Oh yea you have mentioned a lot of things but maybe you should just stick to soldering circuit boards.

Well goodness, that explains a lot. I used to kill brain cells on occasion when I was younger and learning solid state back in the 90's.

That's called an "alibi." Have I mentioned that alibis are freely tossed around in this forum?

Ho, Ho, Alibi Carl Christmas is over, the reindeer are packed away. You may go back to sleep and dream some more.

I will however show a new shaft sign that I have verified going to a crisscross spot

The Boulder circled is the the back alignment boulder and the boulders I put the square around has the shaft sign in the middle.
View attachment 1665231

Here are the same boulders (aligned) the red line shows the direction to go to the Crisscross spot (through the shaft sign), in this case the back boulder is 21 feet from the shaft sign boulders, from the shaft sign to the crisscross spot it is 132 feet so adding the 21 feet to the back boulder, that makes the back boulder 153 feet from the crisscross spot.
View attachment 1665232

Sandy1 can you do one of your cad drawings for this site please.

I don't believe I have ever said on this thread or any other I was not going to dig treasure anymore because of a sentinel shadowing me our moving my site around believe me i am will versed in how this world operates and quite comfortable in the mountains. Most of this is being caused because a person on here wants sandy1 to hold his hand so he can see how a treasure vault site is engineered and get some gold the easy way.

Most of this is being caused because a person on here wants sandy1 to hold his hand so he can see how a treasure vault site is engineered and get some gold the easy way.

That's pretty funny! I'm 100% certain there is no gold, so that surely ain't the reason.

That's pretty funny! I'm 100% certain there is no gold, so that surely ain't the reason.
Hurray Hurray now that your 100% sure we do not need to here from you any more.

As previously stated in post #3870:
Some people will spend their life following a legend I may find laughable, yet do you see me puting them down?
When I don't understand or disagree with a group of people who are not violent, hateful or dangerous in any manner, I usually to try to leave them alone.
Justify your behaviour all you want, it all comes down to a very simple principle: here, we are benefiting from Sandy1's knowledge and experience, not arguing about their veracity.
Thank you.

I'm so disapointed and sad that such an amazing thread as this one is drowned in background noise...
To all who disagree or question Sandy1's method: PLEASE, PLEASE MOVE ON TO ANOTHER THREAD IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS ONE.
Could you imagine if every user here did exactly what you are doing? This forum would be one huge neverending pointless argument...

As previously stated in post #3870:

I'm so disapointed and sad that such an amazing thread as this one is drowned in background noise...
To all who disagree or question Sandy1's method: PLEASE, PLEASE MOVE ON TO ANOTHER THREAD IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS ONE.
Could you imagine if every user here did exactly what you are doing? This forum would be one huge neverending pointless argument...

Very nice thoughts, and thank you.

As previously stated in post #3870:

I'm so disapointed and sad that such an amazing thread as this one is drowned in background noise...
To all who disagree or question Sandy1's method: PLEASE, PLEASE MOVE ON TO ANOTHER THREAD IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS ONE.
Could you imagine if every user here did exactly what you are doing? This forum would be one huge neverending pointless argument...

Cheer yourself up, top ma, by blocking the comments of those whom you disagree with.

Cheer yourself up, top ma, by blocking the comments of those whom you disagree with.

It's not about disagreeing. I disagree with tons of stuff I read here.
I just know there is absolutely nothing good that can come out of me going to a thread filled with people having a costructive chat and then persistantly shoot down/mock/question their ideas.
This sort of behaviour is counter-productive, narrow-minded and completely annoying.
As for your blocking suggestion, some of you who contribute negatively to this here thread have very insightful knowledge on a ton of other subjects, and I very much enjoy reading your posts on these subjects.
It saddens me to think I will miss out on all these beautiful exchanges of knowledge simply because some people seem to not be able to remain constructive and to know when to leave others alone.
This forum is supposed to be about exchanging ideas with like-minded people, and it mostly is...

"The truly weak spread venom, the truly strong digest it."

Mother Superior, I agree wholeheartedly.

I always try to be diplomatic when I can....

But every once in a while, I get in a little too deep and I fall into The carefully manipulated wording.

Then they win because they are often fools on a mission, and we shouldn’t get into an argument with a fool that has a lifetime of experience and they come to the table, loaded for bear [emoji199]!!


Mother Superior you are right, it is so nice to have a thread like this that is so informational and from such an informed person that has been in the field for some 30 years. It is truly a shame that it is constantly under attack from the others who have nothing better to do than try an tear it down.

Here is something I have been explaining in PM's to multiple people, so I thought it would be a good idea to explain it to the masses instead of one by one.

