Let's see and expedition out into the desert to have a look at some country how interesting would that be. I believe sandy1 you are way better off just telling us about it and let the true believers go out and make there own discovery. You now if we went out there they would just say oh he planted that stuff out here years ago trying to deceive us. We are way better off locating this type of treasure on our own that is the true experience here, finding the gold bars all stacked up is just a benefit to it.

Hey zak,
Think it would be a lot of great fun, with the right company... :sunny:

But I ain't seen 'er heered a clue list or invite yet've you...:dontknow:
We can always do all the other later, long as we're free to. :occasion14:

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Oh don't get me wrong crosse it would be about the coolest thing to happen and expedition on treasure hunting from some like sandy1 who actually knows what they are doing.The knowledge you would learn from that would almost be priceless if you ask me.

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Oh don't get me wrong crosse it would be about the coolest thing to happen and expedition on treasure hunting from some like sandy1 who actually knows what they are doing.The knowledge you would learn from that would almost be priceless if you ask me.

The problem I have seen with the people I have talked with through pm's and emails about this type of treasure hunting even when they have an aura, they have a tough time seeing the markers in the field where as I can see them within minutes of being on a site due to being to so many of them.

Most people cant filter out all the enticers such as pointers or animals looking in directions even crisscross spots that are not the main crisscross spot, and this is due to people not recognizing the one thing I have preached about forever which is STANDALONE markers, for some reason everybody has a major problem with falling for all the BS markers at a site, instead of the important markers such as the shaft sign and large immovable double boulder alignments etc. There is a reason why certain specific markers are to be followed while 99 percent of the rest are to be ignored.

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yes I have alot more knowledge on these vaults than what I have posted, the problem I have seen with the people I have talked with through pm's and emails about this type of treasure hunting even when they have an aura, they have a tough time seeing the markers in the field where as I can see them within minutes of being on a site due to being to so many of them.

Most people cant filter out all the enticers such as pointers or animals looking in directions even crisscross spots that are not the main crisscross spot, and this is due to people not recognizing the one thing I have preached about forever which is STANDALONE markers, for some reason everybody has a major problem with falling for all the BS markers at a site, instead of the important markers such as the shaft sign and large immovable double boulder alignments etc. There is a reason why certain specific markers are to be followed while 99 percent of the rest are to be ignored.

Been focusing & listening closely. Yer the man sandy1, knowledge & experience is everything Amigo...8-)

yes I have alot more knowledge on these vaults than what I have posted, the problem I have seen with the people I have talked with through pm's and emails about this type of treasure hunting even when they have an aura, they have a tough time seeing the markers in the field where as I can see them within minutes of being on a site due to being to so many of them.

Most people cant filter out all the enticers such as pointers or animals looking in directions even crisscross spots that are not the main crisscross spot, and this is due to people not recognizing the one thing I have preached about forever which is STANDALONE markers, for some reason everybody has a major problem with falling for all the BS markers at a site, instead of the important markers such as the shaft sign and large immovable double boulder alignments etc. There is a reason why certain specific markers are to be followed while 99 percent of the rest are to be ignored.

Well I’ll add that I never had any help in knowing what I know...took me quite a long time..only way you will ever find out is get out there and start looking. I’m glad I did. And yes ignore the BS boulders, that’s true to a certain extent. Example would be one finds a heart, immediately thinks treasure, keeps following the path then they lead you into a death trap. This happened to me at my site, false entrance, 50 ton boulder suspended over the entrance.

Well I’ll add that I never had any help in knowing what I know...took me quite a long time..only way you will ever find out is get out there and start looking. I’m glad I did. And yes ignore the BS boulders, that’s true to a certain extent. Example would be one finds a heart, immediately thinks treasure, keeps following the path then they lead you into a death trap. This happened to me at my site, false entrance, 50 ton boulder suspended over the entrance.
Definitely been there and done that

I have to admit if it had not been for sandy1 and for some of the other good folks on this thread and you know who you are I would have been pretty much still some what lost.

