American GOP is an Impediment to Obama Governing.......

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For example the funding bill that allows the Army Corps of Engineers to go out and dredge waterways. You know, stuff that needs to be done. Do you really think that the republicans blocking that simple bill was for the common good? Do you think the fisherman stuck in port, some who lost their boats over this share your opinion?


What does the dredge have to do with commercial fisherman who lost there boats during Sandy?
How is it you can determine what the rest of the country is thinking?
Why do you think you're the mouth piece for the country?


wow.... How do you find the time to post here in between driving all over the country to ask people how they feel about the current state of affairs ? You are amazing. Can we be friends ?

Silly Bandit, You can't catch Omnipotence by proximity,, it isn't a virus after all. It is an acquired syndrome that starts with joining the Fabian Socialist society.:laughing7:

native floridian:

It is not only the right of the President to appoint judges to the Federal courts, it is his job. For the GNoP to object simply because the President is doing his job (see, for example, the DC Circuit) is obstructionism and nothing more.

The President needs to appoint people to his Administration. Again, that's his job as well as the result of the "elections have consequences" cliche. The Republican Party, from Day One, declared it was not going to work with our President. It's Number One Job was to defeat him in 2012.

Like spoiled children who did not get their way, the best they can come up with is keeping others from moving forward.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

We no longer have a President in the oval office,we have a DICTATOR.


For example the funding bill that allows the Army Corps of Engineers to go out and dredge waterways. You know, stuff that needs to be done. Do you really think that the republicans blocking that simple bill was for the common good? Do you think the fisherman stuck in port, some who lost their boats over this share your opinion?


What does the dredge have to do with commercial fisherman who lost there boats during Sandy?
How is it you can determine what the rest of the country is thinking?
Why do you think you're the mouth piece for the country?


Al always with the nasty attacks!

And as always attacking some lateral off the main point part of what is being discussed.

Everyone else here gets to discuss their opinion and you've got little or nothing to say. You agree with many of them. i do the same and I'm being a mouthpiece for the country? That makes no sense!

Al, to get you up to speed I'm not talking about fisherman who lost boats in Superstorm Sandy. I'm talking about fisherman who lost boats because congress blocked the Army Corps of Engineers routine funding bill.

The ACE dredges all waterways in this country. We as individuals aren't allowed to do it ourselves. Even if we have a 2 million dollar boar stuck at the dock because the ACE is unable to complete it's mission because it is out of money. Things like fuel, and crew pay cost money.

That said, there is a Local (to us) Sandy connection. Sandy shoaled the Maurice and Cohansey Rivers on the Delaware bay side of NJ trapping those fisherman in port for weeks. Again, the ACE failed to respond because they were out of dough!

And there is a second Sandy connection in all this - Congress delayed emergency disaster relief to our area. A tornado hits Oklahoma and the disaster relief funds get there before the water trucks. But the northeast? Months!

native floridian:

It is not only the right of the President to appoint judges to the Federal courts, it is his job. For the GNoP to object simply because the President is doing his job (see, for example, the DC Circuit) is obstructionism and nothing more.

The President needs to appoint people to his Administration. Again, that's his job as well as the result of the "elections have consequences" cliche. The Republican Party, from Day One, declared it was not going to work with our President. It's Number One Job was to defeat him in 2012.

Like spoiled children who did not get their way, the best they can come up with is keeping others from moving forward.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

Exactly! And this is what the country is fed up with.

The way it is supposed to work is in an election it's all out political warfare. But once the election is over, it's time to put down the swords and get down to business. And the business of government is to govern. Work together to create policies that move us forward.

it is amazing that fully 1/3 of all filibusters that have occurred since the beginning of time within the Senate have been republicans blocking legislation within the last three years. It is utterly unbelievable that in light of that, that any reasoning person could say the republicans aren't obstructing government.

The unfortunate outcome of this ill conceived strategy is two fold:

1.We all pay the price of a non functioning government.

2. The republicans, in a White House race, are condemned to the loser's bracket. The Pols show the majority of Americans hold republicans responsible for the gridlock. Combined with the wing nuts forcing the republicans to run someone completely at odds with mid stream america. Cruz or Paul.

Nf, You constantly tell a miniscule bit of truth trying to persuade opinion, because the soundbite feels better for you. Dishonesty at it's worst.

NF-"And there is a second Sandy connection in all this - Congress delayed emergency disaster relief to our area. A tornado hits Oklahoma and the disaster relief funds get there before the water trucks. But the northeast? Months!"

WSJ: Boehner Was Right to Delay Sandy Relief Bill
"The real problem is that Democrats from other parts of the country have placed gifts to special interests inside the bill, Journal editors write. That includes $150 million for Alaskan fisheries, $2 million for fixing the Smithsonian’s roof in Washington, D.C., and about $17 billion for community development funds and social service grants that will end up in the hands of liberal activists, the editorial says.

“Far from being must-pass legislation, this is a disgrace to the memory of the victims and could taint legitimate efforts to deal with future disasters.”

The Journal editors rue the fact that “every disaster has become a Washington political opportunity.” The Federal Emergency Management Agency has plenty of money, but it’s “incompetent,” they say.

“Politicians use the public sympathy after any disaster as an excuse to throw even more money not merely at victims, but for pent-up priorities they should be funding out of regular state and local tax dollars.”


That hasn't held up previous disaster relief bills. Look at the pork added to the "emergency bills" after 9/11.

Read Mr. Smith Is Dead - if you have the stomach for it.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

native floridian:

It is not only the right of the President to appoint judges to the Federal courts, it is his job. For the GNoP to object simply because the President is doing his job (see, for example, the DC Circuit) is obstructionism and nothing more.

