
Its Time for me to explain the Big Secret about the distances.

The First thing to understand is that you don't measure until after you find the dig spot, your probably scratching your head on that one.

The Best way for me to explain this is for everybody to think of themselves as standing on a giant flat analog clock, you are in the dead center of the clock/hands and each one of the alignments (at least 3 alignments) are on different times at different distances, the reason for this is because all these alignments crisscross back to where you are standing in the middle (which is the dig spot)

In other words (all the projected lines from multiple alignments) are crisscrossing each other at just ONE SPOT (The Dig Spot)

(These alignments can be any distance, but a maximum of 600 feet at the furthest, and all the way down to 3 varas (8 feet 3 inches) to the dig spot)
(most are within 100 feet)

These are photos I have already shown, if you want more info on each alignment you can go back and read up on each ones individual information.

Now for the Examples, these are (Going Counterclockwise) and all taken from the dig spot (staying on the dig spot) as I am turning in one spot taking a picture of each alignment.

Think of 12 Noon/Midnight as North

Every one of these alignments go to the same dig spot.

#1a is at 9:30AM (The closest of these two Boulders is a Large Heart from #43 last 4 Pictures)
View attachment 1391758

#1b This is the same alignment as the last photo including the dig spot (the compass is on the dig spot)
View attachment 1391759

#2a is at 8:30AM (This is the Shaft Sign and alignment Peaks, notice how this heart should be followed as it is part of the alignment)
View attachment 1383407

#2b This second Picture is of the same Alignment Boulders as the last photo, but I am showing the Dig spot as well (the water bottle circled but barely in the picture is on the dig spot)
View attachment 1391761

#3 is at 7:30AM This is the alignment with the Eyes Boulder (From #47 last three pictures) The Eyes Boulder (circled in red) is the back alignment boulder (not the dark eye catcher way up and behind it on the hill) It is 213 feet from the Dig Spot to the Eyes Boulder (Sometimes You measure from the Closest Boulder while other times you measure from the furthest boulder)
(The water bottle is marking the dig spot)
View attachment 1391763

#4a is at 7:00AM (This is the boulder with all the carvings all over it, from #41), and the bunny you view from the dig spot, this is also the boulder that has the heart carved in the top of it which you align to the dig spot.(you can also see the alignment boulder from the last photo #3 at 7:30AM up and to the right circled in blue in both this picture and the last one)
View attachment 1383422

#4b This Second picture is the same as the last photo, but has the dig spot marked with the water bottle.
View attachment 1383429

#5a is at 5:30AM (this alignment is the Heart with the A-Frame rock Behind it, again using the heart as an alignment)
View attachment 1383430

#5b This is the same alignment as the last photo, but is showing the dig spot marked with the water bottle as well.
View attachment 1383433

#6a is at 4:00AM (These three Saguaros, the right one is dead now, is actually a very old Mexican/Sentinel Planted Triangle) and they are planted straight uphill from the dig spot, this was mainly so they could find it easier (up high on the hill) but also because they liked putting markers vertical or horizontal to the dig spots.
(In relationship to the slope of the hill)
The First Picture I took offset from the alignment line so you can see the far saguaro behind the middle triangle Saguaro.
View attachment 1383456

#6b This Second Picture has the two Saguaros aligned to the dig spot(marked with the water bottle)
View attachment 1383459

#7 is at 1:00AM (This is a Sentinel saguaro Alignment of two time periods)(The dig spot is marked with the water bottle)
View attachment 1383466

#8 is at 11:00PM (this is another Sentinel Saguaro Alignment that was planted by different generations of Sentinels) (the dig spot is marked by the water bottle)
(The Closest Circled Dark Rock is also a Heart)
View attachment 1383476

In this Picture (the drawn yellow Pentagon is the crisscross/dig spot) The Orange lines are visual aids of all the projected lines from each one of the alignments to the crisscross/dig spot.
View attachment 1383481

I have a made a 2D Cad drawing or Overhead View of all 8 of the alignments from above to give a better understanding of how this was laid out. The Black circles are rocks/Boulders the green are Saguaros.
The Measurements that are important are marked out, only 1 is in Varas (the 30 V) the rest are in English Feet, generally there is only one good distance/measurement needed from only one of the two alignment Boulders/Cactus, which can be from either the closest or the farthest one from the dig spot.
The Arrows Point to the segment between the marker and the dig spot that I had measured, some are measured from the farthest markers all the way back to the dig spot, while some are from the closest markers to the dig spot.
(The Dig Spot is the center Red Circle, where all of the alignments crisscross each other)

View attachment 1391764

This is a different angle of the same crisscross/dig spot (an older Picture from when I first found it) this dead Ocotillo was placed there by the sentinels, and this small saguaro cactus was also planted by the sentinels going to the dig spot and is aligned with a 12 foot cactus (shown in the #7 1:00AM alignment above) The Small saguaro is going to this dig spot at exactly 13 feet, it was put there not long before I took the picture. So as you can see, the Sentinels are still marking these treasures, even to this day.
View attachment 1383482

Now I am showing a different crisscross/dig spot with the alignments going to it (Going counterclockwise again)

