A SAD DAY... Big Brother IS Watching...Some advice for you all.

golden silver

Silver Member
Oct 22, 2007
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Golden Thread
Hampton Roads, VA.
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bounty hunter sharp shooter 2, minelab sovereign xs 2a pro
Today was a sad and alarming day for me guys. I know some of you have your own stories to tell but now I Golden Silver have one of my own. Are you sitting down? Today I was interogated by NCIS. To those who do not know that is the Military's form of the FBI. I will try and make this brief but it probably won't be.

At first I did not know why I was there but then I remembered another member of this forum telling a story about getting pulled aside at his bank and asked questions by the FBI. I have to be honest I am not sure I bought the story completely until now. They began by asking me my backround information and asked me if I handle a lot of money on the regular basis. I said that I did. Then they proceded to ask how many bank accounts that I have and I was up front and honest. I told them about 10 and where I had them. They asked me why I had them and I explained this hobbie. I am sorry but In this instance I think I am allowed to break rules #1 and #2 of CRHing. It is noteworthy to mention that they were stone faced and serious durring the entire questioning. I was very nervous but stayed straight faced and tried to appear calm because I knew if I was jittery they would be suspicious of my nervousness. They asked me how much a week I went through and how much money per year have I gone through. I said that I was not completely sure but it was over $200,000. Can you believe this guys but they new exactly how much I had gone through. They said it was more like $300,000. What they did next shocked me even more. They pulled out of a black bag a box full of torn wrappers. Lo and behold it was one of my boxes I had thrown away months ago in a dumpster. They had it in their possession. They then asked me if I had been to Harper Ferry West Va. and I said yes. Believe it or not they knew all the road trips I had been on and where. They asked if I had gone to Casinos and I said that I had not. They found it very odd that I did the amount of searching that I had done and that it was actually worth my time. I said that it was worth my time and that I plan on selling some for a down payment on a house. I explained my plans only because they asked what I was doing with the coin. I repeated over and over again that it was just a hobbie and that I am a sailor working to provide for my family and do this to help me save for the future. To show the extent of how much they know...they knew that when tellers asked me what I do with the coin I change stories and don't tell the truth like so many on this website. They knew that sometimes I would dump several thousand at different banks on the same day. All of this drew attention to them.

The Climax of the story and the most shocking part I think is that they followed me to my home. They wanted to come in and see my silver stash. I would not believe it if it did not just happen to me this morning. My wife is in disbelief and my Dad says we do not live in the same country anymore. It has not been the same country for a while now.

So a word of caution If this happened to me it is just a matter of time that someone is knocking on your doors. Be prepared. Another scary thing is that they showed me a law on paper that gives them the right to confiscate property (or in other words silver) if they feel you have carried out an illegal bank transaction which according to the law means several back to back transaction exceding $10,000 or more. I can provide the exact copy of this law and the wording to anyone who wishes to know it.

So what you thought they did not know about you they most certainly do.

...They know what you buy and when and where you buy it.

...They know where you search on the internet.

... They know where you live and work and where your family is.

... They can hear your phone conversations

... They can hear conversations inside your house via your cell phone even if you are not talking on your cell phone or when it is turned off. (So take your battery out if you want privacy at all).

This was a Sad and Scary wake up call of a day for me hope it does not happen to you. In the end they said they were satisfied that I was not a terrorist and would move on but I am still in shock. What a welcome back to the Great U.S of A!! God Bless.

Golden Silver

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gollum said:
Started in 1983 with Urgent Fury in Grenada, then in 1984 assisted the Government of El Salvador fighting Marxist FMLN Rebels, was in Honduras in 1985 when Nicaragua invaded. 86-88 worked security for DEA blowing up coke labs in Central and South America. Reupped again and spent Christmas of 1989 in Panama. Went from there to MacDill AFB and was sent to Saudi where I sat there while Desert Shield was transitioning into Desert Storm. I went off active duty and spent two years as a reserve infantry drill sergeant.

