....well....:laughing7:

I can see I am going to be doing some research into this tonight. If I might ask, what sent you down this particular avenue in your own research? It's an angle I have completely missed (and I follow your posts like a stalker, don't know how that happened), thank you for the links. :notworthy:

You're welcome for the links.

As for the disease angle, disease follows trade, even today. I had read that there was evidence that the Spanish took syphilis back to the Old World so I researched how the disease developed. The appearance of yaws, in the New World, caught my interest and I figured this might be a good direction to go. I have not done much research on this subject, but I'm about done watching all the Gunsmoke reruns, so I might have to dive into it.

You're welcome for the links.

As for the disease angle, disease follows trade, even today. I had read that there was evidence that the Spanish took syphilis back to the Old World so I researched how the disease developed. The appearance of yaws, in the New World, caught my interest and I figured this might be a good direction to go. I have not done much research on this subject, but I'm about done watching all the Gunsmoke reruns, so I might have to dive into it.

I think that is a very perceptive observation and will be adding that information to my own files. I can see a definite correlation already. Please do keep me informed as you research it further. :icon_thumleft:

"I "was an alter boy, naturely I am curious Diter May be el Mad Dog ???

...oy vey...ouch again,

no me mate, Khaleesi

Hey, u been walkabout yet?

waa sappenin' ?

"I'm not Mad, I'm Kahleesi!" :laughing7:

Loading up to go talk to a Duck as I type, if I don't get blown off the mountain we may head to Blueberry Hill tomorrow. Putting rocks in my pockets. :tongue3:

Wish me luck. :icon_thumright:

Get rid of the rocks!
Carry extra water bottles!!

And maybe a wee bit of the “ talkin’ & listenin’ to the spiritual manifestation type elixir.....


Get rid of the rocks!
Carry extra water bottles!!

And maybe a wee bit of the “ talkin’ & listenin’ to the spiritual manifestation type elixir.....


gooood advice...

ANCIENT VOICES: ............(Ditlihis Journey Into The Truth Of Ancient Treasure In The Southwest)

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"I'm not Mad, I'm Kahleesi!" :laughing7:

Loading up to go talk to a Duck as I type, if I don't get blown off the mountain we may head to Blueberry Hill tomorrow. Putting rocks in my pockets. :tongue3:

Wish me luck. :icon_thumright:


....lots of that stuff for Khaleesi & Dog.

Come back loaded with all kind of Goodies, and share.

Howdy DTTH.
I believe that your Janus stone is built with many smaller stones.

Look carefully at the right end of it.

This should NOT make you feel as if it could be unimportant.
Quite the opposite is true.

If they went to the work to build it, then it was made for a purpose!!

Happy hunting.


Thanks PMikel. Its is a built Janus,and very important to the caches in that area. I wish i had more time to dig all the different cache set ups there. Id really like to learn more about the different vault construction methods. Iam kinda done with the signs and X spot stuff now. Now my focus is on the vault and door construction. That stuff is turning out to be just as time consuming and difficult as the signs and X spot stuff. Iam lucky to have found out probably less than 1% of the signs and X spots stuff,and that has taken years for that small amount of discovery, and it was mostly by luck.So far the under ground stuff is just as complex, and just as physical demanding, if not more so. But iam still working on it, like everything, it has its highs and lows. But you gain knowledge each time you go out. Thanks for the info.

"I'm not Mad, I'm Kahleesi!" :laughing7:

Loading up to go talk to a Duck as I type, if I don't get blown off the mountain we may head to Blueberry Hill tomorrow. Putting rocks in my pockets. :tongue3:

Wish me luck. :icon_thumright:
Here is a monument pointing to the Blueberry hill area. I have always wondered if this smaller nub is a Sundial type projector. Blueberry hill all seems to be all older old school top notch work. Its just different:dontknow:.
medium file,markers.signs 010.webp

It does look like a sun-dial. That would be another time piece, but different than the one on BB Hill.
Your people were amazing.

Let's see what Khaleesi has to say/comment about it in situ. Can't wait.

What a beautiful ending to a day that got off to a bad start.

end of the day.webp

Unfortunately, we were not able to reach the site we had planned to visit today, in short....I fought the Mountain and the Mountain won. This time. :censored:
But I don't give up that easy, and will be making another attempt before all is said and done.

I fought the mountain and the mountain won.webp

I have a sneaky suspicion this spying Spirit had something to do with it....

spirit watching.webp

Not willing to waste the day, we instead expanded our exploration of the first site and I was not disappointed. The Wows just keep coming. I will leave off with the commentary and just load Y'all up with photos for a change, lol. One thing I will mention though is that everything here wants to hurt ya, so always mind your step. Everywhere. That said....

ouch.webp rattler.webp

In no particular order.....

carved marker.webp glyphs.webp

off with his head.webp what is this.webp

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