#1 is at 1PM
View attachment 1383483

#2 is at 11AM
View attachment 1383484

#3 is at 10AM
View attachment 1383485

Here is the Dig Spot that all Three of these Alignments Crisscross At, I marked the Turtle in blue the Heart in red the Carved Pentagon in black and the crisscross/dig spot is the drawn yellow pentagon. (originally the log was over this spot, placed there by the Sentinels)
View attachment 1383486

This second Picture is another visual aid
(with the orange lines) showing how the alignments came into this crisscross/dig spot.
View attachment 1383487

As an added Bonus, I am including a closeup of what was left by the sentinels on the crisscross/dig spot. (This circle of rocks with the one in the middle)
View attachment 1383488

Here is another Cad Drawing of this last crisscross/dig spot to help understand how some of the measuring was done. All are in English Feet except for the 30 Varas on the right. Each arrow is pointing to the segment of line between rocks or between the dig spot and a rock Measuring each segment independently of each other (in other words, Not a continuous measurement from the farthest markers to the dig spot). (The three Circles that are together at the bottom represent the dig spot)

View attachment 1383489

Here is the easiest way to find the crisscross spot, just find one alignment line and walk backwards keeping the two rocks centered visually until you find another 2 rocks or ? alignment that crosses your first line visually coming in from a different angle. (you never know what type of alignment your going to find)

Its like I have been saying all along they wanted to be able to relocate these treasures easily.

On these 2 rock alignments, there is no set pattern at all, every one is different on the alignments other than the fact that I have never seen less than 3 alignments go to a dig spot and as many as 10 in one case.

The best way to look for an alignment is to look at the base of the hill because that is where they had to start also and would generally put their markers, so most times you will know which way to go because you will be going up the hill.

Its not because of 1 single marker that anybody would ever dig (or at least I would hope not) The only time that anybody should ever dig is because of multiple markers, all working together to find one single spot (the dig spot)

There will always be what you think are markers that are really just erosion or cloud reading, so until you find other markers to back the single one up it is not verified nor does it (as a single marker) mean much even if it is a real marker.

Many Markers I have shown I would never have used as an independent marker, but I have hopefully shown that most of the markers that I have shown work in conjunction with many other markers and never ever independently.

When it comes to Marker distances to different caches, after finding a few you will know what distances are used such as 13 feet 77 feet
30 Varas and 15 varas are all common numbers these are just a few, three times a number is very common also,
such as 3x13=39 or 77x3=231 etc.


An interesting fact, I have shown 8 different treasure sites on here, what I have not told you guys is that I know of over a hundred more of these treasures, these caches are scattered all over the place in the united states. So I hope many of the people who never took Vault treasures seriously will realize (after what I have shown) that these treasures are not just Fictitious Stories, but actually do exist.


The King of Spain at the time required anything over a certain amount (not sure how much was considered a large cache) to be buried at a minimum depth of 30 feet deep either straight down or inside a tunnel. I do know that 400 silver bars were found straight down (Vertical) in the ground at a depth of 30 feet.

Eight feet is pretty common for the smaller caches in the desert, because bedrock is so close to the surface its deeper when there is more dirt over the bedrock.
3 Varas of dirt (just over 8 feet) has been dug up before even hitting the bedrock.

They use the same alignments but no deathtraps in the small caches, therefore many of the markers that have to do with the death traps are not present at the small storages.

The information about the Vault/Storages cannot be taught or compared to anybody elses dug up Vault/Storage because, Each Dig Spot is Different,the same thing with the treasures, you never know what your going to find. So comparing what you have dug up will NEVER help anybody else to figure out their treasure site or dig spot. (There is absolutely no way to tell People how deep or what size caprock will be found, if any at all)
(Besides most people asking these types of questions are more interested in what you have dug up than what they are trying to find and that will never turn out good for you)

(Remember You have no reason to prove what you have found to anybody, but You have Every Reason Not to Prove what you have found) (People will Torture or Kill you if they think you have Gold or Know Where it is Buried, while others will Turn You In because of Jealousy or because they are Sentinels)

Bad People will tell you they won't beleive that you actually found treasure even if you take them to the hole you dug or show them pictures of the treasure, they will still want you to let them physically hold/see the treasure for themselves, saying this is the only real proof, that's when bad things happen to you, so as I said before you have no reason to show proof of the treasure to anybody, but every reason Not to.

(Very Important) Once your head is underground that is when you need to be thinking about gravity deathtraps.

Here is what we were digging when the Wolf Howled, (back in #23 second from last Ghost Story) The first picture is the first layer of wedge rocks and the second is after pulling out the first and then many more wedge rocks (some had caliche/clay) holding them together, we also found a small hole or niche with tiny rocks perfectly cut and fit in the side of this shaft (making the shaft wall perfectly flat) As far as the the niche all you could see was the outline/small crack of a semi circle until I swept and pulled out all the little cut rocks, at one time they had a statue in the niche which was about two feet deep in the shaft wall.
View attachment 1383490

View attachment 1383491

Here is another one that we pulled a Cap Rock out of (notice the shaft symbol carved in the wall) The Cap Rock was level with the top of this shaft sign.
View attachment 1383492

There is no standard size of the cap rocks, they can be in any shape and size (whatever was needed to cover the hole)
Many small storages don't have cap rocks (just a hole with rocks and dirt) (No two Dig Sites Are The Same)

This is a far cry from what others have said about the caches being easy to spot and just haphazardly put together with a rock exposed covering or an opening that you could see above ground, the old BS meter hits red for me when I hear things like that.