That work for ya?


I had the feeling that you had in some manner participated in the modern day Banana Wars. Those past experiences appear to explain your reasoning in this coin investigation.
There is an online book that you may find interesting. It was written by Marine Corps General Smedley Butler, a 2 time MOH winner who participated in the early Banana Wars. He wrote it later in life after reflecting on his career ( which was amazing).
It's called "War is a Racket".

big brother type govt is not thought of as a "serious problem" till its your nuts in the wringer .

golden silver said:
Still think it can't happen to you? You have to ask yourself at what point does the government start using common sense?


Golden Silver

Now while I think that what happened to you was a normal sequence of events based on your actions, I NEVER EVER stated that the/our government has ever showed the slightest evidence of possessing ANY COMMON SENSE! HAHAHA

After all my years on active duty, I can firmly state that common sense was an extreme rarity.


Now we can agree on that one gollum. ;D

golden silver

another posability I Don't see Mentioned,
somone at the Bank May have Reported you
Simply because they are paranoid
like so many today get when they hear a low flying plane,
see white dirt, play-doh or a box sitting on a step.

jeff of pa said:
another posability I Don't see Mentioned,
somone at the Bank May have Reported you
Simply because they are paranoid
like so many today get when they hear a low flying plane,
see white dirt, play-doh or a box sitting on a step.

There are both financial rewards for tellers to report on you and criminal penalties too if they do not a transaction that does qualify for reporting. I've a teller fiend who has told me some of my repetitive activities do qualify for reporting but that they did not as they know what am doing. And get this this person (Bank Employee) speaking to me is also considered as crime.

golden silver said:
I finally found the homeland security page post that I did a thread on months ago. If my experience doesnt alarm you take a look at this.


golden silver

That was a chilling read ! It is a masterpiece of disinformation and propaganda that Joseph Goebels would have been proud to have penned himself. It is shocking and disgusting how returning vets are demonized. I'm surprised that I haven't read a response from the VFW or American Legion.
I can't say more. I'm left speechless and disturbed.

I don't know if it is a masterpiece of disinformation, mostly because there are parts (emphasis on parts) of that piece, that were taken directly from some de-classified government information and memos.

IMO, real extremism - both left and right - is an evil we have dealt with on a regular basis, for as long as I can remember.


mrs.oroblanco said:
I don't know if it is a masterpiece of disinformation, mostly because there are parts (emphasis on parts) of that piece, that were taken directly from some de-classified government information and memos.

IMO, real extremism - both left and right - is an evil we have dealt with on a regular basis, for as long as I can remember.


Our gov is now defining extremism and NOT the people at & via the ballot box, despite FACT a Patriot is now defined as extreme, even Congressman Ron Paul is considered extreme. Strikes me the ballot box has failed and maybe not the ammo box is next but rather tyranny and oppression as I just do not see any motivated or for that matter even interested people in my associations but for the Tea Party ones and much of them are no more than Republican's and it gag me to talk to them anymore.

I don't think the Tea Party folks are making much of an impression - mostly because those in power just consider them a good and necessary evil - as they give people something to look at and listen to while they continue on with their objectives - whatever they might be.

Its the "look over there", and pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, magicians slight of hand trick.

The idea is to be keeping the population busy with something else, (the major one being our safety) while they are doing what they want.


mrs.oroblanco said:
I don't know if it is a masterpiece of disinformation, mostly because there are parts (emphasis on parts) of that piece, that were taken directly from some de-classified government information and memos.

IMO, real extremism - both left and right - is an evil we have dealt with on a regular basis, for as long as I can remember.


I'm not saying the document is fake. I read it in part a few months ago when it was accidently(?) leaked. If you take it apart line by line it is a propaganda masterpiece.

