I realized that, though not meaning to at all, I'd left out some key things
I have learned to recognize & understand from studying your innovative info.
Like for example, the very much important diamond, that by reasoning you've
come to think of & reference as "The Heart Of Christ", & directly related to where
the treasure is. I had noticed at least one diamond, before reading your interpretation
of it's meaning & associated importance. So in my case, I just didn't always know what I
was looking at, or why it was present, & that can be a little confusing. Another thing the rabbit,
I was looking at a couple of them, but not understanding, & even now recognize that one is actually
a subtle & unusual marker, with just the top of the head like as if sticking out of it's rabbit hole. It's just
like you've understood & said, the info is there, and still subject to interpretation. Not perfectly the same,
or uniformly exact from one location to another. Still knowing how to interpret, & to sort of read their mind,
based on the clues & alignments they left, one can get to the crisscross spot. So without even getting into...
the advanced scientific benefit of capturing an aura to help verify & pinpoint. The way you creatively named
& defined the markers & their use, has been a totally profound improvement & will be of great benefit for
treasure hunters young & old, that are willing to go out, discover & do the research. I had also already
seen the devil, a witch looking face, a Padre head looking in an interesting direction, a shadow #3 or
a #13, depending on where the sun location is, dolphins, turtles coming up from the nest in the
sand, adult turtles overlooking the nest area, a bull head, a seasonal shadow elephant carved,
an ape head, disc, turtles mating, seal head popped up as in water, whale form, ships carved
that show up well most of the time in shadow because of location, & I'm sure there's other
things too. So you can see how that beginning to understand some key things at different
locations, would not only quickly make sense, but help me to cipher even the clutter of
the unnecessary info, which in some cases I've come to think is not always done for
the soul purpose of confusion. But also in some instances, complete the story told.
This is why I am sure that your legacy IS undoubtedly, more than you may hope.

Just me further thoughts, & you'd likely have to see it to understand, believe it.
After all, the caravans that went east from not only the S/W, but also the N/W,
had to go some supposedly secret ways back then, to try & get past the very
upset & hostile Native Indians, who could see the invasion of the pale faces,
(who would not hesitate to enslave & kill, for their highly sought after Gold),
was likely the beginning of the end, of lifestyles they'd known for millennia.
... :sunny: :fish:

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Alignments and crisscross spots that is what I need to work on the most I might have to do some lower elevation work just to be able to get out in the field and do some discovery. I have told my self I would not get involved in another project but I believe there is a place that this would be worth it just to build experience.

Might as well go prepared to check it out thoroughly is my thought on it.
You never know what you might find, & as our good friend sandy1 said
he's observed. They really were focusing on, working toward easy, no
mistake about it, they were keenly planning & intending on a further
recovery mission(s). That's great & realistic reasons, why even to
this day, Spain still possesses great wealth, as well as the proof
& fact of so many Spanish Galleons having been found & even
still laying wrecks scattered, at bottoms of the ocean's floor.

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I am still learning myself after all these years, but having a base of understanding to get started with (the auras and the crisscross spots) should benefit everybody in the field of vault treasure hunting.
Starting out with no information or books of Misinformation out there really keeps people from accomplishing anything for many years of their lives.
I know treasure hunting isn't for everybody, I would think though that there are a few adventurous type people out there reading my information and putting it to the test or at least I would hope so.

I am still learning myself after all these years, but having a base of understanding to get started with (the auras and the crisscross spots) should benefit everybody in the field of vault treasure hunting.
Starting out with no information or books of Misinformation out there really keeps people from accomplishing anything for many years of their lives.
I know treasure hunting isn't for everybody, I would think though that there are a few adventurous type people out there reading my information and putting it to the test or at least I would hope so.