Every single one of the kings vaults were required to be inside of bedrock, and never visible from the surface, they will always be within 3 feet of the surface to the first cap rock or marker usually much closer.

Something else I wanted to ad, a lot of people think they can find these treasures if they have knowledge of mining, nothing could be further from the truth.
While some mines hold treasure, and mining areas always have at least one Vault Nearby, The depots where they accumulated treasure from many mines that were miles away (in the mountains) are different, because they did not want to go up into the mountains to get every little storage, these depots were meant to have easy access, so they were put in locations that were 1: Easy to find, Victorio Peak Comes to mind ( A standalone Mountain that could be seen from miles around) 2: Easy to access,so they would not put the entrance way up on the Peak of a mountain, but down low where they could get the wagons, or next to a major river or tributary (on the banks) where they could easily follow it directly to the Vaults.

These Depot Locations were not chosen for their minerals but for ease of spotting and ease of access. So knowing mining is not a help at all in these situations.


One last thing, I made up a quick reference guide of treasure hunting signs/symbols

Animals and Symbols that Specifically relate to treasures
In Order of what you would (most likely) find first:

1: The Hole
2: Lit Up Boulders/Rocks on Hillside
3:The Kings Throne
4: The large Standalone Boulder at base of Hill or in Wash
5:The Turtle and the Storage Turtle Head
6: The Skull
7:The Eagle
8:The Owl
9:The Triangle
10:The A-Frame Rock
11:The Heart
12:The Diamond
13:The Pentagon
14:The Snake Eating something (open mouth)
15:The Crocodile
16:The Fox
17:The Duck
18:The rabbit
19:The Elephant
20:The hummingbird
21:The Number 3
22:The Lion
23:The Snail
24: The A-Frame Cave with a Single Rock Inside
25: Sentinel Planted/Placed Markers (These are last because they are only backups to the original Spanish/Priests markers)


There has been volumes of Misinformation published and non published fed to the public about these markers and even about the treasures themselves (made up treasure tales).

People have made a living on stories of treasures

All this misinformation, has all but destroyed vault treasure hunting, and I am sure you guys can figure out who would gain the most from trying to mislead everybody, by writing books.

The Point is that no book is going to give out the True and Factual information that I have shown here, for a good reason (The Sentinels have billions worth of treasure to lose) so anybody thinking that your going to get the answers from people who wrote books, should think again.

The reason the Sentinels do not dig up all these treasures is because it would take massive amounts of work and time which would draw the attention of the public, and that is exactly what they don't want, the sentinels have put a tremendous amount of time and effort into convincing the Public that these treasures do not exist.


(Important) There are many gravity operated deathtraps with all kinds of enticers to get you to dig under different boulders. Which is why I warn everybody against digging on the side of cliffs, its really not necessary when there are so many treasures on gentle slopes, try to keep those big boulders from being over your head.

Here is a very important piece of information, if you find a deathtrap above ground there will never be treasure under it, The reason for this is because the entrance to the treasure cannot have anything marking it above ground, this is why they use alignments to a bare piece of ground for the entrance.
(The Sentinels may have marked it, but not the original Spanish/Priests and even then only with subtle and natural marks)

A Spanish Death Trap I Dug Up: After removing Rocks from a shaft down to about ten feet deep we came across a small angled downward rock jutting out from the side of the shaft, this looked innocent enough but was stuck in the shaft wall, so we decided to keep digging under it because there was man made caliche/clay that was packed under this small rock, little did we know the small rock was a Trigger rock, the way it worked is the smooth surfaced top was angled down fairly steep on this trigger rock, and then when you dug the caliche/clay out from under it, having your head down to dig, the small rock would drop a few inches once enough caliche/clay was removed, then a huge boulder that was part of the wall of the shaft would slide down(on the small trigger rock that just dropped a few inches) and crush your head like a Grape against the opposite side of the shaft, which by the way they made the opposite wall fit the angles of the deathtrap boulder perfectly.

The Only reason we escaped it was because after digging under the trigger rock we talked it over and decided to widen out the hole and discovered the death trap purely by accident, that is how good they can make these things you will never know its there until it gets you.

Death traps most definitely Exist around Major Treasures.

(I cannot stress this enough) if you pop open a cap rock and there is a entrance that is hollow below the cap rock, and you get a good whiff of the air from inside (at the very least this gas can make you sick and at the most can kill you) I have been so sick as well as my old partner at some of these sites from the noxious gasses that permeate even the ground, and then it gets much much worse when you pop open an entrance, let the hole air out well, don't rush in. If you start feeling sick to your stomach that is the feeling when you breath in this poisonous gas, if you leave the area the feeling of nausea will go away in a half hour or so.

One other thing to mention for those squeamish people my partner was digging in a hole at a site and I saw something moving down the wall and reach off the wall to climb on his head, I yelled at him and he swiped it off just in time,it was a Centipede we caught it and took it home stretched it out and it was exactly a foot long.

