What a can of worms you've opened here. Let's just say this about creating your own reality: people who go looking for a treasure to seek need to realize that a treasure to seek actually comes looking for them. Compare the life of Vincent Van Gogh, for example, with those of millions of folks who one day thought it might be fun to paint.

You know, on second thought you are absolutely right. I had the image of Escher, and his Möbius strip , in mind. But where was the psychosis. Van Gogh, of course. Excellent analogy. Thank you. :icon_thumright:

Lol, pretty strange response Sdcfia, not even sure I understand it, but I think you are saying I'm living in dream world and using an out to not have to find anything? You are a tad bit off. Anyways, I make the time happen, although there are still limitations. But it will be much more difficult for a newer person just getting into this, it takes time to learn, recognize, and use the markers in the actual field settings, let alone just go out and dig a spot up no matter what or where it is. Most people have very limited time to learn or try new things. Also it isn't the 70's any more. You will be watched from planes, interrogated by rangers, your parked car will be ran thru a license plate background check and snooped thru the windows and truck bed to try and get and idea of what you are doing. You will be caught on trail cameras set for "wildlife monitoring". There is no privacy in this day and age in the outdoors. So yes, the odds are quite stacked against you from the start and that is the reality of it. This is all just basic fact as I have witnessed it all first hand.

Hasn't ever really stopped me though. Just makes me plan more and choose what places to spend my time on in the field more wisely.

I think the sentinels are getting restless ... just makes me curious:

Yous guys working for the gubment? No? PROVE IT!

I demand you PROVE you are not working with or part of the government. The demand is every bit as logical as your demands for folks to present "proof".

Some here are really tired of your statements and insinuations used to attemp to dissuade others from continuing on their searches --- unless you're trying to determine if someone isn't paying their taxes, or worse yet, took something that was on public land without turning it over to "the powers that be".

There is no other logical reason to come into this discussion and be disruptive, and definitely no other logical reason to get others to reveal what they have actually found ... so, just go take a break from your gubment cubicals, head out into the wild and see for yourself.

We won't tell anyone if you find something ... or not.

Lol, pretty strange response Sdcfia, not even sure I understand it, but I think you are saying I'm living in dream world and using an out to not have to find anything? You are a tad bit off. Anyways, I make the time happen, although there are still limitations. But it will be much more difficult for a newer person just getting into this, it takes time to learn, recognize, and use the markers in the actual field settings, let alone just go out and dig a spot up no matter what or where it is. Most people have very limited time to learn or try new things. Also it isn't the 70's any more. You will be watched from planes, interrogated by rangers, your parked car will be ran thru a license plate background check and snooped thru the windows and truck bed to try and get and idea of what you are doing. You will be caught on trail cameras set for "wildlife monitoring". There is no privacy in this day and age in the outdoors. So yes, the odds are quite stacked against you from the start and that is the reality of it. This is all just basic fact as I have witnessed it all first hand.

Hasn't ever really stopped me though. Just makes me plan more and choose what places to spend my time on in the field more wisely.

One suggestion that I have which comes from experience, when you have located a good spot to dig (found an entrance) its a good idea to have someone drop you off and then take the car back home with them (while you are digging), this is due to the fact that your vehicle is much easier to find and follow than you are up on a mountain.

Lol, pretty strange response Sdcfia, not even sure I understand it, but I think you are saying I'm living in dream world and using an out to not have to find anything? You are a tad bit off. Anyways, I make the time happen, although there are still limitations. But it will be much more difficult for a newer person just getting into this, it takes time to learn, recognize, and use the markers in the actual field settings, let alone just go out and dig a spot up no matter what or where it is. Most people have very limited time to learn or try new things. Also it isn't the 70's any more. You will be watched from planes, interrogated by rangers, your parked car will be ran thru a license plate background check and snooped thru the windows and truck bed to try and get and idea of what you are doing. You will be caught on trail cameras set for "wildlife monitoring". There is no privacy in this day and age in the outdoors. So yes, the odds are quite stacked against you from the start and that is the reality of it. This is all just basic fact as I have witnessed it all first hand.

Hasn't ever really stopped me though. Just makes me plan more and choose what places to spend my time on in the field more wisely.

No, I don't see you living in a dream world, Juan Matus notwithstanding. We security-minded humans tend to follow a highly structured existence tuned to encourage staying in our boxes and to stifle temptations to stray from the path. I don't know you, but I know that breaking away from set patterns always comes with a price - the road less traveled is unknown, maybe risky, and can result in all sorts of lost opportunities.

