American GOP is an Impediment to Obama Governing.......

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I wonder if somes' criticism here, is meant to help or hurt the discussion. :icon_scratch:

"The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual."

First rule of survival: Save yourself first!
We're not in that mode, yet.........

Perhaps this is a flaw, in that man seeks out that "one" who will sustain him, when he should be able to look to himself as his own sustainer, with healthy inter-dependant relations with others, that again, is mutually beneficial. Not, yay I screwed you over, yay for me, boo for you.
Why is it so hard to set ego's aside, to come to a positive outcome?
What is see, is overblown ego's, with outcomes that are only going to benefit the few, and harm the many.
I don't care how O tries to spin, re-spin, rename, and re-sell his delusions!

You go Pat!


Did it hurt when you had your sense of humor removed?

Did you think they said "tumor" so you said "Sure!"?

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

Well, trying to be funny?

At least I didn't LIE to try to derail a topic, get caught, and then try to deflect attention by discrediting the person who showed up my LIE.



We will NOT go quitely into the night!

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Have you read Gingrich's "GOPAC" memo on language? I believe it was issued in 1994. He said the Republicans should demonize the Democrats. What possible good did that accomplish? Just drove people farther apart.

There has been a lot in the media recently about President John F. Kennedy. Look at the Kennedy-Nixon debates from 1960. They treated each other with respect. They agreed on the nation's goals. The disagreements were how to get there.

Until Gingrich and his ilk, they didn't accuse each other of being un-American, Communists, socialists, or any of that Tailgunner Joe garbage.

I was happy to see Ole Newt fall flat on his fat face in 2012. He deserved it for what he did to politics in this country.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

The reason that works is it replaces rational thought.

When your position lacks rationality, resort to name calling.

Or, a virtual orgy of Obama Hate - sort of like the 2 Minute Hate in 1984. A re-directiion of subconscious feelings away from a wretched and controlled existence because of the government and toward external enemies (which likely do not even exist), minimizing subversive thought and behavior.

Here's my view of it, direct from the book:

The keyword here is blackwhite. Like so many Newspeak words, this word has two mutually contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it means the habit of impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts. Applied to a Party member, it means a loyal willingness to say that black is white when Party discipline demands this. But it means also the ability to believe that black is white, and more, to know that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary. This demands a continuous alteration of the past, made possible by the system of thought which really embraces all the rest, and which is known in Newspeak as doublethink. Doublethink is basically the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.

That is why the conservatives are called names all of the time.. I can't even keep up with the names a few here spout about conservative thought! Thanks for Identifying it Bum!

All rational thought has been pushed from the minds on the left.

When your position lacks rationality, resort to name calling.

Or, a virtual orgy of Obama Hate - sort of like the 2 Minute Hate in 1984. A re-directiion of subconscious feelings away from a wretched and controlled existence because of the government and toward external enemies (which likely do not even exist), minimizing subversive thought and behavior.

Let me ask you a question: why do you hate Newt Gingrich? Can you give me an example to show why he is deserving of hate?

Same with Romney.

I can give you a list of reasons I hate Obama, and it is not a short list.

Who has Newt blamed for his lack of success?

Who has Romney blamed for his lack of success?

Now, who has Obama NOT blamed for his lack of success?

"The republicans block everything I want to do! They won't let me do the business of the people!"

Let me explain a simple concept: A representative republic.

A place where men and women --- while not all walking in lockstep --- work towards the COMMON GOOD, not the creation of a power base for one party.

A place where bad ideas are opposed, even if only by a minority.

A place where, if a single man attempts to destroy our way of life, he can count on the opposition of patriots of all parties to place him in check.

A place where, freedoms of the many are guaranteed by the actions of a few men fighting any and all who attempt to subvert those freedoms for personal or political gain.

Not one person running everything and getting everything he/she wants. That would be a DICTATORSHIP.

Not one party forcing the other side into submission while instituting a policy to destroy a system of government that has been in place for over 200 years. A single ruling party would be a totalitarian government.

Waiting on your reply ...

That is why the conservatives are called names all of the time.. I can't even keep up with the names a few here spout about conservative thought! Thanks for Identifying it Bum!