Crosse, ya might actually find me slightly likeable.

Besides, not only is this sandy1's thread, experience & awesome info he's sharing;
IF HE WAS to do anything that involved people from the thread, naturally, it would
be his call, as to who was to participate, & what the situation & rules were, at his
own discretion, etc. All I can do is voice my thoughts, & to do something, or not.

Being a very aware & logical person that I have found sandy1 to be, I think it's
safe to say he's also level headed & wise, & very possibly long suffering & also
forgiving to some unusually patient extent. This is my perception, and I am
also a gentleman, at least seriously try to be consistent, & whenever I can,
also overlooking. So, it would be up to the man, & everybody knows that...
It's like he has said not so long ago, & I firmly believe, it's about respect.

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Well said Crosse De Sign

Most people cant filter out all the enticers such as pointers or animals looking in directions even crisscross spots that are not the main crisscross spot

Can you tell us more about these crisscross spots that aren't the main crisscross? What are the main differences between these? Is it just the stand alone boulders, or are there other ways to know if the crisscross we have found, may not be the one that leads to the entrance?

I ask because in your guide, there was no mention of alternate crisscross spots that are not the main one, and I understand this may part of the information that you haven't released yet.

Also, your guide talked about the crisscross being the dig spot to the entrances, or that it would be within 50 ft of the crisscross. Although recently you've shared the new information on the kings' triangle, and that the crisscross is one invisible corner of this 130 ft. kings triangle.

There's no doubt now that you haven't shared all your knowledge and secrets, nevertheless it does not detract from what you've already shared which is far beyond what I would have ever learned on my own, and i'm grateful for that.

Maybe sandy1 would be so kind to give us another one of his sites that he has the cad engineered drawing of.

There are many things I have not discussed such as the cross and diamond that were laid out (hence the other crisscross spots), but none of that matters if you haven't found the correct main crisscross spot, which will be the best marked spot near your aura.

Best marked spot meaning any specific markers or alignment?
So would or could it vary then, as to which particular marker(s)
or is the Cross or Diamond or something else specifically used?
If it's simply the best marked closest to the aura, is it universal?

Thanks sandy1 for more specific info, excellent question AIORIA.:thumbsup:

The Shaft sign line is the best line but there are multitudes of different alignments from boulders to rock and cacti etc,

No, they are not all the same, they had different types of geometric patterns such as the triangle the cross the diamond the pentagon etc. at different locations but they are all connected in some way to the crisscross spot.

So since they are the closest marker to the Aura, connected in some way to the Criss Cross Spot,
is there anything else that we may need to know about these special, close to the entrance markers?
Or is this extra specific information another coincidental observation that you have noticed consistently.
Multitudes is quite interesting & understandable, & I'm also wondering if there's something else too...

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The markers are usually fairly close to the crisscross/aura area but the shaft sign is usually a large boulder(s) and are usually 40 to 150 feet from the crisscross spot

The aura will get you pretty close to the main crisscross spot every time, and of course the aura is coming from the actual treasure, so when you get to the aura you should be standing within 50 feet of the crisscross spot

The main crisscross spot will always have the largest or most stand out boulders in the area aligning to it and most of them will have exact measurements many of which I have shown through out this thread, both in 12 inch increments and 33 inch increments.

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The markers are usually fairly close to the crisscross/aura area but the shaft sign is usually a large boulder(s) and are usually 40 to 150 feet from the crisscross spot

The aura will get you pretty close to the main crisscross spot every time, and of course the aura is coming from the actual treasure, so when you get to the aura you should be standing within 30 feet of the crisscross spot

The main crisscross spot will always have the largest or most stand out boulders in the area aligning to it and most of them will have exact measurements many of which I have shown through out this thread, both in 12 inch increments and 33 inch increments.

I am really starting to get a grasp on how the sites were engineered with your information you are giving out.Like you said the most important location is tracking down that aura site first.

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