I have shown and talked about the auras and the shaft sign many times, so in order to put this into perspective of a step by step process of how I start out.

First I catch an aura then after going through the entire process of pinpointing the aura on the hill, I then go to the aura spot on the hill.

While I am at the aura location here are the first things I look for:

So the first thing I do is look for any large boulders within 200 feet (which in my area are pretty much always out of place since they just aren't natural around here)

Then I look to see if there is a Shaft Sign which will always be permanent (or the best that they could make it with the largest most permanent boulders or bedrock they could use at the location)

After finding the Shaft Sign I look to see if it in some way aligns in the general direction of the aura as the shaft sign will be going to the crisscross spot in some way (for sure)

Once I find that line I walk down it towards the aura and look for other alignments that crisscross that line which can literally be anything from a gunsite notch to a standing rock and saguaro etc. but that will Not be the only two lines there will be at least Three Permanent alignments crisscrossing the crisscross spot.

Once you have a verified crisscross spot and a close by aura you should not be more than 50 feet from the entrance.

Excellent information sandy1 now i know you have told us a few times that you could walk over this entrance many times and not even know it is there and we are with in the 50 foot circle. In your opinion what do you feel are the options a person would have for the the best way to locate the entrance.

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Excellent information sandy1 now i know you have told us a few times that you could walk over this entrance many times and not even know it is there and we are with in the 50 foot circle. In your opinion what do you feel is the best way to locate the entrance.

Ground Penetrating Radar

Edit: If you can get within 50 feet of a treasure then GPR is a very real way to pinpoint. My method will prevent treasure hunters from having to scour entire mountains with detectors which is completely impractical for most electronics.

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Thank you, Thank you, I am so glad that I decided to join Tnet it was only after reading your post that I decided to become a member of this group you have given me the information I need to do a successful recovery this summer. I have been in touch with Garrett and they have some real good equipment they are using now for this type of recovery it is not cheap but I believe it is the best out there. You have pretty much covered all the questions I have had and we thank you for that you have given us an arsenal of info to use and I hope other folks use it to keep the info flowing i sure appreciate it.

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Have you ever seen the shaft sign cut into the exposed bedrock like this

Something that I have read about many times and would like to set straight,

Certain people use the excuse that no documentation has ever been found to show the existence of all these vault treasures

I have this to say how many of us have the ability to get our hands/eyes on Top Secret Documents from our government let alone a completely foreign government?

It amazes me the silly logic some people on here use in order to make excuses trying to convince everybody that there is no kings code or multiple storage/vaults

All the same treasure markers that are used repeatedly at multiple Vault sites is far more proof than these naysayers logic.

What I am trying to say here is that The proof of intelligent design is in the alignments, measurements, placement of isolated boulders, carvings etc. (even the auras in relationship with the previously mentioned markers)

and all the talking in the world by the naysayers is not going to change these facts

So any of you who can be swayed to not believe in the treasures and their markers by peoples words/logic unfortunately are being deceived by people who want to protect these treasures for themselves.

So well said that even an open minded child could understand it...:thumbsup:

I, for one would like to know more about the history of these sites. You have said Spanish, and Spain has claimed much of the land that is now the United States. But you have also said that some sites are older than pre-European. That could only mean that they were set up by Native Americans. Yes, I would like to hear your theories on what tribe, why they setup such sites and what monuments are unique to them. I asked if anybody has found any surface artifacts at these sites. One guy answered. Bonunter posted that he found Spanish artifacts from the 1700's. What's the big deal about posting surface finds. And why are there so many of the sites that are similar. If there are so many similar sites, a person doesn't even have to recover anything, all he has to do is destroy the sites. If he can't find anything then by George nobody else is going to find anything. Look at all the hits you have on your thread. Do you think that none of these sites have been changed or even created by one of your readers. Your intentions are great but how can you know whether or not your information has been compromised in the field.

There is more to hunting treasure than bouncing around in the field looking for signs, there is a lot of research involved. If I lived far from Arizona, which I do, why would I gamble my time and money to go vault hunting in Arizona with a Tnet thread my only source of information.

There is nothing wrong with asking for evidence. It's the smart thing to do.

Knowing the hazards of the battlefield, & general treachery of all mankind, reckon
it's a bit ridiculous to play this naive part of the devil's uncanny everything's warm
& fuzzy advocate. Anyone that can follow the thread knows there's work & research that must be learned & performed.

More than likely, one with the advanced experience would quickly see that there
seemed to have been some disturbance & things had been moved or changed.
Your use of hypothetical questions, just evidence that you've seen changes,
as you've stated & shown in pics before. Some areas are more untouched.

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