https://www.treasurenet.com/threads/basic-signs-and-symbols-you-have-found.78421/post-2729756 CDS look how sdcfia treated old dog. This is when sdcfia had to run under another handle Springfield this guy has been running people down on this thread for along time. Old dog did not need to be treated this way he was one of the top guys explaining how the Spanish were in Colorado.Post #2850
Ad hominem attacks only weaken your standing zak. I give curious people food for thought that they can follow up on as they see fit. It's a forum after all, not a blog. I know you don't like what I have to say - maybe you have doubts about what your own beliefs are.

https://www.treasurenet.com/threads/basic-signs-and-symbols-you-have-found.78421/post-2729756 CDS look how sdcfia treated old dog. This is when sdcfia had to run under another handle Springfield this guy has been running people down on this thread for along time. Old dog did not need to be treated this way he was one of the top guys explaining how the Spanish were in Colorado.Post #2850
You're right about old dog being a good, caring soul sharing to the extent of what he knew, though Nothing like what sandy1 has given out. Food for thought? We know the Misinformation leads away from the treasures. You can't get water out of a dry bone, just more confusion & headache.
We know this with rudeness seems to be the method, more like delighting in disrupting.

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I come to this website to learn new things and better myself. I watch several threads and try to absorb the information that is going to make me better.
All i will say is its very ignorant for a person to come to someone else's thread and attack them because they disagree with their methods.
If you disagree with the methods on this thread, please by all means leave and dont come back.
If your methods are so much better, then please, start a thread and SHARE the information so we can all learn from you. I promise people will want to learn it, i will be the first one there.

I come to this website to learn new things and better myself. I watch several threads and try to absorb the information that is going to make me better.
All i will say is its very ignorant for a person to come to someone else's thread and attack them because they disagree with their methods.
If you disagree with the methods on this thread, please by all means leave and dont come back.
If your methods are so much better, then please, start a thread and SHARE the information so we can all learn from you
. I promise people will want to learn it, i will be the first one there.
That is some of the best advice I have heard on here.

Also I am proud to say the thread has reached one million views and wanted to say thank you to all of you who have supported me through the years.

Congrats on the million views that is something to be proud of there buddy good job.I am so fortunate to have met you friend keep it up I hope you get 2 million views. Please keep posting this excellent info always learning believe me there are plenty of folks who care and take it seriously..

Sandy1, Congratulations on the million views!!!!
Thank you for your honesty and for trying to inlighten us all, you are a good man, a great teacher, you have always answered my pm's and i know you tell the truth. I know you tell the truth because ive found pretty much everything you've shown on this thread

That is some of the best advice I have heard on here.

Also I am proud to say the thread has reached one million views and wanted to say thank you to all of you who have supported me through the years.
If I recall correctly, I believe there was a reward of information at the 1 million mark. Am I correct?

I am having major internet problems this week, the internet company says they have to replace a piece of equipment on the 7th so If it works I will give you guys a nice picture walkthrough of the site I am working on and the crosses I mentioned at the other site after the 7th.

Congratulations on the 1 million
That is some of the best advice I have heard on here.

Also I am proud to say the thread has reached one million views and wanted to say thank you to all of you who have supported me through the years.
views. I can say that what you have so unselfishly shared is a tremendous help in my quest. The carvings of what you have shared exist here in Texas. The layout is the same. If you want to find buried Spanish treasure just get out and follow Sandy1 information and you will succeed. I’ve seen multiple eye catchers on hills here across the state that Sandy1 mentioned. It’s not easy and you will have to do some brush clearing to get alignments cleared. Get a digital camera of the type Sandy1 stipulates and a good compass. And go to work. My hat goes off to Sandy1
Thank you sir

I’m anxiously awaiting the new information

What do you think of this heart? What catches my attention the most is that someone bothered to place three small rocks in a row and a larger one at the base.

CDS I believe what you have is called a Hardy its a blacksmithing tool used with a anvil and forge, and that's an old one you got there.Good find keep the faith and stay safe.
That is exactly what is it a Hardy hot cutting tool. I use them at my forge.

That is exactly what is it a Hardy hot cutting tool. I use them at my forge.
That's really cool, what do you use your forge for? The one I posted was apparently used
for something other than it was made for with the wear on the shank, like hammering on it.

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I am having major internet problems this week, the internet company says they have to replace a piece of equipment on the 7th so If it works I will give you guys a nice picture walkthrough of the site I am working on and the crosses I mentioned at the other site after the 7th.
Hi sandy1, did your internet company get your service back going?

Any thoughts on this King's Chair/Turtle that I'm seeing? The turtle points to a wash that leads to the peak of a small mountain. At the top I found 6 rocks in the shape of a triangle which seemed to point to an area where 3 junipers once grew 2 of which were now stumps with 3 yucca growing right next to one. In the middle of the juniper was what I took to be a cross or an 'x' formed in between 4 stones which turned out to be buried longwise into the ground each measuring around 10 inches with just 2 or 3 inches above the surface. The triangle and 'x' markers on the mountain seem to line up with the turtle which can be seen from the 'x'. I've already dug a bit and found a stone 3 feet deep with what I see as a small cross apparently carved into the top. Since it's the only symbol I notice on the stone and it's quite small and simple I'm sceptical that I'm not just cloud-reading here. Thanks guys!


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