ANCIENT VOICES: Ditlihi's Journey Into The Truth Of Ancient Treasure In The Southwest

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I liked 1711632 the best - it's nice when the ocotillo blossoms bring a little color to the desert.

View attachment 1808583

Yep, lots of good stuff there.

Interesting pic, Steve, thanks fer posting. Looks like a nice cool shady spot to explore in the hot summertime. What's yer take on these? I'm getting some weird vibes from 'em. :icon_scratch:

Nice to see all the interesting contributions on this thread, instead of the repetitious and boring same 'ol pics posted over and over with no relevant commentary that I've seen elsewhere. Posting them over and over doesn't make them mean anything, or validate 'em. Jest turns the viewers off and they end up in the discard pile.


Lots of good discussion, pics, and ideas on this thread though. I can always count on y'all to expand my mind a bit when I visit. Thank ye in advance fer sharing yer pics and thoughts. :icon_thumright:

Yep, lots of good stuff there.

Interesting pic, Steve, thanks fer posting. Looks like a nice cool shady spot to explore in the hot summertime. What's yer take on these? I'm getting some weird vibes from 'em. :icon_scratch: ....

I found this spot Thursday during our ongoing documentation of carved stones. This part of the mountain is rife with odd outcroppings, hoodoos, weird split boulders and such, so at first I thought this little knoll might be the exposed top of an eroded outcropping. It likely is, but I have a nagging feeling that it might be something more, so one of these days I think I'll go back and closely inspect the standing stones, especially the taller, leaning middle one, for old eroded carvings. It wouldn't be a mining claim corner, but it could be a grave. There are plenty of old graves on this mountain (another probable one a couple hundred feet from this spot) as the Apaches killed many miners here in the 1860s-1870s.

I found this spot Thursday during our ongoing documentation of carved stones. This part of the mountain is rife with odd outcroppings, hoodoos, weird split boulders and such, so at first I thought this little knoll might be the exposed top of an eroded outcropping. It likely is, but I have a nagging feeling that it might be something more, so one of these days I think I'll go back and closely inspect the standing stones, especially the taller, leaning middle one, for old eroded carvings. It wouldn't be a mining claim corner, but it could be a grave. There are plenty of old graves on this mountain (another probable one a couple hundred feet from this spot) as the Apaches killed many miners here in the 1860s-1870s.

That would explain the weird vibes I reckon. A feller might be wise to carry in some tobacco next visit.

That would sure 'nuff catch my eye as well, worthy of a second look fer sure. Heck of a crop of lichen growing there. In the past, while attempting to document rock carvings, I've covered something like this with black plastic fer a few weeks to starve the lichen of light. Will dry up and turn to dust which ye can just whisk away with no damage to what's underneath. Might be a thought here.

Sure looks to be some attention given to dressing those stones. Interesting spot, good luck to ye.

That would explain the weird vibes I reckon. A feller might be wise to carry in some tobacco next visit.

That would sure 'nuff catch my eye as well, worthy of a second look fer sure. Heck of a crop of lichen growing there. In the past, while attempting to document rock carvings, I've covered something like this with black plastic fer a few weeks to starve the lichen of light. Will dry up and turn to dust which ye can just whisk away with no damage to what's underneath. Might be a thought here.

Sure looks to be some attention given to dressing those stones. Interesting spot, good luck to ye.

I carry a hard plastic garden trowel for scraping off the lichen. Metal tools tend to scratch up the rock, which can obscure the carving if it has gone faint with age. The granite on this mountain is soft and erodes quickly.

Next time you're in Luna County, drive the old Butterfield Trail between Fort Cummings and Frying Pan Canyon. The Apache killed about 400 along that stretch over the years, and there's many graves. The dead were usually buried where they fell, marked by oblong rock piles.

I carry a hard plastic garden trowel for scraping off the lichen. Metal tools tend to scratch up the rock, which can obscure the carving if it has gone faint with age. The granite on this mountain is soft and erodes quickly.

Next time you're in Luna County, drive the old Butterfield Trail between Fort Cummings and Frying Pan Canyon. The Apache killed about 400 along that stretch over the years, and there's many graves. The dead were usually buried where they fell, marked by oblong rock piles.

Yep, I'm aware of the erosion factor, which the lichen tends to hasten, and is why I prefer to use the black plastic. It's less invasive and minimizes damage that even plastic tools can inflict on the finer details. Course we don't always have the luxury of waiting a couple weeks fer it to do its magic, in which case your choice of plastic over metal would definitely be the wiser. I've also used an angled mirror to reflect light up onto the fainter markings, which is a great help to coax out more detail. Time waits for no man nor stone, but fortunately we have a few nifty tools and methods to beat the clock sometimes.