All rational thought has been pushed from the minds on the left.

blackwhite; I think you got it!

Treasure Hunter:

The Bush Administration certainly didn't let the US Constitution get in the way of the "Patriot Act."

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

I asked Batkid to run for Bat-President! Told him, he could save us all! :laughing7:

It seems a shame that there is so much division. One does not build a house, business, or life, with division.
Imho, I feel instead of always thinking win/lose, why don't we see if there are areas where there can be win/win?
I feel, there are way too many in power who romp and stomp, demanding THERE WAY is the only way! Well, by WHOSE standards?
A puffed suit, the preacher, the teacher, whose way is the right way? How can a man raised in a city and secular life, understand the man raised on a farm, working, and toiling all his life? And vice versa.....

There needs to be fairness. A win/win situation. I do not believe our founding fathers expected a nation divided, to stand.

Maybe we should put the GOP on commission, instead of salary. :laughing7:

Mr. Pat, thanks for including the "imho" in your post, that says a lot of good about you. So imho, I beg to differ. A house is certainly built on division, doors and windows divide us from folks who would do our loved ones harm. Business are certainly built on division...I'm sure Apple and Samsung aren't looking for a win/win situation right about now. Lives are also built on division, usually between good and evil...good has absolutely no business compromising with evil in a win/win situation.

Also imho: You asked a really good question..."Who's way is right?" I can actually tell you who's way is right every time, all the time. The person who's way is right is the person who is wisest. Over-simplifying the situation? Heck yeah I is! It needs to be over simplified so everyone gets it...bear with me so at least I will know you understand what I'm saying, (that doesn't mean you have to agree with me).

Most of the time I hear folks arguing "right vs. wrong". This usually frustrates me because there is higher moral and intellectual ground than right and wrong, and that higher ground is "wisdom vs. foolishness". The problem with right vs wrong is right and wrong changes with each different situation...if the sign says no swimming, then it is wrong to jump in. If someone is drowning then it becomes the right thing to jump in, and try to save them. Again imho, Wisdom vs foolishness is not situation based, it is results based. A wise man once said, "Wisdom is proven right by the results". So who's way is right...the person with the most good results. Look at places like North Korea or a thousand others where Communism, Socialism, or Tyranny has been tried. It never works. The currant group of Communists, Socialists, and Tyrants won't make it work either. Sorry. It...just...doesn'

If Sauron was given the ring half the time, would that be a win/win for Middle Earth? (I wanted to use a Hitler analogy, but I'm trying to wean myself from the Hitler analogies. you get the idea, though).

What we already have here in America, ever since FDR, is an attempt at a win/win situation between those folks who are responsible for themselves, and those who want the government to be responsible for them. It is not working. Mostly because the foolish among us have too much control. And the wise among us are ridiculed for their very wisdom, because no one wants to live wisely, it's too much work for some.

Once again, imho, the difference between the Liberal and Conservative point of view is this: The Libs argue for what they think is right, and the Conservs argue for what they think is wise, we're not even on the same page. Freedom works every time it is tried so it is the wisest choice. Non-free societies fail every time, so they are the foolhardy choice.

Those who revere freedom are the wisest because freedom works. so their way is the wiser of the two choices, and they should be making the rules. Not someone who does something they think is right but never works. Imho, and generally speaking, of course.

the senate and legislature and the supreme court are the checks an balance provided by the constitution...not political parties.

if that is nit picking...someone has nits that need picking.
Yup..and the Republicans control the House...that means they don't have to, and shouldn't, roll-over for the rest of the government...thank you.

The rule of law was being abused for republican gain. The adults finally stepped in and said enough. The people deserve a government that governs.
Governs...or rules...there's a BIG difference.

Thank you JSF for your thoughtful reply. I see what you're saying and wish to expound on a few items mentioned (for better understandings). Maybe take some of the generals into specifics, possibly viewing various shades......
But at this late a hour, the mind wobbles :laughing7:
I'll catch up tomorrow, ya'll have a good evening.

That was a good speech NHB, I caught that the other evening. I'm sure there will be some who will pooh pooh her, but truth is truth, don't matter who says it.

