A SAD DAY... Big Brother IS Watching...Some advice for you all.

golden silver

Silver Member
Oct 22, 2007
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Hampton Roads, VA.
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bounty hunter sharp shooter 2, minelab sovereign xs 2a pro
Today was a sad and alarming day for me guys. I know some of you have your own stories to tell but now I Golden Silver have one of my own. Are you sitting down? Today I was interogated by NCIS. To those who do not know that is the Military's form of the FBI. I will try and make this brief but it probably won't be.

At first I did not know why I was there but then I remembered another member of this forum telling a story about getting pulled aside at his bank and asked questions by the FBI. I have to be honest I am not sure I bought the story completely until now. They began by asking me my backround information and asked me if I handle a lot of money on the regular basis. I said that I did. Then they proceded to ask how many bank accounts that I have and I was up front and honest. I told them about 10 and where I had them. They asked me why I had them and I explained this hobbie. I am sorry but In this instance I think I am allowed to break rules #1 and #2 of CRHing. It is noteworthy to mention that they were stone faced and serious durring the entire questioning. I was very nervous but stayed straight faced and tried to appear calm because I knew if I was jittery they would be suspicious of my nervousness. They asked me how much a week I went through and how much money per year have I gone through. I said that I was not completely sure but it was over $200,000. Can you believe this guys but they new exactly how much I had gone through. They said it was more like $300,000. What they did next shocked me even more. They pulled out of a black bag a box full of torn wrappers. Lo and behold it was one of my boxes I had thrown away months ago in a dumpster. They had it in their possession. They then asked me if I had been to Harper Ferry West Va. and I said yes. Believe it or not they knew all the road trips I had been on and where. They asked if I had gone to Casinos and I said that I had not. They found it very odd that I did the amount of searching that I had done and that it was actually worth my time. I said that it was worth my time and that I plan on selling some for a down payment on a house. I explained my plans only because they asked what I was doing with the coin. I repeated over and over again that it was just a hobbie and that I am a sailor working to provide for my family and do this to help me save for the future. To show the extent of how much they know...they knew that when tellers asked me what I do with the coin I change stories and don't tell the truth like so many on this website. They knew that sometimes I would dump several thousand at different banks on the same day. All of this drew attention to them.

The Climax of the story and the most shocking part I think is that they followed me to my home. They wanted to come in and see my silver stash. I would not believe it if it did not just happen to me this morning. My wife is in disbelief and my Dad says we do not live in the same country anymore. It has not been the same country for a while now.

So a word of caution If this happened to me it is just a matter of time that someone is knocking on your doors. Be prepared. Another scary thing is that they showed me a law on paper that gives them the right to confiscate property (or in other words silver) if they feel you have carried out an illegal bank transaction which according to the law means several back to back transaction exceding $10,000 or more. I can provide the exact copy of this law and the wording to anyone who wishes to know it.

So what you thought they did not know about you they most certainly do.

...They know what you buy and when and where you buy it.

...They know where you search on the internet.

... They know where you live and work and where your family is.

... They can hear your phone conversations

... They can hear conversations inside your house via your cell phone even if you are not talking on your cell phone or when it is turned off. (So take your battery out if you want privacy at all).

This was a Sad and Scary wake up call of a day for me hope it does not happen to you. In the end they said they were satisfied that I was not a terrorist and would move on but I am still in shock. What a welcome back to the Great U.S of A!! God Bless.

Golden Silver

Upvote 0
Golden and other service people thanks for your service.

Sorry the gov couldn't find the real criminals instead of harassing you. Your story shouldn't make any one feel comfortable or complacent. I know I am jumping around with topics so if you would permit me. The only way to be 99% safe flying on an airplane is when they start doing strip searches, asking you to squat, and cough like they do in jails. If I was a tererist (yes I know spelling) I would learn all my subversive techniques from the art of being a convict in the American jail system.

Anyway I don't know if it was mentioned but I assume all the bank accounts were personal. Do you think if they were business accounts it would have made a difference? Wouldn't business accounts with a lot of retail sales containing coins scoot by?

Giddyup99 wrote
Well if you think they are looking for just terrorists, you are kidding yourself. Please educate yourself before commenting again.