Thanks fer the heads up on the Butterfield Trail section in Luna, will keep it in mind should my path lead me in that direction. :icon_thumright:

sdcfia,it looks like there might be a triangle and something else on the lower far right side of that larger stone. That small stump is interesting,i had found one like that out here,it had been burnt,but none of the other tress had been. Just let me know if you want me to trash can your photo.IMG_0213.webp

sdcfia,it looks like there might be a triangle and something else on the lower far right side of that larger stone. That small stump is interesting,i had found one like that out here,it had been burnt,but none of the other tress had been. Just let me know if you want me to trash can your photo.View attachment 1809129

The photo is yours now, and everybody's.

How do you know the number 7 means gold? I only ask because I have found the number 7 blazed in a tree in an area that I believe there is a cache.

Good morning Dit.
I can only speak from my experience from the mysterious triangle of symbols, that have (once decoded, thanks to Galileo) added up to 5 equaling the sigma sign.

Many people told me that the 5 indicated silver.

And this photo, shows a low grade ore stone that was built into a wall, In “Mike’s vault “. It was split into two pieces, to show the ore, but I have learned that the ore has leachable microscopic gold as well.

You may remember that all of that mystery stone and the cave that held the stacked stones, was destroyed just before Weekender joined me on the quest to use Kenworthy’s method to measure and create the azimuth.

That collapse is what exposed the vault, I/we could make the leap of faith, that the vault was in deed, it’s intended target.

All of that has lead us to believe that the primary ore was silver.

View attachment 1711772

The ore is best seen as a strip of shiny, glitter-like material in the ova shaped stone.

That seems to be the long way around to make that relationship between silver and the number 5!

But we also have found a number 7 in that same area, on a large stone billboard in an area that we refer to as the Royal Room...

This photo has a great number of signs and Symbols.
Take a look at this...

View attachment 1711777

The stone man is looking at the billboard among many other S/S.

So we now believe that there may have been gold, found and processed on the same site.

At the very least, it may have just been stored there at some point in time.

So we believe 5= silver, and 7= gold.

I hope that you find both on your quest!

Be you, most fortunate among man/womankind.

Happy hunting.


How do you know the number 7 means gold? I only ask because I have found the number 7 blazed in a tree in an area that I believe there is a cache.

While I can't speak fer Prospector Mikel, I think I can help ye here.

Charles Kenworthy is the originator of the number 7 as a treasure related symbol. His adherents are many, his detractors just as numerous.

You will find everything you could want to know, and a lot you will want to forget, in the postings here on Tnet by "Rangler" and "Old Dog". Just do a search using those monikers or "Kenworthy".

My advice would be to start a new thread about your own site/discovery and the number 7 in the title, and you will soon be overwhelmed with offers of information. Although to my knowledge, neither Rangler nor Old Dog contribute here any longer (or at least under those names).

You won't find much info on the 7 on this thread as, while some may touch on the symbolism briefly ... it doesn't appear to be a Kenworthy conversation.

Here ye go, I'll start ye in that direction.

Good luck with yer search. :icon_thumright:

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Going live tonight.Should be good.

Archaeoastronomy is the study of how ancient people related the Sun, Moon, and stars to events on Earth. For many millennia, ancient civilizations have been tracking cyclical arrangements in the sky, noticing that certain events corresponded to the repeating patterns they observed above them made by celestial bodies, which they considered gods. Astrotheology is the study of the astronomical influence on religion. While the influence of the stars on ancient Egypt has been known for over a century, this understanding in places like Hattusa,, the ancient Anatolian capital city of the Hittite empire, is just coming to light this decade.Eberhard Zangger is president of the Luwian Studies foundation in Zurich and an expert in the reconstruction of archaeological landscapes, and is currently focused on a site in modern day Turkey, which in antiquity was part of the Hittite empire. The Luwians were a group of Anatolian people who's language was part of the Indo-European family, and who's writing was cuneiform, imported from Mesopotamia, leaving behind mysterious ancient carvings in rock reliefs now being deciphered.The Getty Villa is s a recreation of an ancient Roman country house, with an extensive collection of art and antiquities, at the easterly end of the Malibu coast in the Pacific Palisades neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. The museum's collection includes art that spans the 7,000 years from the end of the Stone Age to the fall of the Roman empire.

Going live tonight.Should be good.

