If you are leaving please take Ditlihi, formerly known as JudyH along with you. I think she followed you here anyways. She never had any interest in information here, just here to buddy up and be a forum "warrior" as her new name and former avatars suggest.

Q, Great suggestion.

CDS, Yes I have seen Spires of auras in the past when I used the poloroid SX70 and others have sent me some very good ones as well, but it would seem they can pop up anywhere near the treasure and not necessarily right over top of it, however I know of two that were right over the actual treasures and were very large shooting many feet into the air.

The one thing to know is that these spires are not captured (that I am aware of) with any kind of newer type of cameras (such as digital) meaning that they are not the same kinds of auras that Quinoa and I have shown on here.

I would like to give credit to the actual person (not Louis Matacia) who caught the aura that was on the cover of this magazine (pictured) , this information/book had inspired me many years ago, and recently the person who actually took the picture reached out to me as a member here on tnet. (If he would like to come forward that is up to him) but I think the credit should go to the rightfull owner of such an awesome picture.


If you are leaving please take Ditlihi, formerly known as JudyH along with you. I think she followed you here anyways. She never had any interest in information here, just here to buddy up and be a forum "warrior" as her new name and former avatars suggest.

Sounds like a plan to me.

IMGP0077.webpI got this one with a w10 at 500ft. Don't know anything about this kind. Comments please. Rocky

RH you probably have something there, the only way to know for sure is to walk a straight line to it and see if you can find the markers in its immediate area.

Here is why I say it could be something, this is one of the auras I caught. However this is a rare type.


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Thanks sandy1, the Aura on the cover of Louis matacias book is mine. Used without consent many years ago. I have the original and 3 others that go with it. I am rarely on here but have reached out to sandy1 and he is a great help to me. I have the camera used also, it is a Polaroid 600 model believe it or not. The aura actually has a man standing in it center right who is now passed. The project was passed to me through him, it is legit. Louis sent a few crew members to assist many years ago and they borrowed the picture for a day. I guess that's when they scanned it for his cover.

Thanks Sandy. I marked the 100* line on Google earth and copied it so I can stay on the line and look for markers. Rocky

Thanks sandy1, the Aura on the cover of Louis matacias book is mine. Used without consent many years ago. I have the original and 3 others that go with it. I am rarely on here but have reached out to sandy1 and he is a great help to me. I have the camera used also, it is a Polaroid 600 model believe it or not. The aura actually has a man standing in it center right who is now passed. The project was passed to me through him, it is legit. Louis sent a few crew members to assist many years ago and they borrowed the picture for a day. I guess that's when they scanned it for his cover.

Thank You so much for responding and also telling us what camera was used on this aura, that was previously undisclosed information, and I am sure we all appreciate you sharing.

So guys, this is the man behind the famous aura image from the cover of this book (pictured)

When I have time I will post the other 3 in connection with this site. Sandy1 has permission to post them also and the original in clearer form. Thanks



Awesome aura pic & camera info animalrooster41, Thanks Kindly for sharing!

Hey y'all, here's a post I guess I can share here with a vertical aura, that is a goldish color, & did
lead to the discovery a very valuable gold cache. There on Pg. #2 the thread starter also confirms,
& talks a lot more about it. Including his use of L rods to help pinpoint the dig spot, and the almost
unbelievable use of a $5 disposable Walmart camera. This seems pretty unusual, to catch one with
that kind of camera, but it apparently can happen, even unexpectedly. I have had better results later
in the day so far, & will keep trying it, hoping to not only catch good auras, but also to find something
that maybe seems to work the best. Is there such a thing? Maybe we can figure more out, about the
kind of ingredients for the best times, temps, solar conditions for the potential of an aura(s) occurrence?

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When I have time I will post the other 3 in connection with this site. Sandy1 has permission to post them also and the original in clearer form. Thanks

Here is the original Polaroid 600 Aura picture that AnimalRooster41 has so graciously allowed us to see in much better clarity than the one on the book .


Damn Sandy, that would have made me have to change my pants. I've never seen anything of that nature.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

It took roughly 200 photos to get that 1 with halo. Not a exact science. The trick is in the camera photo eye, not the film.