Not far from the the Centipede spot we were digging and a giant ball of bees come across the desert right to where we were at, we jumped out of the hole and they finally went on their way.We were lucky we saw them just before they got to us.

I had another friend who was digging a hole and a whole bunch of scorpions crawled out up his shirt and stung him several times.

I was at the doorway with the lightning bolt (I showed on #23) and found a hole in the ground it was a man made air shaft that was shaped like Diamond with bees shooting out of it from air deep inside the hole.

When I was digging in the Caballos Mountains in NM it was Summer and a big green Mojave Rattlesnake crawled within 10 feet of us and went into a hole right next to where we were digging, I can just imagine the rattlesnake Den that is in that vault, probably slithering in and out of every crevice and crack, Indiana Jones time, lol.

This is not a job for the squeamish at all.
I suggest using bug bombs in holes


(A serious Warning for everybody involved in treasure hunting who may have found something of value that is over 100 years old inside a man made vault that you had to excavate. (Never ever show either on a public forum)


My Intent for this Guide was to make it more informative than any book ever written on the subject of Vault treasure hunting, and I believe I have accomplished that.

Since this kind of Treasure Hunting has Nothing to do with Luck, I won't say Good Luck but instead I will say this, if you give up on things easily treasure hunting is not going to be worth your time, as it is Very Hard Work, but the rewards are better than you can imagine, and I am not just talking about the money, I mean enjoying the great outdoors and getting some exercise, as well as the adventure, and knowing when you get to the end, that you have accomplished something very few have accomplished before you.

I Hope You all enjoyed my Guide to Vault treasure Hunting

The End
Hi sandy poonjab here I was wanting to ask you something on the size of these rock monuments I have some that I have found but they are very large like I have a duck the size of a fifth wheel camp trailer and a rabbit the size of a truck have ya ever seen anything like that before in your travels

Hi sandy poonjab here I was wanting to ask you something on the size of these rock monuments I have some that I have found but they are very large like I have a duck the size of a fifth wheel camp trailer and a rabbit the size of a truck have ya ever seen anything like that before in your travels
Most of the standalone markers in my area here in AZ are no more than the size of a small car like a vw bug but some of the statues/faces etc. can be natural large rock formations that they would manipulate which can be huge, many of the standalone boulders would be the size of a washer/dryer down to the size of a older large tv set. just to kind of put things into perspective as its very hard to get a general size understanding of these markers from pictures.

Thanks Barker,

That's me too, I have seen a few sights in travels,
and was just showing for you to enjoy also, being
one thing I can share. It's not markers, but there
are likely to be some around there somewhere,
in that kind of high mineral country, I call...
Most of the standalone markers in my area here in AZ are no more than the size of a small car like a vw bug but some of the statues/faces etc. can be natural large rock formations that they would manipulate which can be huge, many of the standalone boulders would be the size of a washer/dryer down to the size of a older large tv set. just to kind of put things into perspective as its very hard to get a general size understanding of these markers from pictures.
Thank you sandy and once again thank you for getting back with me and your information sandy has opened my eyes wide open the things you have showed on this forum is absolutely amazing to say the least I cherish the info and love all your posts hope you had a wonderful 4th of July and look forward to talking with you again I will try to get some of these pictures up so you can take a look dam I like this forum

This is incredible. At 18:09 note the turtle, and gets better from there. Also note the way to clear the air.
I find it of interest the depth of the hit on the detector. Enjoy. Stay safe and keep hope alive.

Does it say what country its in?

Does it say what country its in?
No, I think middle east? Comments are haters and maybe this is fake. IDK. Sure seems to find a lot. Just noted the turtle, and we all see the turtles everywhere. Liked the using fuel to force air into the vault.

No, I think middle east? Comments are haters and maybe this is fake. IDK. Sure seems to find a lot. Just noted the turtle, and we all see the turtles everywhere. Liked the using fuel to force air into the vault.
I saw what looks like a turtle on the capstone, if it were real it would be interesting to know what culture used the turtle to mark the cache from that long ago.

I saw what looks like a turtle on the capstone, if it were real it would be interesting to know what culture used the turtle to mark the cache from that long ago.
I noticed the turtle had all legs out and his head and tail, and nothing on his shell. Also carved in relief. Most things I find are not in relief, but I do find some. I have a T like yours with a sun pointer, but it is on a vertical plane and not a flat rock. Anyway, keeps hope alive. Hopefully people in cooler places will be motivated to hunt and share.

I saw what looks like a turtle on the capstone, if it were real it would be interesting to know what culture used the turtle to mark the cache from that long ago.
This movie is related to the Abbasid period. Their rule was established in 750 AD. They formed a great empire that includes Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey, Arabia, and Afghanistan. There were parts of Africa and Andalusia (Spain and Portugal). But this movie is completely fake. There is never a stone on the earth that has a prominent turtle carved on it and is considered as an entrance sign, so clearly.

This movie is related to the Abbasid period. Their rule was established in 750 AD. They formed a great empire that includes Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey, Arabia, and Afghanistan. There were parts of Africa and Andalusia (Spain and Portugal). But this movie is completely fake. There is never a stone on the earth that has a prominent turtle carved on it and is considered as an entrance sign, so clearly.
This series of 70+ "fantastic finds" is completely staged and then "documented on video" for the viewers' delight. Admittedly, they do a convincing adventure yarn, but c'mon . . .