If any of us truly believed he knew where he might dig up a lost treasure, he would be there digging, plain and simple, excuses be damned. As far as the rest of this business is concerned - debating the legends, squinting at the rocks, pondering the carvings, poring over the maps etc - it's merely an avocation. No harm, lots of fun, good mental exercise, a basis for discussion, maybe some fun times in the hills. Whenever folks show me some real personal sacrifices associated with their "treasure hunting", then I'll know they truly are following their star.

If any of us truly believed he knew where he might dig up a lost treasure, he would be there digging, plain and simple, excuses be damned. As far as the rest of this business is concerned - debating the legends, squinting at the rocks, pondering the carvings, poring over the maps etc - it's merely an avocation. No harm, lots of fun, good mental exercise, a basis for discussion, maybe some fun times in the hills. Whenever folks show me some real personal sacrifices associated with their "treasure hunting", then I'll know they truly are following their star.

Actually, this is an opinion I don't agree with anymore. although I once believed the same up to about 10 or 15 years ago. Many of these treasures are in locations you will not likely get away with. I know of 2 right off hand that you can see the markers, see the short backfilled tunnel, and hit with large coil detector over the top, because of a rare flat spot up above the tunnel on the ground. Wide open spots a couple hundred feet off a main road. Perhaps some full moon day when I'm in dire straights and don't care if I get caught. They aren't that rare, and I bet in your travels you walked directly on top of many without knowing any different.

Thinking back, I'm not sure how anyone could figure these out on their own, starting from scratch, even if you could see some of the markers. When I was younger in high school and college and used to rock hound and hunt alot, I walked right past many of these and never looked twice at the markers, nor was I aware they ever existed. In fact I would have laughed if someone told me about it, and challenged them with my wits and education on how delusional there were. It's tough enough just to place just the Spanish in different parts of america, let alone any other earlier groups, because our history books are partly full of bs.

So first, you will have to throw away parts of your precious education. Then you will have to question " am I really seeing this stuff in the rocks?". It looks pretty natural. Then you will have to wade thru all the bs ideas on how to follow them, let alone figure out how they actually work. Then you still get to try and dig a spot and see how hard digging a 6 foot or more deep hole, let alone a deep tunnel really is. You'll need to plan for just the tools you'll need, such as a simple bucket to remove dirt from 3-4 feet on down. And where you going to put all that dirt and rock from the hole? It's going make a big mess, and you can easily it from the air, let alone on the ground. Perhaps lay out a 10x12 tarp by the hole to contain some of the fill, so when you fill it back in, the ground is nice and clean next to it. No one would know you were even there if you did it right.

Whenever folks show me some real personal sacrifices associated with their "treasure hunting", then I'll know they truly are following their star.

This Is Crazy — Why are we riding this wave.

Who are you — that lives in this allusion that puts you on top of this pyramid,
Thinking, That the rest of us has to answer to you, the realty of our own journeys in life.

You are nothing to me, but Back Ground Noise “ Pearls to Swines”

You don't have to defend yourself against this nonsense -
Just quite responding to his post.

Lost Horse

This Is Crazy — Why are we riding this wave.

Who are you — that lives in this allusion that puts you on top of this pyramid,
Thinking, That the rest of us has to answer to you, the realty of our own journeys in life.

You are nothing to me, but Back Ground Noise “ Pearls to Swines”

You don't have to defend yourself against this nonsense -
Just quite responding to his post.

Lost Horse

Excellent point. Some folks think that they have the market cornered on "smarts".

Reminds me of this girl who was certain that she could sing because her tone deaf boyfriend told her she sang well. She was also tone deaf.

To be kind, I'll just say she kinda sounded like a cat caught in a sausage grinder. Much like the folks who are constantly spouting off about how John Doe --- who sees signs while he is out in the desert doesn't know what he's talking about. Why do they say this? Well, it's because they "think" they're smarter than old John Doe.

At least John is out, away from the maddening crowd, the computer screen, and the "wanna-be-smart" phones ... enjoying the fresh air, sunshine and getting some exercise instead of vegetating in a cellar, hacking away on a computer keyboard telling John Doe 0w stupid he is.

