

Cyzak you wouldn’t believe how many naysayers I had telling me that this map was nothing but fake lmao

View attachment 1801326


Cyzak you wouldn’t believe how many naysayers I had telling me that this map was nothing but fake lmao

One reason they say that is they have no clue what they are even looking at. I used to hike up a place by Pagosa Springs called 4 mile the aspen there were not gigantic. I learned they did not have to be gigantic to be old. Having done dendrochronology they were true to the time frame of spanish travel of that period of time the carvings were authentic.

One reason they say that is they have no clue what they are even looking at. I used to hike up a place by Pagosa Springs called 4 mile the aspen there were not gigantic. I learned they did not have to be gigantic to be old. Having done dendrochronology they were true to the time frame of spanish travel of that period of time the carvings were authentic.

That’s awesome, luckily for me I have another site I’m going to check out next weekend..the photos I’ve shared well I won’t be able to get back up there for quite some time, winter has a firm grasp for the time being. Hope you’re well

One reason they say that is they have no clue what they are even looking at. I used to hike up a place by Pagosa Springs called 4 mile the aspen there were not gigantic. I learned they did not have to be gigantic to be old. Having done dendrochronology they were true to the time frame of spanish travel of that period of time the carvings were authentic.

You can core a tree to determine its age. Aspens grow fast, but seldom live more than 150 years. Most die off after 80-100 years. 2020-150=1870. Add another 25 years required for a sapling to grow big enough to carve all this stuff and you get about 1895, best case scenario. Of course, if this tree was one in a million, say it's 200 years old. That puts you about 1850. The Spanish era? No. Mexican? Likely not. It looks like the map is about the same age as the other graffiti on the tree, maybe 20 years. Believe what suits you.

You can core a tree to determine its age. Aspens grow fast, but seldom live more than 150 years. Most die off after 80-100 years. 2020-150=1870. Add another 25 years required for a sapling to grow big enough to carve all this stuff and you get about 1895, best case scenario. Of course, if this tree was one in a million, say it's 200 years old. That puts you about 1850. The Spanish era? No. Mexican? Likely not. It looks like the map is about the same age as the other graffiti on the tree, maybe 20 years. Believe what suits you.

Whoa Whoa I am not saying that the tree pictured is period correct I am saying the ones I checked were. I would not know if the tree pictured was period correct unless I actually was there to check once again sdcfia your trying to twist it around with absolutely no proof.

After a little more observation of the photo and digital enhancement sdcfia I do believe it to be Sentinel activity at his site.

After a little more observation of the photo and digital enhancement sdcfia I do believe it to be Sentinel activity at his site.

Cyzak I know for a fact it is, every time I go back it has been manipulated with other symbols to throw off the tracker, haha can’t and won’t fool me. I know what I’ve seen, I have posted actual proof of it being spanish. Every photo i have shared is what the Spanish would use to mark there cache sites. Now sdcfia are you going to now tell me that my photos are photoshopped? Think about this, what if the original was cut down/fell/removed. Then another tree nearby was used to carve the map as how it was on the original? Want me to show you more proof because I certainly can

Cyzak I know for a fact it is, every time I go back it has been manipulated with other symbols to throw off the tracker, haha can’t and won’t fool me. I know what I’ve seen, I have posted actual proof of it being spanish. Every photo i have shared is what the Spanish would use to mark there cache sites. Now sdcfia are you going to now tell me that my photos are photoshopped? Think about this, what if the original was cut down/fell/removed. Then another tree nearby was used to carve the map as how it was on the original? Want me to show you more proof because I certainly can
Be careful in this location SpanishTHunter they have definitely stored something of value there.

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I wanted to mention one thing about metal detectors (since I am asked about them alot) people give way to much credit to the ability of metal detectors, I mean sure a gemini 3 can go down 15 feet but only if you have a Tank buried the same thing with the TM808, the PI models such as the pulstar 2 are probably a little better than the two box type but not much, unfortunately the advertising hype is just way out of line about how deep these detectors can detect, another thing air testing is not really accurate since when you detect through the ground you do lose depth compared to through the air.
If you are lucky 8 feet is probably the max depth your going to get from most of these machines and the cache has to be a decent size like the size of a bowling ball minimum. This is why not many people have found caches out there because they think a detector is going to reach them and when they don't they just give up.
Please go back and read this again. Sandy has made it real easy to understand. Thanks Sandy!

I really do not know who that is to I really dont use a metal detector on my sites they are pretty much worthless.

Agree cyzak, it’s just more weight you have to carry

[/QUOTE] I will say this, if you give up on things easily treasure hunting is not going to be worth your time, as it is Very Hard Work, but the rewards are better than you can imagine [/QUOTE]

I was trying to quote sandy1 but cant run a computer worth a dam

I will say this, if you give up on things easily treasure hunting is not going to be worth your time, as it is Very Hard Work, but the rewards are better than you can imagine [/QUOTE]

I was trying to quote sandy1 but cant run a computer worth a dam[/QUOTE]

If it was easy everyone and their grandma would be doing it! It’s the entitled a**holes who you gotta watch out for, they want something for nothing

View attachment 1801326


Cyzak you wouldn’t believe how many naysayers I had telling me that this map was nothing but fake lmao


SpanishTHunter, I remember one posting this similar pic on here...


Ancient ghost is that you, changed names?
Good to see you post, always liked your
massive owl too, it's so crazy big...

Nice new pics. Best way to show the
critics, to have an avatar like sandy1,
or just don't really pay 'em any mind.
You find treasure, personal anyway...

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Cyzak I know for a fact it is, every time I go back it has been manipulated with other symbols to throw off the tracker, haha can’t and won’t fool me. I know what I’ve seen, I have posted actual proof of it being spanish. Every photo i have shared is what the Spanish would use to mark there cache sites. Now sdcfia are you going to now tell me that my photos are photoshopped? Think about this, what if the original was cut down/fell/removed. Then another tree nearby was used to carve the map as how it was on the original? Want me to show you more proof because I certainly can

I would think it's possibly sentinel. Spanish
would likely be the carvings there in stone...

Your pics do show a lot of evidence of their
way of marking Spanish Treasure ~ areas.

View attachment 1801266

Here I have shown where the death comes from if you don’t take heed of the warning being given

The actual "cache sites", are marked with
the various alignments sandy1 has shown,
& your death trap slide rocks are way...on
up there. May be questionable & sketchy,
going to supposed doorway you point to...
Would more likely be closer, don't you think.

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