ANCIENT VOICES: Ditlihi's Journey Into The Truth Of Ancient Treasure In The Southwest

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............and a waterway in between?

Gee Maverick1, you never cease to amaze me. There is water between the Throne and the monument below it. Its divided by a wash. So it seems you knew that, just by knowing there is a Throne there, that is facing west. I sure would like to know a little or a lot more on what is being projected there. If i remember right,there is a lot of stone set ups in that area, all kinda just setting down there by its self. Its all weathered pretty bad and starting to fall apart. So it would be a good thing to get it all photographed again. Do you wanna give up any more info. on what that area is suppose to represent? Its ok if you dont, i know you have a ton of your own time on researching this stuff. You have given a lot already,with nothing expected in return.

a skeptic speaks

peculiar thread
As I understand (little, eh) aboriginal societies, the shamans were the guiding spirit - and they were loaded whilst communicating with whoever.
So, realistically, how would one presume to understand the iconography or symbolism without also being loaded?

And for those without the experience of interpreting things while high (or low !), do not for an instant believe it is the same as sober.

I too am quite fond of the SW desert, and hey - those rocks are shape-shifters also when one is dehydrated. Yet another line of inquiry.

peculiar thread
As I understand (little, eh) aboriginal societies, the shamans were the guiding spirit - and they were loaded whilst communicating with whoever.
So, realistically, how would one presume to understand the iconography or symbolism without also being loaded?

And for those without the experience of interpreting things while high (or low !), do not for an instant believe it is the same as sober.

I too am quite fond of the SW desert, and hey - those rocks are shape-shifters also when one is dehydrated. Yet another line of inquiry.

An example (not arguing theology here) is , who hears of Jesus?

A deity known to a culture ,or introduced ; is spread through communication as ever.

Many spirits were known and common among groups.
A guardian (as another example) painted on a high wall would not be the secret of a shaman when inquired about by others, would it?
Not all were on a vision quest or taking leave of their senses regarding spirits.
To some cultures ,everything had/has a spirit. Regarding everyone and everything. Stone cold sober or loaded.

In my opening post I stated that I am on a Journey. If I travel into zones that are seemingly difficult for you to process, just turn away, don't look.

"The primary reason I'm on TNet is to monitor posts for information that may connect to my personal interest. "

Then why are you on this thread? What IS your personal interest?

My interest in being here is simply to search for evidence that may relate to an immense mystery centered in SW New Mexico. Tangible things, proven facts, left-brain stuff for the most part. I'm frequently not welcome here because I ask questions or post conflicting opinions that upset those who post. I really don't care what folks' theories are, per se, but I am interested in why they believe them and how they support their conclusions. When the conclusions drawn are unsupportable, the response to questioning is frequently an ad hominem attack against the questioner. I can live with it.

This thread feels more like a spiritual quest discussion, one that could potentially offer intriguing opinions. I relish this kind of right-brain stuff - it's more where my non-TNet interests lie. For me, stuff like this does not belong in the Treasure Marks/Signs category, maybe not even on TNet. IMO, marks and signs belong in the left-brain spectrum - by definition, obvious things most humans can recognize and identify. The #1 problem for me in TM/S is conflating pareiodolic observations with "treasure signs" and "hidden vaults".

For these reasons, I'll fade away from here. I'm interested in your journey, but not in folks who see a treasure vault and death trap under every unusual rock.

peculiar thread
As I understand (little, eh) aboriginal societies, the shamans were the guiding spirit - and they were loaded whilst communicating with whoever.
So, realistically, how would one presume to understand the iconography or symbolism without also being loaded?

And for those without the experience of interpreting things while high (or low !), do not for an instant believe it is the same as sober.

I too am quite fond of the SW desert, and hey - those rocks are shape-shifters also when one is dehydrated. Yet another line of inquiry.

This is an interesting topic for sure. Back in the day, I witnessed many amazing spectacles in the rocks while being stoned immaculate. Those damned things were looking at me. This is pareiodolia on steroids. Well, not steroids, but you get the idea. The question is, where is the information coming from and what does it mean? Are they personal messages or just manifestations of reality not normally noticeable? Why are some folks sensitive to these things and others not? Are the visions intensified by the history of the area? The shamans frequently chose such sites to place certain petroglyphs - what do those petroglyphs tell us? There seems to be heightened awareness in area where there is much metal, why? Does it have to do with conductive aberrations in the geo-magnetic field? Oh, yeah, lots to talk about here, but, again, wrong category, IMO.

