Yep, well the secret's on out now, LOL! :laughing7::laughing9::laughing7:
Just teasin', at first I think sandy only told a few,
then he made it public "to the whole world." So now
there's more demand, & that's ok, just a bit higher.

But if you look at the later model W20, the lens &
mechanism appear the same, with basically all the
same specs, all they changed was just to 7MP instead
of 6MP, more internal memory, & the auto light setting,
all you have to do is look up & compare the specs. It seems
you may have to manually set to be the same ISO as the W10.

But for all practicality, it seems to be the older Brother...
I have 1, but have yet to try it along side the W10. I also
think some are using the W30, but it's the next GEN., so
a bit different upgrades, haven't tried one of them yet...
Also occasionally, they all come up for sale relatively
reasonable. Just make sure they say it's working.

Crosse get on eBay and start buying them up there going to go fast. LOL

Crosse get on eBay and start buying them up there going to go fast. LOL
Thanks for the heads up warning zak,:tongue3:
I think I'm probably... fair shape for now,8-)
like say enough to get a frame every second,
& then some extras & gotta get enough tripods
or fixtures to add to them, to try the 1 frame/sec.
Mite be interesting if synchronized & get more peeks...:thumbsup:

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Ya I got a couple of them so I can set up in different places I have a big area to cover

sandy1 you sure are being quiet...
Maybe if we're quiet we can heer
you working or taking pics again.

Crosse I am pretty sure now is the time to be out in the desert nice and cool the winter down there is the time to do the work.

Crosse I am pretty sure now is the time to be out in the desert nice and cool the winter down there is the time to do the work.

Reckon so, maybe them Big Western Diamondbacks, & Huge Mohave Greens are taking a nice long siesta too...

I have something new to share on the measurements

On The Old Markers (not sentinels) I have proven that they used English Feet such as 153 Feet to the crisscross spots

However they also got tricky at times and used the same number 153 but with 420.75 feet, let me explain

They used English Feet but instead of using the standard 12 inch foot they changed the increment to a 33 inch unit which is 2.75 feet (no doubt broken down to 1/6 of a rod, because a rod is 16.5 feet)


420.75 feet divided by 2.75 Equals 153 units of 33 inches each

I have seen this trick done on multiple occasions and with different numbers such as 66 Actual feet and 181.5 which divided by 2.75 is 66 increments of 33 inches

As well as a few other numbers.

So be aware of this when you get a number that doesn't make sense just divide it by 2.75

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Excellent discovery on the engineering of the sites thank you for showing this information to us it will be logged into my journal's for future reference once I am able to get back in the field again.

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Yes I have been out and about

I do have something new to share that I have proven 100 percent now on the measurements

On The Old Markers (not sentinels) I have proven that they used English Feet such as 153 Feet to the crisscross spots

However they also got tricky at times and used the same number 153 but with 420.75 feet, let me explain

They used English Feet but instead of using the standard 12 inch foot they changed the increment to a 33 inch unit which is 2.75 feet (no doubt broken down to 1/6 of a rod, because a rod is 16.5 feet)


420.75 feet divided by 2.75 Equals 153 units of 33 inches each

I have seen this trick done on multiple occasions and with different numbers such as 66 Actual feet and 181.5 which divided by 2.75 is 66 increments of 33 inches

As well as a few other numbers.

So be aware of this when you get a number that doesn't make sense just divide it by 2.75

I also have news to share about the compass but will wait a bit and let everybody read the info on #4246 first

As always sandy1,
Great research & info, & you know we'll definitely keep it all in mind... :thumbsup:

Yes I have been out and about

I do have something new to share that I have proven 100 percent now on the measurements

On The Old Markers (not sentinels) I have proven that they used English Feet such as 153 Feet to the crisscross spots

However they also got tricky at times and used the same number 153 but with 420.75 feet, let me explain

They used English Feet but instead of using the standard 12 inch foot they changed the increment to a 33 inch unit which is 2.75 feet (no doubt broken down to 1/6 of a rod, because a rod is 16.5 feet)


420.75 feet divided by 2.75 Equals 153 units of 33 inches each

I have seen this trick done on multiple occasions and with different numbers such as 66 Actual feet and 181.5 which divided by 2.75 is 66 increments of 33 inches

As well as a few other numbers.

So be aware of this when you get a number that doesn't make sense just divide it by 2.75

sandy1 I hate to ask this question but I am going to do it knowing the ramifications of it, but it is information that need to be told to what about measurements on a sentinel site.

sandy1 I hate to ask this question but I am going to do it knowing the ramifications of it, but it is information that need to be told to what about measurements on a sentinel site.

Every one of the sites that I have worked have had and still have sentinel activity at them all the way back 200 plus years ago all the way up to today.

So every site I have posted on here has had sentinel activity at them, they know exactly how valuable these treasure caches are which is why they continue to keep them up to date with markers using the same holy degrees and measurements as the Spanish used over 200 years ago.

sandy1 I hate to ask this question but I am going to do it knowing the ramifications of it, but it is information that need to be told to what about measurements on a sentinel site.

Thomas Jefferson established the surveying system used in the USA back in the late 1700s. Distances were measured and noted on surveys in chains - 66 feet. Sections (square miles) and smaller parcels were divided and marked on plats in chains and fractions of chains - 80 chains to a mile. Surveyors don't use chains any more, even though I had to learn how back in my college days. Below is a chain, 100 links = 66 feet. Stretch it tight.


Every one of the sites that I have worked have had and still have sentinel activity at them all the way back 200 plus years ago all the way up to today.

So every site I have posted on here has had sentinel activity at them, they know exactly how valuable these treasure caches are which is why they continue to keep them up to date with markers using the same holy degrees and measurements as the Spanish used over 200 years ago.

It seems like there must also be a hidden reason for them not to get them, since it's certainly
possible to do it in secrecy, so just a bit puzzling... No one wealthy, seems to ever have enough.
Unless it's just supposedly their reserve just in case they were to lose too much, but that's unlikely.

It seems like there must also be a hidden reason for them not to get them, since it's certainly
possible to do it in secrecy, so just a bit puzzling... No one wealthy, seems to ever have enough.
Unless it's just supposedly their reserve just in case they were to lose too much, but that's unlikely.

The reality of them (the sentinels) not getting the treasures out of the vaults is they feel the treasures are very safe, the only reason they may start deciding to get them out of the vaults is due to me.

I know they (the sentinels) will be laughing at that statement, due to their arrogance and thinking they are smarter than everybody on here, (that is until I decide to show everybody where hundreds of these treasure vaults are located)

I am the only person who has ever shown the real and very secret information about these vaults to the masses, and the next logical step would be to start showing people the locations of them.

Obviously I have a backup plan that if anything should happen to me the whole world would know what I know about these treasures.

I am the only person who has ever shown the real and very secret information about these vaults to the masses, and the next logical step would be to start showing people the locations of them.

Why not organize a field trip, invite the forum locals, and do just that? I'd go.

I hope that wasnt directed at me?

C'mon sandy1,
You know it wasn't directed at you, but please notice the edited post above.
Let me put it this way, I personally wouldn't want to go anywhere he was...

Let's see and expedition out into the desert to have a look at some country how interesting would that be. I believe sandy1 you are way better off just telling us about it and let the true believers go out and make there own discovery. You now if we went out there they would just say oh he planted that stuff out here years ago trying to deceive us. We are way better off locating this type of treasure on our own that is the true experience here, finding the gold bars all stacked up is just a benefit to it.

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