I suggest you educate yourself first - I am not MRS Oroblanco, I am MR. I withdraw my welcome to you sir, seems that you are here to pick a fight rather than have a discussion. :(

Mistergee wrote
Tag post, please ignore. hello MrsOroblanco.....i remember you from other forums. just so you know....once you post on a topic you can hit the "replies" button at the top of the list of forums and every time a topic you posted on recieves another post, it will show up in that list and you won't have to search for the topic, you can just click on it and there are the new replies.

Thank you amigo, that is what I have been doing for some time now. Saves hunting down interesting threads. :icon_thumleft:

You don't have to respond to a thread to get it to show up in the Replies area. All you have to do is click the "Notify Me" button at the bottom of the page and that will subscribe you to a thread. Then any new posts will always show up in Replies. You can also use your "Settings","Notifications and Newsletters" section in the control panel to determine whether you'd like to get notifications via email when a new post has been entered in your subscribed threads.

Oroblanco said:
Giddyup99 wrote
Well if you think they are looking for just terrorists, you are kidding yourself. Please educate yourself before commenting again.

I suggest you educate yourself first - I am not MRS Oroblanco, I am MR. I withdraw my welcome to you sir, seems that you are here to pick a fight rather than have a discussion. :(

I don't believe referred to you as a specific gender. For the purposes of this discussion, it doesn't matter anyhow. Either way, unless someone tells us, who is to know what gender anyone is around here?

I'm not here to pick a fight, but I hate ignorance. That is all.

You don't have to respond to a thread to get it to show up in the Replies area. All you have to do is click the "Notify Me" button at the bottom of the page and that will subscribe you to a thread. Then any new posts will always show up in Replies. You can also use your "Settings","Notifications and Newsletters" section in the control panel to determine whether you'd like to get notifications via email when a new post has been entered in your subscribed threads.
thanks Bigwater, didn't know about that one :thumbsup:
MR and MRSOroblanco....anytime my friends


It has nothing to do with gender - we are two different people, and you attributed some of what Oroblanco said, to what I (mrs.oroblanco) said.

2 different names, 2 different people - its not a gender issue.

Though, it does seem that you may have "popped in" to precipitate hate and discontent. (by way of insults).

You also seem to have it all worked out on the proper way to investigate on a forum. However, not everyone who has popped in here has done it in the way that you have outlined (maybe they missed the memo). Some have turned out to be friends, some, not so much.

So far, from everything you have said, and the way you have said it, and your lack of attention to details, I hope you aren't on "our" side, meaning the government. So far, you have been acting like the antithesis of how we like to have our forum.

B (that would be Mrs.Oroblanco), in case you get it confused again.

Giddyup99 I don't really care if someone mistakes me for Mrs O, and you did write "Mrs Oroblanco wrote" followed by MY question wondering how many terrorists had been caught by this constant monitoring of the bank transactions of all US citizens. Here is what you posted, for the record
reply # 133
Quote from: mrs.oroblanco on Jan 12, 2010, 10:22:20 PM
The next thing is this - I just wonder how many terrorists have the authorities caught by monitoring the bank transactions of 300 million American citizens? Think it is a lot?

I will point out that it was the terrorists and resulting war, which were the justification for mass spying on Americans and continues to be so, though it is being used for MANY other purposes.

Anyone who thinks this is all a big paranoia joke by the tinfoil hat crowd, I suggest you look into Infragard, and be prepared for some unpleasant surprises. Everything in the name of public safety, of course.

As for the tinfoil hats, I have been called a brigade commander of the group, and don't care. If you look into the US government experiments in MKULTRA and other forms of mind control including using radio signals (one of the possible uses of the HAARP devices in Gakona, Alaska and elsewhere) to "beam" voices and stimulate moods in humans are documentable. In fact the USAF holds a patent on a method of "beaming" (via microwave signals) "voices" into the heads of human beings. The microwave signal causes brief expansion of the brain tissue, and brief contractions as the signal ebbs, done in a pattern it causes the person being subjected to it to have the effect of hearing sounds inside their heads. I don't know if a tinfoil hat would be beneficial in protecting against such attacks, but if they would work and someone does try using such exotic weapons against us, you can bet I will sure be happy to don one! :o ;D :icon_thumleft:


Jesse rocks,
I can't take his show at face value, but he brings up some GREAT points.
I would love to see the Google search phrases that start coming in after each new show airs!

jim4silver said:
I really don't think the Gov gives a crap about CRHers. For whatever reason, they must have thought you were up to more than looking for silver coins. If the Gov really wanted to punish CRHers or go after them, big volume guys like Silvercop and Mojo and others here would be getting waterboarded daily.