Its Time for me to explain the Big Secret about the distances.

The First thing to understand is that you don't measure until after you find the dig spot, your probably scratching your head on that one.

The Best way for me to explain this is for everybody to think of themselves as standing on a giant flat analog clock, you are in the dead center of the clock/hands and each one of the alignments (at least 3 alignments) are on different times at different distances, the reason for this is because all these alignments crisscross back to where you are standing in the middle (which is the dig spot)

In other words (all the projected lines from multiple alignments) are crisscrossing each other at just ONE SPOT (The Dig Spot)

(These alignments can be any distance, but a maximum of 600 feet at the furthest, and all the way down to 3 varas (8 feet 3 inches) to the dig spot)
(most are within 100 feet)

These are photos I have already shown, if you want more info on each alignment you can go back and read up on each ones individual information.

Now for the Examples, these are (Going Counterclockwise) and all taken from the dig spot (staying on the dig spot) as I am turning in one spot taking a picture of each alignment.

Think of 12 Noon/Midnight as North

Every one of these alignments go to the same dig spot.

#1a is at 9:30AM (The closest of these two Boulders is a Large Heart from #43 last 4 Pictures)
View attachment 1391758

#1b This is the same alignment as the last photo including the dig spot (the compass is on the dig spot)
View attachment 1391759

#2a is at 8:30AM (This is the Shaft Sign and alignment Peaks, notice how this heart should be followed as it is part of the alignment)
View attachment 1383407

#2b This second Picture is of the same Alignment Boulders as the last photo, but I am showing the Dig spot as well (the water bottle circled but barely in the picture is on the dig spot)
View attachment 1391761

#3 is at 7:30AM This is the alignment with the Eyes Boulder (From #47 last three pictures) The Eyes Boulder (circled in red) is the back alignment boulder (not the dark eye catcher way up and behind it on the hill) It is 213 feet from the Dig Spot to the Eyes Boulder (Sometimes You measure from the Closest Boulder while other times you measure from the furthest boulder)
(The water bottle is marking the dig spot)
View attachment 1391763

#4a is at 7:00AM (This is the boulder with all the carvings all over it, from #41), and the bunny you view from the dig spot, this is also the boulder that has the heart carved in the top of it which you align to the dig spot.(you can also see the alignment boulder from the last photo #3 at 7:30AM up and to the right circled in blue in both this picture and the last one)
View attachment 1383422

#4b This Second picture is the same as the last photo, but has the dig spot marked with the water bottle.
View attachment 1383429

#5a is at 5:30AM (this alignment is the Heart with the A-Frame rock Behind it, again using the heart as an alignment)
View attachment 1383430

#5b This is the same alignment as the last photo, but is showing the dig spot marked with the water bottle as well.
View attachment 1383433

#6a is at 4:00AM (These three Saguaros, the right one is dead now, is actually a very old Mexican/Sentinel Planted Triangle) and they are planted straight uphill from the dig spot, this was mainly so they could find it easier (up high on the hill) but also because they liked putting markers vertical or horizontal to the dig spots.
(In relationship to the slope of the hill)
The First Picture I took offset from the alignment line so you can see the far saguaro behind the middle triangle Saguaro.
View attachment 1383456

#6b This Second Picture has the two Saguaros aligned to the dig spot(marked with the water bottle)
View attachment 1383459

#7 is at 1:00AM (This is a Sentinel saguaro Alignment of two time periods)(The dig spot is marked with the water bottle)
View attachment 1383466

#8 is at 11:00PM (this is another Sentinel Saguaro Alignment that was planted by different generations of Sentinels) (the dig spot is marked by the water bottle)
(The Closest Circled Dark Rock is also a Heart)
View attachment 1383476

In this Picture (the drawn yellow Pentagon is the crisscross/dig spot) The Orange lines are visual aids of all the projected lines from each one of the alignments to the crisscross/dig spot.
View attachment 1383481

I have a made a 2D Cad drawing or Overhead View of all 8 of the alignments from above to give a better understanding of how this was laid out. The Black circles are rocks/Boulders the green are Saguaros.
The Measurements that are important are marked out, only 1 is in Varas (the 30 V) the rest are in English Feet, generally there is only one good distance/measurement needed from only one of the two alignment Boulders/Cactus, which can be from either the closest or the farthest one from the dig spot.
The Arrows Point to the segment between the marker and the dig spot that I had measured, some are measured from the farthest markers all the way back to the dig spot, while some are from the closest markers to the dig spot.
(The Dig Spot is the center Red Circle, where all of the alignments crisscross each other)

View attachment 1391764

This is a different angle of the same crisscross/dig spot (an older Picture from when I first found it) this dead Ocotillo was placed there by the sentinels, and this small saguaro cactus was also planted by the sentinels going to the dig spot and is aligned with a 12 foot cactus (shown in the #7 1:00AM alignment above) The Small saguaro is going to this dig spot at exactly 13 feet, it was put there not long before I took the picture. So as you can see, the Sentinels are still marking these treasures, even to this day.
View attachment 1383482

Now I am showing a different crisscross/dig spot with the alignments going to it (Going counterclockwise again)

