CDS, you missed the 103 degree info, here is the entire thing again

I wanted to ad that 103 can also be a single line and can be both distances as well as degrees and also can be any combination such as 103 130 301 which all means the same thing 13

Originally Posted by sandy1

The Number 13
One of the best numbers in a degree turn (chain trail) off of an alignment line turning at a crisscross spot is a 103 degree turn which is 77 degrees the opposite way.

For instance if you have a 69 degree line and you turn 77 degrees you turn onto a 146 degree line which is really a 103 degree turn when you look at it the opposite way which is actually considered the number 13 minus the 0, but also it is 13 degrees off the East/West line

The Best way to look at it is like a T with a left tilted top off 13 degrees from the base line, so following the leg going up to the tilted top then if you go left you would have a 77 inner degree change if you go right you would have a 103 inner degree change


Originally Posted by sandy1
The Rabbit
I wanted to clarify something about the Rabbit, I have found different rabbits at different sites and they always go into the crisscross spot, however what I have not said is that the rabbit is the starting point of a Chain Trail, meaning that the line from the rabbit would be the line you go up towards the crisscross spot (its best to look for the rabbit from the aura spot) then using the rabbit line you turn at a specific change of degrees off the rabbit line and a measurable distance to the next turn and so on, this is the hard part because we don't know the degree change without the map, this is where the aura comes in and can help to tell you a direction to go and if you go a bit farther you would be looking for another crisscross spot past the aura

We are getting into some very Important information at this point. (stuff from my top secret guide)


Originally Posted by sandy1
The ones I am talking about have the ears laid back and are generally one of the largest stones in the area as its an important marker, there are other smaller rabbits carved around the treasure areas but in order to be the right one it needs to be a second boulder in an alignment (the closer of the two boulders to the crisscross spot so you can see its a rabbit), and the rabbit is always at a side view from the crisscross spot and in my experience they have always looked to the right.


Originally Posted by sandy1
I have not seen the rabbit at every site only at the bigger treasure locations


Originally Posted by sandy1

The Shaft Sign

The shaft sign as I have shown usually is one of the major markers to a cache, I have always stressed that the sides of the shaft sign MUST be parallel in order to be a shaft sign, there is a very good reason for this,

The shaft sign represents a parallel line at the same exact degrees as the line that is going from the shaft sign to the crisscross spot just offset from the shaft sign to the crisscross spot by anywhere from 5 feet up to 12 feet and possible more.

What this parallel line does is it goes directly to the entrance of the vault

The way this works is you find the shaft sign then the crisscross spot and then the change of degrees and distance from the crisscross spot to the entrance then if you reverse engineer it the parallel line will be the distance apart that the line is from the crisscross spot and the entrance of the vault.

Again without the map this can be difficult however at some sites you will find that they put up a boulder that you can use that is near the shaft sign on the parallel line.

So, as an example, the shaft sign goes 5 degrees off of South 185 degrees to the crisscross spot then you get to the crisscross spot and turn to 117 degrees on the compass (3x39s) at 13 feet (to the entrance) now at that spot you look 5 degrees (opposite of the line you came up from the shaft sign) and you may very well find a large rock or something on the 5 degree line parallel with the shaft sign line you just came up. at about 12 feet apart between the two parallel lines in this case due to the 117 line not being a 90 degree turn to the 185 degree line you came up so you loose a foot (from the 13 feet) between the two parallel 5 degree lines.

These are not made up lines they are real degree lines and distances that I have found in the field.

Hope this helps guys.

Again, this is information that I have in my top secret guide that I am still working on.



Will keep studying this, & thanks for all of your focus & clarity.:thumbsup:

View attachment 1682172So what we are working on here is something close to how this lay out is.

Yep, well I figure he's pretty busy working on his New Top Secret Guide :thumbsup:

It's like the vault professor is busy hard at work, so good luck if you hear anything...8-)
... :sunny: :fish:

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Crosse that's just some ole mountain cipher you flat landers do it a lot different lol.

Actually my email had so many thousands of messages and it was so full I got an error message that I was having a problem with my storage limit and it took me over an hour to clear it all out.

I've really enjoyed reading and learning from your guide.
Remarkable work and a true treasure all by its self.
Thank you for sharing these valuable tips.
Sooo much more to learn from you and others.
Thank you!

The Numbers that are used in the field are most definitely Witchcraft Numbers

What are "witchcraft numbers"?
I do have the 13 degree off east/west, 77degree line marked out at the site I am working. I have not understood why or what the importance was.

I have found all of the information you have posted to be incredibly valuable in helping me understand things I have found. Althoughsomes times difficult for me to completely comprehend. Thank you.