I find it hard to believe though that federal agents would follow you and photograph you for two years for CRHing alone. With all the real crime going on in the world, why would they waste manpower for that much time going after a coin collector.

Gotta agree with Jim here. I'm sorry to hear about what 'Goldensilver' went through, but it's gotta be part of some kind of investigation, into something related.
You think about how many members post to THIS particular forum (or even read it), and how many CRHers don't post their finds ANYPLACE online, and keep it very secret. We have lots and lots of new & older members who post here, not to mention all of the 'guests' here on just this CRHing forum alone. And this is just a TINY percentage of all the CRHers in the US.
It seems that the .gov would need to open an entire division just for the purpose of following the habits of CRHers in the US., if that's in fact what they were actually doing. You have somebody dumping $300,000.00 in halves, yeah, that's gonna pull up some kind of flag somewhere. In my entire 5 YEARS of CRHing, I've never even done 10% of that. I still look once in a while, but finding silver is almost nil in my small, isolated town, and not really worth the effort. I scored a silver quarter in change at my local Walmart, and that was reason for me to celebrate, lol. Plus I'm very limited in spending money, so I can't have $XXX.XX tied up for CRH purposes.

As of today, this is now the 6th most commented on thread in the history of the CRH forum on TN.

That is if I did the search right. I think I did.

Its a good thing I think for us to discuss these issues and perhaps help each other out a little.

Someone posted about this being paranoia. I don't think so. Is it paranoia when you know they are out to get you?

Personally I am working on a rulebook for myself at least. It will be substantially different than the one posted here...


and here...


Thanks to mistergee BTW for the links.

In addition, I have begun keeping some very detailed records of how much I am driving for this hobby. If someone ever says anything about paying taxes I will be able to show just what actually happened and hopefully a loss as well. So far it doesn't look like I will have any problem whatsoever showing a loss for taxes, should I ever be required to file taxes over this hobby.

Oroblanco said:
Giddyup99 I don't really care if someone mistakes me for Mrs O, and you did write "Mrs Oroblanco wrote" followed by MY question wondering how many terrorists had been caught by this constant monitoring of the bank transactions of all US citizens. Here is what you posted, for the record
reply # 133
Quote from: mrs.oroblanco on Jan 12, 2010, 10:22:20 PM
The next thing is this - I just wonder how many terrorists have the authorities caught by monitoring the bank transactions of 300 million American citizens? Think it is a lot?

I will point out that it was the terrorists and resulting war, which were the justification for mass spying on Americans and continues to be so, though it is being used for MANY other purposes.

Anyone who thinks this is all a big paranoia joke by the tinfoil hat crowd, I suggest you look into Infragard, and be prepared for some unpleasant surprises. Everything in the name of public safety, of course.

As for the tinfoil hats, I have been called a brigade commander of the group, and don't care. If you look into the US government experiments in MKULTRA and other forms of mind control including using radio signals (one of the possible uses of the HAARP devices in Gakona, Alaska and elsewhere) to "beam" voices and stimulate moods in humans are documentable. In fact the USAF holds a patent on a method of "beaming" (via microwave signals) "voices" into the heads of human beings. The microwave signal causes brief expansion of the brain tissue, and brief contractions as the signal ebbs, done in a pattern it causes the person being subjected to it to have the effect of hearing sounds inside their heads. I don't know if a tinfoil hat would be beneficial in protecting against such attacks, but if they would work and someone does try using such exotic weapons against us, you can bet I will sure be happy to don one! :o ;D :icon_thumleft:


Cut and paste quotation problem, sorry for the mix-up. I was in a hurry.

I know absolutely nothing of radio waves, HAARP, or microwaves (other than making popcorn pop). So I can't really comment on all that stuff. I caught the tail end of Jesse Ventura's show the other night and they were talking about MKULTRA, didn't follow it very closely, however.

I'm one that doesn't buy into many conspiracy theories. I don't think there is a bible code. I don't think Nostradamus could predict a thing.

I'm a right wing "wacko". I despise most of our current government. With that said, I don't feel that monitoring suspicious banking activity in hopes of thwarting organized crime and terrorists is such a bad thing. I do somewhat subscribe to the line of thinking that for every minute they spend investigating a guy (or gal) like Golden Silver for plowing through boxes of half dollars, they could be looking for and finding real criminals. No system is perfect, however. No one can be correct 100% of the time. If an agent has to call in a couple of perfectly honest and innocent people to verify it, I'm appreciative of the effort. If a cashier at the store asks to see my ID when I use my credit card, I thank them. I don't think I am giving up any liberty in these actions.