#1 is at 1PM
View attachment 1383483

#2 is at 11AM
View attachment 1383484

#3 is at 10AM
View attachment 1383485

Here is the Dig Spot that all Three of these Alignments Crisscross At, I marked the Turtle in blue the Heart in red the Carved Pentagon in black and the crisscross/dig spot is the drawn yellow pentagon. (originally the log was over this spot, placed there by the Sentinels)
View attachment 1383486

This second Picture is another visual aid
(with the orange lines) showing how the alignments came into this crisscross/dig spot.
View attachment 1383487

As an added Bonus, I am including a closeup of what was left by the sentinels on the crisscross/dig spot. (This circle of rocks with the one in the middle)
View attachment 1383488

Here is another Cad Drawing of this last crisscross/dig spot to help understand how some of the measuring was done. All are in English Feet except for the 30 Varas on the right. Each arrow is pointing to the segment of line between rocks or between the dig spot and a rock Measuring each segment independently of each other (in other words, Not a continuous measurement from the farthest markers to the dig spot). (The three Circles that are together at the bottom represent the dig spot)

View attachment 1383489

Here is the easiest way to find the crisscross spot, just find one alignment line and walk backwards keeping the two rocks centered visually until you find another 2 rocks or ? alignment that crosses your first line visually coming in from a different angle. (you never know what type of alignment your going to find)

Its like I have been saying all along they wanted to be able to relocate these treasures easily.

On these 2 rock alignments, there is no set pattern at all, every one is different on the alignments other than the fact that I have never seen less than 3 alignments go to a dig spot and as many as 10 in one case.

The best way to look for an alignment is to look at the base of the hill because that is where they had to start also and would generally put their markers, so most times you will know which way to go because you will be going up the hill.

Its not because of 1 single marker that anybody would ever dig (or at least I would hope not) The only time that anybody should ever dig is because of multiple markers, all working together to find one single spot (the dig spot)

There will always be what you think are markers that are really just erosion or cloud reading, so until you find other markers to back the single one up it is not verified nor does it (as a single marker) mean much even if it is a real marker.

Many Markers I have shown I would never have used as an independent marker, but I have hopefully shown that most of the markers that I have shown work in conjunction with many other markers and never ever independently.

When it comes to Marker distances to different caches, after finding a few you will know what distances are used such as 13 feet 77 feet
30 Varas and 15 varas are all common numbers these are just a few, three times a number is very common also,
such as 3x13=39 or 77x3=231 etc.


An interesting fact, I have shown 8 different treasure sites on here, what I have not told you guys is that I know of over a hundred more of these treasures, these caches are scattered all over the place in the united states. So I hope many of the people who never took Vault treasures seriously will realize (after what I have shown) that these treasures are not just Fictitious Stories, but actually do exist.


The King of Spain at the time required anything over a certain amount (not sure how much was considered a large cache) to be buried at a minimum depth of 30 feet deep either straight down or inside a tunnel. I do know that 400 silver bars were found straight down (Vertical) in the ground at a depth of 30 feet.

Eight feet is pretty common for the smaller caches in the desert, because bedrock is so close to the surface its deeper when there is more dirt over the bedrock.
3 Varas of dirt (just over 8 feet) has been dug up before even hitting the bedrock.

They use the same alignments but no deathtraps in the small caches, therefore many of the markers that have to do with the death traps are not present at the small storages.

The information about the Vault/Storages cannot be taught or compared to anybody elses dug up Vault/Storage because, Each Dig Spot is Different,the same thing with the treasures, you never know what your going to find. So comparing what you have dug up will NEVER help anybody else to figure out their treasure site or dig spot. (There is absolutely no way to tell People how deep or what size caprock will be found, if any at all)
(Besides most people asking these types of questions are more interested in what you have dug up than what they are trying to find and that will never turn out good for you)

(Remember You have no reason to prove what you have found to anybody, but You have Every Reason Not to Prove what you have found) (People will Torture or Kill you if they think you have Gold or Know Where it is Buried, while others will Turn You In because of Jealousy or because they are Sentinels)

Bad People will tell you they won't beleive that you actually found treasure even if you take them to the hole you dug or show them pictures of the treasure, they will still want you to let them physically hold/see the treasure for themselves, saying this is the only real proof, that's when bad things happen to you, so as I said before you have no reason to show proof of the treasure to anybody, but every reason Not to.

(Very Important) Once your head is underground that is when you need to be thinking about gravity deathtraps.

Here is what we were digging when the Wolf Howled, (back in #23 second from last Ghost Story) The first picture is the first layer of wedge rocks and the second is after pulling out the first and then many more wedge rocks (some had caliche/clay) holding them together, we also found a small hole or niche with tiny rocks perfectly cut and fit in the side of this shaft (making the shaft wall perfectly flat) As far as the the niche all you could see was the outline/small crack of a semi circle until I swept and pulled out all the little cut rocks, at one time they had a statue in the niche which was about two feet deep in the shaft wall.
View attachment 1383490

View attachment 1383491

Here is another one that we pulled a Cap Rock out of (notice the shaft symbol carved in the wall) The Cap Rock was level with the top of this shaft sign.
View attachment 1383492

There is no standard size of the cap rocks, they can be in any shape and size (whatever was needed to cover the hole)
Many small storages don't have cap rocks (just a hole with rocks and dirt) (No two Dig Sites Are The Same)

This is a far cry from what others have said about the caches being easy to spot and just haphazardly put together with a rock exposed covering or an opening that you could see above ground, the old BS meter hits red for me when I hear things like that.

