ANCIENT VOICES: Ditlihi's Journey Into The Truth Of Ancient Treasure In The Southwest

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Here ya go, another from this site. Might not Mean Much to some, but to some it Means Much. I balanced the scale 4 me with that statement. What is the Language? At least Ancient? 292020 271.webp

Iam gonna show you something and tell you something, only cause i have been drinking. So listen up, and draw your own thoughts.

Here it is. Been trying to figure this symbol out. I have found it at other places, even in giant size(shadow) . Sometimes the head ? is closed, or its open. Like a tulip,seed pod opening, or does it represent the snake? Does it have something to do with reproduction? I have seen it on different stone tablets on line. Old stuff. You can see it at 6.40 of the video.292020 326.webp Just some more stuff from this site.

Here is something else right there,that is odd. Check out the black stone and the white stone. Contrast,balancing the scales? Could there be something to this? Or just random nature?292020 326.webp


I see that now. It is a good Sea Horse. The eye see's what it wants. Thats a good lesson. If you turn 180 deg. and take this photo from that spot you will see this. Warning if you have Greed and Lust, use your normal restraint to control those feelings.

Ok,here it is. To me i see a Turtle with food in its mouth? I see a what i call Log with a branch, that to me represents gold. Your mileage may very. To me it looks man made.292020 085.webp

Ok,here it is. To me i see a Turtle with food in its mouth? I see a what i call Log with a branch, that to me represents gold. Your mileage may very. To me it looks man made.View attachment 1802161

Interesting. I'm watching and listening too, DTTH.

Pass the bottle, Weekender, make mine on the rocks, thank Ye muchly.

This last pic you posted is very interesting and has me checkin' back over my notes. I noticed a similarity to the pic of Dit's Door. It looks to me like there is a round wheel-like stone placed in the same position near the openings of both of these 'set-ups', (lower left as you're facing the door/opening). Makes me wonder if it might be significant?

:icon_scratch: :dontknow:




Interesting. I'm watching and listening too, DTTH.

Pass the bottle, Weekender, make mine on the rocks, thank Ye muchly.

This last pic you posted is very interesting and has me checkin' back over my notes. I noticed a similarity to the pic of Dit's Door. It looks to me like there is a round wheel-like stone placed in the same position near the openings of both of these 'set-ups', (lower left as you're facing the door/opening). Makes me wonder if it might be significant?

:icon_scratch: :dontknow:




Thats interesting. You would need to find that disk at other openings, to move the needle to truth. If you turn right 60 deg.,from the spot that photo was taken, you get this photo. I see a round stone and a Delta. Your mileage may vary. Hummm, Disk and Doors?292020 125.webp

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Thats interesting. You would need to find that disk at other openings, to move the needle to truth. If you turn right 60 deg.,from the spot that photo was taken, you get this photo. I see a round stone and a Delta. Your mileage may vary. Hummm, Disk and Doors?

View attachment 1802255

Well now, ain't that jest the cat's pajammers.

Uno mas, Bartender. :icon_thumright: :notworthy:

Well now, ain't that jest the cat's pajammers.

Uno mas, Bartender. :icon_thumright: :notworthy:

Your gonna need more than 2 photos, to move the needle more to truth,with the Wheel and Delta connection(Door). Now If you move appox 30deg. back left,and take a photo from that spot too ,you will see this. Wheel,Delta? You will need make your own call. They (wheel seem to be Left,lower or in line. Huummm,need to study more.292020 122.webp

Kinda odd there is a Black and white stone over there, and a smaller Black and White stone where the photo was taken from. Gonna have to think on it a bit.292020 122.webp


Jest a thought that's been rollin' around in my noggin today. Seein' as there seems to be some kind of relation to the Apostles on the previous sites on this trail, it occurred to me there was a verse in Matthew that could apply here. Bear with me here as I'm going out on a limb with this one, I'll admit right off. But it keeps popping up in my thoughts so I figgered I'd mention it. May be something, may just be stretching. Y'all take it as you like.