Sandy1, could the flat boulder be worked and indicates a Royal Trail , the angle of the boulder could it be looked at kinda like a arrow flies with a arch, I have one In palo duro canyon that has a round rock that has been places under it, near as I can tell 1/ times = 10 degrees, 2/ times =20 degrees or times the distance, my thoughts are that it would be necessary for the party to know how far it would be to travel. Spanish are a tricky bunch, I have seen several carvings that was set on a angle, worth thinking about anyway

Dsty, what you are talking about are large long distance trail markers and are not really anything that I have found close to the caches at all.

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I looked at your pics, liked them, & would
either work to pinpoint the spot where you
got the 1 aura already, & or, set up & try
to see about getting some more auras.

That is an interesting looking area in
pics taken from the ridge. Never been,
researched, not familiar with markers
there, whether carved big, small, light
& or shadow, types, possible alignments.

But I would definitely shoot it, with at
least 2 cameras, 1 in each direction.
Good luck, I think you can do it, &
likely get help if you need it. Sandy
has said there's plenty of these all
over the country, & there's no need
for anyone to be selfish or greedy.

That's what he's been working to do,
share the info & techniques he has
painstakingly learned & developed,
with all that are interested in learning.

Not a cult or hoarding the info here.
We're taking advantage of his time,
have been asking questions & going
out trying it & learning, & have been
told from the beginning: "pass it on".

However, appropriately, sandy is the
one that does the real tech sharing,
& I think that's at his own discretion.
I just try to encourage people to be
open minded, for their own benefit.
I do point to the info, & try to be
influencing in a positive, true way.

Thanks for the good advice.

As far as pinpointing, there are interesting things like (better than) I have posted right where the light is, but at the wrong angle to see in the halo picture. So the search area is small (ish).

There are a lot of tales from across the river about balls of "foo fire" and the like cascading down the mountain after storms.

Also, folks reporting torches (old days) or headlights (reasonable modern assumption) coming down the sheer part of the mountain well after dusk. Waaay before I was born.

Setting up a photo shoot would be a logistical challenge, for sure. Not just the time invested. The terrain (Steep!) and the remoteness are such that I have exactly zero assistants that could help. I generally chase mountain sheep up that part of the mountains... Let alone those who could go to GPS waypoints I established and get the right bearing to get a valid shot.

I just feel happy to have captured one "maybe" (in my book) that is worthy of consideration. I am very curious about it due to locality, legends of the area, etc.

When you find your first real spot (or second, third, ... one!?), then you will have that sweet, sweet indelible proof that something you think *may* be right - unfortunately, in science, correlation does not prove causation. That's why finding more past the first one is so important to the truth!

Nmth, that sign you posted of the three crosses sometimes relates to the 2 thiefs crucified on either side of Christ on the cross. It's only meaning you could possibly use is "left side" because that was the one that went to heaven as you look at the cross. So left side could mean or be applied to anything in the area, it could even just be Jesuit graffiti. It is out of Kenworthy's book as well, but still it may mean nothing at all, except being a symbol that told someone they were in the right area, and then they would look for other markers...

Basically what Sandy1 just said a couple posts up, the signs/glyphs are not worth your time to try and decipher thinking it will somehow lead you right to a spot.

You do have some nice markers in that cablefromabove picture, it would be a good place to use a camera as described here, although I doubt you would ever get away with digging anything there.
View attachment 1455488

The best one is that gigantic pyramid like boulder right off the side of road about center of photo.

Ahhh, that big boulder is right below what is called "bat cave" to those familiar with the Caballos. A focus of generations worth of attention. Visible from the interstate, if the light is right and one knows where to look. BIG cave.

I always figured that the three crosses sign was for Golgotha (of course?), but that the particular one I posted I always thought was more of a shrine to pray at given that it is in a pass. I have found a number of shrines in passes and at old mines, though they tend to be U-shaped rock stacks (critically, with ZERO charcoal in them...)

You said LEFT, so I'll let that win future coin tosses regarding direction unless I feel a "pull" otherwise.

I often can't see what others point out in cloud-gazer type situations. I also think that if I was going to stash a bunch of valuables, the I'd leave Obvious, and Hard to Remove signs (though they would be misleading in some way).

Thus, my interest in putting such signs together with as-verified-as-possible explanations - though, it seems like a consensus among the regulars here is that the "no-kidden" signs are not worthwhile. If this is the case, then my hopes just dwindled.

Though, maybe that we are all right?

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