Actually my email had so many thousands of messages and it was so full I got an error message that I was having a problem with my storage limit and it took me over an hour to clear it all out.

Hey sandy1,
How's everything going now?
I'm trying to access the next page (292)
with no luck, just goes to 291 every time...

Finally worked when I posted, but that was kinda' strange.

Having the 77 degree line you could very possibly have a Diamond (that was one of the things I posted in my guide as the way to enter into Christ through the diamond shape wound in his side) in a ground Geometric Layout

As far as the witchcraft numbers we are talking 666 also 18 and 81 (backwards of 18) also 108 or 180 all of which means 18 or 6x3 and of course the number 13 which I talked about already. The Numbers 6, 18 and 13 are by far the most common numbers found in degrees and measurements in the field, these are part of the secret numbers and geometry nobody ever talks about.

Very Interesting post, I hope to see it out in the field sometime soon.:thumbsup:

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Your information is always amazing sandy1 on this engineering and how you were able to do this I am really impressed. You can tell us the why and how, that takes some doing and it has to come from time spent out in the field.

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Hey sandy1,
How's everything going now?
I'm trying to access the next page (292)
with no luck, just goes to 291 every time...

Finally worked when I posted, but that was kinda' strange.

Very Interesting post, I hope to see it out in the field sometime soon.:thumbsup:

Same with me, I had to clear cookies and browsing history then it worked

I have an upside down cross shaft sign symbol. Large bolder that looks like it was split and pulled apart about a foot. Then they carved the sides of the cross. Not sure what degrees its set at, but upon further investigation i noticed a boulder and a rock cairn (also with a shaft sign) that would be the outer parts of the cross. The formation are set north to south-bottom pointing north. Bottom is the cross shaft sign boulder. best guess would say the carved shaft cross symbol goes north east. I havent measured but paced it out. I think its around 66ft long and 33ft wide. Near one of the cross ends there is a tree that looks manipulated. rocks placed at the base of it all around it in a circle pattern. Weird flat roots that look like they may cover a shaft of some sort. I messed around with it a few years ago, but my gut told me to leave it alone and come back to it. 2 boxed it and found nothing. knowing what I know now I think its part of the Alpha to omega trail.
Not sure if i should post pics, but it is on private land.
Guess I should try to find an aura?
The puzzle and mystery are my favorite part.
Thank You for all your great information Sandy1, keep it coming!!

Try 66 feet x 66 feet

This spring Ill give it a try and see what i can find.
Once again, thank you for all the information that you GIVE AWAY!!
YOU have helped so many. Im tight lipped and talk to no one, its hard to trust nowdays.
But Im new to this game, Im old school, I like my gold pan.
I have LOTS to learn.
I found things in the wild places, things that Ive seen sense I was a Child.
I finally researched what I was seeing, that search led me HERE!

And I wont lie. It takes me awhile to figure out some of your information, but when I do it all adds up.

Your telling the truth :)

Hopefully one day I can help to add to the information on here.

I have asked many times for people to share the size of the cross on here over the years and since nobody has been willing to share I think its about time for me to divulge the Secret Cross Measurements.

If you do have a Cross in order to verify it try going 33 feet on top and 33 feet on each arm and 99 feet for the leg which will be

132 feet or (4x33) from the (top tip of the cross) to the (bottom tip) and 66 feet from (one arms tip to the other arms tip)

WOW. Thank you for the "lead balloon", but Im exhausted. Tomorrow by noon, good chance Ill understand....

i paced what i believe was a cross because that was what i was looking for. I do remember another rock formation farther down that was there, but paid it no attention. maybe a diamond that meassure 132 x 66?

more things there..... a rock carved 3 petal flower.....shaft sign with animal head looking toward the shaft sign boulder.
Days and days of stuff i can describe that you have probably already seen.

I have 2 things I find that are driving me crazy.

1. A notch, or, a upside down L facing left or right. I think sometimes its used as a nose. It has to be used for alignment, ive seen small ones and 100ft tall ones, they are there. I ask because i notice lots of them with in sight of a turtle head open jawed with a rock in it

2. best way to describe it... where you would see a statue of jesus? the cubby hole where a statue or maybe a candle?..... upside down V at top and the straight down. /\
| |

sorry if I went off topic. We all know the aura is what we need.
Thanks for all the great Info

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Thank you Sandy1 for the excellent information from your discoveries.
In your experience, when there is a rabbit at the beginning of a chain trail,
has the entrance generally been constructed to be between the rabbit and the main crisscross spot that has the most stand out boulders in the area aligning to it?

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sandy1 are you getting any snow on them markers?

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