Im on family vacation away from my computer files, I can show the other markers when I get back in few days. Im glad you have a sense of humor, because this is likely a type of dino monument. Usually the one's I have seen are a diffferent one, which would be a full body dino that has a back which sort of resembles a rising or setting sun. But it just gets too bizarre to talk about much. Most of this type of stuff is discussed only in the field or in private. Too much to get into on a tablet. Perhaps a Behemoth from the bible, who knows. They aren't really good to focus on, just some really old markers out there, not sure who did them or why they did.

Yeah like you say, it is interesting conversation,
perhaps way too complicated, controversial.Too
deep to get hung up on. Somebody made 'em,
that appears for sure enough. Enjoy the rest
of your vacation, safe & happy travels to ya'.

Im on family vacation away from my computer files, I can show the other markers when I get back in few days. Im glad you have a sense of humor, because this is likely a type of dino monument. Usually the one's I have seen are a diffferent one, which would be a full body dino that has a back which sort of resembles a rising or setting sun. But it just gets too bizarre to talk about much. Most of this type of stuff is discussed only in the field or in private. Too much to get into on a tablet. Perhaps a Behemoth from the bible, who knows. They aren't really good to focus on, just some really old markers out there, not sure who did them or why they did.

Now that's interesting stuff. I guess one man's saurian is another's reptilian god.


It would really be great if when you ignored an aggravating individual, you never even saw that they posted.

I'll have to see if I can write a forum plug-in that will do that. Tired of the folks who have naught better to do than be a naysayer about things they do not understand.

Yeah sdcfia, there could be an aztec type connection with it, hard to say. It may even just be a giant parrot head monument. The parrot was used once in a while as well. There are some odd petroglyph/ small shadowmen/animal carvings on it, kind of like hieroglyph things. I don't think they would show up well, unless I can find the original photos. I've copied them from one computer to the next several times and the detail is really starting to degrade. There are also possible Franciscan style markings , like a shadowman priest pointing with a large brimmed hat on, and some strange symbols. Also all the trees are marked up in the area. Some are in spanish, or possibly Basque, that a friend from Chile even couldn't help me make out (CORTE, CORTE, I assume means "to cut" or possibly a mine shaft). And some in english. On one tree was carved about 40 years ago "set traps over the top 9/13/78", in english over older spanish language stuff, kind of coincidental spot for that?

But these monuments get so carved up you can't tell who carved what. Carvings on top of eroded carving. Some neat little ones of guys shooting bows. One looked a recurve, so couldn't be that old. The ones holding staffs shooting lightning were pretty bizarre as well.

I guess if you are after all the "whos" instead the "where" it would be worth getting into, but I'm not really into making another trip out to it right now, it's a long ways off for me and it was several years ago since I was there. There's much better accessible stuff for me to spend my time on. Plus some of the answers to the original "who's" on many of these sites may not be what anyone would accept or want to really know anyways. I think the main focus should be how to narrow down the search for the spots or use the monuments to get you in close these spots as originally done here by Sandy1.

The Parrots that I have seen have been at the older large storage sites, I haven't seen any at the small storage sites.
Here is one that is at the site that my mom caught that huge aura from, its around two hundred yards from the storage area, and looking in the general direction of the storage.

1 (7).webp.

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Here's a big poodle monument, or perhaps a bull or pig before it was poodle, but it is on a trail along the bottom of the mountains and points over to the big dino, parrot or whatever it is monument a couple hundred feet away, I cant remember the exact distance. The point is, is that they are near the general area already, at least the same canyon or general vicinity.

Nearby is large bird head carved into the rock outcrop behind the small tree in the center foreground, it also points to the dino parrot thing.bird head.webp
You'll have too look hard to see it, but it is a really good carving, it's a seabird head facing left, with a long beak on the rock face behind the tree.