Every single one of the kings vaults were required to be inside of bedrock, and never visible from the surface, they will always be within 3 feet of the surface to the first cap rock or marker usually much closer.

Something else I wanted to ad, a lot of people think they can find these treasures if they have knowledge of mining, nothing could be further from the truth.
While some mines hold treasure, and mining areas always have at least one Vault Nearby, The depots where they accumulated treasure from many mines that were miles away (in the mountains) are different, because they did not want to go up into the mountains to get every little storage, these depots were meant to have easy access, so they were put in locations that were 1: Easy to find, Victorio Peak Comes to mind ( A standalone Mountain that could be seen from miles around) 2: Easy to access,so they would not put the entrance way up on the Peak of a mountain, but down low where they could get the wagons, or next to a major river or tributary (on the banks) where they could easily follow it directly to the Vaults.

These Depot Locations were not chosen for their minerals but for ease of spotting and ease of access. So knowing mining is not a help at all in these situations.


One last thing, I made up a quick reference guide of treasure hunting signs/symbols

Animals and Symbols that Specifically relate to treasures
In Order of what you would (most likely) find first:

1: The Hole
2: Lit Up Boulders/Rocks on Hillside
3:The Kings Throne
4: The large Standalone Boulder at base of Hill or in Wash
5:The Turtle and the Storage Turtle Head
6: The Skull
7:The Eagle
8:The Owl
9:The Triangle
10:The A-Frame Rock
11:The Heart
12:The Diamond
13:The Pentagon
14:The Snake Eating something (open mouth)
15:The Crocodile
16:The Fox
17:The Duck
18:The rabbit
19:The Elephant
20:The hummingbird
21:The Number 3
22:The Lion
23:The Snail
24: The A-Frame Cave with a Single Rock Inside
25: Sentinel Planted/Placed Markers (These are last because they are only backups to the original Spanish/Priests markers)


There has been volumes of Misinformation published and non published fed to the public about these markers and even about the treasures themselves (made up treasure tales).

People have made a living on stories of treasures

All this misinformation, has all but destroyed vault treasure hunting, and I am sure you guys can figure out who would gain the most from trying to mislead everybody, by writing books.

The Point is that no book is going to give out the True and Factual information that I have shown here, for a good reason (The Sentinels have billions worth of treasure to lose) so anybody thinking that your going to get the answers from people who wrote books, should think again.

The reason the Sentinels do not dig up all these treasures is because it would take massive amounts of work and time which would draw the attention of the public, and that is exactly what they don't want, the sentinels have put a tremendous amount of time and effort into convincing the Public that these treasures do not exist.


(Important) There are many gravity operated deathtraps with all kinds of enticers to get you to dig under different boulders. Which is why I warn everybody against digging on the side of cliffs, its really not necessary when there are so many treasures on gentle slopes, try to keep those big boulders from being over your head.

Here is a very important piece of information, if you find a deathtrap above ground there will never be treasure under it, The reason for this is because the entrance to the treasure cannot have anything marking it above ground, this is why they use alignments to a bare piece of ground for the entrance.
(The Sentinels may have marked it, but not the original Spanish/Priests and even then only with subtle and natural marks)

A Spanish Death Trap I Dug Up: After removing Rocks from a shaft down to about ten feet deep we came across a small angled downward rock jutting out from the side of the shaft, this looked innocent enough but was stuck in the shaft wall, so we decided to keep digging under it because there was man made caliche/clay that was packed under this small rock, little did we know the small rock was a Trigger rock, the way it worked is the smooth surfaced top was angled down fairly steep on this trigger rock, and then when you dug the caliche/clay out from under it, having your head down to dig, the small rock would drop a few inches once enough caliche/clay was removed, then a huge boulder that was part of the wall of the shaft would slide down(on the small trigger rock that just dropped a few inches) and crush your head like a Grape against the opposite side of the shaft, which by the way they made the opposite wall fit the angles of the deathtrap boulder perfectly.

The Only reason we escaped it was because after digging under the trigger rock we talked it over and decided to widen out the hole and discovered the death trap purely by accident, that is how good they can make these things you will never know its there until it gets you.

Death traps most definitely Exist around Major Treasures.

(I cannot stress this enough) if you pop open a cap rock and there is a entrance that is hollow below the cap rock, and you get a good whiff of the air from inside (at the very least this gas can make you sick and at the most can kill you) I have been so sick as well as my old partner at some of these sites from the noxious gasses that permeate even the ground, and then it gets much much worse when you pop open an entrance, let the hole air out well, don't rush in. If you start feeling sick to your stomach that is the feeling when you breath in this poisonous gas, if you leave the area the feeling of nausea will go away in a half hour or so.

One other thing to mention for those squeamish people my partner was digging in a hole at a site and I saw something moving down the wall and reach off the wall to climb on his head, I yelled at him and he swiped it off just in time,it was a Centipede we caught it and took it home stretched it out and it was exactly a foot long.

