What I know is that I have been spotted by military planes digging at various sites and had the local police, BLM and Game and Fish show up (within an hour of the planes spotting me) I have had 3 times where the sentinels have built rock monuments at my entrance points, twice while I was gone and once while I was still digging and I saw that sentinel marker on the way out.

You've certainly had a lot of close calls. Perhaps the areas you were working weren't too remote.... I figure the farther you are from civilization the less chance you got of having encounters. I guess a lot depends on where you are located in the U.S. Some places may be well watched over while others not so much or even at all.

The last sentinel activity that I can verify a date was done between 2013 and 2015 on one of my sites. A large white boulder was placed on a wide open hillside at 30 varas and 315 degrees from a cross spot, it was also placed due north exactly zero degrees a couple hundred feet of a major 15 ton boulder. The white marker lines up 2 spots, and is large enough (about 400-500 pounds or so) it can bee seen from Google earth from 2015 on. So they are still very active whether it be on the forums or in the field.

... sdfcia wrote a book about 30 years of looking for a cache and in the process found some of these marker/monuments and couldn't take them to the end. Never read it, I heard it's good, but I doubt I'll get around to ever buying it. When you write books about a subject you tend to get opinionated in public chat, the problem is , he's getting too old to go after any of this or try a new thing. It's much easier just to defend what he knows didn't work and argue what he feels likely won't based on his book. If anyone stands to have financial gain from putting out information, it's him, from book sales...

... As far as other treasure hunters posting wrong information who are actually done with treasure hunting, they feel the need to get all their info out so you can take up where they left off, which makes it so all the time they spend wasn't a total waste.

Gee, Quinoa, if you're interested, I'll send you a copy, gratis. Just provide me a physical mailing address via pm. I intended to write that book as a personal memoir to be distributed solely to friends and partners who were involved, but one of them cajoled me into making it available to whomever might want the story, so I did. The book's contents? Nothing ambiguous, nothing hidden, successes and failures detailed, everything verifiable, including coordinates to dozens of pertinent locations. A few things were excluded from the book for reasons best left unsaid. Financial gain? Ha ha, yeah, if you consider $0.59 royalty per copy a financial incentive, then I guess you're right.

If folks find themselves drawn to the more esoteric aspects of "treasure hunting" (history, legends, arguments, opinions, etc) the most useful tools you can possess to help you try to find the truth are a working knowledge of human nature (how you can be manipulated) and a clear understanding of the difference between a logical and fallacious argument (how you can be fooled).

Gee, Quinoa, if you're interested, I'll send you a copy, gratis. Just provide me a physical mailing address via pm. I intended to write that book as a personal memoir to be distributed solely to friends and partners who were involved, but one of them cajoled me into making it available to whomever might want the story, so I did. The book's contents? Nothing ambiguous, nothing hidden, successes and failures detailed, everything verifiable, including coordinates to dozens of pertinent locations. A few things were excluded from the book for reasons best left unsaid. Financial gain? Ha ha, yeah, if you consider $0.59 royalty per copy a financial incentive, then I guess you're right.

If folks find themselves drawn to the more esoteric aspects of "treasure hunting" (history, legends, arguments, opinions, etc) the most useful tools you can possess to help you try to find the truth are a working knowledge of human nature (how you can be manipulated) and a clear understanding of the difference between a logical and fallacious argument (how you can be fooled).

See, it's hard to basically give anything away, even with good intentions without it being misunderstood, criticized or distrusted.

See, it's hard to basically give anything away, even with good intentions without it being misunderstood, criticized or distrusted.

I respect Sandy1's generosity. I just don't happen to agree with his theories, feel that they have been convincingly demonstrated or even superficially verified. It's not that I distrust him - I just don't believe him.

I respect Sandy1's generosity. I just don't happen to agree with his theories, feel that they have been convincingly demonstrated or even superficially verified. It's not that I distrust him - I just don't believe him.

I agree with everything you just stated, with the exception of " respecting his generosity ". I do respect generosity, when it is selfless and does not seek recognition. When a person seeks publicity for their generosity, it becomes advertisement - and not quite so " generous " after all.

If something is publicly offered for free, You are the product.

You become their advertisement.

Whether it be to gain attention for what they are promoting, or personal recognition.

You are the product.

Ask yourself....

Does my acceptance of this "gift" bring attention to the giver from others than myself?

Does the giver promote it publicly?

Does the giver encourage you to do the same, in their name?

If you can answer yes to either question....You are Advertisement. And the " Gift " was not free, it was paid for by your public acceptance.

That's why you will never hear about something truly given for free. Selflessness doesn't require recognition. The minute it does, it is no longer selfless.

Let that sink in for a minute.

