A SAD DAY... Big Brother IS Watching...Some advice for you all.

golden silver

Silver Member
Oct 22, 2007
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Golden Thread
Hampton Roads, VA.
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bounty hunter sharp shooter 2, minelab sovereign xs 2a pro
Today was a sad and alarming day for me guys. I know some of you have your own stories to tell but now I Golden Silver have one of my own. Are you sitting down? Today I was interogated by NCIS. To those who do not know that is the Military's form of the FBI. I will try and make this brief but it probably won't be.

At first I did not know why I was there but then I remembered another member of this forum telling a story about getting pulled aside at his bank and asked questions by the FBI. I have to be honest I am not sure I bought the story completely until now. They began by asking me my backround information and asked me if I handle a lot of money on the regular basis. I said that I did. Then they proceded to ask how many bank accounts that I have and I was up front and honest. I told them about 10 and where I had them. They asked me why I had them and I explained this hobbie. I am sorry but In this instance I think I am allowed to break rules #1 and #2 of CRHing. It is noteworthy to mention that they were stone faced and serious durring the entire questioning. I was very nervous but stayed straight faced and tried to appear calm because I knew if I was jittery they would be suspicious of my nervousness. They asked me how much a week I went through and how much money per year have I gone through. I said that I was not completely sure but it was over $200,000. Can you believe this guys but they new exactly how much I had gone through. They said it was more like $300,000. What they did next shocked me even more. They pulled out of a black bag a box full of torn wrappers. Lo and behold it was one of my boxes I had thrown away months ago in a dumpster. They had it in their possession. They then asked me if I had been to Harper Ferry West Va. and I said yes. Believe it or not they knew all the road trips I had been on and where. They asked if I had gone to Casinos and I said that I had not. They found it very odd that I did the amount of searching that I had done and that it was actually worth my time. I said that it was worth my time and that I plan on selling some for a down payment on a house. I explained my plans only because they asked what I was doing with the coin. I repeated over and over again that it was just a hobbie and that I am a sailor working to provide for my family and do this to help me save for the future. To show the extent of how much they know...they knew that when tellers asked me what I do with the coin I change stories and don't tell the truth like so many on this website. They knew that sometimes I would dump several thousand at different banks on the same day. All of this drew attention to them.

The Climax of the story and the most shocking part I think is that they followed me to my home. They wanted to come in and see my silver stash. I would not believe it if it did not just happen to me this morning. My wife is in disbelief and my Dad says we do not live in the same country anymore. It has not been the same country for a while now.

So a word of caution If this happened to me it is just a matter of time that someone is knocking on your doors. Be prepared. Another scary thing is that they showed me a law on paper that gives them the right to confiscate property (or in other words silver) if they feel you have carried out an illegal bank transaction which according to the law means several back to back transaction exceding $10,000 or more. I can provide the exact copy of this law and the wording to anyone who wishes to know it.

So what you thought they did not know about you they most certainly do.

...They know what you buy and when and where you buy it.

...They know where you search on the internet.

... They know where you live and work and where your family is.

... They can hear your phone conversations

... They can hear conversations inside your house via your cell phone even if you are not talking on your cell phone or when it is turned off. (So take your battery out if you want privacy at all).

This was a Sad and Scary wake up call of a day for me hope it does not happen to you. In the end they said they were satisfied that I was not a terrorist and would move on but I am still in shock. What a welcome back to the Great U.S of A!! God Bless.

Golden Silver

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jewelerdave said:
Sadly, the American Revolution had less to do with Freedom as much as it had to do with the Founding fathers avoiding taxes and protecting there wealth and interests, financial assets and control over there own domain.
How do you get a bunch of farmers and the "poor" to fight for your financial Cause? tell them its about freedom.

how does Haliburton gain control over vast amounts of Resources in the middle east? well you tell people its about freedom.

Uh, I do NOT appreciate your view of this nations Founding Fathers, their objection was to "taxation without representation" which was oppressive, the people had NO rights the British Troops could do as they wished against the Colonists. If you understood the Constitution they gave US it made "direct" taxes illegal, yes we have them today simply because of our ignorance.

Oh and many of the Founders died in poverty as they gave their ALL, literally for liberty and this was liberty as Bible speaks of not some ethereal meaning we might have of that word today- they understood it as God intended it.

Those rich Founders could of remained rich and kept the blessing of the oppressor of the people but they chose to STAND against the evil.

