When a man designs detectors, manufactures them, troubleshoots them, and repairs them, it isn't party time. This gives me and other people like me a somewhat different perspective of dignity in the detecting world. Or does it? Men like those found in the video, create really negative images of what this detecting world is all about. The world in general views us all here as a bunch of losers anyway, so why should we wish to perpetuate such a bozo image to them - just to satisfy their need to have someone to insult even further?
So I have a few expected questions:
#1 Would anyone in their wildest dreams imagine Keith Wills, George Payne, Jeff of PA, or Dave Johnson behaving like that?
#2 Would they wish to see a 69 year old sophisticated beyond anyone's wildest dreams man behave like that? NO!
#3 Should a dignified, mature, classy American male "party?" Or should we never grow up and stay like juveniles?
#4 And why shouldn't metal detecting be considered a dignified activity, chasing women is dignified, is it not?
I'm having waaay tooo much fun with this..)
BTW, the show is a show, it's fake, and we all know it. Only in two lifespans would two people find most of those targets in such a short amount of time. The series is designed for those who are fairly ignorant of this world we enjoy here, albeit it pretty much askewed from the real world of metal detecting. As for myself, when I go deer hunting for example, I try not to portray a negative image of someone out there with an Uzi mowing down the little "deersies" with a 40 shot clip filled with 50 cal BMG loads and then acting like a 17 year old kid that just ate a load of go-fast. BTW, and I don't act like a maniac when I shoot a deer either, all I did was kill a deer, and when the game warden confronts us all for our licenses, he will confront me first, and it has to do with my age, presentation, and my polite behavior, I'd bet money on it, been there, done that already.
I had a nun tell me that I was "looking for money" once, so I pointed at my BMW that I worked my rear end off to get, and asked her if she really thought I needed "money." She had no answer for that one, she just had the wrong idea about us and our hobby, thinking all we wanted was some drug money or enough to buy a pack of Camel Filters. If we all behaved as well and respectfully as we would like others to behave toward us, it seems like this would be a better world to live in and to rear our children in, and people would show us the respect that we wished for, or so it seems to me. The show is silly of course, but yes, it is supposed to be warped and silly. Even the giant holes they dig and the way they leave the soil is oftentimes disrespectful too.. but there is a motive for that one, and we all know what it is too..
Peace.. LL