I respect Sandy1's generosity. I just don't happen to agree with his theories,

That's fine, everyone is entitled to their opinions... Problem with you is you talk like you know for a fact that the info is false but haven't even bothered to go and find out.... (unless maybe you already have and know the information is true but yet still deny) meaning one of two things, you're either an old bitter or greedy man that doesn't want others to find what you didn't in your younger years, or you're a sentinel working for the big G.O.V or the vatican trying to dissuade others from finding this truth. There can be no other explanation.

So clarify this for us sdcfia, which one are you? and if you're neither of these, why haven't you bothered to answer directly the things that have exposed you and called you out as such? Why keep beating around the bush and evading those that have called you out?

feel that they have been convincingly demonstrated or even superficially verified.

No one is going to do it for you brother, you'll need to do that on your own. If you're too old then my sympathies to you. Maybe we can all send you 10% of anything we find. Just give us your physical mailing address via pm.

It's not that I distrust him - I just don't believe him.

On the other hand sdcfia, many of us distrust you for the same reasons previously mentioned. We do believe in Sandy1, not because we are a "cult" like you have said in the past but because we've verified and confirmed for ourselves the information he's graciously and generously given and found it to be SPOT ON.

On the other hand sdcfia, many of us distrust you for the same reasons previously mentioned. We do believe in Sandy1, not because we are a "cult" like you have said in the past but because we've verified and confirmed for ourselves the information he's graciously and generously given and found it to be SPOT ON.[/QUOTE]

This is all I have ever asked of anybody on here.

I respect Sandy1's generosity. I just don't happen to agree with his theories, feel that they have been convincingly demonstrated or even superficially verified. It's not that I distrust him - I just don't believe him.

Alot of people don't believe him. In fact deep down I'm kinda counting on it. If everyone believed it then there would be too many people after this stuff, and way more people purposefully ruining the markers and digging random spots that would attract attention where I wouldn't want it.

The thought of treasure will make people dig likely spots no matter if they have an aura or not, and the "likely spots" can become a matter of basic opinion or deduction, depending on experience. He gave a methodology to alleviate those shortcomings. Plus his synopsis of following monuments to the general locations is unparalleled, as I happened to discover how to do this on my own with little help from him quite a few years ago.

But I do my research on people probably more than most would, as anyone in this endeavor should, and I am confident in sandy1 and his methods as I have been in contact with him now for a couple years. I did my research on the person a long time ago, as well as the methods. And that's about as much I can say, for whatever it's worth.

That's why you will never hear about something truly given for free.
From greedy selfish people like you I know we should never expect ANYTHING, especially for free.

Selflessness doesn't require recognition. The minute it does, it is no longer selfless.
I guess for example the selfless acts of our war heroes didn't deserve recognition and gratitude (willfully not forced) by their fellow countrymen?
How selfish of them to get those medals and recognition by the people.... what a disgrace.

Pathetic ditlihi, simply pathetic. Seems to me like you're the one starved for ATTENTION. Sandy1 never once demanded praise or anything from anyone that wasn't already coming to him. We are wilfully thankful for him sharing the information with us freely because we know for a fact that the majority of people like you and sdcfia would NEVER do it if it was in your posession. If that's not worthy of recognition and gratitude then I don't know what is. Also for the record, the info he's shared is a TREASURE in itself, it is a miracle sent from heaven to all treasure hunters world wide.

If you can't be grateful for that and recognize then what does that say about you? Like Tony Montana said "You're a cockroach."

Like I said, you and your partner just keep exposing yourselves with each post.

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Well, well, well...... Your silence speaks a thousand words ditlihi and sdcfia.

I think it's official, stick a fork in 'em they're done. :snorting:

Now let's hope we can continue the thread without anymore of their foolery. No hard feelings guys.

Come back when you're ready to accept the truth and have no agenda.

"The truth will make you free!"

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Do I still get to be buddies with the Pope? I got this. Really.

Vir prudens contra ventum non mingit.

Pretty please with sprinkles on top?


Vir prudens contra ventum non mingit.

For those of you that don't understand, the figurative meaning of the above proverb is that one should not do something if they do not wish to suffer the consequences.

There's no need to resort to threats ditlihi. "I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you" Some of us are bought at a price. Be careful what you say my friend.....

I take that as a maybe.

Just so you know, I refuse to drink the Koolaid just to be your friend.

Last call.

No, thank you.

For proving every one of my points so exquisitely.

Enjoy the flight. :hello:

You obviously got it backwards ditlihi my friend. Thanks for showing all of t-net who and what you really are. I think the question of whether there are sentinels or not on this forum has been answered. So far we've uncovered 2.

If the denial of evidence in light of inexperience doesn't give them away, or their silence and evading when called out; then when they resort to subtly THREATEN YOU in a different language should be the big giveaway.


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