• "Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God."
-- Thomas Jefferson
[Used as the motto on his official seal]

• "We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all of our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government; upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God."
-- James Madison
(Chief Architect of the US Constitution, 4th President of the U.S.)

golden silver said:
It was not the fact that I lied so much as I changed my story I think. I would say that I was filling up coin albums to sell on ebay or looking for dates and mint marks. I never came out and said I was looking through them for silver. The reason...? I did what many on this forum do and that is keep the hobbie to myself. My concern was not to inform the tellers about what they could find by going through coin. To me it seems harmless enough but obviously someone did not like the fact that I did that. I did not want the silver cherrypicked nothing more. I guess I could have just said I am a collector and leave it at that but some tellers keep diggin and ask so what are you looking for? Ever find anything? etc.

golden silver

As I dont think you ever have to tell them you are looking for silver. I think by using the line, "I collect coins" is all encompasing. And if they ask if I ever find anything any good I say yes. Thats as far as I go with tellers. I have had a few push it and try to get me to talk it up with them. I just nod and smile.

obediah said:
jewelerdave said:
Sadly, the American Revolution had less to do with Freedom as much as it had to do with the Founding fathers avoiding taxes and protecting there wealth and interests, financial assets and control over there own domain.
How do you get a bunch of farmers and the "poor" to fight for your financial Cause? tell them its about freedom.

how does Haliburton gain control over vast amounts of Resources in the middle east? well you tell people its about freedom.

Uh, I do NOT appreciate your view of this nations Founding Fathers, their objection was to "taxation without representation" which was oppressive, the people had NO rights the British Troops could do as they wished against the Colonists. If you understood the Constitution they gave US it made "direct" taxes illegal, yes we have them today simply because of our ignorance.

Oh and many of the Founders died in poverty as they gave their ALL, literally for liberty and this was liberty as Bible speaks of not some ethereal meaning we might have of that word today- they understood it as God intended it.

Those rich Founders could of remained rich and kept the blessing of the oppressor of the people but they chose to STAND against the evil.

• "Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God."
-- Thomas Jefferson
[Used as the motto on his official seal]

• "We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all of our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government; upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God."
-- James Madison
(Chief Architect of the US Constitution, 4th President of the U.S.)

First it is sad that someone such as you jewelerdave have been so thoroughly brainwashed to believe that crap about our founding fathers. I shouldn't expect much more as the DHS and especially FEMA has said on the record I might add that our founding fathers were terrorists.

May you forever be shamed for what you said.

Second thank you Obediah. I wanted to make some clever remark about the only patriot in the room sometimes being a Muslim but couldn't think of anything. You get the idea anyway.


FIRST OF ALL, after 14.5 years in the military, I never learned to like coffee nor do I have any tattoos. Most people find that VERY odd. HAHAHA

I also think that I have stated many times that its not so much "you brought it on yourself and had it coming" insomuch as it was an event that had to happen based on your job in relation to your hobby. Sometimes they clash in ways you never realize until it jumps up and bites you (you never realize it because you are, for all intents and purposes, not doing anything wrong).

Nothing that I have posted was ever meant in any way to smack at you. All my posts were meant to smack a little sense into some of the people who were puling about how horrible it was for those nasty NCIS Agents to investigate you. In the one hundred and sixty posts before my first in this thread, there were maybe one or two that showed any understanding of Uncle Sam's side of what was going on. Everybody just assumed that your civil rights were being trampled on, and the agents were doing every kind of illegal dirty trick to watch you. Nobody considered that, more than likely, everything they did, they did either under warrant or within whatever rules and guidelines they are required to follow when investigating a servicemember. I don't know whether they did or not, but everybody here was quick to jump on the bandwagon, and not give them the benefit of the doubt. How many times have you EVER heard of a team of investigators (Police or Military) sharing the details of their investigation with the person they were investigating? NEVER! If I would have been in your situation and done nothing wrong. If they had asked me to show them my silver, I would have gladly obliged as well.


gollum said:

If they had asked me to show them my silver, I would have gladly obliged as well.


Pardon me here but what yo uare doing is surrendering your Constitutional sovereignty before the law, in other words your by default acknowledge your guilt before the law and that you must prove your innocence without charges- this my friend is scary thinking. It is the law that must respect the sovereign this is what a bill of criminal charge is all about- a Grand Jury, you ignorantly surrender your rights.

I'd be polite but refuse any- all of their requests, they do NOT have authority to make an arrest apart from you confessing to crime or a Grand Jury charges you before a court of law.

I've had officers come to me and try to entrap me but used the law itself to refuse their requests.

obediah said:
gollum said:

If they had asked me to show them my silver, I would have gladly obliged as well.


Pardon me here but what yo uare doing is surrendering your Constitutional sovereignty before the law, in other words your by default acknowledge your guilt before the law and that you must prove your innocence without charges- this my friend is scary thinking. It is the law that must respect the sovereign this is what a bill of criminal charge is all about- a Grand Jury, you --deleted--ly surrender your rights.

