I had first discovered this place in October, Fall of 2015, & was then just passing through...
Didn't see anything out of the ordinary until a return visit in summer of 2016, & did more walking
around exploring the areas. Was reading the very generous & teaching posts & viewing the cool
pics, learning from our good friend sandy1. Sharing the critical Specific Treasure Markers info, all
pertaining to Spanish Treasure Vaults. Relaxing, started noticing a little here & there, that looked
unnatural, like it was man made. Walking around the place, looking everywhere, taking lots pics,
I always see something else, that I hadn't noticed before. But now, after studying with our friend,
is with much more understanding of markers & looking for potential alignments. Enjoying it as
a study, & thought I too would share some neat stuff, like sandy1's had the nerve & generosity.
I know I would still be lost, not knowing or understanding what the Masters of Deception did.
Maybe it will help someone else too! Thanks sandy1, & as always, you're the best!

I have a feeling they did something major here, judging by all of the signs leading in & around.
Like a large backfilled rock entrance, that has settled down noticeably through the last centuries...
Why did they use the 3 to refer to caches? The Holy Trinity (3) , was considered their greatest,
most Sacred Treasures. Lightning Bolts, a serious warning to be respected, & inform of potential impending sudden disaster, if not carefully observed & understood, & death trap safely dealt with.