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Yes it is as it is the most common thing I have found in the field, this is information that I keep in my top secret guide which I am still working on.

I know how confusing it can be when out on the trail so much to look at in so much time how do you delegate the amount of time you spend trying to decipher the site.

I know how confusing it can be when out on the trail so much to look at in so much time how do you delegate the amount of time you spend trying to decipher the site.

Sometimes its just hours to figure things out other times a few days, this is what I do so time is not a factor in treasure hunting for me.

That's what we all do, (& I know you do a lot of it too) when working back with the many pics taken.
Looking at a computer screen, going over them. I've learned because some of my areas just so tight
& condensed, in a steep terrain, on either side of a deep wash etc. To take pics that overlap in actual
sequences like they're panoramic, as well the individual boulders & alignments. So that way since so
much of my stuff is so crammed together & not spaced out nearly as much as the stuff I've seen out
in the SW (a lot of sandy1's awesome markers) for example. When I study in pics, it's like I'm there,
seeing it all clearly again just as if I'm there slowly looking from one area or side to another in line.
It really helps me to even see alignments a lot better, that I may've missed not doing for 30+ yrs.
It's such great time saving study having someone that has so much insight sharing technical help.
... :sunny: :fish:

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In my area I have taken pictures of hundreds of alignments at different treasure spots, but I have found that in the pictures due to being so condensed the alignments (in particular the standalone boulders) are no where near as good in the pictures as in real life, the human eye can see and distinguish the alignment boulders that stand out from the rest of the surroundings much easier/better in real life as compared to in a picture.

What has always amazed me is how the photos change as you take different shots at different angles. Another very interesting site you have came a Crosse.

Crosse, is that a ducks' head and beak on your bottom picture?

Pretty funny lookin' duck I think, for being pre-Disney cartoons, lol.
Glad y'all enjoy, & that's why I post them, simply for entertainment.
Something interesting lookin' hopefully, in between sandy1's posts...

What has always amazed me is how the photos change as you take different shots at different angles. Another very interesting site you have came a Crosse.

Yeah zak, & sandy's shown lots of markers changing shapes in the angles.

They were pretty good masters, at carvings & visual concepts, for sure.
Some of their work overlaps from one rock or boulder to another, and
as I walk around many of their carvings the outline may change 3+
& may be not only a totally different thing, but also make some
kind of a different alignment. An example such as the horse:
..View attachment 1680570
..View attachment 1680550
..View attachment 1680571

I still like sandy1's pics awesome images best the snake
eating the egg for one, & so many more. Now I know
of other things we need to look for & it's fun to look
at pics I've taken at these different angles & see
more than I may happen at times to recognize
or notice in the field, but I'm likely getting a
little bit better, from studying with sandy1.
Thanks a lot for your comments guys...:cross:

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Yeah zak, & sandy's shown lots of markers changing shapes in the angles.

They were pretty good masters at carving & visual concepts I've found.
Some of their work overlaps from one rock or boulder to another, and
as I walk around many of their carvings the outline may change 3+
& may be not only a totally different thing, but also make some
kind of a different alignment. An example such as the horse:
..View attachment 1680550

I still like sandy1's pics, awesome images like the snake
eating the egg for one, & so many more. Now I know
of other things we need to look for & it's fun to look
at pics I've taken at these different angles & see
more than I may happen at times to recognize
or notice in the field, but I'm likely getting a
little bit better, from studying with sandy1.
Thanks a lot for your comments guys...:cross:

C D, a little fun goes a long ways in my book. Kinda like this owl fell over on his right ear from laughing.:icon_thumright:

Hey that is what this about it is supposed to be fun and exiting learning how to figure this s#*t out and we got a good guy on our side to help us out.:goldbar:

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I just realized what all I'm seeing here.
Is it just me, or does anybody else see
a witch w pointed /hat, long nose, bad
lookin' teeth, & pointed chin? She aso
shares her RH eye with the owl's R. eye
her L. eye brow owl beak, top part of her
hat is the owl's L. eye. But the back of the
pointed & crooked hat's also a Eagle's head.
Ooohhh some pretty cool stuff, my 1st witchy.
... :sunny: :fish:

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103 and 77 are related to the owl as they are 13 off 90 degrees. The owl being the 13th letter of the alphabet in it's heiroglyphic rendition. Not that it is totally important, but it does relate.

Right, but witchcraft is more of a religious classification of misunderstood or wrongly accused terminology.

For instance, the egyptian duat, or place of the afterlife is represented by a pentagram , or star inside a circle. Alot of things we dont totally understand but write them off in present day because that is what we were taught.

Yes I agree, there is what would be considered witchcraft incorporated in these sites. And perhaps more recently over the last couple hundred years, would only be done as such. But people dont even know the background on what they practice.

Yes I agree, there is what would be considered witchcraft incorporated in these sites. And perhaps more recently over the last couple hundred years, would only be done as such. But people dont even know the background on what they practice.

Like you're saying, the reasons for our traditions customs are often based on religious practices,
which are related to religious beliefs. That's why different peoples are apparently drawn to the
different ancient practices, while other people may stay with their more recently (2,000+ yrs)
taught kinds of practices. The fact of Spiritual Activity at some suspected treasure sites truly
indicative of the Spiritual Implications. If certain spirits speak or take action, try to scare a
treasure hunter away from recovering a treasure then does that mean the person(s) may
have the ability to accomplish the acquisition of the goods successfully, or who prevails?
... :sunny: :fish:

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Like you're saying, the reasons for our traditions customs are often based on religious practices,
which are related to religious beliefs. That's why different peoples are apparently drawn to the
different ancient practices, while other people may stay with their more recently (2,000+ yrs)
taught kinds of practices. The fact of Spiritual Activity at some suspected treasure sites truly
indicative of the Spiritual Implications. If certain spirits speak or take action, try to scare a
treasure hunter away from recovering a treasure then does that mean the person(s) may
have the ability to accomplish the acquisition of the goods successfully, or who prevails?
... :sunny: :fish:

C D, It seems that some spirits are evil and some NOT so evil. Depending on what takes place at a site will be the best determination of the site. Sandy's wolf would be a good place to leave, AND his birds at the bolt of lightning. Some birds typify evil spirits, like the crow, raven , black bird, owl. A dove would be considered okay.
In case you have a problem at a site, go back a second time with a partner to help make a decision. I have never heard of anyone being actually hurt because of a spirit but play safe anyway. Sam Wolf said if you know it is evil, then just find another spot. In my personal experiences I have never had a problem. HOPE I don't, too old to run now.
When I say OWL, I mean one that can fly.

C D, It seems that some spirits are evil and some NOT so evil. Depending on what takes place at a site will be the best determination of the site. Sandy's wolf would be a good place to leave, AND his birds at the bolt of lightning. Some birds typify evil spirits, like the crow, raven , black bird, owl. A dove would be considered okay.
In case you have a problem at a site, go back a second time with a partner to help make a decision. I have never heard of anyone being actually hurt because of a spirit but play safe anyway. Sam Wolf said if you know it is evil, then just find another spot. In my personal experiences I have never had a problem. HOPE I don't, too old to run now.
When I say OWL, I mean one that can fly.

Hey elh,
Thanks for your point of view, I do like it, but would still like to
see sandy1 or Quinoa answer the specific point of the question...8-)
... :sunny: :fish:

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