Actually, this is an opinion I don't agree with anymore. although I once believed the same up to about 10 or 15 years ago. Many of these treasures are in locations you will not likely get away with. I know of 2 right off hand that you can see the markers, see the short backfilled tunnel, and hit with large coil detector over the top, because of a rare flat spot up above the tunnel on the ground. Wide open spots a couple hundred feet off a main road. Perhaps some full moon day when I'm in dire straights and don't care if I get caught. They aren't that rare, and I bet in your travels you walked directly on top of many without knowing any different.

Thinking back, I'm not sure how anyone could figure these out on their own, starting from scratch, even if you could see some of the markers. When I was younger in high school and college and used to rock hound and hunt alot, I walked right past many of these and never looked twice at the markers, nor was I aware they ever existed. In fact I would have laughed if someone told me about it, and challenged them with my wits and education on how delusional there were. It's tough enough just to place just the Spanish in different parts of america, let alone any other earlier groups, because our history books are partly full of bs.

So first, you will have to throw away parts of your precious education. Then you will have to question " am I really seeing this stuff in the rocks?". It looks pretty natural. Then you will have to wade thru all the bs ideas on how to follow them, let alone figure out how they actually work. Then you still get to try and dig a spot and see how hard digging a 6 foot or more deep hole, let alone a deep tunnel really is. You'll need to plan for just the tools you'll need, such as a simple bucket to remove dirt from 3-4 feet on down. And where you going to put all that dirt and rock from the hole? It's going make a big mess, and you can easily it from the air, let alone on the ground. Perhaps lay out a 10x12 tarp by the hole to contain some of the fill, so when you fill it back in, the ground is nice and clean next to it. No one would know you were even there if you did it right.

Bingo. Like it or not, we can't figure this stuff out starting from zero. The task requires possession of proprietary information - something that can't be found in the public domain. You're right, the task is daunting, the the work is brutal and things are seldom as they seem. Anyone who knows where treasure is buried will have found a way to recover it and will never discuss it in public. He may have been stymied by forces beyond his control, but he won't have failed due to a lack of effort. Those who profess to know all the answers and fail to follow through ... well, let's just say that for every potential authentic lost mine and hidden treasure that may exist, there are a thousand that are no more than fake news.

"Bingo. Like it or not, we can't figure this stuff out starting from zero." We don't have to, the man Sandy1 has already done 70% of the work for us. All that's left is to get off our rear ends (those who are serious about this) and find the alignments and monuments in the field and realize that the information given by this man is EXACTLY the way you will find it in the field with some variations. You can prove this to yourself SDCFIA if you get off your behind and go find out what we all know you already know to be FACT; but keep on trying to dissuade others from finding out.

"The task requires possession of proprietary information - something that can't be found in the public domain." ​Whether Sandy had prior hidden knowledge of this or not isn't important. That we'll never know. The important thing to note is that you SDCFIA are assuming and jumping to the conclusion that if the man had real knowledge and everything he says about treasure vault hunting is true, then he wouldn't be posting it on this forum for everyone else to see for free. Therefore, since he IS POSTING it online it MUST BE FAKE. Especially since he won't show YOU the gold bars in the treasure chest. LOL.

THIS is where you are wrong my dear friend. I'm sure you aren't the type that would do such a thing but every once in a while there's that DIAMOND in the rough among all the dirt and crud and when you find that diamond for the first time, it is a moment of EXCITEMENT AND DISBELIEF but you are holding it in your hand and know it's real. It seems all of the hundreds or even thousands of treasure hunters who have come across Sandy's information and put it to the test have proven the info to be true.

The specific monuments you'll find, the alignments, the crisscross spot, it's ALL PROVEN. The only part that you will never hear a peep about is if there was something in the hole they dug up, and that's what seems to be eating you up inside. The vatican already has enough Gold sdcfia, so there's no need to deny what has been so clearly proven by MANY and to dissuade those who might want to go and find out for themselves. What are you so afraid of?

"Those who profess to know all the answers and fail to follow through ... If by "FOLLOWING THROUGH" you mean people showing you the pictures of their finds then you are DELUSIONAL my friend, and you better than anyone should know that doing so would be the DUMBEST thing a person could do and something they'd regret the rest of their lives. So for you to demand such a thing raises BIG RED FLAGS because as far as i'm concerned, only a gubment agent would act this way. Denying the repeatable facts and demanding PROOF. NO THANK YOU SIR.