Archaeoastronomy is the study of how ancient people related the Sun, Moon, and stars to events on Earth. For many millennia, ancient civilizations have been tracking cyclical arrangements in the sky, noticing that certain events corresponded to the repeating patterns they observed above them made by celestial bodies, which they considered gods. Astrotheology is the study of the astronomical influence on religion. While the influence of the stars on ancient Egypt has been known for over a century, this understanding in places like Hattusa,, the ancient Anatolian capital city of the Hittite empire, is just coming to light this decade.Eberhard Zangger is president of the Luwian Studies foundation in Zurich and an expert in the reconstruction of archaeological landscapes, and is currently focused on a site in modern day Turkey, which in antiquity was part of the Hittite empire. The Luwians were a group of Anatolian people who's language was part of the Indo-European family, and who's writing was cuneiform, imported from Mesopotamia, leaving behind mysterious ancient carvings in rock reliefs now being deciphered.The Getty Villa is s a recreation of an ancient Roman country house, with an extensive collection of art and antiquities, at the easterly end of the Malibu coast in the Pacific Palisades neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. The museum's collection includes art that spans the 7,000 years from the end of the Stone Age to the fall of the Roman empire.

THAT was an Excellent video, DTTH. I believe this may help Some to connect a few dots here. :notworthy:

THAT was an Excellent video, DTTH. I believe this may help Some to connect a few dots here. :notworthy:[/QUOTE

I enjoyed it also. I was able to pick off a couple of things that are important to me. I didn't realize the video would be still be online, or i would have watched the side live chat better and what he was saying live. I did see him say on the live chat, that we are living in the secret Era and that the secret Era is ending. I was thinking, so we are all gonna get the truth soon,then what happens a big old Comet hits the earth and we loose the truth? So much to look for,and so little time. I need to get out and dig for some truth.

While I can't speak fer Prospector Mikel, I think I can help ye here.

Charles Kenworthy is the originator of the number 7 as a treasure related symbol. His adherents are many, his detractors just as numerous.

You will find everything you could want to know, and a lot you will want to forget, in the postings here on Tnet by "Rangler" and "Old Dog". Just do a search using those monikers or "Kenworthy".

My advice would be to start a new thread about your own site/discovery and the number 7 in the title, and you will soon be overwhelmed with offers of information. Although to my knowledge, neither Rangler nor Old Dog contribute here any longer (or at least under those names).

You won't find much info on the 7 on this thread as, while some may touch on the symbolism briefly ... it doesn't appear to be a Kenworthy conversation.

Here ye go, I'll start ye in that direction.

Good luck with yer search. :icon_thumright:

Thank you OLE KENTUCK.
I appreciate your help, given for
JOSHUA 9900. As well as all of the other folks, looking for the information on 7.

And there is much to be learned from the site that you referred to.

Thank you, O K ...

JOSHUA 9900,
I appreciate your interest in my opinion (humble as it is).

I still consider myself to be a newbie!?
I hold dearly, the teachers on Tnet.
They have taught me a great deal over the years.

I learned about “KENWORTHY” here, and sought his books.
They are, in theory, very true to follow.

However: Time and alleged dishonesty, perpetuated by “Jesuits “
And traveling farther away from the Spanish stronghold over Mexico, seems to have weakened the code, at least a bit.

Wars have been fought and treasures have changed hands many times.

That being said; The heart and spirit of THE CODE, remains true within the confines of the archives.

As for Kenworthy’s work, I trust it, to a great degree.
My doubts are about things that have been tampered with in the field.

I know that almost every monument on mine and Weekender’s site has been tampered with, shot up and a few have been removed or destroyed by the hands of people. Mostly by silent readers of my thread.
Nameless and faceless, people that want it’s secrets lost and forgotten.

Anyone that has a site that is well documented, runs the risk of working for years from fake or misleading information, so beware of what you uncover in the field.

As for the number 7. Kenworthy has defined four different types of the number.

I have a picture of them that is slightly out of focus in hopes that it doesn’t completely define the page, as it is from his book. For what it’s worth...


The information that O K brought forward shows the stone man below the “Billboard “ , but there are many signs and symbols all over the walls, that tell a great story of whom, were there, long ago.
I am convinced that there is a written record of that place, somewhere in an archive that is historical and hidden.

My latest attempt to re-establish the map point for the Royal Room, was thwarted by evidence that there was another great eruption of flood water through the bluff.

Much has been lost.

I know that we need to make one more trip, but I find myself dreading it. Yet trying to prepare my mind for what we might see. And I fear that there may be a heavy price to bear.

#/:0{(>~ (C)

Thank you OLE KENTUCK.
I appreciate your help, given for
JOSHUA 9900. As well as all of the other folks, looking for the information on 7.

And there is much to be learned from the site that you referred to.

Thank you, O K ...

JOSHUA 9900,
I appreciate your interest in my opinion (humble as it is).

I still consider myself to be a newbie!?
I hold dearly, the teachers on Tnet.
They have taught me a great deal over the years.

I learned about “KENWORTHY” here, and sought his books.
They are, in theory, very true to follow.

However: Time and alleged dishonesty, perpetuated by “Jesuits “
And traveling farther away from the Spanish stronghold over Mexico, seems to have weakened the code, at least a bit.