Awesome thoughts, positive attitude & disposition of sharing.
Making your info available a rare generosity, & great help that
has become very much less common these days. Even if it's a
select few, that will brave all of the factors to discover & learn.
Hopefully also succeed, & even more importantly to pass it on.
As always, many thanks & best to you, all your helps now...:thumbsup:

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Awesome thoughts, positive attitude & disposition of sharing.
Making your info available a rare generosity, & great help that
has become very much less common these days. Even if it's a
select few, that will brave all of the factors to discover & learn.
Hopefully also succeed, & even more importantly to pass it on.
As always, many thanks & best to you, all your helps now...:thumbsup:

the people who are generous enough to share this info are the very people ones should trust, sandy1 doesn't have anything to hide, if he did he sure as hell wouldn't of went out of his way to make this awesome thread as he did.

the people who are generous enough to share this info are the very people ones should trust, sandy1 doesn't have anything to hide, if he did he sure as hell wouldn't of went out of his way to make this awesome thread as he did.

I could understand --- and would actually invite --- skepticism if Sandy1 was on here trying to make a profit from book sales or selling excursions to these sites, or otherwise trying to make a buck.

I would probably join in as I am a skeptic when something is offered with the possibility of a profit for the one offering to "help" folks find a treasure.

Likely the only thing that could have been sold, the knowledge of how the sites work --- which the same folks who are being critical of Sandy1 likely wish they could sell --- was given away to everyone.

He didn't have to --- it was a gift to other treasure hunters. How do they consider this person to be self serving?

Their conduct is beyond reasonable --- and at least one of them is making money off of treasure hunters, yet they can't prove how their product is any better than the others: we only have their word.

The other insinuates they are an expert, but only spouts off accusations. They can no more prove their beliefs than what they claim about Sandy1 ... they claim Sandy1's information is not credible, but they don't prove such, then they make claims that they expect no one should challenge.

Sentinels? They are the ones presenting the evidence, we just follow it to the logical conclusion. We are, after all, conducting investigations as we search and have to follow the evidence we find.

Those of us who truly are out in the field know what they see and encounter your own wisdom can only go so far. It is truly a very rare opportunity for some one to provide you with legitimate information that they have obtained pursuing this type of recovery. The personal knowledge they have of such discovery and non discovery is invaluable thank you to the true believers on this thread and sandy1 as the main contributor keep up the excellent work on this.

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Those of us who truly are out in the field know what they see and encounter your own wisdom can only go so far. It is truly a very rare opportunity for some one to provide you with legitimate information that they have obtained pursuing this type of recovery. The personal knowledge they have of such discovery and non discovery is invaluable thank you to the true believers on this thread and sandy1 as the main contributor keep up the excellent work on this.

I know sandy1 isn’t lying, the very things he talks about I have personally seen with my own eyes, everyone is entitled to their opinion...let them think what they will. I never used to be a believer of such things but after doing this hobby for a number of years I never look at a rock the same. Some of the monuments at my site are just absolutely mind blowing, makes me wonder how many people it took to create such a masterpiece. Not only that but the amount of time they were there..hell I’ll go one step further and say there is a shrine at my site, one where you can kneel down in front and pray. Truly a special place I found

I know sandy1 isn’t lying, the very things he talks about I have personally seen with my own eyes, everyone is entitled to their opinion...let them think what they will. I never used to be a believer of such things but after doing this hobby for a number of years I never look at a rock the same. Some of the monuments at my site are just absolutely mind blowing, makes me wonder how many people it took to create such a masterpiece. Not only that but the amount of time they were there..hell I’ll go one step further and say there is a shrine at my site, one where you can kneel down in front and pray. Truly a special place I found

Very Interesting, & if it's a Catholic Shrine, would it be Mary; w/ Infant Child, or Christ; & on the cross?
Cool of you to expand & share that, as it would seem to be fairly rare. Not that I would necessarily
be comfortable or desire to worship there personally, but it must be pretty special, for them to
take that kind of time to carve. All I've observed is what appears to be Mother Mary I think
in the roof of the cave opening, as if looking down to keep a watch, Thanks for sharing,
that'd have to be very much particularly special, to the workers spending time there.

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Back before 06 I was a prospector never was in to the treasure yet I came across some old Spanish mine site that had a shrine there. They were way superstitious and basically they requested a place to pray before going in and leaving the mine.

Back before 06 I was a prospector never was in to the treasure yet I came across some old Spanish mine site that had a shrine there. They were way superstitious and basically they requested a place to pray before going in and leaving the mine.

