First... Where does it say that the Starar brothers went from well to do to pretty rough shape? One of the "brothers" died long before the other so the "brothers" could not both go from well to do to pretty rough shape.
"He surmises that at some point they decided to try their hand at mining"
This does not imply that mining was something new to them or at least to Jacob being that Andrew was dead? So when I said: "Glovers "theory" is wrong. The starar brothers were into mining before they went to Arizona" I was informing that they had already tried their hand at mining. This was done before they arrived in Arizona and during their stay in Arizona and after Andrew died.
They went to Fotuna California. Maybe that's why they were selling the Arizona properties? A hotel was built in Fortuna in their honor. The had a ranch in Fortuna. Where does it say they went to "fairly poor? And again "THEY" implies both brothers. Can a dead guy be "fairly poor?"
A Brief History of Fortuna in Northern California.
"Henry Rohner's home was located on the lot next to the present-day Veteran's Memorial building on Main Street, currently occupied by a restaurant. He bought 350 acres of land from the Starar brothers and donated to Fortuna the land for its first city park, but during the late 1800's flooding destroyed the land. The deed of the parkland was signed by Abraham Lincoln, and a replica may be seen in the Park's Depot Museum. In the early 1900's Mary Rohner, Henry's widow, sold the town a total of 53 acres of the family's land in three installments. This is now the location of the present-day Rohner Park. Rohner's daughter, Elizabeth Barcus Rohner, sold the third section of land to the City for one dollar with the stipulation that the park's name never be changed."
"The Starar Brothers
Andrew and Jacob Starar,
originally of Arizona, are Fortuna's connection to the legendary Lost Dutchman's Mine, and it looks like Andrew may even have owned most of the town at one time and sold part of it to Henry Rohner. Historic documents refer to them variously as the Star, Starr, Starar and Starrar brothers from Arizona."
Did Andrew die when his name stopped appearing in recorded documents or did he just move to Fortuna and everyone assumed that he died?
Andrew and Jacob Starar, originally of Arizona, are Fortuna's connection to the legendary Lost Dutchman's Mine ...sure implies that both brothers left Arizona for Fortuna
That sure makes me think Glovers "theory" was totally incorrect or a total fabrication.