Wars have been fought and treasures have changed hands many times.

That being said; The heart and spirit of THE CODE, remains true within the confines of the archives.

As for Kenworthy’s work, I trust it, to a great degree.
My doubts are about things that have been tampered with in the field.

I know that almost every monument on mine and Weekender’s site has been tampered with, shot up and a few have been removed or destroyed by the hands of people. Mostly by silent readers of my thread.
Nameless and faceless, people that want it’s secrets lost and forgotten.

Anyone that has a site that is well documented, runs the risk of working for years from fake or misleading information, so beware of what you uncover in the field.

As for the number 7. Kenworthy has defined four different types of the number.

I have a picture of them that is slightly out of focus in hopes that it doesn’t completely define the page, as it is from his book. For what it’s worth...

View attachment 1809583,

The information that O K brought forward shows the stone man below the “Billboard “ , but there are many signs and symbols all over the walls, that tell a great story of whom, were there, long ago.
I am convinced that there is a written record of that place, somewhere in an archive that is historical and hidden.

My latest attempt to re-establish the map point for the Royal Room, was thwarted by evidence that there was another great eruption of flood water through the bluff.

Much has been lost.

I know that we need to make one more trip, but I find myself dreading it. Yet trying to prepare my mind for what we might see. And I fear that there may be a heavy price to bear.

#/:0{(>~ (C)

Thank ye Prospector Mikel, that was a very good summation of the search you are conducting and the reasoning behind it, along with yer beliefs regarding the 7. I know you are too humble to toot yer own horn, so I'll toot it for ye. :wink:

Joshua9900, you can follow along with Prospector Mikel's search here....I'm sure you will enjoy it as much as I have.

I could be wrong, but I believe DTTH's site is a horse of a different color, and unrelated to any Kenworthy syllogisms. Maybe he will join us with some clarification on that point, since this thread pertains to that particular site.

Thanks again, Mikel, There are many here who consider You one of those teachers on tnet, having learned from your experience, ever so humbly shared. :notworthy:

If you stop this video at 5.50, the original poster of this thread had made a important discovery to me. Thanks.

Thank you OLE KENTUCK.
I appreciate your help, given for
JOSHUA 9900. As well as all of the other folks, looking for the information on 7.

And there is much to be learned from the site that you referred to.

Thank you, O K ...

JOSHUA 9900,
I appreciate your interest in my opinion (humble as it is).

I still consider myself to be a newbie!?
I hold dearly, the teachers on Tnet.
They have taught me a great deal over the years.

I learned about “KENWORTHY” here, and sought his books.
They are, in theory, very true to follow.

However: Time and alleged dishonesty, perpetuated by “Jesuits “
And traveling farther away from the Spanish stronghold over Mexico, seems to have weakened the code, at least a bit.

Wars have been fought and treasures have changed hands many times.

That being said; The heart and spirit of THE CODE, remains true within the confines of the archives.

As for Kenworthy’s work, I trust it, to a great degree.
My doubts are about things that have been tampered with in the field.

I know that almost every monument on mine and Weekender’s site has been tampered with, shot up and a few have been removed or destroyed by the hands of people. Mostly by silent readers of my thread.
Nameless and faceless, people that want it’s secrets lost and forgotten.

Anyone that has a site that is well documented, runs the risk of working for years from fake or misleading information, so beware of what you uncover in the field.

As for the number 7. Kenworthy has defined four different types of the number.

I have a picture of them that is slightly out of focus in hopes that it doesn’t completely define the page, as it is from his book. For what it’s worth...

View attachment 1809583,

The information that O K brought forward shows the stone man below the “Billboard “ , but there are many signs and symbols all over the walls, that tell a great story of whom, were there, long ago.
I am convinced that there is a written record of that place, somewhere in an archive that is historical and hidden.

My latest attempt to re-establish the map point for the Royal Room, was thwarted by evidence that there was another great eruption of flood water through the bluff.

Much has been lost.

I know that we need to make one more trip, but I find myself dreading it. Yet trying to prepare my mind for what we might see. And I fear that there may be a heavy price to bear.

#/:0{(>~ (C)

PROSPECTORMIKEL :icon_thumleft::treasurechest::icon_thumright:

If you go to page#1, post#3 You will see that symbol in this video. Notice the Rabbit, It must be pretty import to be the #2 monument just behind the main sky monument. He is facing away from everything else in this photo. I think i may have to look where its looking. The rabbit goes way way back, i think i may have finally figured out its meaning to these people that built this site.
altar with alignment (1).webp

I went back to see the beginnings of the thread and looked more closely than I did the first time...!_
Many details that were captured and not spoken of.

DIT , where ever you are.
Your eyes for details are sorely missed. ____.!


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