One could simply look at the headlines, the Judge is not the only one going hhmmmmm. :icon_scratch:

Politics | Executive | Health Care | Fox News

I ain't forgot ya, JSF..... gotta make airport run atm.......

ets: while the holiday allows for a little down time, perhaps get familiar with who you need to contact to voice your approval or disapproval of this current administration. Yes yes Mr. O, we gonna be talking this holiday season!

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Let me ask you a question: why do you hate Newt Gingrich? Can you give me an example to show why he is deserving of hate?

Same with Romney.

I can give you a list of reasons I hate Obama, and it is not a short list.

Who has Newt blamed for his lack of success?

Who has Romney blamed for his lack of success?

Now, who has Obama NOT blamed for his lack of success?

"The republicans block everything I want to do! They won't let me do the business of the people!"

Let me explain a simple concept: A representative republic.

A place where men and women --- while not all walking in lockstep --- work towards the COMMON GOOD, not the creation of a power base for one party.

A place where bad ideas are opposed, even if only by a minority.

A place where, if a single man attempts to destroy our way of life, he can count on the opposition of patriots of all parties to place him in check.

A place where, freedoms of the many are guaranteed by the actions of a few men fighting any and all who attempt to subvert those freedoms for personal or political gain.

Not one person running everything and getting everything he/she wants. That would be a DICTATORSHIP.

Not one party forcing the other side into submission while instituting a policy to destroy a system of government that has been in place for over 200 years. A single ruling party would be a totalitarian government.

Waiting on your reply ...

Chad, i really liked the beginning of your post. It led me to believe you were going to go down a rationale list of things that obama has actually done wrong - like improperly managing the ACA launch. But instead you launch into the normal Xright diatribe of untruths, half truths and Xright lies.

But rather than counterpoint the entire list I'm only going to question one point - A place where men and woman while not all walking in lockstep work for the common good not the power base of one party.

Chad, saying this, obviously, you believe everything every republican says when they block legislation. That it's for the common good, correct? here's the problem with that - the republicans block everything. Even the most routine and mundane spending bills. For example the funding bill that allows the Army Corps of Engineers to go out and dredge waterways. You know, stuff that needs to be done. Do you really think that the republicans blocking that simple bill was for the common good? Do you think the fisherman stuck in port, some who lost their boats over this share your opinion?

I will tell you they don't! And neither do most people. This isn't over the common good! this is about politics pure and simple. And, while it's politics on both sides, it is the republicans who are obstructing these routine spending bills. Their strategy is to be the rock in the road.

No one on the left is going to argue the merit of debate over the big quations of the day, national security, healthcare, taxes etc. But routine spending bills that stop govt agencies from doing their mandated tasks? That's where the republicans lose their cred.

it is only an extreme minority that agrees with this strategy. The rest of the country is against it. Where you see a party trying consolidate power we see the free market making up its own mind.

And BTW, the nature of political parties is to consolidate power. That's been the case only from the beginning of time. Interesting you talk as if Obama invented it

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native floridian:

It is not only the right of the President to appoint judges to the Federal courts, it is his job. For the GNoP to object simply because the President is doing his job (see, for example, the DC Circuit) is obstructionism and nothing more.

The President needs to appoint people to his Administration. Again, that's his job as well as the result of the "elections have consequences" cliche. The Republican Party, from Day One, declared it was not going to work with our President. It's Number One Job was to defeat him in 2012.

Like spoiled children who did not get their way, the best they can come up with is keeping others from moving forward.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

native floridian:

It is not only the right of the President to appoint judges to the Federal courts, it is his job. For the GNoP to object simply because the President is doing his job (see, for example, the DC Circuit) is obstructionism and nothing more.

The President needs to appoint people to his Administration. Again, that's his job as well as the result of the "elections have consequences" cliche. The Republican Party, from Day One, declared it was not going to work with our President. It's Number One Job was to defeat him in 2012.

Like spoiled children who did not get their way, the best they can come up with is keeping others from moving forward.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo
So if I'm reading this right the President has the power to appoint whoever he wants to extremely important positions "just because" and nobody is allowed to question it ? Much like a dictator. I had no idea. wow... This place is amazing. I learn new stuff every day. Could you please post a link to the "because I said so" clause ?

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