BTW, with all your turtles coming up from their hatching place,
& mine turtles in a nest scene also, I recall sandy1 talking about
the significance of animals used. The thoughts of observations in
nature's, as well as the religious beliefs passed on. Well, I heard
an 'ol Antique Jewelry expert express that Turtles're meant to be,
Good Luck... So that's what I'm wishing you & that's one honkin'
large probably death trap, that's of course just visually guessing,
without actually being there, to look over it, & survey reale well...
Edit: That's a lot of symbolism, all close in 1 area, not only lots of
granite looking (if not all) as you mentioned. Then as possible iron
painting, staining effect around the entrance, looking to be lighted
possibly a Phoenix rising. Naturally all much larger too & more than
I've had to sort through. So there by nature, see also there's Omega
overhead. I'm still studying there's just so much going on there, krazy!
Yes though I walk through the valley of the shadow, I will fear no!