I think we can all live happy lives even without your approval and your disbelief in what hundreds of people will do around the world despite your naysaying and pointless ramblings. If anything, you are accomplishing this very thing sdcfia, the harder you try to deny and dissuade, the more suspicious people become of your true intentions and the more they are persuaded to go see if the information is true. So in reality I think we all owe you a BIG THANKS my friend. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.

P.S Almost forgot to thank your twin brother Ditlihi... THANKS GUYS!

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Bingo. Like it or not, we can't figure this stuff out starting from zero. The task requires possession of proprietary information - something that can't be found in the public domain. You're right, the task is daunting, the the work is brutal and things are seldom as they seem. Anyone who knows where treasure is buried will have found a way to recover it and will never discuss it in public. He may have been stymied by forces beyond his control, but he won't have failed due to a lack of effort. Those who profess to know all the answers and fail to follow through ... well, let's just say that for every potential authentic lost mine and hidden treasure that may exist, there are a thousand that are no more than fake news.

Bingo. Like it or not, we can't figure this stuff out starting from zero.

"We" can't figure? Who's starting from scratch?

The task requires possession of proprietary information - something that can't be found in the public domain.

Some people have been, & are still generously sharing plenty enough honest
& significantly valuable info to help others work their way toward successes.

You're right, the task is daunting, the the work is brutal and things are seldom as they seem.

Anyone who has seriously sought real potential treasure, has most likely experienced this.

Anyone who knows where treasure is buried will have found a way to recover it
and will never discuss it in public.

Speaking for yourself? Hardly anyone who has truly found out how some
treasure's were buried, & successfully recovered any of it, have ever shared
their hard earned info & techniques with others in the public. Mostly, other
than those that did it for their own personal notoriety or gain. However,
there are a few who have generously shared, as they have found
& figured out stuff.

This thread sandy1 has had the gumption & nerve to do, is among
the very best, if not the very best, ever shared in public or otherwise.

He may have been stymied by forces beyond his control, but he
won't have failed due to a lack of effort.

Is this what you're deal is, you've been stymied, so you believe
everyone else would have to have been unsuccessful also?
Can't just share info constructively, but like an authority?

Those who profess to know all the answers and fail to follow through ... well,
let's just say that for every potential authentic lost mine and hidden treasure
that may exist, there are a thousand that are no more than fake news.

Those that have & may follow through, will likely never talk about it.
That's why this thread has been so helpful, & enjoyed much by so many,
is the relation of the real shared info, combined with our perceptions with
our own previous studies & experiences. Fully aware of reality & fake info.

Love & Peace to you, Fellow Travelers.....feel better soon! :icon_thumright:


Ha ha ha. "They doth protest too much, methinks."

Ha ha ha. "They doth protest too much, methinks."

Just tell your boss at the Vatican that "the wealth of the wicked is reserved for the righteous." This info has spread far and wide. It's TOO LATE sdcfia.

Quit your job as their disinfo agent and go out and get a piece of the pie. There's plenty for EVERYONE to go around.
:goldbar: :thumbsup:
Learn to love and to share with others and you will evolve as a human being.

...... But it will be much more difficult for a newer person just getting into this, it takes time to learn, recognize, and use the markers in the actual field settings, let alone just go out and dig a spot up no matter what or where it is. Most people have very limited time to learn or try new things.....

And that's why some of us are so very interested in the reasoning behind a lot of the rather outlandish claims made in some of these threads.

If true, then it would be amazing! If not, then why not get on to a more applicable truth?

Carving up entire mountainsides just seems less likely than more modest stuff like dolmens, windows, glyphs, out of place rocks, etc.

Treasure Signs From The Field #1 ? LOST ADAMS GOLD

But, as I've said before, maybe we are all correct. Mutual exclusivity is not a requirement.

Just tell your boss at the Vatican that "the wealth of the wicked is reserved for the righteous." This info has spread far and wide. It's TOO LATE sdcfia.

Quit your job as their disinfo agent and go out and get a piece of the pie. There's plenty for EVERYONE to go around.
:goldbar: :thumbsup:
Learn to love and to share with others and you will evolve as a human being.


The difference between Illusion and Delusion is very small, but significant.

The latter requires bolstering of its position by creating the perception there is an actual threat, an antagonist or plot to silence them.

Come on, Sdcfia, you aren't assuming the role. Get into character, how else will they allow us to participate in their little drama. Personally, I'm ratting you out to the Pope. We're having drinks later this evening to celebrate the holiday and hatch a new plot.

:skullflag: :occasion14:

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