I'm assuming that no one read the docs?
No one noticed that Waltz's property was sold off in chunks by Jacob Starar in spite of the fact that it was Andrew who was to get the property? In spite of the fact that the property was sold before Waltz's alleged death.
That fact alone blows a big hole in the LDM "story"
waltz couldn't have been in his home when the flood hit if there was even a flood. No gold to be retrieved after the flood, ect.
There is more to be found in the docs but you guys will have to do your own due diligence!
I also suggest doing some searches for the Starar brothers.
Read the agreement again & look for the word "live"
Although I have not found confirmation of it, I believe Andrew Starar passed away around 1883 and for certain well before Waltz. There have been searches made for probate information or a will, but to date I don't believe it's been located. Until or unless those records can be found, there's no way to know exactly how Jacob Starar became the owner of all that property - especially since Andrew had a son over the age of 18 by that time.
Jacob Starar slowly started selling off portions of that land over the years until he was left with only a very small portion and eventually he passed away in March of 1893 (2 years after Waltz died).
I'm not into "playing games" like "I found something in the documents, now you go see if you can find what I did." It's counterproductive when everyone's time is valuable and disrespectful as well, so I'm going to make the grand assumption here that you are implying that this line in the agreement...
he the said party of the second part will furnish to the said party of the first part all necessary food and clothing required by the said party of the first part together and protection and all necessary medicines and attendance when sick he the said party of the first part having with the said party of the second part shall himself live and shall take such care of him the said party of the first part as shall be necessary and proper
somehow means that Andrew Starar and Jacob Waltz would now be living together, and you've concluded that means that Jacob Waltz is actually Jacob Starar. Lots of problems with that theory, but if you want to float it out there, go for it, just do us a favor and back it up with some facts.
My interpretation of that line is such that if/when Jacob Waltz becomes in ill health, Andrew will move in with Waltz and care for him as he would a family member, not that as of the date of the agreement they would move in together permanently.
As to whether there was a flood or not, I'll let you look that one up in newspapers of the time since it's a VERY well documented event in the Phoenix history of 1891 (February I believe). If you have trouble locating it, I'll see if I can find a couple pages to post.
You seem to be all over the map with your theories on a daily basis. One day Waltz killed and stole all his ore from the Vulture Mine, the next he was actually a book publisher and in a conspiracy with all sorts of people to perpetrate a fraud (to what end, I have no idea), and now your theory is that Jacob Waltz and Jacob Starar are one in the same.
One of the things you mentioned does have merit and that's the fact that Jacob Waltz's signatures do not have many similarities on the 2 documents several years apart. I'm certainly no handwriting expert, and I can assure you that my signature from 5 years ago doesn't look much like it does now, but it's worth thinking about at least.
Wish I had more time to delve into all this, but the next week or two is going to be really busy with work, holidays and too much travelling. I'll keep adding things as I have time, but I recommend again that anyone interested read the sections of Thomas Glover's book and Robert Blair's book mentioned earlier in regards to the Starar brothers.