Ol' Kentuck
Hero Member
Or not. Sumthin tells me it'll be a cold day in Hades before that Finder shares the info here. 

It wasnt my find. I was there, but i didnt get to see what was inside the Tobacco tins. I was told of, and seen one of the items. The finder will need to be the one to tell those details.![]()
A Prince Albert (or Sir Walter Raleigh, Velvet, even Bugler etc) can easily hold 20 or 30 one-ounce coins. Or a bunch of placer nuggets, like the one Joe Anderson's mother accidentally threw in the trash back in the 1970s when she cleaned up his cabin on Bear Creek. The tin is still buried in the old Grant County landfill down by the golf course.
There's a fantastic cache up near Ridgeway CO. A couple hundred ounces of gold in cobbled ore high-graded from the Idarado Mine in the 1970s that the family and a small group of miners couldn't find after the paranoid miner who hid it dropped dead. It's "in the rocks, close to the road."
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We looked around here. If you happen to find it, remember me.
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A Prince Albert (or Sir Walter Raleigh, Velvet, even Bugler etc) can easily hold 20 or 30 one-ounce coins. Or a bunch of placer nuggets, like the one Joe Anderson's mother accidentally threw in the trash back in the 1970s when she cleaned up his cabin on Bear Creek. The tin is still buried in the old Grant County landfill down by the golf course.
There's a fantastic cache up near Ridgeway CO. A couple hundred ounces of gold in cobbled ore high-graded from the Idarado Mine in the 1970s that the family and a small group of miners couldn't find after the paranoid miner who hid it dropped dead. It's "in the rocks, close to the road."
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We looked around here. If you happen to find it, remember me.
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The Starter of this thread really needs to get back on here and start posting on there thoughts. I cant write like that,or tell that story with that style. I need that to help push me along on my own thoughts and direction. To give you a example of how a different person see things and what they can bring to the table. See the Purple Flowers in this photo. The original poster of this thread, Researched those flowers, and ill be danged, if they didnt find out what country they originated from. Who would have ever thunk of that. I was like Dang, you got to be Sh-ting me. I guess everyone can bring something new to the game. The original poster really needs to get back here and put there thoughts out. I know it helps me out,looking and reading from the outside in.View attachment 1805580 That includes Maverick and Beepers. The help to open my mind.
You have the right idea DTTH, stick to what yer heart and instincts tell ye and ye'll do fine. Thank ye fer sharing yer journey, and the best of luck to ye my friend. I don't reckon I got anything ye need so I'll mosey on, but I jest want to thank ye for the education. It's been an interesting trip. Give Beepers and Li'l Bit my regards.
Take care and Good Luck!![]()
Thanks, same to you. I hope you find what your searching for,be it in Tex. Ark, or whichever state. I will let them know. I think the Rio Grande valley should hold a lot of secrets.Keep your powder dry and canteen full.
Will do. Keep tunin' that shovel.
Why?Here is something from this area. To me,i take it as Ownership.View attachment 1807793
Yesterday I journeyed deep into the mountains near the Mexican Border with my good friend and fellow Treasurenet Member, Dog the Treasure Hunter. To say we had a blast would be a complete understatement, in truth it was just short of Epic.
The Mountain Ranges that separate the two countries are steeped in Treasure Lore and tales of Ancient exploration. Though very windy and cool with rain threatening on the horizon, we managed to cover quite an area on our initial foray into these desolate peaks and were gifted with some extraordinary views, and even more extraordinary discoveries.
Ancient voices whispered secrets just beyond our hearing as we explored several extremely interesting sites and pondered their construction. Have you ever seen a Duck in the desert? On a mountain? I did. And he seemed very pleased with himself, content to guard his secrets with his tail to the wind. How about a King Cobra with his regal head raised, or another Serpent further up with mouth engaged in a meal of boulder eggs? Quite a sight on the side of a lonely forgotten mountaintop. And all skillfully arranged around a huge Reclining Figure, bound as if for burial or ceremony. There was even a Stone Throne that made a perfect rest stop and panoramic viewing spot.
Who created these colossal stone Guardians, and why? What story do they tell? Is there a special significance to certain areas in these mountains, or to the mountains themselves? Do great Treasures lie buried beneath our feet as we tread silently above in awe at their magnificence? Or has Nature's Architect played a supreme joke on us, as improbable as it seems after witnessing such miraculous oddities?
These questions and more will be the basis of my journey over the next few weeks as I travel the Desert Southwest in search of Truth and Treasure. If today was any indication, it's going to be a very interesting trip. Wanna ride along?
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And The Journey Continues........![]()