The President needs to appoint people to his Administration. Again, that's his job as well as the result of the "elections have consequences" cliche. The Republican Party, from Day One, declared it was not going to work with our President. It's Number One Job was to defeat him in 2012.

Like spoiled children who did not get their way, the best they can come up with is keeping others from moving forward.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

Wow, why are you criticizing mr. Zero like that? The only one crying is Obama because he isn't king.

Obama's idea of governing is "Whatever I say must be good because I said it. If you don't agree with me, no matter how evil, stupid or otherwise damaging it is, you must still go along with it."

That is the definition of TYRANNY.

And since I'm going to put you on my ignore list, you can't comment about my comment. One of your folks already complained that people he had on ignore were still commenting on his comments about their comments about his comments about their comments.

Don't forget that.


That hasn't held up previous disaster relief bills. Look at the pork added to the "emergency bills" after 9/11.

Read Mr. Smith Is Dead - if you have the stomach for it.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

C'mon expecting him know how congress works takes away from his allegation that I'm being dishonest in my posts about congress.


You manage to completely ignore the truth. Mr. Obama was elected President of the United States. Twice. If our system is to survive, everyone must get behind the winner of any election and work to make our nation better.

Simply refusing to play doesn't cut it.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

native floridian:

And another 17% in the first two years of Mr. Obama's time in the White House - I believe the total is half in five years.

Next thing ya know, the Republicans will be refusing to pay debts Congress has already rung up.


Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

native floridian:

It is not only the right of the President to appoint judges to the Federal courts, it is his job. For the GNoP to object simply because the President is doing his job (see, for example, the DC Circuit) is obstructionism and nothing more.

The President needs to appoint people to his Administration. Again, that's his job as well as the result of the "elections have consequences" cliche. The Republican Party, from Day One, declared it was not going to work with our President. It's Number One Job was to defeat him in 2012.

Like spoiled children who did not get their way, the best they can come up with is keeping others from moving forward.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

OB, it goes further than being the President's job. it is a constitutional requirement.

You would think with the staunch defense of the constitution by the patriots there would be some backlash from them over all the games being played by their people in DC. But nope! Not there, not here. Apparently, with that group, when it comes to constitutional defense it's a pick and chose sort of deal.

It's really all about Get Obama!!!! And what better way to get him than to derail everything he tries to do?

Nice blabbering you 2. But it shows that you are willing to do anything it takes to sell your brand of Totalitarianism. Can we see your script? Maybe it would speed up the process and get to your point faster.


You manage to completely ignore the truth. Mr. Obama was elected President of the United States. Twice. If our system is to survive, everyone must get behind the winner of any election and work to make our nation better.

Simply refusing to play doesn't cut it.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

He was elected president ... twice. That is the only portion of your statement that is true.






There are three branches of government for a reason.

If they don't have the cajones to behave like men, that is their fault ... and our loss.


OB, it goes further than being the President's job. it is a constitutional requirement.

You would think with the staunch defense of the constitution by the patriots there would be some backlash from them over all the games being played by their people in DC. But nope! Not there, not here. Apparently, with that group, when it comes to constitutional defense it's a pick and chose sort of deal.

It's really all about Get Obama!!!! And what better way to get him than to derail everything he tries to do?

You really don't understand, do you?

Wow! I can't believe that you don't understand that the Founding Fathers put checks and balances in place for just such a tyrant.

Let him throw his tantrums. If the good men and women do their jobs, they will stop him. If they don't, we are all doomed ... INCLUDING YOU GUYS!!!


Your points are so much stronger when you shout in all caps!

But - remember what The Mountain Man said - along with that gold fringed flag nonsense, of course.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo


It would be easy to just find someone with 5,000 posts and ask.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

OB, it goes further than being the President's job. it is a constitutional requirement.

You would think with the staunch defense of the constitution by the patriots there would be some backlash from them over all the games being played by their people in DC. But nope! Not there, not here. Apparently, with that group, when it comes to constitutional defense it's a pick and chose sort of deal.

It's really all about Get Obama!!!! And what better way to get him than to derail everything he tries to do?

Let's hope the derailing continues, he's done enough damage with that pen of his.

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Al always with the nasty attacks!

And as always attacking some lateral off the main point part of what is being discussed.

Everyone else here gets to discuss their opinion and you've got little or nothing to say. You agree with many of them. i do the same and I'm being a mouthpiece for the country? That makes no sense!

Al, to get you up to speed I'm not talking about fisherman who lost boats in Superstorm Sandy. I'm talking about fisherman who lost boats because congress blocked the Army Corps of Engineers routine funding bill.

The ACE dredges all waterways in this country. We as individuals aren't allowed to do it ourselves. Even if we have a 2 million dollar boar stuck at the dock because the ACE is unable to complete it's mission because it is out of money. Things like fuel, and crew pay cost money.

That said, there is a Local (to us) Sandy connection. Sandy shoaled the Maurice and Cohansey Rivers on the Delaware bay side of NJ trapping those fisherman in port for weeks. Again, the ACE failed to respond because they were out of dough!

And there is a second Sandy connection in all this - Congress delayed emergency disaster relief to our area. A tornado hits Oklahoma and the disaster relief funds get there before the water trucks. But the northeast? Months!

I see no nasty attack. Go back and read post 96 you are telling us what the rest of the country is thinking.
You didn't take your friends advise from that JSFB beach hunting club I see.
I thought he schooled you on putting words in others peoples mouths.??
Maybe you should listen to him. Just saying it's good advise.

Most of all of your long winded post are just gibberish that make no sense .

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