I don't feel that GS was being "spied" on at all. A report was filed, an investigation ensued. Paperwork was retrieved and they gathered physical evidence to try and scare him into incriminating himself. We've all been watched at one point or another. Heck, go into any retailer and you are most likely being video taped, watched as you shop and select items, and maybe even tailed by a plain clothesed security worker if you display any suspicious or unnatural behavior. The world is watching. Look at TMZ.com, if you are a celebrity, you can't even pull out a wedgie without someone getting a picture of it!

We live in difficult times and that fact is not lost on me. There are many cases in which our rights are being eroded slowly, or just flat out stolen from us. Many times by the very people whom we elect to protect these rights for us. I don't want to take this thread down the political road or it will never end. I would suspect that most people on this forum hoarding metals and the like would be fairly sympathetic to the political right, but you never know.

I just think/know that most here are making this out to be far more than it actually is. I think placerman, or placerguy or whatever is doing folks who do large volume CRH'ing a favor by posting the Money Laundering thread. Keep detailed records, file taxes on any profits made and no one is going to take your silver from you. Other than trying to keep others from understanding WHY exactly you are rifling though box after box of halves, do this hobby above board. Besides, if you are posting pics, and techniques, and etc. you can't be too worried about expanding the knowledge base to others who don't know that silver is hiding inside the banks we frequent anyway.

Mr. and Mrs. O, I am from the Dakota Territory as well. The northern half. BTW - nice looking dog.

What should we talk about next?

giddyup99 said:
What should we talk about next?

My ID on this site is placerman.

As Oroblanco has stated, please educate yourself as to the "names" of people here. Should I call you guppy99, gaddy99, or just make something up about your name?

Normally I would be the last to get upset about something so petty, but you really seem to be doing it on purpose. As Oroblanco stated you seem to be trying to pick a fight by changing names and subtle trash talking.

This is not a political discussion. I'm not sure where you got that from. If Bush were still in office, the discussion I am sure would be exactly the same as it is under Obama. Also I fail to see how coin roll hunting makes me a right wing extremist.

giddyup99 said:
I don't feel that GS was being "spied" on at all.

You are welcome to your opinion about whether or not GS was "spied on". I would think however, that the fact that they DID SPY ON HIM for months, photographing him, going through his trash, pulling his financial records, interviewing people about him, etc would be pretty obvious that yes he was spied upon.

Ive been on this forum for years, mostly as a lurker and up until a few months ago, in different forums, but I must say that most of the people here have been very kind to me concerning advice and answering questions that I am sure they had answered a hundred times before.

This whole discussion boils down to a fellow CRHer was harassed and the members of this forum have seen fit to discuss it. IMO this discussion has been for the mutual benefit of us all. I also think that we will cease discussing this issue when we, as a forum are good and ready to cease discussing it, or until it is closed.

Have a good day.

Giddyup99 wrote
Mr. and Mrs. O, I am from the Dakota Territory as well. The northern half. BTW - nice looking dog.

Thank you Giddyup99. I don't know why they divided Dakota at all in the first place, in the second it ought to have been east-west rather than north-south, the big muddy does seem to mark an approximate dividing line between cultures in both states. In fact the "Black Hillers" were pushing for their own state to be divided off D.T. calling it Lincoln, but the boys at the east end of the territory fought against it. Two two states combined made quite an impressive state, separately I think it didn't do the residents any favors.

Those cameras you mentioned in the department stores, gas stations, banks etc are some of what is interconnected with Infragard - which from their own web site is,

At its most basic level, InfraGard is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the private sector.
<from http://www.infragard.net/>

Now this statement ought to bother you if you believe in our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, because it is just a bit too similar to a definition which will likely sound familiar too, quote

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." - Benito Mussolini.

We all wish to be protected from the terrorists, but in the process we are losing our basic rights! If we were given a choice (and we are not) I would have to choose the danger, rather than live in a fascist police state. Watch out for these guys amigos, those we are entrusting to be listening in on our private phone calls, reading our mails and emails, photographing us when we buy fuel or cash a check at the bank - there are no watchdogs keeping watch over these "spies" (for lack of a better term) and no system of checks OR balances to prevent abuses of their power.