The Mexicans were still using the shrines in the small mines here in New Mexico in the 1970s before they all closed down

Back before 06 I was a prospector never was in to the treasure yet I came across some old Spanish mine site that had a shrine there. They were way superstitious and basically they requested a place to pray before going in and leaving the mine.

Very Interesting observations ghost & zak,
On a sort of relative note, when I was in a chamber working, I suddenly & surprisingly
experienced some strange sounds. First like sort of heavy breathing right behind my
head, in a confined area, followed by ringing sounds of a shovel digging in firm soil.
Then finally, sounds like ships wood & or rigging's, & or maybe leathers creaking.
I was instantly claustrophobic, kindly a bit startled, & I felt my adrenaline rush.
I'm sure my face was flushed. But instantly, I asked for a covering, then also
spoke the name... It stopped, & I just sat there a few minutes thinking, of
what I'd just heard. Not nearly as long, audibly & or visually dramatic as
what sandy1 expressed he once experienced... I filed it & kept working.
... :sunny: :fish:

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I wonder some times if the site has a reflection of what happened there back in time when it was being used.

I wonder some times if the site has a reflection of what happened there back in time when it was being used.

Yeah like running across different facial expressions carved,
& some of 'em don't look like their really having a good day...

Then there are unquestionably too many accounts, credible
serious TH'ers, of something apparently related to the.. let's
say supernatural or spirit world. Involving apparent witchcraft,
or some similar working, of a nature that has messed with lots
of different TH'ers, & reported several decades, to say the least.

The important thing, is to be aware of the potential, & prepared.

Probably most likely though, in certain key places as you say like
a reflection or residue of events, but who would know the history
of a given area, when doing some research, especially just quietly.

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Cross how long did it take you to go in that one? Nice work at the entrance. It does look like a mixture.

Yeah like running across different facial expressions carved,
& some of 'em don't look like their really having a good day...

Then there are unquestionably too many accounts, credible
serious TH'ers, of something apparently related to the.. let's
say supernatural or spirit world. Involving apparent witchcraft,
or some similar working, of a nature that has messed with lots
of different TH'ers, & reported several decades, to say the least.

The important thing, is to be aware of the potential, & prepared.

Probably most likely though, in certain key places as you say like
a reflection or residue of events, but who would know the history
of a given area, when doing some research, especially just quietly.

At my site there is one face in general, it’s an evil pissed off sort of thing...not sure if he is guarding a spot/concealed area...but it’s downright frightening to even look at the picture I have of it. Puts the fear of god in myself, and I don’t scare that easy

Cross how long did it take you to go in that one? Nice work at the entrance. It does look like a mixture.

I believe there was a major Death Trap at Arch Entrance, because of the ledge in front,
appearing to have settled long ago. But see-able Lightning Bolt visible from right, the
above area a directional location, as was a small Indian Arrow in a boulder above...
It's worn off now, & I didn't get a pic of it, but was indicating to the very top of
what was most likely the covered arch. Just an abstract owl head shape, &
eyes looking at you. But I'm sure it had either weathered, or Jessie took
it the rest of the way down or something like that. He was the last one
to carve in & around it. No modern graffiti, old carvings, thru 19th c.
This is thoughts from observation of course, a whole lot of looking...

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The lightning bolt would have been visible,
& well in front of the death trap, so there
was obviously something as likely pretty
deadly arranged at some time, prior...

I wonder what our friend sandy1 has
been up to. All good, & safe I hope...

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Once, I went to my site about 5 times determined to work. Each time I was dissuaded from picking up my shovel. Finally, the day before I left on an extended trip, I went to the site double determined to do "something". Grabbing the short shovel I climbed down the ladder, when I was where I wanted to work I began to shake all over. I was not feeling or thinking fear, but I was uncontrolably shaking. I knew I was being told NO, NO, NO! But, I jabbed the shovel into the dirt, and CLANK! I had hit a big iron hinge pin that was embedded into the stone wall of the chamber(contemplation chamber?). I shook no more. That pin turned out to be the main reference point for the next seven years of my mathmatical/theoretical education.


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