In Matthew 28:2, speaking on the Resurrection, he states... " And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the Angel of the Lord descended from Heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it."

Many scholars have studied that verse and came to the conclusion that Jesus, in his resurrected form, had no need for the door to be open to leave the tomb. They believe the stone must have been rolled away so that the women and other witnesses could see that the tomb was now empty.

Do ye suppose that this wheel-like stone placed in similar positions near the openings on these sites could be a representation, a signal/message if ye will, that these vaults are now empty?

Previously removed? :icon_scratch:


Possibly a Dino monument, Look for the pyramid /aframe / pointed rock near where the base of tail would be that connects with main body. It will be important, might have peepsite/gunsite, or it will just have direction from it like due west is common. Seahorse is another thing. It's a creation thing , as well as something associated with afterlife and even believed to be a vessel to take certain cultures to the afterlife. Can't really get much into it here without a wall of text.


Jest a thought that's been rollin' around in my noggin today. Seein' as there seems to be some kind of relation to the Apostles on the previous sites on this trail, it occurred to me there was a verse in Matthew that could apply here. Bear with me here as I'm going out on a limb with this one, I'll admit right off. But it keeps popping up in my thoughts so I figgered I'd mention it. May be something, may just be stretching. Y'all take it as you like.

In Matthew 28:2, speaking on the Resurrection, he states... " And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the Angel of the Lord descended from Heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it."

Many scholars have studied that verse and came to the conclusion that Jesus, in his resurrected form, had no need for the door to be open to leave the tomb. They believe the stone must have been rolled away so that the women and other witnesses could see that the tomb was now empty.

Do ye suppose that this wheel-like stone placed in similar positions near the openings on these sites could be a representation, a signal/message if ye will, that these vaults are now empty?

Previously removed? :icon_scratch:

I dont think they are empty, i havent seen to many sites that seem to be raided. I think they are known about by a certain group that seems to have worked the areas. I Really dont see the sites destroyed. I think they knew right where to go,no guessing on their part. Thats very interesting on that about the wheel. What if the wheel is used by a pagan group before Christ,BC?
I like that gold bar in your Avatar OL Kentuck, i would like to find one of those.

I dont think they are empty, i havent seen to many sites that seem to be raided. I think they are known about by a certain group that seems to have worked the areas. I Really dont see the sites destroyed. I think they knew right where to go,no guessing on their part. Thats very interesting on that about the wheel. What if the wheel is used by a pagan group before Christ,BC?
I like that gold bar in your Avatar OL Kentuck, i would like to find one of those.

I reckon that's like asking which came first, the chicken or the egg.

Who might of been the first to come up with the Wheel symbology. :dontknow:

Maybe these guys.... ???

And thank ye, it makes a dandy doorstop. :wink:

... Thats very interesting on that about the wheel. What if the wheel is used by a pagan group before Christ,BC? ...

They're saying that the underground city of Derinkuyu (discovered in Turkey in 1963) was constructed before the 10,000 BC cataclysm struck, when at least 20-50,000 people went subsurface in order to survive the event. I guess they knew it was coming. Look at this round rolling door.


They're saying that the underground city of Derinkuyu (discovered in Turkey in 1963) was constructed before the 10,000 BC cataclysm struck, when at least 20-50,000 people went subsurface in order to survive the event. I guess they knew it was coming. Look at this round rolling door.

View attachment 1803367

Well i guess it was. I dont like underground stuff, but i think i could go in that. One of my goals is to find and go in a Ancient America tunnel network. I better get on it.

I reckon that's like asking which came first, the chicken or the egg.

Who might of been the first to come up with the Wheel symbology. :dontknow:

Maybe these guys.... ???

And thank ye, it makes a dandy doorstop. :wink:

I think these guys where first out here. The mountain movers.

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