. . . . .
Many spirits were known and common among groups.
A guardian (as another example) painted on a high wall would not be the secret of a shaman when inquired about by others, would it?
Not all were on a vision quest or taking leave of their senses regarding spirits.
To some cultures ,everything had/has a spirit. Regarding everyone and everything. Stone cold sober or loaded.

projection is not understanding
my limited exposure is that drugs (sweat from toads, shrooms, etc.) were used as a component of communication activities
that we, today, may communicate with spirits while sober may be a reflection of the spirit's desperation to talk to/with someone
hey, the spirits are lonesome

edit: Ditlihi, do the spirits talk to you? (Please do not post a video - spirits at work)

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. . . . .
This thread feels more like a spiritual quest discussion, one that could potentially offer intriguing opinions. I relish this kind of right-brain stuff - it's more where my non-TNet interests lie. For me, stuff like this does not belong in the Treasure Marks/Signs category, maybe not even on TNet. IMO, marks and signs belong in the left-brain spectrum - by definition, obvious things most humans can recognize and identify. The #1 problem for me in TM/S is conflating pareiodolic observations with "treasure signs" and "hidden vaults".
. . . .

This is an interesting topic for sure. Back in the day, I witnessed many amazing spectacles in the rocks while being stoned immaculate. Those damned things were looking at me. This is pareiodolia on steroids. Well, not steroids, but you get the idea. The question is, where is the information coming from and what does it mean? Are they personal messages or just manifestations of reality not normally noticeable? Why are some folks sensitive to these things and others not? Are the visions intensified by the history of the area? The shamans frequently chose such sites to place certain petroglyphs - what do those petroglyphs tell us? There seems to be heightened awareness in area where there is much metal, why? Does it have to do with conductive aberrations in the geo-magnetic field? Oh, yeah, lots to talk about here, but, again, wrong category, IMO.

sdcfia: interesting to me as well; should I start a thread "Priming the Pump to Communicate with Spirits" ?? (tuning the mic ?)
and someone will post about Jack Daniels vs Capt Morgan

This is a great thread guys I just wanted to throw my two cents in on a lot of the so called carvings that we see that are all over the world. I would like for you guys to do a quick google search on MUD FOSSIL UNIVERSITY and I think you will find this very interesting. I think the ancient cultures of the world just used what was already their in stone to mark the trails and to hide their stuff.

P.S: Have you ever wondered why it is called a GOLD VEIN?

That stone is the old lion. There is an young lion in there also. There are some numbers I've seen often. It's giving you the numbers 177, 357. And 385. The first two numbers are 3° off from north and south. 385 It's a measurement from the 357. You need to have pictures from three different times of day. The number 5 is grace and silver. Very nice place. This is what I see. I know most don't see what I do. When looking at number you have to look at them good. This book can help you with symbols. 1557937534375.webp

peculiar thread
As I understand (little, eh) aboriginal societies, the shamans were the guiding spirit - and they were loaded whilst communicating with whoever.
So, realistically, how would one presume to understand the iconography or symbolism without also being loaded?

And for those without the experience of interpreting things while high (or low !), do not for an instant believe it is the same as sober.

I too am quite fond of the SW desert, and hey - those rocks are shape-shifters also when one is dehydrated. Yet another line of inquiry.

projection is not understanding :notworthy:
my limited exposure is that drugs (sweat from toads, shrooms, etc.) were used as a component of communication activities
that we, today, may communicate with spirits while sober may be a reflection of the spirit's desperation to talk to/with someone
hey, the spirits are lonesome

edit: Ditlihi, do the spirits talk to you? (Please do not post a video - spirits at work)

sdcfia: interesting to me as well; should I start a thread "Priming the Pump to Communicate with Spirits" ?? (tuning the mic ?)
and someone will post about Jack Daniels vs Capt Morgan

Good late morning! :coffee2: :sunny:

Do I communicate with spirits? No. I intuit things based on prior knowledge I have accumulated. Am I a 'Sensitive'? Possibly. But not in the woo-woo way. I simply open myself to that Intuition and trust it, having learned through trial and error. I tend to not repress, overthink every angle. I free associate. I believe in using my intuition alongside my intellect. They are really both the same thing after all, it's just a matter of your level of trust in your own decisions. Do I make mistakes? Of course I do, but I learn from them and move on. In my opinion that's called growth. I'm not 'all-knowing' and don't aspire to be. I'm having too damned much fun learning. ;D

Yep, this is a peculiar thread, and I love it. It's a rolling, free associative conversation between friends and misfits, who are not hampered by thin skin and thoughts in a box. Is it uncomfortable for some? Probably. Does it foster innovation and invention? Absolutely. So what? I am fully aware of human nature's tendency to interpret statements and comments according to their own paradigm. I'm fine with that, just don't expect me to coddle your opinion if it differs from mine. I'll consider it....even emulate it. To a point. But if it becomes apparent that we are never going to find a common ground of agreement, I'll allow you yours and move on. No harm done.

As an Indigenous person myself, and having grown up on 'the reservation', I have a working knowledge of Shamanism; and after living and working in such far flug places as Honduras, Guatemala, the Middle East, in my capacity as a geologist, I am familiar with those drug induced visions (in others, I chose not to partake). I'll accept that some of the free association you've seen here on this thread may appear like the musings of a mind on a bowl full of Ayahuasca, lol. But I can assure you they are not. Lol.

Does my thread belong here? Is it only a "Spiritual Quest Discussion"? That's for you to form your own opinion. In my opening post I stated the purpose of my post....

" Who created these colossal stone Guardians, and why? What story do they tell? Is there a special significance to certain areas in these mountains, or to the mountains themselves? Do great Treasures lie buried beneath our feet as we tread silently above in awe at their magnificence? Or has Nature's Architect played a supreme joke on us, as improbable as it seems after witnessing such miraculous oddities?

These questions and more will be the basis of my journey over the next few weeks as I travel the Desert Southwest in search of Truth and Treasure. "

So, does it belong in Signs/Symbols, or elsewhere? :dontknow:

Ya'll decide, I'll abide. It makes me no difference. I don't have control issues. :wink:

P.S. Bill the Skeptic, start that thread, I think it would be awesome. :icon_thumright:

P.S.S. Do spirits use video, Bill? Please advise.

Her Hineyness

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This is a great thread guys I just wanted to throw my two cents in on a lot of the so called carvings that we see that are all over the world. I would like for you guys to do a quick google search on MUD FOSSIL UNIVERSITY and I think you will find this very interesting. I think the ancient cultures of the world just used what was already their in stone to mark the trails and to hide their stuff.

P.S: Have you ever wondered why it is called a GOLD VEIN?

That stone is the old lion. There is an young lion in there also. There are some numbers I've seen often. It's giving you the numbers 177, 357. And 385. The first two numbers are 3° off from north and south. 385 It's a measurement from the 357. You need to have pictures from three different times of day. The number 5 is grace and silver. Very nice place. This is what I see. I know most don't see what I do. When looking at number you have to look at them good. This book can help you with symbols.View attachment 1712707

Welcome OTH and Bob! :hello:

Some interesting thoughts, thanks for your input. :icon_thumright:

An example (not arguing theology here) is , who hears of Jesus?

A deity known to a culture ,or introduced ; is spread through communication as ever.

Many spirits were known and common among groups.
A guardian (as another example) painted on a high wall would not be the secret of a shaman when inquired about by others, would it?
Not all were on a vision quest or taking leave of their senses regarding spirits.
To some cultures ,everything had/has a spirit. Regarding everyone and everything. Stone cold sober or loaded.

This is an Excellent observation, RC, and precisely what I was referring to when I said my general impression was one of adapting a foreign place to resemble one more familiar.

More please! :icon_thumright: :notworthy:


And for ‘other’ tastes…..

……………Or Pirates……….

Where are the belly dancers ???

I'm still waiting for Markmar to post his treasure story from the Tres Hermanas area.

I figured we could have a dance off between the Persian Belly Dancers and the Greek Tsifteteli. :occasion14:

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