ANCIENT VOICES: Ditlihi's Journey Into The Truth Of Ancient Treasure In The Southwest

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Alright...Who broke the top off the pictured tobacco tin?:laughing7: (Curiosity is not a person).

There’s a rounded edge of the crushed area, that makes me think that it is a boot heel or a donkey hoof print.

Either way, it speaks of history.


And a very strange sign I'm not sure I want to post for the implications it may have.

We believe it is a directional, but it also has the "M"....which could be considered the Owl of Minerva, I believe ?? There are other markings following the "M", but it just doesn't fit anything we have seen so far. Really strange. I almost think it's another little Devil sign. Scary as H_E_double hockey sticks.

Maybe Mav1, our resident Devil expert, could lend his interpretation? ???

Devil expert? Lol. No, God forbid. You're looking at Melusina. Long-long story and not very well covered.


Melusina.....can't say I've ever heard that one. Interesting, you will have to update me. :icon_thumright:

I'm not so sure though, it's very confusing....almost Masculine. :icon_scratch: And I feel like I should know this one, that nagging sense of recognition just beyond my grasp. Ever feel like that? There's just....something. Maybe I should sleep on it, I sometimes get answers if I just quit looking for them. Have awakened talking to myself before, lol. Weird. I was really hoping you had a quick answer for me. It just looks so damn familiar. Arrghh! :BangHead:


Did the M look anything like this one?

View attachment 1713841

Well, the "M" does, of course, but my eye is kind of....I don't know...winking? :icon_scratch:

I haven't seen any of the Mystery Glyphs yet, but you will sure 'nuff know if I do, I promise. :icon_thumright:

Well, after some thought and discussion with Dog, I have decided to go ahead and post the pic of the Strange Sign. But mind you, I will not be leaving it up permanently, for obvious reasons..... 8-)

Hopefully one of you will figure it out and help us solve this mystery........

There’s a rounded edge of the crushed area, that makes me think that it is a boot heel or a donkey hoof print.

Either way, it speaks of history.


My sentiments exactly, Mikel. Love dat history! :icon_thumright:

Steve, an odd you by chance have charts (or know where I can find one) that shows the trajectory of the moon/sun throughout the year for SW New Mexico? Thank you in advance.

There’s a rounded edge of the crushed area, that makes me think that it is a boot heel or a donkey hoof print.

Either way, it speaks of history.


That looks like a ladies size 7 pivot point.....Maybe it was made upon hearing the crunching sound , thus discovering the priceless relic .:icon_scratch:

The stone to the left looks like a headless horned toad. Hopefully it's head was not fractured by trampling too. (Kidding , kidding. All except for the body shape of the stone.)

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I have to admit, this has to be one of the most interesting investigations I've ever done. So much information here in so many different forms. As both Releventchair and Sdcfia have stated previously, True Translation and Understanding is likely impossible, but perhaps we can get close. I again remind us all that in order to do that we MUST keep an open mind and not give in to Confirmation Bias, or other biases that may cloud our judgement. Only by remaining neutral and observing everything in an emotionally detached manner can we hope to accomplish that. Knowledge is Key, Instinct is a component, but nothing grows in a closed mind.

That said, I should be posting the Strange Sign in just a few. :notworthy:

That looks like a ladies size 7 pivot point.....Maybe it was made upon hearing the crunching sound , thus discovering the priceless relic .:icon_scratch:

The stone to the left looks like a headless horned toad. Hopefully it's head was not fractured by trampling too. (Kidding , kidding. All except for the body shape of the stone.)

Sz. 6, and the crunching sound was the breaking of my heart when I found the tin empty. Lol.

I see your memory hasn't slipped one iota since the last horned toad I 'beheaded'. :laughing7:

I better get the Holy Water and Exorcism Kit to ya FAST!!


Sz. 6, and the crunching sound was the breaking of my heart when I found the tin empty. Lol.

I see your memory hasn't slipped one iota since the last horned toad I 'beheaded'. :laughing7:

Pandrakes happen. (!)

I better get the Holy Water and Exorcism Kit to ya FAST!!


LMAO!! Stat!! And don't forget the St. Raphael medallion for DTTH. :laughing7:

And tell the Pope I'll be by for drinks later. :wink:

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LMAO!! Stat!! And don't forget the St. Raphael medallion for DTTH. :laughing7:

And tell the Pope I'll be by for drinks later. :wink:

I've got about 18 different medallions you both should be wearing...That's why I have a Rosary Tattoo...Never leave home without protection of Jesus and the Saints!! Ya Never Know.

At least you wrote Pope...Rebel woulda wrote Pop!! LMAO! That was funny.

What time is this photo coming up or has it already? Gotta get the crucifix in my hand! :thumbsup:


I've got about 18 different medallions you both should be wearing...That's why I have a Rosary Tattoo...Never leave home without protection of Jesus and the Saints!! Ya Never Know.

At least you wrote Pope...Rebel woulda wrote Pop!! LMAO! That was funny.

What time is this photo coming up or has it already? Gotta get the crucifix in my hand! :thumbsup:


I was waiting to see of Mav1 was going to check in before I posted it, since he had all the answers, but I guess I will go ahead and do it now. Can't leave it up too long for obvious reasons. Give me a few minutes to make sure all the identifying info is wiped first then I'll post it. :icon_thumright:

P.S. I'd get that puppy out now if I was you and start waving it.

I was waiting to see of Mav1 was going to check in before I posted it, since he had all the answers, but I guess I will go ahead and do it now. Can't leave it up too long for obvious reasons. Give me a few minutes to make sure all the identifying info is wiped first then I'll post it. :icon_thumright:

P.S. I'd get that puppy out now if I was you and start waving it.

K...Just lit the candle


And a very strange sign I'm not sure I want to post for the implications it may have.

We believe it is a directional, but it also has the "M"....which could be considered the Owl of Minerva, I believe ?? There are other markings following the "M", but it just doesn't fit anything we have seen so far. Really strange. I almost think it's another little Devil sign. Scary as H_E_double hockey sticks.

Maybe Mav1, our resident Devil expert, could lend his interpretation? ???

Devil expert? Lol. No, God forbid. You're looking at Melusina. Long-long story and not very well covered.


Melusina.....can't say I've ever heard that one. Interesting, you will have to update me. :icon_thumright:

I'm not so sure though, it's very confusing....almost Masculine. :icon_scratch: And I feel like I should know this one, that nagging sense of recognition just beyond my grasp. Ever feel like that? There's just....something. Maybe I should sleep on it, I sometimes get answers if I just quit looking for them. Have awakened talking to myself before, lol. Weird. I was really hoping you had a quick answer for me. It just looks so damn familiar. Arrghh! :BangHead:


Did the M look anything like this one?

View attachment 1713841

Well, the "M" does, of course, but my eye is kind of....I don't know...winking? :icon_scratch:


Well, after some thought and discussion with Dog, I have decided to go ahead and post the pic of the Strange Sign. But mind you, I will not be leaving it up permanently, for obvious reasons..... 8-)

Hopefully one of you will figure it out and help us solve this mystery........

Well, the time has come to post the Strange Sign. Ready or not (Crossing myself) here goes...........

strange sign.webp

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Told y'all.....that Confirmation Bias will get ya every time. :laughing7:

Now THATS FUNNY! Candle Is Still Staying Lit For Awhile! lol!!


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