The document is most deffinately real and was reported on CNN and many other networks. The term rightwing extremist is almost heard on the daily basis in the media now. I simply post it to show what the government is considering right wing extremists and possible threats. I am sure if I dug deeper I could find who else is considered a rightwing extremist. Obediah please clarify your last post as I am having a bit of trouble interpreting it. Thanks.

Golden Silver

I don't see the same amount of fright about this as most of you. It's also not demonizing returning vets.

It only says that returning vets are prime targets for recruiting by hate groups. I don't see how that is not true. It also states that this same thing happened previously in 1990-91. I know that to be true for a fact. Does the name Timothy McVeigh ring a bell? Ex Army recruited by extremists.

My biggest problem with everything that is going on between right and left is that while there are HUGE differences between the two, they are being exaggerated by those in power to take your focus off of what is REALLY going on. While the left was screaming about the right, George Bush signed treaties withy Mexico and Canada that would have made us virtually like the European Union. While the right is screaming about the left, Obama is giving all of our sovereignty over to the United Nations.



gollum said:
My biggest problem with everything that is going on between right and left is that while there are HUGE differences between the two, they are being exaggerated by those in power to take your focus off of what is REALLY going on. While the left was screaming about the right, George Bush signed treaties withy Mexico and Canada that would have made us virtually like the European Union. While the right is screaming about the left, Obama is giving all of our sovereignty over to the United Nations.


This goes well beyond party lines. There is an agenda by the Government that nearly all of them are steering the U.S. towards. However, there certainly are key players that are as far to one side or the other as they are purported to be. :thumbsup:

Golden Silver - Did you ever think your post would be so controversial?

I think Gollum put that very well.

However - its not Obama that's giving away the store to the United Nations - or maybe I should say it is not JUST Obama.

And, Gollum should probably know that better than some. Our military has been asked to serve under the United Nations for YEARS - Like in Somalia, and the whole gammut of other nations where we have "conficts" that most of us have never even heard about. (having family that has served 3 terms in Iraq, and a son that went to dozens of places in 24 years, including Somalia, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Iraq, South Korea, and more, has its perks), and I am sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt that Gollum probably knows even more than I do.

In fact - even in the Iraq war - we have had our soldiers OUT OF UNIFORM, wearing another uniform - that's the facts, folks, and it was happening long before Obama. (I'm not excluding Obama from this, either).

The left, the far left, the right, the far right and all inbetween all have their own agendas.


Diggin in the past. To answer your question I did not know that it would get that many responses but it would seem that the hole situation seems to have tapped into what is bothering or at least concerning so many of us now. Why do so many americans feel uncomfortable right now why are they feeling threatened? Some may say that they don't but I don't believe it or buy it. On one side it is the threat of Jihad and terrorism and on the other side it is government over stepping its bounds in the name of security. As I watch things go on in government, decisions being made with no regard to the american people and what they want it makes me feel like I am being backed into a corner. When I see religious war being waged against the West and governments both nieve and ignorant bowing down the enemy so as to not ruffle any feathers it makes me angry. I think more and more americans are becoming aware of this. Especially those who choose to inform themselves. As I mentioned earlier in the thread I think America still has its pulse and its pulse is it people who love the country the way of life and feel the patriotism that has existed with this country since before the day of its founding.

golden silver


I don't mean our troops serving under foreign commanders in other countries. We have done that forever. I am talking about THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE UNITED STATES. I'm talking about making our rules of law conform to those of European Countries (some that still live under Kings, Queens, and other Royal Types).



Understood. Here's a question for you, though - I guess it is hypothetical. If you are commanding a troop, and they take away that command, dress your troops in another's uniforms - and then continue the fight or mission - then, legally (by Geneva convention standards), you are out of uniform and not covered anymore, correct?

I'm not saying I am correct - I'm questioning the way the convention is dictated, which would make any soldier who was captured a "free-for-all" uncovered, and probably called - a spy. (I know, I'm going off the thread, sorry - its just that the one thought lead to the other). Because, I wasn't talking about serving under foreign commanders either, I was talking about serving in foreign uniform.


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