I'd be polite but refuse any- all of their requests, they do NOT have authority to make an arrest apart from you confessing to crime or a Grand Jury charges you before a court of law.

I've had officers come to me and try to entrap me but used the law itself to refuse their requests.
I don't know your background, where you have been, or what you do(besides CRH).
What I do know from your comments is that you are truly a good and patriotic American. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

The statement "see the government's side" is all well and good if the government's side is the people's side. People who have spent time in the military are one of the biggest offenders (me included), to not seeing what is going on. And, its really not that they don't see, as much as they cannot believe it. It would make their jobs much easier if we would just lay down, say "you are doing your job and protecting me" and let 'em just "do what they have to do".

But - it does not - it cannot - it should not ----- work that way. Remember, there was a reason Oliver North was prosecuted - first - He was covering Reagan's butt (one thing that man knew, without a shadow of a doubt, was how to pick his people), but secondly, he was doing what he was told and thought was right. It wasn't.

The very same thing goes for the FBI, the CIA and all those other groups that are involved in intelligence and can pop a CRH, but cannot put 4 pieces to a jigsaw puzzle together and stop someone from getting on a plane with a bomb. These are the same folks who, after someone's FATHER turned him in - could still get on a plane.

So, you tell me - where is MOST of the investigating going on actually happening? Heck, we cannot come back to our OWN COUNTRY, without a passport - so, everyone gets a passport - now we can track even MORE of our own people. Your car can tell them where you are, and shut down the engine. Oh, wait - that's so that we are "safer". Your cellphone has a GPS. This is all geared toward safety? No, this is all geared to tracking where we go and what we do.

I still want to know just one American terrorist who did all his business in coins.


.........and like I said Beth. It doesn't matter what units of currency they are working in. Maybe they are saving the CRH as a cover for their BIG OPERATION! HAHAHA

And your whole bit about how prior service don't see or fail to believe is completely wrong. I absolutely believe that there are many people who do the wrong thing. Its' just that WHEN THERE IS NO DIRECT EVIDENCE OF WRONGDOING, I will always give the benefit of the doubt to my government. Now, if GS filed for the folder on his investigation through the Freedom of Information Act, and it contained evidence that they tapped his phone improperly or accessed his personal bank or medical records illegally, then I would scream mto the heavens, BUT NONE OF THAT HAPPENED!


Government is NEVER on the peoples side when it comes to who is sovereign, this is why the Founders gave US the Constitution which limits Gov- especially Federal Gov. The citizen is thee Sovereign in US Constitutionally and of course if we are aware of the rights we are guaranteed by it.

Some of you out there listen to Alex Jones the rest of you need too, to understand how we are being undermined and what each of us can do to restore principals of sound Gov, if we do not it will soon be over for US!

I Googled 22 seconds.

I got song lyrics, Goo, Goo dolls, Pacers and the Wizards, the time it takes us to snap - which is 8 minutes and 22 seconds in England.

What exactly am I looking for??


I think he mean that he found the link in .22 seconds with Google.


Duh! ;D

I guess I'm going to need a link then - or at least the words that were googled, because I tried googling american terrorists who used coins, and variations of that a week ago.


Click where it says .22 seconds THAT is the link


mrs.oroblanco said:
Duh! ;D

I guess I'm going to need a link then - or at least the words that were googled, because I tried googling american terrorists who used coins, and variations of that a week ago.


".22 seconds" is a clickable link. Hover over it with your mouse and the address should show up somewhere on your screen. In my case the address shows up in the bottom bar just above the start button on my monitor. I always check where I am being directed to before clicking a link such as this.

It says "a Syrian man"

Quote from YOUR 22 second site:

He’d been living in the U.S. since he was 17 and had gained approval for permanent residency in Canada

Not an American citizen - not coins, but gold.

My question stands.


Aaaaah Beth,

Here is your original question:

I am curious - I'd like one single example - just one - where a terrorist, or potential terrorist - has been dealing in dimes, quarters and half-dollars at a bank. Just one.

Nothing there about US Citizen. Maybe gold coin was a little off but still applies.


Actually, that's NOT my original question - just a shortcut from my original question.

My original question:

I still want to know just one American terrorist who did all his business in coins.

And, I'm still waiting.



May I ask you why you have so much faith in the government? It is not a living briething entity and it has no moral conscience. If an human being can say he is your friend and then stab you in the back how much more could a government do to you. What I am getting at is blind faith and trust may be warranted with an individual (a human being with conscience and morals) or with a perfect being such as God but much less so with a government especially one that seems to be more and more corrupt.

golden silver

I know this is picking gnat crap out of pepper, but, Beth that was not your initial question. If that is what you originally meant then I'll let it slide (THIS TIME) HAHAHA.


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