"When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." ==> Sinclair Lewis

I still maintain that the NCIS had no right to put Golden Silver under survelliance, nor to confront him, nor to demand to see his silver stash. It is none of their business, and we still have that Bill of Rights which includes this part

Article VI
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

<read for yourselves amigos, and we all ought to learn this important document http://www.earlyamerica.com/earlyamerica/freedom/bill/text.html>

My apologies if anything I have said is offensive to anyone, none of it was intended to be an offense. I guess I am lucky that it was not myself whom got stopped and questioned as our amigo Golden Silver did, I would probably NOT cooperate and end up in jail for my efforts.

Placerman wrote
This whole discussion boils down to a fellow CRHer was harassed and the members of this forum have seen fit to discuss it. IMO this discussion has been for the mutual benefit of us all. I also think that we will cease discussing this issue when we, as a forum are good and ready to cease discussing it, or until it is closed.

You have hit the nail on the head amigo - this whole incident MAY have been a case of the investigators making an innocent mistake - in which case apologies should have been profuse on their part, instead we are given warnings that we must be "transparent". Well a part of this particular facet of the hobby, that is searching through rolls of coins looking for the odd silver one, is that to be successful at it, you must keep your activities out of sight - for if others learn what you are looking for, they will beat you to it and you will find ZERO. On the other hand, it may well NOT have been an "innocent mistake" on the part of the investigators, and with the intention to put the fear of government into the CRH'ing hobbyists. There is nothing criminal in the hobby whatsoever so there is no justification for such intrusive assaults, to the point of going through his garbage even. Where is the ACLU now?

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek, whether our own government likes it or not!

placerman said:
giddyup99 said:
What should we talk about next?

My ID on this site is placerman.

As Oroblanco has stated, please educate yourself as to the "names" of people here. Should I call you guppy99, gaddy99, or just make something up about your name?

Normally I would be the last to get upset about something so petty, but you really seem to be doing it on purpose. As Oroblanco stated you seem to be trying to pick a fight by changing names and subtle trash talking.

This is not a political discussion. I'm not sure where you got that from. If Bush were still in office, the discussion I am sure would be exactly the same as it is under Obama. Also I fail to see how coin roll hunting makes me a right wing extremist.

giddyup99 said:
I don't feel that GS was being "spied" on at all.

You are welcome to your opinion about whether or not GS was "spied on". I would think however, that the fact that they DID SPY ON HIM for months, photographing him, going through his trash, pulling his financial records, interviewing people about him, etc would be pretty obvious that yes he was spied upon.

Ive been on this forum for years, mostly as a lurker and up until a few months ago, in different forums, but I must say that most of the people here have been very kind to me concerning advice and answering questions that I am sure they had answered a hundred times before.

This whole discussion boils down to a fellow CRHer was harassed and the members of this forum have seen fit to discuss it. IMO this discussion has been for the mutual benefit of us all. I also think that we will cease discussing this issue when we, as a forum are good and ready to cease discussing it, or until it is closed.

Have a good day.

WOW. Some of you guys and gals are an uptight bunch. Thanks for the brief, hostile, accusatory, judgemental, but entertaining run. Have fun with your internet club.

giddyup, I believe you came on too hard too fast and in the wrong way. Another approach you probably would have had the same experience most of us have had starting on this forum. Don't give up so easy.

Golden Silver

Giddyup - don't leave the discussion because of a bad egg like ME - there are over 20,000 members here and the vast majority are very nice friendly and HELPFUL folks, so don't judge the group based on someone like myself; this subject hits a 'nerve' for me personally. Besides, I have no grudge against you (or anyone here for that matter) and we can disagree on a subject and still be friends. Whatever differences we have, (probably like different flavors of ice cream for instance) we also have common interests. After all, think how dull our discussions would be, if we were all in agreement on everything!


giddyup99 - Put on the flame retardent hip boots and stick around. You can always put us your ignore list and enjoy the benefits of the forum.

Jeez, you government spy types are so touchy. ;D

I'm sorry, I just do not see how "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures " can EVER co-exist with any KGB US government official saying you MUST be transparent. They cannot.

It is the very meaning of an oxymoron.


mrs.oroblanco said:
I'm sorry, I just do not see how "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures " can EVER co-exist with any KGB US government official saying you MUST be transparent. They cannot.

It is the very meaning of an oxymoron.

You tell em Mrs. O. Don't you just love the trolls! ::)

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