A Rose Between Two Thorns

Thorns? What Thorns? All I see is a pretty Rose :D

Nice photo, glad to see all 1 of you, I mean all 3 of you. ::)


What great smiles you all have! Nice to bump into someone that you have only conversed with online, neat. So how did it happen, who recognized who? Tell us the story!

What great smiles you all have! Nice to bump into someone that you have only conversed with online, neat. So how did it happen, who recognized who? Tell us the story!
Well I was "bear hunting " ::) and Idig kept staring at me and I said "yea" and he said "drywall", I said yea! then he said and you are cyn....something or other. And he said I am Idig4beer, you know like those guys that have signs and stand on the corner, we are all on tnet. Then I let my guard down and off we went standing in the isle for about 30 minutes talking. What a great guy, If we are all like this on the campout .....wow. That's about it. And we were safe from "bears" ::)

rofl Don you are funny!! lil me between those two big guys...you can't help but see them! :tongue3:

Yep sis.....happened just pretty much exactly like David said....Idig walked up and says drywalldave from redmond? then looks at me and says Synsomething? lol we had a blast!!

Well Cyn, the Rose looks great! But I'll hold my toungue about the other two...I wouldn't want Dave heading out to Middle Tennessee with a 2 by 4! :icon_scratch:

Gold shows sound like so much fun! What a cool place to meet friends. :D

They really are a lot of fun. You get to see all the new equipment, some old tools and equipment, metal detectors of all sorts, demonstrations, lectures....Tom Massie was there signing gold pans for folks and visiting. Joey from the prospectingchannel.com was there and he was a real kick...had a blast visiting with him as well. Getting to meet Idig was a bonus because we did not even know he was going to be there. We were hoping to see Eathan but missed him somehow. All in all it was a great time and usually is. I believe the next show is in Primm NV....the gpaa site has a schedule of shows so let me get a link to the schedule for everyone. http://www.goldprospectors.org/Events/GoldShows/Index.aspx Not a lot left this year and none close enough I will get to go but maybe you can catch one!

For a couple years once, had a GPAA membership. Never got to any of the digs. From the photos always looked like were having a real good time. I see they have a lifetime membership now...that might be the way to go. I got my Fisher Gold Bug-2 out, changed the coil to 14 inch elliptical. It goes deeper but almost as small. Thought I might try going to the beach this year to get deep into the sand. Looking at my classifier gold pan, seems it would make a nice sifter for the beach sand to make recovery goodies easy. :thumbsup:

It would be nice to live near gold claims, it is a long haul to SW states from here. I like Arizona...sometime I ought to post a photo of my little sniper Gold Bug coil (elliptical). It is covered with foam padding, duct tape. When I go to the desert that little coil bumps the rocks, all day long. It finds every little tiny bird shot there is.

David and I went to an outting last year at the Blue Bucket Claim over by Baker Oregon and boy oh boy did we have a blast! We did a 4 hr shift each day shoveling into a highbanker on the common dig, took a sluicing class that Herb Kasold put on, had a huge potluck with entertainment.....we had stuff to do every day while we were there and met some of the most incredible folks. We learned a lot and I can't begin to tell you how much fun we had! You can get a GPAA membership at our website at www.goldprospectorssupply.com if you decide to give it another try but you just HAVE to go to an outting...you will be hooked for life!

We have a Gold Bug 2 as well....you are not just kidding it picks up the tiniest bits! Not much fun in a tot lot full of foil pieces but it sure will find the tiny pieces in the gold field as well! Sounds like it is time to see a pic of that coil you are talking about! lol Sounds like it has been through the ringer but if it is working for ya then cool deal!! I am sure you could teach us a thing or two about the Gold Bug from the sounds of it!

I cut pieces from a roll of 1/4 inch thick 6 inch wide, flexible plastic foam (yet tough) construction...well, we call it termite shield here. You put it down on the foundation, treated wood on top of it, then box, floor joists. I decided this would be good for getting down around the rocks, get in close.


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that looks like a lot of work! I just got a scuff cover and put on mine. My son would LOVE yours though....he calls that farmer's chrome! lol What a goof he is! As long as it works and protects the coil I guess that is all that matters...much cheaper to buy a scuff cover or make your own then to replace a coil, that is for sure! :thumbsup:

awww thanks! Sure is great having folks here to wait with until he gets home that care too! :thumbsup:

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