Here, bird helper, I supposed I should have cut that little tree down:
birdhead helper.webp

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Those are interesting finds, Q. It would be interesting to inspect the reptilian and poodle rocks to see if they're completely natural or exhibit chisel marks, rock chips, etc, to indicate that they were artificially shaped. I guess we differ in a significant manner concerning signs. I take a pragmatic approach, figuring how to leave waypoints in essentially uncharted land for followers to find. I'm personally very adept at pareidolic recognition - I see faces, animals, shapes, etc. in rocks, shadows and such quite easily. On the other hand, I've pointed these things out to some very sharp observers who just can't see them - even obvious ones. The point is, it makes more sense to me to create clues in obscure terrain that are unmistakeable, not requiring an imagination to identify - only a persistence in effort to locate them. Tree carvings and manipulations can be useful, but these are vulnerable to natural misfortunes that would destroy them, long- and short-term. Natural landmarks - monoliths, drainage intersections, etc. - are more useful. Rock carvings, for all intents, are permanent and can be targeted ahead of time, insuring confirmation if located.

Speaking of birds, here's an example of what I would get excited about. Back in post #847 I asked you about an alignment on an azimuth of 337°. The bird carving below was found on such an azimuth that spanned 4-1/2 miles of very remote and rugged terrain that contained four easily identified carvings and one radically manipulated tree (trunk nearly tied into a knot) - none of which strayed from the bearing by as much as 1°. Found separately by chance, none of these clues would make sense and might be considered just curiosities. But if searched for with prior knowledge and identified as a group, the finders could then proceed to a larger geometric pattern containing a number of additional 337° alignments. That's what I mean - no guesswork or imagination required - just thorough searching for known signs. Why 337°? Don't know. May have been convenient. May have had something to do with the number 23 (360-337=23).


337.5 is what that would be. It's a half quad 22.5 off north. From a mariners compass. A favorite was 202.5/22.5 and then the quads of 45/225, and 315/135. You won't find chisel marks on anything, most are too old , and many just take a natural rock and crudely modify it, so it looks like an image from a distance. The only detail work you will see is with the lichens/mosses.


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337.5 is what that would be. It's a half quad 22.5 off north. From a mariners compass.

Yeah, of course that was our first assumption too. My search partner at the time, a land surveyor, and I obtained some quite accurate coordinates for the beginning and ending points of a couple of these alignments and determined by simple traverse calculations that, by golly, these things were at 337.0, not 337.5 (which we expected to find).

Since a strong argument can be made that the clues comprising the "treasure layouts" that folks are reporting are likely "KGC" (too big a topic to pursue here), a couple conclusions might be made. First, the clues and layouts are modern, ie likely less than 100 years old (many revealed ca 1920s-1930s, and many more surfacing ca 1980s). Second, unless you believe in repeating coincidences, many clues had to be placed using modern surveying techniques, often with ties to the state's Township baseline grid. This conclusion can be supported not only be straight-line patterns but also by the often precise geometric shapes formed by them - another topic beyond the reach of this thread.

Why 23? The number carries a long history of esoteric, historical, mathematical, biblical and cultural "coincidences" and is just the sort of weirdness that the KGC lore thrives on.

Their compass bearings were sometimes off a bit, depending on what was there already and the age. The age has a factor when using the sun or stars as your baseline. Continental drift as well as solar precession has an effect over many years on true bearings. Most sites with large markers are way older than anyone would guess. The newer stuff is in around the old stuff and can be more precise unless they baselined true north off the old markers. Then you have to figure out what compass they are on. They also liked using certain degrees off cardinals for holy bearings for specific numerology.
The original people didn't use compasses, they used the sun , perhaps that is why there used to be only 360 days in a year (hence 360 degrees in a circle). In the old Egyptian texts they said the earth was originally perfect in it's association with the sun and moon. Then they said something happened and threw everything off, so they added 5 days to the 360 day year and dedicated each extra day to the Gods or Goddesses (Isis, Osiris, Seth, Nephthys , and Horus the Elder.)

Quinoa, Post # 857

I recognize that man! I photographed him in a hoyo just over a week ago. A tracker should notice how they used the liken for the eye, the heart on the cheek and how the liken makes the nose stand out. You should also observe the "U" notch behind / to the left of the head

That face rock is placed next to another set of markers. It's just telling you this is a place to look from. In fact one is a ground level hoyo you lay down and peek thru (kind of like mimicking the face lying down position of the rock itself..). The other is a gunsite, from an eagle head shaped boulder just left and out of the picture, thru a set of heart lobes. So a couple places to look from there, both actually behind the direction the face is pointing, one opposite, and one perpendicular..but generally the faces look where you are supposed to look or look from. Perhaps the large eye is indicating "to look" as well, but mainly the heads or faces say "look here" or "look from here". That's about the extent of sign reading. They often placed smaller markers like this right next to the more important ones for some sort of confirmation.

