I, for one would like to know more about the history of these sites. You have said Spanish, and Spain has claimed much of the land that is now the United States. But you have also said that some sites are older than pre-European. That could only mean that they were set up by Native Americans. Yes, I would like to hear your theories on what tribe, why they setup such sites and what monuments are unique to them. I asked if anybody has found any surface artifacts at these sites. One guy answered. Bonunter posted that he found Spanish artifacts from the 1700's. What's the big deal about posting surface finds. And why are there so many of the sites that are similar. If there are so many similar sites, a person doesn't even have to recover anything, all he has to do is destroy the sites. If he can't find anything then by George nobody else is going to find anything. Look at all the hits you have on your thread. Do you think that none of these sites have been changed or even created by one of your readers. Your intentions are great but how can you know whether or not your information has been compromised in the field.
There is more to hunting treasure than bouncing around in the field looking for signs, there is a lot of research involved. If I lived far from Arizona, which I do, why would I gamble my time and money to go vault hunting in Arizona with a Tnet thread my only source of information.
There is nothing wrong with asking for evidence. It's the smart thing to do.