Not far from the the Centipede spot we were digging and a giant ball of bees come across the desert right to where we were at, we jumped out of the hole and they finally went on their way.We were lucky we saw them just before they got to us.

I had another friend who was digging a hole and a whole bunch of scorpions crawled out up his shirt and stung him several times.

I was at the doorway with the lightning bolt (I showed on #23) and found a hole in the ground it was a man made air shaft that was shaped like Diamond with bees shooting out of it from air deep inside the hole.

When I was digging in the Caballos Mountains in NM it was Summer and a big green Mojave Rattlesnake crawled within 10 feet of us and went into a hole right next to where we were digging, I can just imagine the rattlesnake Den that is in that vault, probably slithering in and out of every crevice and crack, Indiana Jones time, lol.

This is not a job for the squeamish at all.
I suggest using bug bombs in holes


(A serious Warning for everybody involved in treasure hunting who may have found something of value that is over 100 years old inside a man made vault that you had to excavate. (Never ever show either on a public forum)


My Intent for this Guide was to make it more informative than any book ever written on the subject of Vault treasure hunting, and I believe I have accomplished that.

Since this kind of Treasure Hunting has Nothing to do with Luck, I won't say Good Luck but instead I will say this, if you give up on things easily treasure hunting is not going to be worth your time, as it is Very Hard Work, but the rewards are better than you can imagine, and I am not just talking about the money, I mean enjoying the great outdoors and getting some exercise, as well as the adventure, and knowing when you get to the end, that you have accomplished something very few have accomplished before you.

I Hope You all enjoyed my Guide to Vault treasure Hunting

The End
Hi sandy poonjab here I was reading this post again and is Jesus looking at a shadow priest. First picture

Sandy1, what does 3 mean? Both small hand held, and large 750lb. Worked stone 3?

Sandy1, what does 3 mean? Both small hand held, and large 750lb. Worked stone 3?
From what I have gathered the 3 means the Trinity, there is a pretty good chance that the triangle is important for the same reason having 3 points.
1 (1).webp

From what I have gathered the 3 means the Trinity, there is a pretty good chance that the triangle is important for the same reason having 3 points.View attachment 2160009
Well I came across a stone with a 😯 face on it inside the 3, and a triangle pointing down when laid on the ground how I found it. With a long arrow pointing off to the left. I looked around a few meters away and found the treasure below rock in a bed of prickly pear cactus, and began digging. Around 3 meters down I hit a whole wall of white worked stones pointing towards where I found the original hand held rock described above. I'm 17'ft. Down, and working My way the rocks point. My question is after reading Your post about the Kings ordering the bars of gold buried 30'ft. Down that the 3 meant that? I hope not!

Well I came across a stone with a 😯 face on it inside the 3, and a triangle pointing down when laid on the ground how I found it. With a long arrow pointing off to the left. I looked around a few meters away and found the treasure below rock in a bed of prickly pear cactus, and began digging. Around 3 meters down I hit a whole wall of white worked stones pointing towards where I found the original hand held rock described above. I'm 17'ft. Down, and working My way the rocks point. My question is after reading Your post about the Kings ordering the bars of gold buried 30'ft. Down that the 3 meant that? I hope not!
You are not the first person to tell me that they have been digging in a spot with buried rocks telling/pointing them which way to go, first let me say this about the above ground markers most of them are pointing into every nook and cranny trying to get you to dig everywhere except the entrance to the treasure. so does it seem like they would change their minds and bury pointer rocks that lead right to their buried treasure?

Somebody else posted this years ago but its such a great example of an arrow saying dig here I had to show it (hope the original poster doesn't mind) I have also seen a shovel carved to supposedly point to the spot to dig, also a heart set up to follow the tip into a crevice. All of which are fake dig locations.

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You are not the first person to tell me that they have been digging in a spot with buried rocks telling/pointing them which way to go, first let me say this about the above ground markers most of them are pointing into every nook and cranny trying to get you to dig everywhere except the entrance to the treasure. so does it seem like they would change their minds and bury pointer rocks that lead right to their buried treasure?

Somebody else posted this years ago but its such a great example of an arrow saying dig here I had to show it (hope the original poster doesn't mind)
View attachment 2160043

I read that rock as there's two caves/tunnels one in each direction. On Your 3 picture I see the crocodile face looking down to the owl that the top of the 3 is pointing to. The crocodiles tail is an arrow pointing over the top of the mountain. I was just hoping My 3 with that 😯h sh#! face doesn't mean 30'ft. Down. Ty Sandy1

Well I came across a stone with a 😯 face on it inside the 3, and a triangle pointing down when laid on the ground how I found it. With a long arrow pointing off to the left. I looked around a few meters away and found the treasure below rock in a bed of prickly pear cactus, and began digging. Around 3 meters down I hit a whole wall of white worked stones pointing towards where I found the original hand held rock described above. I'm 17'ft. Down, and working My way the rocks point. My question is after reading Your post about the Kings ordering the bars of gold buried 30'ft. Down that the 3 meant that? I hope not!
I Am curious, you found a triangle laid on the ground was it permanent as can not be moved.And thank you for sharing your discovery here.

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