Anyways, there is a nice aura nearby it within 30 or so feet where the gunsite type siteline crosses another line.

Quinoa, Post # 857 photo , 861 description

Suppose you were looking at the above described cache site from the air looking down at the cache site , treasure aura location:

Would the "eagle gun sight" be located south of the cache --so you look to the north to see the cache site?
When you looked through the "face hoyo" -- post 857 was the cache site located to the southwest ?

No, it was like 335 to the aura cross spot thru gunsite. The eagle head actually looks towards another spot at 22.50 where there is another aura and crosspot across a small canyon/draw. So the eagle head was used basically down its beak and across it head, just not exactly perpendiculars. If you site down the gunsite longer range , like about 200 or so feet it hits a another well marked spot.

The cross line boulder marker that goes to the nearby aura is 30 degrees to it as well as 30 degrees to the further away aura/crosspot across the little wash/canyon. But it also just happens to be 337.5 degrees and about 180-190 feet to the well marked spot you see far away thru the eagle head gunsite. So you have old and new here. Alot of stuff is also 3, 5 and 13 off where I am at. There is no 23 in numerology on these sites I am aware of. Some bearings often won't make alot of sense , but many will.

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This may be an interesting post for those that think they have the time to look for this stuff.

There was a mention of tool marks on these markers. I may show one, I may not , that changed my opinion long ago on that subject, one with a face profile with a pupil in an eye, with nose, lips, cheek bones, beard, hat etc, that has nothing that says it is worked as far as tool marks, other than obvious images from several sides that it is made to be a monument. An owl from one angle , a king's head from another, a face profile with ancient crown /hat from another.

But what I really wanted to focus on, is the fact that we are handicapped already to find this stuff. We are set up from society to not have any time for this stuff.
Take a normal family guy, holidays, birthdays, family vacation time from work, just a chance for a break, kid's sports, for the most part you really have no time to go after anything that is on this thread. Let's just look at weekends. The ones that don't fall on a birthdays or holidays, school sports, etc., you can try and plan for some sort of vacation, if you are fortunate enough to earn enough money, but they are few.
The only reason I have been able to get out, is that I value the time I can spend in the field , and will take any opportunity, such as a couple hours after work , or an odd day in the summer we aren't camping , boating, celebrating Birthdays, holidays, to look for this stuff.

Don't get me wrong, I value my family time above all else. However, it has come to a point where every single free day, is "booked out". There is no free time, we have no time to figure things out anymore, and we have to rely on the premise that it's all been done and there is nothing to see out there anymore. This is exactly the optimal way that this stuff is buried. Little time for people to spend in the field, so you can hide everything in plain sight. You walk right over it without a second thought on what's in front of you, because you never had the time to really look at anything.

However, it has come to a point where every single free day, is "booked out". There is no free time, we have no time to figure things out anymore, and we have to rely on the premise that it's all been done and there is nothing to see out there anymore. This is exactly the optimal way that this stuff is buried. Little time for people to spend in the field, so you can hide everything in plain sight. You walk right over it without a second thought on what's in front of you, because you never had the time to really look at anything.

What a can of worms you've opened here. Let's just say this about creating your own reality: people who go looking for a treasure to seek need to realize that a treasure to seek actually comes looking for them. Compare the life of Vincent Van Gogh, for example, with those of millions of folks who one day thought it might be fun to paint.

What a can of worms you've opened here. Let's just say this about creating your own reality: people who go looking for a treasure to seek need to realize that a treasure to seek actually comes looking for them. Compare the life of Vincent Van Gogh, for example, with those of millions of folks who one day thought it might be fun to paint.

No, but it does make a good excuse for not digging up all those 'found' treasures everyone works so hard to locate using rock animals, cloud shapes, and shadows.....who's got the time, right? :dontknow:

Hi -
You know, I spend a lot of time digging up stuff,
And don't have enough time to post...

Lost Horse

I'd say "Mutt and Jeff" but they're too much alike in their writing styles, criticisms and definitely the thoughts flow together too seamlessly.

Either working from a script, or the same person ... ??? ... but definitely a cooperative "couple", which might be an even better explanation.

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